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<br /> } payments may no langcr ba rcquircd, At thc opdan af I.cndcr,ii mortgago Insurancc covcrago�(in Iho amaunt and for tha perfod -
<br /> � : that Lcndcr roqutres)provldcd by an insurcr approvcd by l.cndcr aqain bocamcs oveilab4o uid is obtaincd.Bonower shall puy tho
<br /> �,,� prcmium� requirccl w maintaln mortg�aga insuranw in ctfect,ar ta proyl�o a loss rescrvo, undl�hc rcquircmcnt for mortgegc -
<br /> ' insuranca cnd�in eccordancc wfth eny wdttcn agrecmcnt bctwxn Bonowcr end Lendcr ar upplicable law.
<br /> •� 9.leupectlan. i.�cndcr or its egcnt may mAlco ncasonabla cnwics upon and inspecUon�of the Property.Lcndcr ahall givc -
<br /> Borrowu noticc at thc dmc of�r prior to an inspocdon spcclfying rcasonabla cause fot tho Inspocdan. ; �
<br /> ; 10.Condemnaibn. 'ilio pmcccds of any awerd or claim for damageso diroct or consequa►tial, in ooc�nxHon wlth any -
<br /> ` cor►dcmnadon or othcr taking of uny part of the Property, or for convcyanc0 in lleu of condemnadon,ero hereby agsigned and •_�_
<br /> �� shall ba paid to Lcndcr. ;��_
<br /> � . � �'� In the event of a tota!taking of the Propcny.Ihe procecds shall 6e applicd to tho sums sccurai by thLs Seairity Instrument, ���_
<br /> � whethu or not thcn due,with any eacess paid w Boaowcr.In thc cvent of a parti�taking of the Pcoputy in whkh the fuir rttarket `----
<br /> ; value of the Properry immedi�tely ba�Fore tha taking is cqual to or great�r thara the amount of the sums securcd by this Sxurity �
<br /> ' Inswmcnt immediately before the taking, unle.cs Bonrower aad Lcndes otherwtse agree in wrldng, the sums secured by this =
<br /> ', Secwity Insuwnent shnU be redu�ced lsy the amount of the�rocecda muldplied by the following frecdon: (a)the to:al emount of =_
<br /> the sums secured immcdiately bcfor� the takin�. dlvidcd by(b)ti:e fair market value of the Property immediately beforc the �T_._
<br /> . "_ •;{�! � 4�idog.Any balance shall be paId to Bocrower.In the event of a partial tnicing of ihe Proputy in which ihe fair market velue of the v
<br /> Property immediately baforc the Wci�ng is les� tl�an ihe amount of the sums Eecured immediately before the ta{dng, unkss ?`..;-
<br /> EC
<br />�• Borrower and I.end�r otherwise agcee in writinng or unles�applicable law otherwlse provides.the proceeds shall be applled co iha �
<br /> �. �,•,..,, ' sums secured by this Security Tnswment whethex or not the sums ere ttien duo.
<br /> If the Properzy is abandoned by Boicower,or if,after nodce by Lenda to Horrower thut tha condemnor offe�rs tA make an �_-
<br /> .. ...
<br />�',.,..-;; award or settic a clatm for damage�,Borrower fails u►ssspond to Lender within 30 days after the date thc nodce�v given.Lender _
<br /> r ,`.,,t,. . Lv authorized to collect and apply ihe proceeds,at its opdon,eid�u to mstora�on or repair of the Ptoperty or to the sums secured --
<br /> ��� ��-.' bv tbis Securitv Instrument,whethe�or not thcn due. _-
<br /> =.-��?. — � Unle3s Lender nnd Borrower otherwise agree in writIng.bny appllcation of proce�ls to pru�cipal shall not eatend or postpone
<br /> �`r� v�� the due date of the monthly payraents refc�ed w in paragrapho 1 nnd 2 a changc Ihe amount of such paymcnts.
<br /> ' 3k,�c� -
<br />?_`r���` 11.Borrower Not Reteased;Forteearnna By Lender Nat a VPaiver. Extension of tha pme for paymc,�►t or madificadon
<br /> _•.���:;�4:
<br />'�;�-•��:• of emo�tizadon of t�e sums secured by this Sec�uirf Insmiment granted by Lerider W any successor in ir�:�ttst of Borrawer shall -
<br /> ��+�� � not oneratc W relcase the liahility of O.Qie originnl Borrower or Borrower's eucccssors in int�ettes�I.endea sltnll not be rcquired W
<br />=-rp='� � commence pmceeefings ageinst eny suecessor tn intrmct or refuse to extend dme for payment a otherwise modify amortization of
<br /> _-,-fl�u�., .
