. .. ` . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . , _ ..v� ' � ` ..1'��
<br /> � �� .. , . . . < . � - .4 .w. -. � ..�_ —
<br /> _� ^'.'_-�_ f_—= _ - _ ._ _ " . ' ,_' _'—__ . '.._. .�. _ ' '___ _ _. " �`.—.___ tifu.u..
<br /> -=�__- - ` �-,_, , . _. - < z -- ;f:`—� ,-..-; — .. , ; , -- ='-. .t,. _-` -' � - � : ` ^ � `� t 4: _
<br /> • . .- � ` �,.� � .�..-___._._`..�` . . ; � _•
<br /> _ .. ...._.....�_�-.._......._ _._.�...._.--'-- �- .... .__..�.. _.__—. .. ,_.—._. ,�.».��.__._._ . . _' .. . i, a-
<br /> .� 96° g�0°�5�� . ,_� _ . �. `-t
<br /> . S.Hazard o�Properly Insarau�e. Hor�ower shall�eeP the improvements aow eAisang ar hereafter erected on the Pm�eacY . i, . . . . . ,.
<br /> �� insure� against loss by fse,hazards iacluded within the term "exteuded cove�age' and any othea hazards, mcludingthat�der : '. . � ;
<br /> • � tloading,fos��hich Lraader re4uzes insu�nce.This i�su�ance shall be maintaine�in the amounts auu�far the 1��ch shall not `. ..
<br /> i requires.'Ihe insua2nce canier providing the insurance shall be chosan Ay Bonower subjecc tm Ix,�deru Ia�ro�'s option, obtain a
<br />� ��i be �u�reasos�abiy withheld. If �orrower fails to maintain ooveaage desen'be� above,I.ender maY, c� . • ` . .
<br /> _.-_ ] coveraa;e to psotect i.ender's rightc iu ttc�Propricy in accordance with�aragrdPh 7. e�y,�Le�der shall - - -- - --
<br /> er n
<br /> AIl in�aance golicies and renewals shxll be soceptabie to L�eudea and sball include a standsr e����ts of paid . � ..
<br /> bave thc right to hu2d the polisies and renawals If Leader requires.Borrower sP�ii pmmpdy gi Lender.L.ead�r • .
<br /> premiums and ce�ewal notises.In the event of toss,�oaower�hall give ptomPt no�ce ro the insusarue ca�ier an�
<br /> ffi b Borrow�s• �
<br /> may cuahe pcoof of loss if not made Fm gttY Y Sha�l be a�nlied W restotarion or repair of�e `• � ..
<br /> Untess L�nder and Hozmcrer otheawise s�tee ffi writ�n8. ��� _ �_
<br /> pr�pecty damaged,if the restniauon or repair i�eoonomicallY feasible and I.ende,r's sec�itS+ �s not 1�-If the re.soa�ation or P�.�� . -_ -�=---
<br /> ��� shaDi be ap�!li�eid tn the snms �:�=,=•
<br /> woutd be l�ed,the i�svr^�ce proceeds 1 c�..
<br /> • reErau is noE eca�am*:callY fqs�le or L�der's seaui�r .. �• .��'.�-'"'"'---
<br /> whethe�ru aat then due,with anY excess g�F to Bomower.If Boaotiver abandons the -^.K���::-_
<br /> sacured by dvs Sec�uitY Ins��. • '", °-�. ._
<br /> Prograty,or dfles not answer wit6in 3U dey�a anuce from Ix�dea thai the msvrance cffirier has offered���� • �';,� .:,,�.:�.
<br /> � L.endPa may ase t'ne ploceeds r�repaa or�e.store die Pre�ty "s'='`:
<br /> > I.ender may maIIect ihe imsutance pracee,ds. �;`:�.•�.•,. —
<br /> ' by this Seauaty Ins�u�e°�,whedier or not then due.'lhe 30-day Peaiud wilE i�egin whea the nntice is giuEn. . --- .. .
<br /> m writmg,anY ap�stis�i°a of pm�ds to princi¢a1 shall aot ca�P.end or pt�sq�one .,--�-.� �
<br /> Uniess LRader aud Bozrower otherwise�� pl ` , . .-�.
<br /> ts refesred w in pa�ag�a�hs 1 and 2 or chau8e the amount of the paym�ts.If�nder parag�aph . . ' , . . __
<br />- - �- the due dase af the aconthlY PaYme�� �.,,,�P lic�cs and maceeds resnlqng from damage tfl the • . :�. ;:..,�.;-�-�
<br /> 21 the Ptop�rty is 2cclunred by Leatder.Borrvw�s rigbt to aay i�....^^ _ po' ' ty InsuumeaY imtnediatety ���� ' _
<br /> p�p�y p�sa t�the acquisItion s6all pa4s tn L�tdra to the ea�tent 6f tis�sums sec�ced bY ih'ss Sesaui ��r�s:
<br /> .+ prio:to the as.quasitian. N�tenauce an�Peote�ion of the Property, L£r.rmwea�'s Lo3n Ap�t�a'Lea�ebot�s. . ���.
