t � .. r . . < . . a
<br /> ' - —�—..�:_.,.'�.....�... �- t __._ _� �' ' "'--"-----_'i`.� .__...__�i_._._.. ___-�..._ s.__- `-- - -- - --'-Y��_�_'_�__--_.,_r I.
<br /> . +J�� �,���� ' ". , � p.' �
<br /> , ^
<br /> � '�`JG�'I'E�R tVFtH all the�ovrmerets now a�hezeaftes erEacted on the property, a�d all easements.aPPur�nances,�d s• t`. ` . _
<br /> : <�,`
<br /> Br.dc�ns�v or hereafter a p3t of eAe�y.AU tepl�a�ements a8d 2dd'ations shall alsa be covemd�y this Serauity Ins�ument ". � � ,`'_
<br /> A�;1 aF liu faregaing is referie�to in iliis Secwity Instrument tu tl�e"Propzrty." ; .. '� . `�-.
<br /> 1�OTcROWER COYEN�#NI'S ehat Bosrower is lawfuliy sei�ad of tre eqate ice�reby conveyed a�d has the rig�►t w grant and r ; . • �`" `•` ' ,.,.`:,
<br /> caa,c�ry t3te Prapeaty and thai tke Prog�ty is urceacumbered.except for eacumbranoes of recaad. Bom,wer wanants and�vill �` `.�.� �.
<br /> � dofimd ge�aliy the titt�to tt.e Proputy agaanst all claims and demand9,subjece w any encumbrances of record. `� ', . � :;
<br /> 't`f3Y� SECURTfX INS'IRLiIv�NP combines unifa� covenants far national ase aad nan-nnifann toveaants with limited � ;� __:
<br /> vtt�?ia�e by jurisdicdon m canstisutea�uiifmm security insaument coveria�g real pmpeny. ..� : °,s �.`,-.
<br /> .� : �; '
<br /> L�PIIL�C►RM COVENANTS.Ba�roatier and I.ender coves�ant and agcee as follow� ,, . ' ; �
<br /> i.�ymea4 oY PrivapaA and gnteresh Prepaymeni and Late C4a�rg�s. Harmwea shal! pmmptfy pay wlien due the �.._ . ' -, . _
<br /> s.
<br /> e�t and lats charges due under the Note. -�- ��-�—,E_,
<br /> , prrn�af and'mtetest on the debt evi�ced by the Nate znd anY g�epaY�n �, ; .
<br /> . 2.�ds tar T�ees an�In.�dne�. Subject ro applisable law or to a writ�ru waiver by Leadei,Boirov�er shall pay ta ���.� ' _ ..
<br /> Leadcz a�tfie day monthl}+FaYme�b�ae due under the Note,until the tdotc is paid in fuli.a svm("F�ds'�for:(a)yearly taxes � , , `,
<br /> and as�sments v�hicl�may a�aun prioFitY over this Sec�rity rnQ,,,,n,Pnt as a lien on the Fr+opeaty,(b)YeaalY Ieasehold paym�nis ., . . . .,� � ,
<br /> 3:� `` '-� �� �.
<br /> ar gr�and r�ts on ths Propesty,if any; (c)Year1Y harard or propc�ty ids�uance pmmium�(�Yearly flood insurance premiwns,if • � i=�°�
<br /> ; �•. , z:...,. .
