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<br /> ` 16.Bflrrower's Cony. Boimwcr shall be giveu oae confacmed copy of the Note and of this Ser.euiry Instrument `� � ' . . ' "=
<br /> .�� • i7o Trensfr�of R�e Pro Fertp or a Beneli�i EnBare�t in Pdaxraarer. If sill or an�y part of the Prmyerty or any interest in it i� , �"'�
<br /> y
<br /> sfltd or tr3nsf'e�ro�(ar if a�en e t a i a l mtraes!sn Bo:rower is soW or ir�nsferred aud Bomower is nat a naoualpersore) without
<br /> `•�•� Lendea's prior wiinen consent,Len.�er may.aa its opuoa,realuQe irnmediate gaymeut i�full of all s�uas secured by this Se�unry � . . ,
<br /> ' Instrumeu�However,this aption shaI!aot be e.�ercised by L�eadzr if exerdse is pro4�bned by fed�al la�r as of the date of this s.,. .
<br /> Seauiry Insuunteut � ,
<br />� jP I,qqaCi elCBlCLS�S ISI1S OphDA.Y a�er shall give Borrower aotise of acceI�ratio�'Ihe aotice shall provide aprn od of rtot tess �
<br /> _- tt�u�30 days fi�rn ttte dat�s t�s r��'sstSelisr�d oY,m�led within w6icm Borrower must pay all sums seciued hy this Secutity - -- - _
<br /> Insir�unent If$arrower faits tn pa}r�it�svms p�IIao�Be ea�puarinn ef this period.I.�drr�nay mvo�e any rem�es permitted
<br />• � by tteis Sccurity Insuumeut wiihout fi�tf¢o��,�emand on Bcirower. ,;.:i;_.•� , ,
<br /> 1S.I3orraw�er'sRi�ttm'Fl�fris0�te: If �ttea� taegts ceitain oouditions, Boxrower shall haYe the right to have ; . �
<br /> �
<br /> e�fnrcement of ihis Securirf Instnament disoara�nnued�t any ame prior to tl�e earlier�1`. (a) S daYs(or such othea percod ac 4(:. ' i � .. ,
<br /> applicabla law may specify far reinsmtemeutl isefore saics of tke Ptogeaty put�unt Do any power of sate oontained in deis . .,. , ' . —
<br /> I n s h r a m e n�o r(6)e a t ry o f a j u d g m e,a t e n f a�c i n�t�i s S e a u i i y I n s t i u m e n t'l t t a�c ua d�t ions are ahat Boimwer.(a)p Ys Ixnd� , . ` .
<br /> sams which then would be dne�dPS this Security In,�-�rument and the Nate as i f n o a c c e te�arion P�ad�a�r e d:a N) wres az►Y . .''.<• �.
<br /> . ;:::, defauit of any atha ooveaan�or ag�eeruent�(c�P�3^r aD ex�ens�inciuzed in er�ffortang dus Sec�ary Inst�ument,mclnd�g,but � �,• � °�'="'S''�`-_- �
<br /> . nat}imited w,reasonzble attnmeys'fee�and(t�taYes such activa a§L�er rna�r r�asouabty requse ro assiue that the tieA of this � ; : '"�',,''
<br /> ' �'� �`;;:. G X �:'�,� .
<br /> . � gep�xity Instrumeat, Lender s nghts in the Ptroparty and Bormwer's obtigauoa co pay the sum�s sec�ued by t6is Sesx�riry
<br /> -. � InstrUment shell �nU¢tuC u�h 2 ng e d. Upon rpinctammen l by BOnOwe�.t h i 4 S� I a s u u meat and the ab li g a u ons secuied _�_:-,--
<br /> - � hereby shaD mmaim fully effecuve as if no aocete�ation had aoc�ured.However,this n t to re�srate sha11 not a�ply ia the case of , �
<br /> `•°' acoeletauon aadcs p 17. �e��--_
<br /> 19.Sate e?Nate,��e of Loan SPrvises 'lbe Nois ar a panial in[arest in the Note (t�8eth� wit�i this Sec�tf 1
<br /> ..`•� Instrument)may be sold ane or maTe times without prior eotice w Bosower.A sate may result in a cdange in the enUty(�ver: _ ,• #��� _
<br /> ` 4:_' -_
<br /> � as t�e"L,osn Se.rvicer")tlwt calleas monilily paymee�tc due under the Noie and this SFCUriry 1n�m►ene Th�e atso may be ane� •• �_�,-:.
