. . .. _ . . . . . . . . . . L. • . _;:r:
<br /> � -- o ..�: . f . � ," . ' �. � ��, _ '..i . zv.,.`_ ..� .�.
<br /> �� _ � 4..�.���_- ����- __ _____t '� ' ' '-_ _ _�i�_"-----'�--�-,.•.��-- . — .. `F. � ."F.�_
<br /> � —�— -- ;�. � i t,(" �_
<br /> � g�_ 1�'?5�� _ � _`�.�z� _. _
<br /> .., L
<br /> 7�DCiBTF�R WI�Y3 ell t�e iu�provetaeuts uow or h�ftea erzct�d on the pioperty.and atl easeffie�ts.apPunenanc;es.and .,`���::,,.- ._ -, ;`-_:
<br /> , FiaQUes uov�oY kea�fter S of t$d � �:r u
<br /> � ProP�Y.All rep��semeaits and additiasis stalt aLso be cov�rad by this S�auity Ins�uument " �::'� ';.;:,;�.: z•-=
<br /> Atl af the fo�gamg is zeferred tu ia this Sec�ry Iastrumeai ss the"Propstty.° ,. . � .' ` �
<br /> .. BORRO'WE[�COVENANTS that Boaowrr is iawfull scised of the e�ue h "�����`'�yr"°"`�`
<br /> Y �Y conveye�and has the right to grant end � .,.�� � ,.� �-
<br /> � c��ey the Prop�ty aad that the Praperty is tmencauin6ered.eucept for encasnbr�nces of roc�d.Borrowa warrants and will ��t,,=.=;°�-`�-:-_----�--=�
<br /> � def�d gener�tiy tiie tiste tfl tJice Pmperty egaBUi all claims arcd d�nands.subject w any encurrthrare�of record. � -
<br /> TEIIS SECURTTY INSTRUMENT cambia�unif�m a�vmanCS fnr ua�anal use and noa-unifo:m covesaants �vith limited . '.r � �`"�` -�-
<br />. . ' var:atioas by,Nrisdisaon to constit�te a uniform securiry instrumenc ooaeaing raal property. � ,n� ,`. '-
<br /> UNIRdRNi COVE�1ANfS.�armwer and Lender oc�ve�t and ugree as foliow� �-_—_.,_�--��-,'-
<br /> � 1.Fnym�t of Ptiadpal an�InBerest;�repa�eat ea�Late Charges. Bmrov�er shail P��P�Y Pa3+ when dae the ..:;"9'°`'s;tl �
<br /> - pr.�eci�al of and intracst o�the debt evidcnced by the N�ia aud any p�epaytr�eat and late ctcarges deie ander the Note. - ``= -
<br /> � Z.Fands for Tazes and Ins�nc� Subjc�t tn agplicabYe 1aw �w tt aaiu�n vraiver by Lender,�airoNer s�a11 pay to : � . � .�:�';�`• �
<br /> a � .;"�n2S=4y = Rs
<br /> .. Leadea on ttte d3y manthly paymeats are dne�mdea the NotB.�til the Ala�i�pa'vd'm full,a sn�n("Fmuds")far:(a)yearly taxes ' •N�,�.r._:s:�'l��2�,-.:'
<br /> �d a�ts wh:ch may Ztutia piimity over this Sec�ity Ins�rnene rs a lisa on the Prapaty;@)Yearly l�aseha'si payaieats - ,�it,.��..�
<br /> . ar gmu�d ients on ti:e E��t:cvy r�aaY.��)Y�Y dazsrd ar�mnpeaty insmance pma�i.*om:�(�Yearly flaod ms�a�'�nix�,if �.'�� d`�`_�*;����.3. .s��
<br /> r :�-—- ,
<br /> r•.. anY:(e)Y�Y m�b'������Y:�d(fl any s�ns payab2e by Bcixovier tm Leud�fre a�rdafuc with the '"``��'^ q�� ��,.
<br /> „ '� �'.'�`r`;'��'``�'3�+c.
<br /> provisions of pa-��� 8,in He�of the payment of mnrtgage sns�r^�acu premiams. These it��cdle�"F.,�xow Items. ° .,;� �._�..,.
<br /> •.'..� I.eader may.at asy E�e,wllect and hald Finds in an amount nQt to erc��maximwm aino�e a l�.a-�C�a f��ally retaned • ��`��' _
<br /> moztgage toa*�may reqaire for BoffowPr's escrow aa:omit auder�e�a��Real E�at�S��,�iuxs AsE of 1974 as .:s . �_�.'�r`-.b.