<br /> an.�;(ii)yearly mortg�e ins�uaace pre.miums,if aQy,and(�any sums payable by Botrower m Leuder,in zccardance with the � : , '.'�,a,���:►:,�,
<br /> :s pm�!'v�tcr� of paragra�h 8, m lieu of the payment of mortgage insvianse pu�n,;,,n•G These items are called"Fscrow Items." . _'_ —
<br /> u�
<br /> ` Leadr.r may.at any timc,wllect anfl ho2d Fetnds in an amount aot to exceed the aiaxxunua9 amount a leader far a fed+�rally celatcd �` �..�
<br /> a ,: �i��s-, ----
<br /> •� ma�e I�2u may mquue for Boimwer's escxow zmaunt undea the fedraal Reni Fslate Seulement Pmcedmres Act of t974 a.s ;. .,` _<.-. ;�'x;°�`
<br /> �; amaaded fi��e to omc. 12 U.S.C.Secrion 2601 et seq. ("RF.�PA'�,unless another law t�i appties Lo dxe Funds seis a le�ea �_
<br /> amminL I�C s�;Lensier may, at aay tune.collec3 and tio2d F�ds ur�► amount nnt ro excee�the�essar amount Lead�may ?. -_`�; `=
<br /> � �_ . .. � =r
<br /> �, esnimote t�e auiount of r-aw3s due an dxe basis of cuae.at dam and masonable estima�s of expendimses of fn�re Fscrow Items or 'Y,. , , ' - �
<br /> w��- afl�ac�s�mE�onrda�ce��.applisz6[elaw. ••`�' °:����J.
<br /> . 'is�e Fund,a si�aII be fleId 'm an in.artviuum whose depoats are insured by a fedesal a�acc.7r.insuumentatity,or eutity(iac t n d'mg :_-. -�'"~-�:`—-�--�-
<br /> �; I.ead�if Le�der is suc6 ax�instiwcc�;az m any F�eral Home Loan Bantc.Lea�des�r�2 a�y the Faads W �,t-'��` ��a''�
<br /> �'d}�ttiB F�4C[OQfi � r. �... �,' _
<br /> � Iltima i.eud�may not cTt.�$Bosowe�for holding and aPP1S+�B the F�ds.ann�v a�yza•rg the escxow account,or verifying `„�- '•,-�,=�:
<br /> �,'. s , .
<br /> tlte�w Items.unIes..R IIr�dea pays Bomower intecest an tha Fands aad appliral�f�law peanits Leuder to make suc6 a charge. �, ,•,�,�„�:��
<br /> r. F�mvgaex,I.euder may ror�i�se Ba�mv��r to pay a on�tims chazge for an iadeg�de,at real estate ax regarriu��vice nsed by .r.:,:�';;.. .,�.:s=.;-,:
<br /> % � Lendbr in c�nnection w:�tP�is 1Qan,unless applicable law provides otheawise.Ura:ess an agreement is made or applica6Ie law � _ �`'"``;:� �''-_
<br /> �t:` ° Barrower an ui'�est or eammgs on the Fimds.Boaaa�er and . <-'.,x':::` '-:"i
<br /> �. . reqttiies��t to(se pid.Lendea shall aot be reqnired to P�Y Y � `
<br /> j� : Len�i�cffag�-s.,e in v4zi�^,g,however, thal interest shall 6e paid an the Funds.l��er shall give to Borrower,without cda�g,n.,an '. `$,,��;�.4`, ;��
<br /> i�' annna3 acconntin$of tive r�ds.showing credits and debita to the Funds and t��p�ose for wluch each debit tn the F�nds was • •��• �i,`` �
<br /> �f. , �� �;�� �_
<br /> mtxlb."�e Funds are�lY��as addi6naal seavity for aU s�uns seanred by this S�i.��nsUVment. .,, ,t.44.. .
<br /> �r;` .. I�t,�e Fcnds held'��II�ur�e:cee�ths amonnts peamiued w be hetd by app:���:law,Larra�r shaD account w Boxrower far t `�,f��;`;.'`•. °,,t� .�_
<br /> a`c
<br />. `;; .: d�e mt�:ess F;�tds um acca.�:�zx�ifs�,c�tquit�ments of applicable 1aw.If the amount of the I'-r�held by I.endea at any time is £``' ^�.�'_' : i
<br /> .,i� �+.; �
<br />` i: : nni s�n€�ii�2 t�gay the-G�.ca�ow i.�s c�+te�due.Ixnder may so aotiPy Bonower in writuig,and,in such c�se BoYrower shall gay �,.. •.�. �•;;• '{�,�� ,
<br /> .c o . ,�,r s� ;�; :.�{ �.
<br /> !:� , . to L�adez the arAa�rne�ssar�r w make np the defci�cy. Boimwer sAall m�ap tlie defia�ecy ia no mo�thaa Ewelve �...„--., ' `:k,`� <,F.
