� :` ., . � ._ . .... , � • � _ :y s -.�1:`:��'_
<br /> J„_ • „
<br /> - - �- -- - '.�-.. _ - - -
<br /> .- ----' . -- - - — -_- - - ,---- - -- - -
<br /> . ._.__
<br /> . . - • --�— - - - --- — •
<br /> ..
<br /> � . - .r � ' �.-'r='=-'r_.'- — - -- ' - ��' -
<br /> ._. . ._..-_ -'--. _.. _ . _..___-. .-'--" ' ' � ----
<br />- - —'�--- -_ ` _-;�--- �i--•-- �- • , --'_.' �.--- -- ., ;^ , . . - -
<br /> '{:..-_-4.__�.. ��.�_--_.�.....____.__, ��...:_. ._•_'__�-C___.�.._ -_..c��s..��-__'...�..y.__. .�____.- 4 .
<br /> �� �s� i�� . :Y,� . . :,�� � -
<br /> .:::t: �..��� . _ ��
<br /> paymeats may cA tnnger be mquimd,at tiie oprien of Leader,if mortgage insiva�oe cove�age(i�the amonnt a�d for�he period .�� r;;:':�`. ' ' ' .°-.m
<br /> that I.endcs zequues)provided by an insarea approeed by L�dea�again bccames ava�able and is obtained.Bairower sd�all pay the '� r,.,4'� ��`:�:
<br /> pmmiums te4uIIed w maintain acortgage insurance in effect,or to pm+ride a loss reserve.until th�requarement for m�rtgage �: :a.'� t _ �, ,
<br /> insurance�ds in ffccardance with any wriue�agrceinea►t b e t wceu B o r r ow e r a nd L2ader or a p plic�ble Eaw. �'.; , . e '��.�
<br /> 9.�nsp�on. I,endca or its ageau may make rea�onable eniries upon and inspections of the Pro�ty.Lendea shall give t�r;;F. : . .• r . -
<br /> � �'. ''` �
<br /> � Batrower natiss�at the tuae of or gticn w an ias�ection specifying reasonab�cause far t3�e ins�ection. � ',t�:;� . . •
<br /> � 10.Coad�na4toa The prac:eeds of any awzrd or claim for damages,dirrtt or oonsequentist, in connection wifh any � . . .
<br /> oondemnation er other taking of any pan of th�Prop�rty,or for cnnveyance in li�eu of condP.mnarion,aze hereby a�igned and i: �r ti
<br />-' shaii be paid w Lende�. ���-.--_��•':-_. �.•;—-.--- _
<br /> - r,,-.,_ . ._.
<br /> In the eveat of a total taLing of the Fropx�ty,the praceeds sh�il be applied m the sums se�ured 6y this S�y Instr�mment, �� ,`...:, . `_ .
<br /> whether ar aot then due,v,itt�any aco�paid to Hocmwcr.In the eveat of a p�mial ta4ing of the Pruprsty in ahich We fair mmdcet i� -
<br /> value of th�Ftapcny i�rcediatelY bcfoie Ihe taking is eqoal w or gceatei than t h e amauni o f t he sums secured b y this�e c u r�a y ' . '
<br /> Wswmeut unmadistet befaTe the talcing,untsss BoTrawer aud Leud�r otherwise agree in writrog,the sums secured by this �; .,
<br /> Y , , ,.
<br /> Securiry In..�ent shail Ue red�by the ammmt of the pmoeeds�r�.Y�.°p l�e d by e h e fo fl owing f r a c ri nn:(a)t h e t o t a l a m o u n t o f , :�'�':t:,•:
<br /> :�_ �,. .. , ,
<br /> the sums sec�ued imffiediat�Iy befaae the tskmg.divided tsy(b) t�e f�r r�arket va11^.e of the Propeity imme�intely befc�e the I: >:.. . .---•-----
<br /> �ing.My balance shall be paid w Bom�wer.In the eveat af a ganial¢�g of t�e Propeny in ahicb the faa markei value of the �. .;,�,:.�: _�____.
<br /> .
