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<br /> � ' S.Hazard o�r Property IInsurAnce. Borrower shall kcep the improvcm�nt9 now existing or hareafter erectc�3 on ihc Property �
<br /> � �� � insured against loss by Cuc,hcizards inclucled within the tcrm "exu:ndecl cAVere�ge"�nd any other huzarda,including floods or `.
<br /> . floading,for which Lendcr requires insurancc.Thts insuranco shall bc maintaincd In the amounts and for Uio pexiods chet L,cndcr •�r
<br /> �. ;P r, requires,'Ihe insurar►ce carrler provlding the insurnnce shall bo chosen by B�rrower sui�ject to Lender'&a��proval which shsill not �
<br /> .„�. bc unreasonabty withhcld. If Borrawer fails to maint�in wveragc descdbed abavc� Lenda may, at Lendu's opdon, obtain E
<br /> � covcxago co protect Lender's rights in the Pco}r,aty ln eccordanca with ga�n�taph 7. _
<br /> '�,,,�3 All insurance polBcia9 and rencwels shall be accoptabic to Lendcr an�ah�ll tnclude a standard mo��tgage clauso.Lcndcr shall _
<br /> �+ -.��� hnvo Iho dght to hold 1ho policics end rencwals.If Lcndcr rrquires,Honowcr shall prompqy give W Lendcr all rcxcipts uf paid �
<br /> „ $ prcmiums nnd renowal nodccs.In the avcnt af lass,BoROwcr shall gfvo prompt nodw w tha i:►surenco carrlcr ond Lcndcr.Lcndcr
<br /> � ° may meko proot ai'bss iP not mado prompdy by Donowcr. '�
<br /> �, U�Ics�L�cndcr and Dorrowcr othcrwisa agrco in wriUng,insuranco proccod� sh�11 bo opplicd w rest�radon ot rc{�!r ut t�A
<br /> , � p�opctty cU�magal,if lho resu�raUnn ar rcpair i�ccanomicatlly fcaafblo euid I..cndcr'�nxurlty Is not kssctted.Jf tho restoradon or
<br /> �� .. rcp�lr In nM aonmmk.�lly io+isibla ar Lcndcr's r,ccurity would ba Icsxncd� tho in�urenca pracooda shall 1�aPPllal w�►o euma
<br /> �� ,;,�� . Kocutc�d by thia Socurity lextrumcnt, whcthcr or not thcn duo, wlth any cxcc�.� pald W Borrowcr. If Borrowcr abandons ihc
<br /> -�-��-; • Pmp�riy,or dc►c.i not aoswcr within 30 days e nodco[rom Lcndsr�hat thc insur�nco carria ha9 oifcrroid co s�ulo a cWm,�hen
<br />`;�, „ , :
<br /> I.�n��m?�y c,�►Ila;t�ho Insurnncc prnccads.Lcndcr may uso Uw pmcecd9 w rcpair or restoro tlio Pro{►erty or to pay sums aacurcd f
<br /> m
<br /> by thia Sccuriry I�swmcnt,whcther or not thcn duo.'il�o 30•day pcdod wUl begin whett Ih�nolice ls give��.
<br /> � Unkss L�ender and Borrowcr mhetwiso a�eo in wridng,any application of peo�eods to pdncipal shall not extend or postpono
<br /> tho dne datc of thc monthly paymcnts referred to in parsgrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of ihe payments.If unda paragraph
<br /> _��•��,. 21 the Pcoperty is acquind by Lende:.Borrower's right to eny insurance policies and procee�is resultLng from darnage w the _
<br /> `" property�rior to 1ho nequlsfidon shall pass ta L.ender w thu extent of tho sums�ecurec!by diis Security Inswment immediately
<br /> '.�°� ' prior to the acquisidon.
<br /> ':.�.:`��r•;d ` 6.Occapancy,Preservotbn�Maintenance xnd Protectbn ot the Property; Borrower's Loan Applkation;l.eASeholds.
<br /> r.......,,. ,
<br /> ,.:,;�; Borrower shull occupy,establlsd,and use the Property ns Bocrower s principal residence within sixty days after the execudon of
<br />•�r+;'.: this Securtt.y Inscrument snd shall con6nue to occupy the Property as Bo:rowu's pdncipal resitfenca for at least one year eftu the
<br />:_�,;.;-.�.
<br /> _:K.,,.�;.. dau of occupancy, unless Lender otherwist3 agrees in wridn8, which oonseni shall not be ur�m�sonably withheld, or ess
<br /> � -•�.• eacenuaHng circumstances eaist which aro beyond Borxdwer's control.Borrower shall not dastroy.damage or Impatr the P�p�rty.