<br /> Y�i.�i���s;;:
<br /> �� .� mandQy payments.at La�r's so2e discretion.
<br /> �•` ` Ugan g�ymea�t in fuil of all sumg seaaed by this Secwity'List�umemt,l��shall pmmpdy refund to Brnrowea any Fr.uds
<br /> h 21,I.ender sLall acqu�or seiZ r�s Pmp�ty.Lender,Pria�w ths acquisirion or sa�e c,�i�: .,
<br /> :� bal�i�by I�iir�.If,under paagra� ';�-
<br /> (' ; Praprrry,sIt�appty any Fimds held by Lender at the time of asqu�:rion or sale as a credit against the snms secvned h���s „:
<br /> }: S; Sas�rlty Inst�rrammea�t � "��.V,�`:.��t.�._
<br /> �.AFplk�tian of Payments. 11n2ess applicable law provides otheawise,:�11�s,Tae�ts rereived by Le�dc-r�dea paia�aphs -�
<br /> ��-��...
<br />_�}.--` . 1 anid 2 r.hall be apgliea:fn�t,tn any pmpaymait charges dne uader the N�::,:�ond,w amounts payab!�m-?�pazagrl,ph 2; - _ - ----
<br /> �� i third;tn interest due:fa.uth.m prina��L du�and last.to any lare c�es due�z`e Note. "' ' �T : -
<br /> �_-r, In' 6 �'�'.,. ;.' . .
<br /> �`• �� ' �Cf�rges:l.iens. Bo:towet s8cnl2 pay all taxes.asses��a�ges,�es and ia►p¢�uarcrs at���le to the Property ,�,��'�"' _
<br /> '" whlah may auain pri�rity ov�this Securiry Insm�me�r�d 1eas�:a�°�ay���r ground rarts.if any.S�er shall pay these
<br /> „':
<br /> i, � . abNgalions in the man:.�pcovi�ed in parag�h 2,ar i�rtot paid in that mar.�r�.�urower shall pay tt�a m�ae di�ectly tn the �-.-_=.
<br /> Nga
<br /> t peason awed paymeni.t�c,neower shall pmmptly fumish w L.end�all notic�u�df amounts to be paid un�this pa�sgrap6.�f � �_ _�--
<br /> i � Ho�wer makes dLesa payments d'uectty,Houowea shari promptly fiunisb to Lend�m,ceipts evidencing the payments. . . .- F_
<br /> ` . Sarm:��shall pmmptty dis�t�arge any llen which has priority over this Sepiriry Insuament an2ess�orrawer:(a)agrees in - ' =;:.>w:,r:--
<br /> ��}� wrtifig to the payment of the obligadon sec�ued by the lien in a mannea acce�table tn Lender,(h)contes��a goad faith the lien -
<br /> t;` by. ar defea►ds against as:Lrnceme�t of the lien in. legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinioa a�c: to pzevea►t the ,l��,�•�„�:.:_:_ "
<br /> '�r' � ea�farcement of the lia►:ce-;c)secures fmm the holda of the lien an agre�nent sa6sfactory w Lea�der su4u.r,i:cating the tien to � �.. �.
<br /> ;y . t�i�Seciuiry L�swraenL�.t'"i.endea dsu�:rc.ines that any part of the Property is subjea to a lien which may attain priority o��r 3his ,',�--��,-r--:_.
<br />,�`!� Sc�urity�rn.FCUmen�Len�er may�:�.�xrower a notice idencifying the liea.Borrower shall satisfy ihe lien or take oae c�cr�e ...�:�;`;:.' � � -
<br /> • of�ehe r��s aet fmth a����within Is��ys of the giving of notice. ' ��•
<br /> ._�s.;
<br /> �vrm 3028 11�0 ''" --=
<br /> • �-HRQ[a�1o2t21.Ot Vapo2ofA 'nitiato:------- `. ��4�-_
<br /> ;i� 't`;°--"�'F`°-
<br /> ;� , ��° . ,�''�,-
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