<br />� . ;,. . �x_�-_�,--•,
<br /> ° pmperty immedlatety befare the tagmg is le� than ths amount of We sums sea�red imme�`itelY before the takiug. unless � '.�-, - _
<br /> �: ::.:::........p-:.�...,,•-
<br /> Bormwer and LQUder atheiwise Egee in wriri.ug or unIess appticable iaw otherwise pro�icles.the prooee�s s6sll be appliee�w the a-• -�`. :
<br /> h J �.
<br /> cumc se�aued by tbis Secarrity Instrume�nt wAether ar not the�ums ate thea due. �. ."�'_`�.��� °�='.-����
<br /> sppt
<br /> .�,S.< ��r rr�L�aS�__u=--
<br /> If the Frape:ty is abaadaned by Baaaw�r,or if,aftea nodce by Leuder w Honower that the condannur offeas tn make sw ..f, . .- -,—_r� .
<br /> awfud or szttte a clauu for datnages,Haa�:�r fals w respond w Lemdea within 30 days after We dats the noti�is givea,Leadel : .�'=•_ `�,__—�_,. :
<br /> w ud �. :;.,.----f �---; -�
<br /> -- is authoriT.ed tn cQllect and app t y the g ro e��d s,at its aption,either w resroration az m�air of the Praperty or to the sams seaur,d . .�;, '. y:"14,�.-
<br /> by this Sec�uaty Yns�um�st4 vrlidha ar uoi thxn d� •i.;,.,:;�,.�_�.:._ -�--
<br />.. � ,s��_L ,�-_��,:.
<br /> UnI�Leader and Ba�wcr otherwise ag�m w�3ia8,aaY apAfication of gmseeds tn pmiapal shall not extead or gflstponc �;�l �• :--- �t .
<br /> - � th$dne dgte Qf the monthly payments rzf�ed tn ffi p�-:gaphs 1 mid 2 or change the amount of such payme�ts. � �
<br /> 11.Bacc��werNot Reieased;Forbraranee By I.�.ider Not a�'Vaiver. ERtension of the time far payment or modifres�an � ..;�:�`�.. .�•�'�'�`.:-.
<br /> tcc wer �
<br /> of amurur:uion of the svms secuYed by this Sea�rity Tt�suameat granted by Le�der w any suoceswr in uiteaest af Honower shatl j-.-%;;�i+;::,�,,rs• •r�''`��
<br /> nai opeaate ro release e6e liabiht'y of We migiaal Etan.+aw�or Ho:rowea's succes�s in inteJest I.eader shult not he ieqniced w �'::iri: r. ?�.0..��-
<br /> �a�me�ce pmce¢du�gs a�inst�y st��or in mt�t r�refuse tn eateud ume for paymeut ar othezwisa madify amortization af I'':`.•c';�;:w,� �:' :,:,';,-"
<br /> . , x,
<br /> the�s�by this S�nrity Insmu=a�L by reas�n of any demartd m2de by tl�e original Beuow�or Barrower's sa.coessats $ _ ..� �. � '�`
<br />. IIs�!'�forbearance by I.eud�:in e�ercising any right ar�edy shall noi be a waiv�vf or preclude the ex�cis�af any ����, . ' a�s,�4 j..,".
<br />. ii�'!YQ?t3G�t�l9�j. i�'i�� --'� ,'t}�: �
<br /> � IZ.�rs��igns Bound.Joint aud Gcfi=�al Ltss6�:.-*g;��.'Ihe cov�ants and agceemaim of this � ��'' '.' A.4�.�
<br /> • �';�:�
<br />. °�m; Lr�ument st�.s 6md and beaefu the sr.�.:�s sud assigns of I.a�dr�and Bormwa, sabje�ci.trs �e pmvisions of •;�; F:�_"
<br /> c
<br /> g�agmp�t &T. Hetrower's covet+ants and agieean�'�sbaU be �uia.t aad seveiai.My Bomower who c�s tivs Secatrity • ' ,�'''°.<�`r�.:
<br /> agm � � > '
<br /> Insuume�is C�t does not exerute the Noic:(a)is co-signmg tt►is�ecusity Instcament only w mortgage.�►3 and coa�eg ti�i t4
<br /> � Barrower's intraest in the Pmperty Undea the terms of this Security�u�umea�(b)is not personally obHgttted to pay t�e�s �::�,:
<br /> �•.:�:•f c, �
<br /> sepucd by this SeauIty Instnffien�and(c)agrees that Lende�and any other Borrower may agree w extend,mudify.f�or �' ,..