<br /> 6.Oc�p�nsy�Pres�rva.'tioW . � :�:�-��:
<br /> • �within s�xtY�aYs ah��x eTCec�uun of
<br /> Boaov�er shall occuPY.esta�lish,and use ttis YropertY ag Boaower s p�apal rPSidence for at leass�ne year after the • , srri�.���.:..`
<br /> sta�
<br /> , this Sec�uitY In�tru�t and shall con�tn occupY tt�e A'°F�Y�B�wer's��a1 arithheld. or unles4 -
<br /> dase of occupanc5+. untess i.eud�os��i:se agrees in wii3mg>wbis� consent shall not h$�.....onably .. ~,. . :�i �
<br /> extea�g e¢caunstances exist which a�I�:,rond Borrowea's wntrcL B�.rrowea shall not desuo��dmr,�=Se or impair the Pmpeaty,
<br /> �an farfeiame ac,tion ot '`•y"•',��'� � _—,
<br /> ' vr the Pro erty w deterioiate,ar co�waste o�the PropeRg'. �orrower �all be in d� Y •�;�, _- ;
<br /> �o P eu3 could res�ilc in fo�Fei3�QF the ProP�Y oT �-`
<br /> Rrc�eedasg,wttett►ea'civil ar criminal.is beb�Ettat�L.��der's good faith judgm ,.�,,`,., ��.,�, . � --.-:-
<br /> �m the lien cr�nd b•,�t�his S�tY Insuu��or Lend�'s secatritY interest Borres.��y cure s¢ch a � �: ., °. �,.. .
<br /> . ��e v�a11Y � P� h 1�,bY ca�sa►8 the ac�on or p:oeeeding tn be di�sed cc�a�ting fl�.in ' � �'~'_.
<br /> c�'aalt�.ua�state.as Drovided in Qacs�sp �3;,�t m�iai imp�itmas'.�:of .:F-;�f ;'�; _--
<br /> YaitD deiermination.Preclvd�forfeiaue of t9ts Botrowes's int�est in t6e Pra�nertY , .¢'. i�,�• r
<br /> E.�nder's gma�: wtesest.Bmmwer sdnll also be�3a�ft ff B�we.r,durin8 t'hhe , Y' �
<br /> Ssa�astv Instrument or Lemder's s�anr►ty� � ,:�� ' ''�+:;���•�i,j ,
<br /> � �llen created bY this -
<br /> l�an apPlication piosess.�iaT�:'�'ali}'faLv�ar inaciwate infoanalion or statem�r�m Le�adra(or fa�ed gu�'�ide La►der with . ..� q,,,,,�,;;��, �_..,
<br /> ` vz -
<br /> � .� any matecial inSflrmat�on)� cs+m►ec�a r•r'stb the Ioaz►evide�c�ence.If t4is S�eeuriry nc�*sn'-.�?cs om a�seho�ld,�Bmrower _ . °'�;'i;;: �_
<br /> ;�tfSf° concemmg Bacrocrer's oa�pancY of c�...L'1zs�erlY as a pri�ei�1 ,�{�.��',� �
<br /> ��.'`!:f` shaU comp3y wicb all the provisions of u`�}r.�e.If Borrowes acqui�es fee title m the Pmp�y,d��a 1:.�:-`.ol�and the fee ade shall -'�M' ;;;�:_
<br /> .��.���
<br /> ''�•`'�� � to the merger in wri6ng. �.�:
<br /> ret merSe un.ess Ltnder agrees f om��he c�venants and ag��.��ts contained'm �_.�, r. . ..::
<br /> 7.Pms�etfoa o!1.QndPr's Rig6fs in t�4 ptinpe�_ L Boimwea fa�s w peaf �• -. -�_=
<br /> �' .f •r�is Sec��:�."��L�suunr,ent,oz theae is a Ieg.nl Ysmce'�'�':��Y s8n�dy affect Lendea's ri g hts in the r"'.-Dputy(such as a • ;...��-::-__:-_
<br /> ' �.; p�ceedi�►g�2�atd�aPt�7►,P��for canc�emnatian�E�.`'Ei�e gc u�enfo�e laws or regulations),then Lendea may do and pay � .: R:
<br /> for a6ateves is necessary tn protect rhe vE7t�a ag d�e�r s�st II�iL^¢'s rights in the Propeaty.Lendea's acdons mey ia�de ; _T
<br /> over this �✓..:,�iry Ins�ument,agpearin8 in cawt. t�+Y�B r�=se .'�`'�' _ �r��'
<br /> ..��.�. � ,�aY�ug anl►sums secauefi i�p a li� wttich hu� pc�rti.g _�R�" _. • _.--- - -
<br /> iu se u Althou Lendea m:�y taYe acdon un3er this pssr"��aP9�T,Lextder
<br /> attameYs' fees aad enta��sn the Propea¢y w maice cv-�aIIS. ,gh 1- j:�-_-
<br /> � 1� . _.�'��� -
<br /> :,� � QOC9IIOIh3�6fDQflSO. -' `� -...-
<br /> �`'.c�: ,,: pny ama�unts di4b�by I.ender under this pa�aph 7 sbaU become addidonal debi of Bairowe�se�ed by this 5ecurity . . :�*�^,,.�
<br /> ''•�r�..