<br /> __ the sums socured by this Security Instrument by nason of any demand made by�he odginnl Baarowu or Bamwer a successo�s
<br />--_-����� ,� in interest.My farbear�..nce!�y Lart�in er*_crcising a,�y*�ght C+t rtmrAy gh�il !?nt hC n w2�vt.�4f Oi nm�liSr[r,.thr,r.xerc.tic.etf.^.ny - -
<br /> _ ___:%i�::�� right or retnedy.
<br /> - __—'="'�;�:• 12.Successo�a aud Assfqns ltound:Joint nnd Sevaal Lia6illty:Co•sfeaPrs. TUe covenants an� �ttrcemen4s of this .-__
<br /> - �-��',r Security Insm�ma�t st�all bind and benefit the successors and assigns of L�endar a��d Boaower, subject to tho pcovisions of
<br /> -�-.,,�� poarag�aph 17. Borrowa's cavenauts and agroemeaits shall be jnint and aevaal. My Bocrower wtw co-signs this Sxurtty
<br /> Instn�mu►t but does not eaecute�ho Note: (a) is co-signing thie Secacity InstNme,nt only to mortgage.grant and convey that
<br /> � � � Borrowa's 3ntesest in the Propeny undcr the terms of this Socurity Instsumc��(b)is net pasonally obligatcd to pay the sams
<br /> � ; socured 6y this Securiry Instmment;and(c?agrees that Lender and any othex Bumowar may agree W eacsend,modify,fabear or
<br /> = malce any accommodaticx�s with regerd to the tenns of this Securiry Insaument or th�Note without that Bormwer's c�en�
<br /> ,�ti� . 13.Loan C6arges. If tha loan secured by dus Sccariry Instrumeat is sub}xt w a!aw which sets meximum loan ct�arges� _
<br /> ---•-- and that law is finally intecpreted so that the intemst or other loan charges collecud or to be collected in connoctbn with tho ban
<br /> �•• excood the permitted limits.then:(a)any such loan charge shall be rednced by the amoant necessuy u►xeduce the charge W the
<br /> °_�-�°- permittod limit;and(i�)any sums elready collected from Bozrower w�kh csxce�ded permitted limits will be nfiutdai tn Sarowrx.
<br /> - LaWu may choosc to make thfs refund by reciucing U�e principal owed under the Note a by making a dLx�ct pay�t W
<br />-��-�! Barower. If a refund reduces principal,the reducdon will be aeated as a p�anial prepaym:ent without any prepaym�nt charge
<br /> � under tho Noto.
<br /> ��"��' 14.Notices. My notice to Bomnwcr gmvided for in this Securiry Inswment shall be given by deliverlog It or by mailing it
<br /> _-_ :�:�.�� � by fust class muil unless applicabls Iaw requires use of enother method. The nouce shall be directed to d►o Propaty Acldnss or --
<br /> P°:n;�_ � any otha addcess Aomower designates by nntice w Lender.Any notke tn Lendcr shall be givc:n by fust class matl to Lcndci's -^-
<br /> '=;-z'' ;.�' addmss stated heroin or any other eddmss Lender designates by notice to Botrowcr. Any natic,e provkSed for in thts Security �
<br /> :::�. _ ••:, -
<br />';:�' .y ., Insuumem shall ba decmod to havc bcen givcn to�3aia+owcr or Lender when given es providul iu tttis par�g�nph. =
<br />- 15.Governit�La�v;Severab�3ty. This 3ecuiity Inswment shall ba govemed by fedeail l�w and the !aw of the t
<br /> • ,. ' _ jutisdicdon in which d�o Property is locat,ecl.U� dia event diat any provL�ion ar clause of thls Security� Instrument or the Note .R.
<br /> -- • � � confllcis with appllcabls law,such cantllct shall not affect other provisians of tlus Sec�rity Inswment or the NotA whkh can be �-,
<br /> _ , � given effoct without tho contlicting proviston.To thi�cnd tha pmvisions of tl�is Security Instrument end tho I�foto ara doclared to _
<br /> _ . be sevclable. �
<br /> ���IA�• �i`4.
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