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<br />. DEED OF TRU5T �: � , _:--_--
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<br /> .'��� � ,�his Deed af Trust, hereinafter referr�d to as 3ecurity Instrument, is made on this 10'f�i day of � �: ., K �
<br /> �EPTEIN�EI�, 199�. The Trustor,h�nafter r�eared to as Borcower, is WOOD ItIV�R MOTEI.. 1P1C.,� f r :,.�;.,. _'•_ .`�
<br /> whase address is 11774 S 1V� �iVY pb= ���� ���+ �$�§� 6��. �� ����. hereinafter � .;� :�; �,��
<br /> �'��'r"`-.^-:�.;; --
<br /> � referred to as Trustee, is Adams County �ank- The Bertefic�a�Y• hEreinafter referred to as Lender. is Adains G �� ,�._ , _
<br /> � ' h is or ' d and �isting+u►der the laws of the State of Nebraska, ari�whose address is \ �..-: ,, _ _-_-��_��. �-
<br /> � County �a�nl+, wluc �e p al sum of OP1� .° --�T-:--� �=
<br /> P1 �
<br /> � - Kenesanv,CQUnty of Adams, State of�3�brmska. Borrowar owes Lender the rincip . � �:._.._ ;.-
<br /> ' HTJNfi3� S�VENTY THOiJ3APT��.1� NO/10 Dollars($17U,000.00). This debi is � � . -,:,°,:,��:, .,-�
<br /> APT r• '. � �;,:��-��
<br /> � Instrumem, hereinafter refe�red to as Note,
<br /> . . ' evide���ct'b}Borrower's note dated t�e sams date as this Se�urity �"'� . r� ^.
<br />• . witi�s�e full d�bt,if not gaid earlier,du$and payable on�iPRII. 10, Z00"7. This Securiry I�ist�um�ent secures to ,1. , .._;�-`':� �:,.,,
<br /> .- ��1� 1a� �e repayment of the debi svidenced by Note(s), together with interest ttcsreon. any �rthEr ° `�.; ��� '_"_
<br /> � :.
<br /> advaszr�,and all extensions,modification, s�h�titutions and renewals thereo�(b)the payment of all oEher s�ms. .. ,: ,�,�s.•:._.��
<br /> of this Security Instrument; and(c)the .,_�_ �.� ---.
<br /> . � with ir.t�rest,advanced under Section Nune h�eof to protect the security I�me� and the Note. For this �' Y� �;� _
<br /> ; . : perfor►�a�nc� of Bonower's coven�nts and a��tenls under this Securiry
<br /> . . purpos�, IBorcower irrevocably grants and co�v�ys to Tcustee, in trust, with Power of Sale, th�e following r,.....:. ' �.-,k.; ;=
<br /> descnbed real estate: ±'' �'
<br /> I.OT TWO(2)BABEL SIJBIDYNLSIOI�t,�ALr�.C�ITR�'II�',�BIlt�iSKA , .�".
<br /> which is locate� in HAII.L Coumy Neb�sica, having tlye add�ess of 11774 S NE HWY, WOOD RNCIi, - �,,�,.��.
<br /> Addrass". . ' ,'� 1�`.
<br /> . NEBRASI{A ,and is hereinafter referred to as"PeoPer�' . ..;:,;;;:. '�`; ::__
<br /> ,. Togeth�;r wi4h all ttie improvsmems now ar hereaft�r erected on the properiy and all eassm�ts, rig1►ts, i� , _
<br /> . . appurtenanr,�s,rems,royalties, mineF�1.oil a�d @,���ts anfl p�n�ts,water rights and stock an�l all fixtures nnw .. -.