<br />.'{5;s:.`.�,, ��u n e n s.U n�e s s B o i r o w e a and Le�der u g�w ottrer teams of payment,th�se amounL4 shaU bear intaest fmm the dase of ..��
<br /> !'�?'� notice fmm I,en der w B o l rowe�r re9 u e s t u a 8 P a Y m�1� ": '
<br /> �' disburs�cnt at the Note rase and shaU be payable,witb interest,opon
<br /> � ,••�: 8.Mo�e Insinrunse. If LczWa iequired mortgage insurnaice as a candition of mal�g tha Ioan scxum�by this Securiry .. �, ,:"" �,,
<br /> T the yremiums requlred to mair►tain the mortgt�e insurance in effea. Jf,t'rsn any reason. the . �`°
<br /> ��Baao�vea sha11 paY � �'�' y�
<br /> � ���s":c�,nrance covca�age requi�by �-�►der lapses or cea�s to be�n effect,Bonower s�a11 pay the���� ,{.��»-•
<br /> ` ;:';�:, a3ta�oc��3e substantia11Y e9uiv^.S�nt rn the mortgage ins�rance previously in eifect,at a oost substandally eqaiva2ent to Ihe � � :
<br /> ��'"4� ., e ins�nnce previously in effect,from an alteanate mortgage insurer apyroved by Lcnder.If � �
<br /> ., cast W E�ciower of!he aaortgt�8 r:
<br />,''�'4'����.,.�e,. ,...::..._.
<br />, �; �r subslandauy ectuivaeQt rs�rr�age�9.uar►ce cover��is nos s►vailable,Bomnwe��.�sPll pay to I.ender each�.�c,�a sum equal to :t� ..�-� �:
<br /> on�taeLft3�of the ye.�si�m�`rt�age ins�tunce '��a tsxing paid by Balmrre,s w�tt�:r�the insivance eovesag�P�,�teed or ceased tn :.F.,,�.:�,r:;_w - ---
<br /> ��f`: ,� ins��.Loss reserve ''.�"�`�: °
<br /> ',�; ' we3 t,ux auc4 reta�a r�;r,.�;.�ayments as a loss res�L in lietn of morigage
<br /> �' be in effcc�t Lender ' �P ;'^^•'�'=";M�at�.�.,`
<br /> ;�s_,:.1�'�?:�'e':,,
<br />� Fo�m ti¢l4ti ' ,'�t''`;'' ',.
<br /> ', :; .., 1i� 2j�. .
<br /> Pep�9ot9 �nm1�b'.�� f., s,•x*A��sc,:,--
<br /> {�1•BR(tJE)ta2�zt.o� � . . , __
<br /> �� . . .- . � . �;;�
<br /> . :`i�l�:�. —.
<br /> • - '.1�1!)t'i� .
<br /> :t`-�;1: . -.
<br />. . . . . , �•�C;'
<br /> - � .�-.--.-.-.- •---.^^'1 . � .. • - � . ' - . , . ..
<br /> .��....�n..��.�a�.�—n�.�--•- � . . . - ' . . . _ . . ' .
<br /> . . �� ' • . ` , • . � � ' . . . ♦.. •� � -�
<br /> . - .. � . ' - _ ' - � . . . , �. ' ��.-�
<br /> -. ' � • �....�� . • � . --� _ .., t._ _.L .
<br /> ..._ . . . • .. - --�-ry.......-•°w.....- -7 ._ `._� — . -.� 1._ . -. . . . .
<br /> ' , ti'r . . . . '._ �4 (� , , .. •o.'� .. ``��G�U � �i ii� l;_ }. . � al t _
<br /> ,.�.t�.. . . � .. . _. ..« ... • . .-� . .. . . ... .. _ _� � . - .. �'• . �r.d. ,.��� ..:��iFf�`. � � ..... .1.'" f -- ' ' � � - . .�•
<br />