<br /> ;':"g'���r aUow tht Property W dcteri�rau. or commit waste an the Property. Borrower shall be in defsult it any iorieiwra ecrion or
<br />���`v.���.�''; proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that In Lender's good faith judgment could msult in forfeiture of the Pco�ty ar
<br />`",`i`�'����;;:;�' otheiwise materially impair the,lien created by thls Security Insaumeut or Lender's securiry interesG Homower may cure such a
<br />_",1��. 1 '. `
<br />_,.�;`,�,���_,� , defau�t and reinstate� as pmvlded in parAgaph 18.by causing the action or procoeding to be dismissed with a niling thab in
<br /> �=*�'r-�''° �� Lender's good faitl�detciminatIon,precludes forfeitwe of the Borrow.;r's inumst in the Prope�ty or other materiaY impairment of
<br />� �y.;��.s�' tho lien created by this Security Instr�ment ot Lender's seciuiry inurost.Bormwer shall also be in dcfaWt if Borrower.during the
<br /> -'- loan apFllcatton process.gave mate,rially false or inaccurnt,e informadan or statements to Lender(or failed to provide L.ender with
<br /> -,:.;':>,�;, ;� any material information) in connecdon with the loan evidenced by �ie Note. ineluding,but not limhod to, represe�tadons
<br />--_ :a�,.,� conceming Borrower's occupancy of the P.roperty av a QrIe�cipal res(dence.If this Sxurity Insuument is on a lea5elwkl.Barmwer
<br />=`--y��`�-°,":` si�aii wu�piy wit,�:,�thc pmvislons of the leasc.If Ao!*�owe�er��!ir�:c?ee ade tn the Property,thc leASet;old and�he fee ddo shall .
<br /> ���� not muge unless E.ender agrees to 1he mer�er in wridng.
<br /> —� 7.Protecdon oP Lrnder's Righte In the Property. ff Borrower fails to perform tlxs covenante and agraments contained in
<br />-_==�-:.,��
<br />--�_,��,:� this Security Instrument,or there is a leg�l proceeding that may significanUy affect.Lender's r�ghts in the Pro(�ty (such as a
<br /> -- proceeding in baiilwptcy,probate,for condemration or forfeiture or to enforoe lawa or regulat�or�s),then Lender may do and pay
<br /> --.."-`.° for whatevu is necessary w prouct the vu7ue of the Property and I,ender's rights in the Pcopexty.[,ender's actbna may includa
<br /> --- ...-^_ PaY�B �Y sums secured by a lisn wh9Ch has priodty over this Securlty Instrument, appear�n8 in court,PaYing ceaso�abk
<br />___ �"=�'� aunmeys' fees and entering on the Proporty to make repairs.Although I.endcr mAy take acdon under this paragraph 7,La�der
<br /> - -- docs not tiave to do so.
<br /> - -- Any acnaunts dlsbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 sha1D become additioaal debt of Borrower socurod by this Security
<br /> '�'°'A'� Instrument Unless B�irower and L.cnzler agree to other tercns of payment,these amounts ah�l bear int�rest 4'rom the date of
<br /> "'"" disbursement et the Note rate ac�d shull�e payable,with interest,upon noUce from Lender to Borrower requesdng paymen�
<br />=:=`-�-�'°"'�� 8.MortgAge Yagurancc. If L�ender requaed mortgage insnrance as a conditeoa of making the loan sec�red hy this Security
<br /> --- - Inslnunent, Bocrower shaU pay tha premiums required W maintait► the moAga�e insursuticz in effect If. for any resiscxi. tha
<br /> �n�t„;�;.� mortgage insurance coverage required by 1.cnder lapses or ccases to be in effect,Horrowe�shall pay tho pmmi�cns requirod w
<br /> _���c��i;.. obtain coverage substantially equivalcnt W the mo�tgage ins�mance previously in cffect,at a cost substantlally equivaleut w the
<br />..;,�h �,a.:
<br />,�i�:,�;�,���,..� cost W Borrower of tho mortgage insurnnce previously irA effect,from s�n elternate mortgs�ge �ns�rei approved by I,ender. If _
<br /> = - substantislly equivalent morlgage lnsurance covcragc is noi availabk. Borrowcr shu71 gay W Lender each mond�a swn equal tr�
<br /> - on�twelith of the yearYy rt�ortgage insarance pc+emium being paid by Bomower when the tnsursu►ce coverage lapsed or ceased w
<br /> _`,;�,�:'";. bo in effec� L.endcr will nccept, use nnd retain these Uayments ns a loss reserve in lieu of mortgago insurance.Loss rescxvc
<br /> .y�;• .,:..
<br /> '��is•�•-.: ..� .
<br /> Form 802b 9/80
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