<br /> •`? am�3sd fmm tir�W time.l2 US.C.Sertion 26U1 et seq. ('74E,.�A°�.��s anotha law t5at a�:s��,�Fuads s�s a 1ess�r .. - . - _
<br />;�`.:�;�: a�t. 1f so,I.aadea map.�ra*J tIme.collect and hold�����unt ttot m eACeed �e�:�amomnt i�ender�y •.:.?�.;�-���r- _
<br /> ,-;;• est�ate ihe zm,a---.��F�x�m�on the bassis of auc�eat data aad�.-*c�l�esumates of expend�tru*�c�F�u�re Fsaaw Items ar - -
<br /> b1 s sd �' -
<br /> �:-�:`:; ot�etwise in eattc�d���b1e 1aw. .'}:�; �s:
<br /> ._::�_�+�.-=°..,� ..
<br /> �;e•�;:_
<br />-.-'���k' �e Fuads s�Ed'Jx tt�3 i3�s umslitu�on whose s�ts are iasuced br�fed�al en mstrr�mar#aT�� ,ar eu' (�ctudtn - '`' _ °':;`�'.
<br /> _.r.' � ��S � �t+ - � .°
<br /> • - I�adCr.if Leadpr fs 5¢ch��r'on)as in aay Fede�al Home Laa��rmk I�enda sball apply t�. ��uds to p3y t2te Fscrow I , :��d'
<br /> � i It�.Leader may nat charge�ciuower for hold'mg and applying the Fimds,�aaaIIy analyzz�g IIhe�ccmw a�count,oa vedfyin8 ���:{s;�°,-�,
<br />` _� the Escrow Itams.�l�ss I.��gays Baaawer an�on tha Funds and apptic�able law pcmuts Leader tn malcc sucb a ct�arge. :•". ��•._ ,
<br />. . �,`t:�, Howevea,Leuda magr�r�Harrow�tn pay a one-time charge for m umdependzni real estate taa�o�g seivviee ased by ;,,
<br /> .f ��s� Lender im caunectian wi�t��an.�m1ee�apglicable law gnovi.c�es�e.UNess an S
<br /> i� a�t�aade or appiic�bSe taw � �
<br /> r�r�s inter�tt te ise paid,Ls;n��'sLall not be requaed z��a-s S���y in�•�eam'sags on thz Finad�.f�aower and �';, � :�::�
<br /> ter ,
<br /> .;��: Yt,��zr may a�m writmg,ti:rw�ver.that intere�sUaII��sn£•.,t'S=�..-�s.Lender�ta�il give to Haaower,witi�iFu rt�arg�an �;�y,i;:;� .,�y��: .'���.�.:-`=
<br /> • �a c c a u n t m g o f t h e F a n�,�u r i n g c re d i L S e n d c e�a a s t t�8�F��t h e purpc���:ar w h i c b e a�6 d e b i t¢o�l��s wa9 � ,�;;�'.. �.-� � p, , .--
<br /> 4 �..
<br /> . s" m�r.1�e Fauds ace p�edgcd as�aaal se�rity faP as suz�se�ued��i�s Setu�iry Ins�uua�ent � ' .
<br /> 1f the Fands he2d iry Lender�ceed d�amounts pc�mi+'�rn be held by appllcable 1aw,Leadea sbari acco¢�s to Baaativer farr �..���� � • :;�•� ?'<F ;��,
<br /> tLe exass Fumds�aceaadann¢v�.�19 the tv of an •:
<br /> � � rWaue�nen a�n�ble 1aw If the amo�mt of the F�nds 6etd by Leader si arry time is l �
<br /> ;. :� �
<br /> �; . ..'•i�r�-�r"1� '-
<br /> .. not suf�mt rn pay the F.cmv�fEtrms whra�dae.Le�dea ma�<�o notify Bmra�aver ui writ�g,anQ in sacb case Bu��r shn[1 pay '����:r.. !'--
<br />, . `.� � .�.,:�.. _
<br /> w I,endgr the amo�mt Qecesss�gr tn malce up t�e de�Cierx,y. Boymwer shall maice up the de8ciency in no mora d�n twelve •�?�,�; •--
<br />' �nonibty paytnents.at Lender's sole discaetian. . . �':
<br /> ��..�;;_�.__<,.,,.-._.
