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<br /> ���° 13. IDiTfIES OF TRUS'['�E. Borrov�or ��gees titat: (a) I�uties and abligations of'Peust� shaU b� ��-
<br /> ` . d�termined solely by the expre�provi�ions of this�Te�of Ti rust and Trustee sha11 n�Y be liable except fe:� �_'�
<br /> performance of such duties and obfigations as are sp�cally set farth h�rein, and no implied cov�nants or �
<br /> . obtigations shall bs impe:�d upon Trustee; @)No gravisions af this Deed of Trust shall require Tn�stee to �-
<br /> expend or ri�k its o�vn fun�is, or otheevrise iacur any fuiancial ohli�ati�n in the perforanance of�rey of its duties �
<br /> hereander, or in the exercisa of aa� of its ri�nts or power, (c) Trustee ffiay co�.,.�utt vrith counsel of its os�m �-
<br /> �; choasing and the a�vi;,e otFsuch caun�l shWl be full and coraptete authorization anrl protec3ion ia the respect of �_��
<br /> any action taken or sc�ered by it hereunder in gaad fsith aad reliance thereon;and (d)'�rustee shall nat tre liahle -u
<br /> . for any acsian taken by it in goud faith and reASOnabt�believed by it to be auth�orized or witbin its discr�tion or �
<br /> righis or gowers canferred upan�t by this Deed ef Trs�t. `�
<br /> 14. RlECO1WJEYANCE. Up�n paymea'c of all sums sec�red by this S�aarity Instname�t,Lender shail �
<br /> _�;`r�� re�uest Trustee to rer.�r�vey the Pm�j and shall sunender this S�rity Instrur�ent and al)aQtes evideacing '�
<br />;>,f$%�' debt sec�rc:d by t&is Secur�ty Instnunsnt to Trast�. Trustee shall recamrey tha Prog�rty wi�a�warranty and .�:..`.
<br /> �ithaut chargs to the F�-.,r�n or persons le�ally c�titl�to it Such p�or gr�rsans shall p�r a�mr recardstion _ -
<br /> .;�' � . . '==�.
<br />:,(ft` co�is. IS. f.�ARI3aLrS MATEII�,.4.L5. S��e�ower shall keap the Prop�rty in c�ra�Iiance wit�alt �sts�abte -
<br />'"``��S iaw�,o�.�s and ra�r�ations rclal�p6g ba usdt�sa'ial lrygiene or envior��at�P����ion(collectively�ed ��:
<br /> ��;� �n L�rein as "Enviornm�mn!Laws”j �3vrrn�o��sall keep the Property fir:e fra�.�Ii substa��-� deemed to be F-
<br />,;=:;� �►azardous or toxic un�-x-�ny Enviarmnentof �.a�rs (collectively referred to herein�s "H�a�d�us Maierials"). F.•-
<br /> y�{', Bo�rower hereby warrara� aud r�euts tm �:.ender ttiat there are ao Hazerclat�L�Iaterials om or under th� -
<br />,iy n`'
<br />:��"`� Froperty. Bmr�mv�rer hereby agrc�t�indem�aify aad hold harimless Le�der,its directors,oificers, employees and
<br /> � agents, and any succe�crs te L.ei�er's interest, from aad against a�► and �11 c�a�ims, damages, losses and =_
<br /> tiab�ities arising in conneetian witDt the claimn, damages, losses and liabilities arising in connection with the !
<br /> presente, use, disgosal or Uanspard r�f� an}r F3az�ra�oua Npateria�s on, und�r, frnm ar about the Progerty. THE
<br />_..«,.
<br /> :. (�F�TRUST. �
<br /> --_ _� . 16. �'hia DEed af R'tu�t sh�ll.h�:.�'�upon the parties heret�.s�d:Fill th�u assigns�nd I�eirs. �e'
<br /> :�
<br /> �� x D�7�thia no�rII day af�i�]�� i9QS. '�,
<br /> = � R�t�
<br /> . �. � WO RrIm3�Y.,1�i�C. - �
<br /> ' BY: PAESIDENT '::;;LL=
<br /> = So�mwsrfTn��cr So wer/Trustor �
<br /> .� . —
<br /> - -- ..,
<br /> .. ;�
<br /> r���j;,�.<� . �ams .p in $S�k _
<br /> `;`:1�':'} ' . TRUS &BENEFICIARY/LENDEfi -
<br /> � ,:,,,-, .
<br /> :s.,.,:i,u , .
<br /> w;.;...; - , �
<br /> ;• BY: .-/ .�.
<br /> ��"� E PRE��NT
<br /> •J�I
<br /> 'YY. ' �
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<br /> , ���.�.:I �Y���l'.��1\��, . _ .
<br /> �J' . ) O�.
<br /> � cs�t��rr�.°an aa�.a --
<br /> . �"����i The fordgain�ii�vment was acl�o�t.ttged before me this �t�°f� day of SEPT�.�tfB�R , 1996 by i�
<br /> . ;'��..' Jf�i�CiP�L�Y. K1�O�VN '�Qi ME TO BE '1'HE PRESIDENT�f r {' WO�D ItIVE�t 1ldU'1'EE., ---.
<br /> .:���` �3�.,aa�a�wled�es the���cut{��af the above Deed of Trust to be ffiS��3.c�rausr m�and deeci.
<br /> ;�±' �t+ro�tr+�a�+e� '��,�� ►��\ _
<br /> ' `' � �?ft i4 FOTIHOS J �'
<br /> �`�(� ''�. �bd�..6v oc��.ta� NOTARY PUBLY� � �:
<br /> R'.
<br /> ���� �TATE A1��IiA��� =-
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<br /> ;;:; '� {'�tJ�JI��I OF A�AM:� ) -y.
<br /> ._f.,,'' '` _ ....
<br /> �`�\f � _
<br /> ..;,;;,�;� ., The foregoing inswment was actcnovlledged before me this �� day of��� ,1996,by `U�'r�5 -.
<br /> ;,��,•t �.
<br />:;�s:�±:.'�; U.�c. �c°s�de��`} of Ada�s County Bank, a Nebraska Bazaking corpmration, on behalf o# the
<br /> r E:
<br /> C�rpOratiOn. .
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<br /> I�t�r1'�iltNtf�ncta �• �� --
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