<br /> • ara�+e c�nges of thz I.oau S�cvice+r�nre�ared tn a sale af the Note.If thae ns a change of the Loan Servicer,Hoaowa w71 be �a,�°"`�`
<br /> . gi»ren wnitiea�nodoe of ttte ct�ange in ac�Naucc with p�sagrapd�14 above andapplirable law.'I�e�aoticce w�71 state the name and ---..:� -`,ar
<br /> I 8
<br /> ��SS af tlte new Loan Sexvicez aad the�w which paymeuB should he made.'Ihe natice w71 aL�contain any otha .
<br /> ce
<br /> .: , mformauon required by agplicable taw. -
<br /> Z0.H�rdoug Sabsmaces. Borrow�r�all not cause or geimit the p�se,ase, dispo�l, stora8e. or retease of any �:•
<br /> Hazardous Subs�►ces on or�the Rapeity.Bcsrrowa shall not do,nor atl�uw anyone else to do,anythiag affec�mg ihe PmpeAy � • �:' .�,9;��
<br /> a .�-
<br /> � tvat is�viotation o€a�r Envuonm�tal Law.'Ihe precediag two seuteACes s6a11 uat�ply to the pre,ses�ce,as�or swrags on the � ,,., � . —
<br /> ai
<br /> Rapeity af sraall quanuues of Haa�dous Substances t�at are geaearaUy recagniceced rm be ap�oyriata w noirual resideAtial ases :.,..,.•: '
<br /> and w mamtcnaace of[he Rope�ty. : .__
<br /> • Bozmwer shall promprly give Lender�a'ssten notice of�y �v�on,ci�m,demand.lawsuit or other aaion isy aeu! � �`�i;�,`' ; __
<br /> �v�IABIIiSI 07 tC eACy OI pIlV2��)�.i[y IIIVpZYII1g thC PIdpCSiy 27ld 2[ly W2Y2tdO1LS SU.��1CC 07 EnViiOIIm?At21$� i ' :A,; . ;' .,.._
<br /> or+r�) ,��,�-.• —
<br /> of wlu c h B�owe��t u a�l�ow l e dge.I f B+�mcva i�s,o r i s n o ri 6 e d b y a n y g���*-^--__ a r�g u t a t o r y�a u t�o r i ty.d r�t�}� r�,,:, .`';� r��}°'•;�! .
<br /> . �val or ot�ea tem�.r,,�any Har�dous Sobs�r�;e�f'�g the Puape�ty�:Yri�...�.sy.E�wer sha��ptly taYe aD ;,�,, ��' : ;i4j�` �
<br /> � ��a�sary remedial actians�►�;.:4.�ance a+ith F�viro+:�am:I.aw '��r.. :�' ;j,.
<br /> � As asetl m t�is paragr,�';;,"I��t�s Subsm�:es" are those substances c�r��� 3r harardaas substances by ... . - � L
<br /> ��.�`��'.. .;
<br /> . Fnviranmental �.�.:� �d the followc:g b'aisz�mnce� gasotine. icerosene. orher flaaunable vr ru�i,: pe�atemn prodncts. m�ic ,
<br /> and Qr�+�icides,volanle sohr�a.P,,r��serials canta�ning asbestus or forma2d�ehy�e,and ra�oaaive mairi�als.As ased a� �� • —•
<br /> tlus'�pazagraph 20,"Fs►vBOnmental Law"�fedeaal laivs and IFtvrrs of the}tnrisdictinn wh�e the Propcaty is tocated that relate '.� ,"� �'��:k;, �
<br /> t _
<br /> - - w heaItA.safetY or�vimnme�tal proteaioa - '�� � ��.
<br /> , `�,.1.._
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM COV�iAN7'S.Sormwca and Leader fiu�ea coveanaat and a�e as followa , �,;,�r_;. .'.'