<br /> : Upon paymeat in fu11 of a11 soms seciu�ed by this Ser�ity Insuumeat,I,enda shaU promptly rafund ro Ba�iower any� '�"=
<br /> I�eld by Lenda I�tmdef pa�h 2l,Le.nder shall acquir�ar sell ttie Praperiy.L,eades,qri�w tLe acqui4itic�a�a sal�of the - -----—��'"
<br /> � Pi�y,sLaII apply any Fi���.2d by Lznder at the aar�,:�f acgaisition or sate av a credit a�dinst the sums sa��.d bY� 4�;57:��a:.:;�"`-�---_-
<br /> a sum �_a-= --
<br /> S�car:F��°�nsutraieat •�-�_.��.z_�--�----
<br /> FJT� :
<br /> �,�DLq�p3 Ot�yIDfnt9. U�SS B�UIT�jC j3Ff�1T".ltCw,'�`O.4 4�Lt�N1&�.SU�jRll�IItB iECEIV�}�,t�'..d('l 17�Q�$f8j11L4 ���r.';',.
<br /> _ 1 and 2 shaD be applied:fmst.to amy pm�a�m�:�t��n�r t�e�a�;seeond,ro araoimta�uTsl��p2ta�apL Z; _�---.�..�� .
<br /> ' , th4rd,to interest dae:f�rih.to pnncipal do���:a�.��.u'1lar�.�harg�s:.h.�un�der the Note. '`-..: . -
<br /> ` 0.Chxr`rs;Lkaa Bolsaw�sha11 gay a3Y �ces.a��tts.ch�8es.fine.s an�iv�ositianv t�r�atu�3e c�r i7's�,Piopaty :��, .��.
<br /> .�. - cvhich may smin primisy over this SecuriYy I�ent,�r,ti •°� a1d payme�ts or gr�rmti��rats,if gr�L�eaowes�yay t�ese ..-=- �-.'-�''��
<br /> oblig�on9 in Q�caaaner ymvide�in pardgr�tt�2,m if r,at�aid'm tLat m�a�,Bnrrowef s1�i1 ��,�,� _'�•"_
<br /> . r jII3�1(�(19.r;,D illnC Q7ICCl�/fD ihC '"
<br /> `� . pPlSdn dWCd}1iL'ftQrifli�0?f�DWC�Stl�l QI6t��,br �,�lL4f1 fU I.CII�811 QuC�:.P3 Of 8in0Uilf8 W��t�;lil&:I�iPl iblS�If - �".-—°-- _.
<br /> :. Bamwa maYea�se DaYmeats d�e�Y.Be�tn�V�saa!�[ms�r�St�S►fwmish to Y�det is evldeacan the �;�'�:;:.-"�:•
<br /> �P S � �Y�� .-.:�ar;e�;r�;�,..
<br />.. ,. �amwc��all pmmptly disct�arge any fi�w�ich Far�w�:�ity ovel this Sacurity Gus�umeat anlesv Brnmwex:E�r?agees in ;;,: _` - ':'`.
<br /> . v�ni�r�ttr��aym�t of the a�Figaaion secers�c+1 t"��¢:�e!u�•ia a manner ac�ceptab2e to i:cat�l;et;(b)caatests ro goa��th tbe ila� • '°"��'�:
<br /> � bY.�defaxSa a�eaforceraerrt of t1s� !i� ra,le�,f�aoceed3n8s ahich in the L�der's a�iulcu�.apar��e tn preveut ths �•.,i:�
<br /> enfurcemc�t oF the lien:or(c)se�es from Ut�tir�i of the Iiea an�emeat satisfactary to L.en�l�-�i,'�ardYS�ag the liea w - '�-
<br /> tiiiv Sec�uity Insuua�eat If I.eader deuimioes ti:at aay ptt cf th�Fropelty is subja;t w a lien wh�h r�u r�ain Friar�nj aver this �
<br /> ' + � Saurity Insuumai�Le�dFr may give Bormwer a rea�cx ici�tifying the bea.Borrowa sha11 sati��r Qte iien az tal�ouear mare �� `� . �..""„s=:
<br /> � of the actians set foith abave withss�10 days of tPee giva�nf nn�i.a ��:������5�;�'���°':
<br /> )s�::7�0,_,-..:._
<br /> 6¢cut302Y 0/ ��.� — -
<br /> -. �dR(Q1E)(941�)-Ot Pap�2 0l e Inn:ats� rgR"-_ —
<br /> . . � !-L'�r -
<br /> . �Y.Y�F.���� _ .
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<br /> ' ^ ' �ia tir��3T 173 Y'Y: —_
<br /> . , . • . � ' •. : . . ' . - �.'a_
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