. V e. . � (�'- . ,..y . . .4 f.. , �i _ � ' • ` �-�•^_i '•< <c'-, , .. — , .
<br /> ��,. ' , a.. �� .i —� . - :i�- _��' � •• .. ... . .. . .. . �' '..z�. _._"...._r�:..._.,_—. - ' _
<br /> e x�--x—�--��:. --- Y 4� -
<br /> �j' . . ��_' " —_ ..
<br /> ° •;`f , � _
<br />- ' , •c �`,' __.__._�_
<br /> • ��e �����07 ' . e �..:� ... . -
<br /> t �. :
<br /> � �`!' .T��.
<br /> ' <. •
<br /> 5. WASTE. 'th�t thr�+Borrocv�r shalf mc+t commit or�utYer any wuste uf ih�pr��p�tty •- �: � _ _
<br /> . 6. Lender or its age�t moy mal,e rea�.C�nuble e�tries upc�n nnd i�ispcctia�n9 of Iite Prupeny Lendcr sh�ll °.�: ��� -
<br /> �, ,.
<br /> give Horrower natice at tha timw af or prior t,n.n i:�s�ction spceiPyin�Peas�onabie c���asr fi�r the inspect�an. , �
<br /> 7. CONI�ENiNAT�ON. The pr�oseeds af any r�werd ar clni� f+�r dc�ma�e�, dirrrt mr conscqucntial. in , . .
<br /> " connection with any conde�snnation or otSts� Caki�� af any pa�t a�f tilc t'ruperty, ur Pur ca��veyance in lieu of ,: ; . .
<br /> condemrcation.are hereby�si�ned and s9t�il Ba�paid ta Lender _:<�_
<br /> �. BOF�iOWEI�A�OT RELEAS��J. i�0�3EBEAfWNCE [iY L�N[)�iH NU'1' A WAIVE:it. �xtension ' ' � -
<br /> of the time for paymer►t ar modiftcatfion o�errar�iaation of th�surns sesured �y�Mis tiecurity lnstrument �qrnnted `�� .Y ,��,
<br /> ��_..��,.�_�.:_�.
<br /> � by Lender to Bonow�r or any successflr ics irtserest of�oRO�ver shnfl not aUerntc to rctease the liability of�he .-��
<br /> �.s."'""°�r.,,,�..
<br /> �'S original Horrowee or Bo�rower's succes,fle�irr.intgrest. Lender s4�all not b� requi�ed to cu�nmeaice proceedings ���
<br /> against any successor in interest or re�ar�t3�xtend time f�r paym�nt or otiienvisc inaditj� nmortization of the n �: �¢
<br /> . sums secured by this Se�rity Instrumene�y��aso�of any ctemand n»de by t6tc 8�{binal DoRO�rer ar�orrower's - ---__ .
<br /> successors in interest. �ny fmioe�r�nee t�y i.e�ader in exercisin�may right or�emss4y,shail n�t b�o�vuiver of os .-.�-_.
<br /> ;-.�,• .;
<br /> prectudz the ex�rcise o4'any right or r��dy. -�==--.Y. �=�`J=
<br /> :::;,..,_
<br /> � 9. DEFAiJLT. '['hat,if the�orc�tl�ec def�ults in any of the c�venanta or agreements contnined herein or . ,,�;�,"
<br /> in performan�ce of thz�'rami�sory Note(s)sea,�ed hereby.then th,e Benettcisry msy perfarm the anm�and that all � __� ____ ---
<br /> e x p e n d i t u r e s rn a d e b y B e n eSci a ry is� so dain,� shedl draw interest et t�►e ro4e provided in the Promjssory Note(s) ��r::�� ______
<br /> � aaYd shall be repayabte by Borrower tv H�er�e6Jz`sary a�nd together�vith interest and costs accniing thereon.sball be -- _ _ - a; ,� �,
<br /> sec�uu e d by this IDeed of Trust. ��--_
<br /> . e . .
<br /> 10. ACCELBIaATION U�'ON D�FP��l1[.7'. If th�8orrower d�ef�ults en the payment of any install�ent of .�-: �'
<br /> princiQal or interest du� under said Pro�i��y Nate(s) or if the Barrower defaults ire the performnnce of at�y •
<br /> other covenant or�r�ment to �e perf4rmed u�der said Promissory Note;s) or this Ueed of Trusi. ar if a
<br /> � trustc� receiver or liquidator of t�ce Fc o�or of�arrower shall be appointed, or �ny of the creditors of
<br /> . Borrower shall file a petition in bantcsw�twy aga:nse Borrower.or for the reorgenewdon of 8orrower pursuant to
<br /> tbe Federal Bank�uptcy Code,or a�f s'�riJnr.fsw,whether federal oe stete,and if such order or petitian€hail not
<br /> be dischargsd or dismissed within t�i�ty (3v)days aft�r tke dute on which such order ar pstition was filed. � �-
<br /> ;:,. . �.. :.