<br /> � 21.A�tbn;Aemedies.I.eader shaII give notia to B�rravsea prior to acaeieratba foflorrtng Borrawer's�reacb oT .-.::>`� •
<br /> A..: ..
<br /> �ny coveaan� rot agreement in th�Ts Secari4y Instrament (bnt not prior to �tinn ander paragrapb 17 �� •�-� ' �� �
<br /> s��lim6L�L�w pro�itie�aa�raiL�E).'Q'�e noYire s�a�s�edfy:(a)the datanlh,(b)the acHon reqaired W cure tbe defao�ir�j, ..'�: �Y �"'��:
<br /> L� � • • ••�
<br /> t�r�tes ooi 1�tban 30 dm �s firom tbe date the natix�ils sivea to Borrawer,bg w�is6 the detault mtast Eb�mcsed:ac�f�9 s;r,��.. , ' ,:'�. ``::-.:°';:;�
<br /> . . � b lSf� �;�.: . �. . . ;S�FI.�
<br /> . thstt is�an to c�e the defb�it on ur befare the da�.�ed'm the noti�e ma;o�sWi in aacelerotion o!�e s�.v sec�1 ,:,:`' °'�• �. -.
<br /> 'y�i'>• by thta S�ity Iastroment an�sate aE t�fie L'�fpaty.T6e natir��tarther inform Borrowt�o!the righ!to re�e ,:�., '�� ;,•".�°'`.'.'�...•� ,'�
<br />� ,��,,.
<br /> �Ster acceterat�n and!he rigLt to br�g a� r�art actlon to AsSert�e aoa�cxktence ot a dd�nit a�any ottter ddense oT � ''�� ' 3""'�`�;
<br /> ::',���. '�:,_ •- , ,. :
<br /> Barrnwu to asceitratiom and sate.U�he�IIe�antt b Qot cared on or Defon the date speeiRed in!he na�e,Le�er,at its ,• .`�:�.._=,.. " _��'
<br /> � opt,lon.m�y require immed�te pafinen4 in laill of ad auins see�rcd by ttats Se�:rity Ynstrummt without f�t$ev deman� ,.,. `;. ., : ;•:` .: =.
<br /> .,,.:, ,.. � •
<br /> aad may invoke the pawer of sak and any olher remedtes permitted 6p appS�i�:e 1aw.Lender s6�ll be entitkd to mlkct .'�-�'-' ;�r'�; '. ' ,�,_
<br /> 6 21,includin �� '� "�
<br /> ��t,�'� aD eiptnse�ine�rrsd in paisaing the remed�es provtded in tAi9 G��P S+b�not limit¢d to.reasonabie .� �'.
<br />' ;[±,�;�' AHOfG8j�8�tC�S SIId CQSL9 8��11C lVIdfUOe. ►
<br /> � �i the poWCr oi sWe ts invoSced,7Yastee s6AD rs�:rd a aotke o?dc�Q�: im e� oounty� in �v6icd r�y part ot YhW ..�", •` �. ,.._.
<br /> � � fftn;perty is lacatcd und sLaD msdl oapie9 of suc8 notii�i►n the manner pr�tcar�.'fty applic�bk law to B��er and to the ;, ��_
<br /> . : �P��Pr�c�l fbg ap�ikabk law.Aiter the time reqai�ed Dy sypli�L;e law.Trastee ShaD gnf��,nbHc�Hce a! '.' .: :,�:: .�` � �.
<br />� ;•;�:,� sak to t�e p�rsons and f�t��e mnnnea��sen'bed b applica6le law.�scee,��eoat aem�na on eor,��,a�n�o c�� �: % —
<br /> ;:�:_, . 9 "�". ;.:,z�, ��"3,' �. ~,°�
<br /> :,':4�: Property at pa$Sie aacti�e ta We hf�:isL�der at the t!ffie a�d pl�oe aad ander the t�rms d�si�aa�ed�the aotice oP�rJtr ::� �,�t�r,.�';,,�..�,,.
<br /> t:,:�;� r��-:.
<br /> ax•Jf�:Tt...`,?�,.� �
<br /> ��:,,.
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