<br /> n I ' . .
<br /> maice any accommodatiuns wisb regacd w the tea�s of tl�is Sean�ily Ia.qtrument or the Ptote without that Bmmwe�r's consmt � -- ... .,'�-_�
<br /> �___..,,
<br /> . ]3.Loan Cbarges. if the loan saaued by this Security Instrament is sabject w a 1aw whIch setg mmcimum toan cGarges, �`�.� t:�
<br /> and t1�a1 Is�w is fuialiy inteapnted so t�t�c�inYeaest ar othea loFU3 d�es colleded or w be mIt�terl ln cAnnection wLb the toan '•'0�"°�!�',.�'�.' •:�.
<br /> . excoed t6e p�iued ticnits.then:(a)�:��s�:b loan chFUge shall be redaced by the amovnt a�w cedaoe the chargts w the :: :.�.:..:..W.��-,--�.".,�'"�'':,.;�;-;
<br /> peimiurd limifi and(b)any sums a1r����ect�frr.r.n Bormwer wluch exca:�e�neanitted Ccw:�wIIl be refuuded e.o Bormw�. �_.��T�:{�°`.;-.���!�' -.
<br /> I.ende,r may choose to maYe this refimd by r��the Pr�nci�l owed�rdar iire Note�r by maldnB a d'uect puyment w x}��::
<br /> . �.����^..^'^.�. i�'�'T9:- ".-.S.Yl�...��_
<br /> . Bormwer.If a refimd reduces princ�pal,t6e mduc�on w�l be treated av a pu1�FrepaY�ent withoat anY P�Y�t�8e ���� . i��_.
<br /> �aer��r.rQ,�. ---�--:�� -7rfi..
<br /> .�•s 14.R'�Ifces. Any notioe to Ba�-�provided for in thls Secu�ity Insmrment shall be�ven by deliver�g it or by m�7urg.�t . ,��' •. }i�.��',
<br /> . - - ;t,,�,.
<br /> by fnst ciass mail unless applicable�requires use of anothes method.The noflce shall be dire�ted w the Ptap�ny Addnss as _ ,� �•.�—
<br /> any athea address Bomnwer designat�s by nouce ta F.�ender.Any notice to Lettder sball be givw by first c13;s mail to I.cndei's .��.� -i?�v;`� .
<br /> � address stated hedein or any othea�.srss Lender�ignatrs by norice w Borrower.Any narice provideA fer in this Socurity �'r„
<br /> Instrume�shaU be dee�ned W have Ba�r.;given to Borrowea or Lend�when grven as provided in this patug�ph. ,i;,,. . .,�,��.•
<br /> e
<br /> ,.�::.Y "
<br /> 15.Gc�verninS Law,Sevuu��7lta. This Seaaity Insmvme�I shall be goveaned by frlde�al law and the 1aw of the G,,tF. na}., . .l�:
<br /> jurisdictian in wt�ich the Ptaperty w ��ted. In the event ttia!a.�y pmvisian m clause of tfu�Secaciry Instrume�t or dio Note _ ,. a�'':, •
<br /> �'�
<br /> • � conflicis wit�applicable taw,sach cor.flict sha]1 cc4=�ect other�.*sovisions af t7ri�Sc�nricgr Ti�mument or the Note wluch qn be ;r�:. . .; a;...-:��?�.�
<br /> : glvea effect without the oonflicdng provision.To�end the inr;�+i:::.ans of Uus S�.ciry Iasm�eat and the Note are declared tn ,.,:.,�:`�if;,°x,`..;_
<br /> be seve�als� Y . .�`��'�`°
<br /> ..�'; � ;�;�
<br /> �yY d.y�.��..� ._
<br /> Y � �a`�tt�"-''.
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