<br /> or hereafter a�rt of the said property- Att repfacemEnts and additions shall also be covered by tbis 5e�s.:., <- �. ;�
<br /> � ' ,1� Insttument. A��of thz foregoing is referred tfl ira this Security Instnunent as the"Property". �: ',__
<br /> � �� �oaower covznants that Borrow�er is l�w��ly sgized of the estate t�reby co:aveyed and h�s the right 40 -�,s�.._
<br /> ' _ grant and convey th� Property and that the Propezty is unencumbered, �cc�t for encumbran�es of rctaord. : ��_._j
<br /> � �orrower warrants and will defend generally the titte to the Property aga:��.5t�ctsi�s and deman�ds, sub}e�t to ._, - -
<br /> any encumbrinoes of record Honower and Lender covenant and agee as€���ox►�: -. �;;
<br /> � 1. '��i;;S'�DBEIDS P.CT. That tbis Trust Deed shall be govemed by t�is�e�ns of Section 76-IODI,and _ ,_.'r..�_�
<br /> following,of the Tcevised Statutes of th�Sta�e of N�brasxa,also known as the Nebraska Trust Deeds Aca. � _ �
<br /> 2. P A Y M E I�'�'. T i 1�t t h o H o a o w�e r s h�l l p a y to tlae���eti�i a ry the principal and inierest un�f�t tfen teryns ���-�....
<br />: of the Promissary Noi�s). " . _"-`'.
<br /> � 3. TAXES. T�a:th� Borrower shall pay a!1 genera� r�•l estaie taxes and special assessm�rts l�vied ��:=:.���--��.=��`�;;;-::
<br /> �� hereinafter ag�inst tho psopesty wlien tt�e sams becam�due an-s��bEfos�th�same become d�elinquam. �;:�_
<br /> .. . 4. INSURAN�E. 3'�►at th����ower shall insure�t�E�rop=ztY aBainst loss 6y fire, h�zfucls, included , °
<br /> ,..�_. ...:
<br /> ' �� withi� the term "�xtend�d C�verage" and any othor h�c�s for tium�h the LendeY rex�uires in�-��.uar�� in a� •� ;� �_•^,.�.
<br /> � amount not less th3n Ol� HL`NDItED SCV}E�iTY "�[�i�JS.A�lID �.NIf NO/10�- - :.::,,.._,
<br />' � Dollt�rs(�l?O,O�.OD)weth a company qualified ita titE Stat�e s�f Neb�s.�a�y a policy containing a ctau�for loss ���__--.
<br /> . , � psyitblo to the Bea�ficiary anJ thy Borrower as thQir aespsctiv$ irn���:s exist at the time of th� tc►ss and to
<br /> �.. :-�:
<br /> �, provido evid�nce of payrzi�nt of the pre�ium of said policy upan r�a�r�:�ble demand by the ben�Sciary• �,�,
<br /> . . Unlcss Lender ar�� Hono�ve� aihrrwise agee i� writin�, �.��.�rance proceeds shall bs applied to �;a,;�: -_
<br /> � restoration or repair of th�g'ropem�damaged, if tho restorAtio:�ar .e�r is economicalIy feasibl�e an� Lender's > : 4,.,.„.
<br /> , seeurity is not lessen:d, or trie insurance proceeds shall � av,r,i:a� ao th� sums secu:ed by this Security ��_�:
<br /> ��.
<br /> ' ' � � instntm�nt.whether or not th�n duE,w'rih any excess paid tr�]Bonawer. — —
<br /> lf 8onow�r abandons s�e P�operty, or does nat an�v�r 3�zthin thirty(30)d�ys a r�ori�:,e from Lender that ���_
<br /> ' the insurans�canier has offeres�to s��tlE a c?�i3n,ih�n ]Len��es r.^,ay ce:u��hs insurarce proce�ds. I,ender may _. ���.
<br /> c -
<br /> : usc the psoceeds to repair or rest�s tfie i'rope a or to D�������y E����In n�i�r�� ish�g�venr �� �
<br /> . . not thcn due. 'Y'h� ihirty (3U) Y P �`"�' ` ' i
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