<br /> . Horrowes shall fite�petition�urs�ca�r.t tr�t3�r�]Fcdec�l�a.a�uuptcy Cade or any simitar law, federel or state, or if �•� '
<br /> � , Horrower shal�b�adjudged a banlcnu��,or�d�clared insolvent. or s�all m�ke an essignment for the benefit of
<br /> creditors, o�r sta.��l admit ir� writ�� ic� ir�at��i:;y to pay its debts as they becom� due. or shatl consent to th�
<br /> ,'� appai�3m¢rit of s receiver of all or arey ps:rt of tr�property.
<br /> ' Upon th�occurrence of asiy of t�.�s�o�e des�n'�c�defaWts,or anyticne thereaRer,Beneflciery mey.at its �
<br /> �� opriore,de�lare all the i�tdebtedness secmred h�ereby immed�ately dae and payabla and the same ahafl 6ear interest �-�
<br /> e —
<br /> at th� default rate, if any, set fort3a in th� Note, or otherwise at th$ hngl;�t r�te Rsrn�ited by law. and, � �=_.-�' T± �:
<br /> irr�esp¢�ive of whether Bene6ciary ex�rc�es said option,it may. at ats option and'an its sole discretion. without
<br /> any further a�tic�or d�mand to or��on 7r�sto�, do one or more of the following: (a)8eneftclAty may enter
<br /> • u�on.telce pos�ssian of,mans�e and ogarag�the Property or a+ny part thereot'� mrike repairs and possession.in
<br /> � its own nann2� sue for or ot�envir�co4luct aaid receive rents. issues and proflts� including those Pas4 du�e and �
<br /> unpaid,and apply the same,tess co�a�.d�xp�nses of operation arzd collection, Nctuding reasonable attamey �
<br /> fees and Berief�ciary�s co�ts, uporn t�.� ie,d�btedaess secure� hereby and in such ord�r as Bene3ictnry mny � �
<br /> dttermine. The ent�ring �apon an� t�Ir�.^�� possession of the Properry, the wltection of eny renta, iswcs and
<br /> � profits� anrl ths applicarior�t�er�ec>�an ��eesaid, shall not cure or waive any default theretofare or thereafter -- ------
<br /> � occurring,or at�'ect any notice of�e��e or notice of sale�ereuzder or invalidFate any net done pur�uant to�y _ ,�_
<br /> sach aotiom. Heneficiary nnuy bri�g anq action in any court of�mpetent ju�sdicdon to forecloso thia Dee� oF --
<br /> ��,��e�.
<br /> Trust or esaforce any of the covennn�hereof and Benefcciary may etect to cause the Property or any par4 thereof _:: �-- _ _-
<br /> ta be sold under the�ower of sat�,an�i�e such event.Heneficiary or Trustee s6a11 give such rrutice of d�fuuit n�t� �
<br /> notice of sale as m�r��t6�en rRryaired Pry�aw. �,,,,,,��„.
<br /> 11. POWER OF SP.�.,E. Ti b.as the Borrovrer hereby confers upon the Tnastee a power to ectl th�t = -__
<br /> property wfuch the Treistee may ex��cis�and under which the property m�y Ue sold in the men�aer provtded by - ��►..
<br /> law. At ths option of t�te t�ene�ci�ry,¢his Deed of Trust may be foreclosed in the manner provided by taw for thc "�
<br /> foreclos�are of mortgage on r�!gro¢eny. That, if a sale of the property by the Trustee is exercised under this ��,_
<br /> � pflwer aS sale, the prviceeda s1�a11 8e apptied first to the paymem of the costs and expenses of exercisin�{ tho ��-����-
<br /> power of sale, includin$tfne f�e oF�ute Trustee i-�an amo�nt not to exceed two per cent (2%)of the snte prico d
<br />,, then to the payment of tt�e oi�lig�tvon secured by the Deed of Trust and the balance, if Any, to itie prrson at �:�:"' - ---
<br /> persons leg,�lly entitted tE►er�to. •_ ��i�'�
<br /> ::; 12. ACCEd.Ed8ATi4iV T`t 7'HE EVENT OF TItANS�R. In the event the titte to the said real eslAto is ,.;���.� .-
<br />.:�f+�;�`� tr�nsfesred,or contracted to be tPansferred, from the undersi�pt�:d�'or uny reason or by atty methe�d wltetsaovcr, --
<br />;1,Rti;;;{ ���1��•
<br /> the en��re prin�ip�l sum and t[Ta accrued interest shall at once become due tt�d payable at thc electior� ��f ttta
<br />.;°:::-��.„ �.=:.w;�,?,�a�r,::�--
<br /> '''"�'' � Benefi�i�ry. �ailur�to es:er;.iae thia option beca+�se of trnr+sfer of title as ubove stated in onR instnnccj ahnll not
<br /> � ,\�f constitute a waiver of ehe rig{tt to exer�tise the sarr,e in the event of any subgequent transfQr - � �
<br /> ..
<br /> „ �
<br /> � � � - .-
<br /> --� _ -. `=. �
<br /> , , �
<br /> . • . � T���
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