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<br /> • • � 16.Borrawer'n Copy. Dnrrawcr shu11 bo glvcn onc conformed copy of tho Note nnd af ihis Sxurity inswmcnt. �:�_:
<br /> � ' 19.7'rxn.wte�oP the Propert�nr a Denefktal InRerest in liorrawc�. 1f�11 ar eny purt of tho Properly or any intcrest in it is ��'-
<br /> _��r • " eald or�tru�nfcncd(or iP o bcncflcfal intcrest in Dorrowcr iA enid or transfcrrcd and Horrawcr is not a nat�ref rson)wlthou� �,i�_
<br /> . Lcn�d¢ri�+priF{�wcvcp�,thtn ond�n shall n�ylsc ox�ci.��1►y�LcnAcrmf oxcrctsoais p oh[bitcd by fedcral luwCa�o�Ih A�ato af Ihie �"
<br /> ` .� Sxudty lnswmcot. P "�
<br /> ; , ;.,����p If l.cndcr oxcrci�cs�hl�opUon,Lc��dcr shAll givo Sorrowcr noU.co of occcicaeUon.71ia notico shall provido aperiod ot not Icss �_,
<br /> :��::�:.._� than 30 daya frcm tho dota tho noticc is dclivcrcd or mailcd withi�whlch BoROwcr must pay tt11 eume sxurcd by thjs Socurity �-
<br /> -� Insttument,If Aorrowa fal�is to pay thcsc sums prfor w tho oaptration of thL9 period,Lcnder may invoko any remi:ddes pumiWed __
<br />`��,,�,1+; by thls Securiry Inairumcnt wttt�aut furthcr nadco or dcmund an Borrower. �'.
<br /> ls.Bornlwer'e RIRht tfl Reloatota If tiorrower mccts ccrtnin cnndldons, Borrowcr shaU have the dght to i�ave �,
<br /> �� enforcement of thlv Secarity Iastrument dEscondnucd at any dmo prior to tha carlla of: (a) 5 daYs (or such ather perlod as -
<br /> � ursunnt to en wcr af snle cou�lned ln this 5ccurity ---
<br /> � �� appllcabla law may spocify for ratnstatcmcnt)bafore salo of tho Property P Y P�
<br /> • .� Inatrument;or(b)cnuy of A judgmcnt cnforcing this Security Instrument,`It�usa condl@ons erc that Banower:(a)paya Lcndcr all
<br /> < suma which then woald bc due under this Securiry Insaument and�he Nate es tf no acceleretion had occun'ed:(b)�ures anY
<br /> • : .��.; , default of pny oAier covenanta or agrecments;(c)pays aU expenses incumd in enforcing this Security Ins�rument,inGluding,bat
<br /> • not Umited w,re,�sonablo auomeys' fces;and(d)takes such acdon ss Lcnder may rcasonably require to assuxe thet the llen of�
<br /> :�.•:� � Socurity Instrument, I.rnder's dghts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Socuricy
<br /> ,.�,I v�w u`7 ty
<br />�,_.; �.,.� Insorument sf►all condnuc unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bonower,this Securi Instrument end the oblfgations soc
<br /> ,-••• hereby shall remriiin fully effective as if nn aceeleradon had occurred.However,this cight W reinstate shall not apply in the cas�of __
<br /> "�- ` "'' accelcrad�n undcr parugmph 17.
<br /> ��i`•��}''r�� D9.Sak otNotei Change of Loaa 3ervker. The Note or n pattial intcrest in the Notc (wgcther witt► this Security _
<br /> -' Instrument)may be sold onc or morc tLnes without prior nodce to Bomower.A sale may result in a change in the endry(lrnown
<br />��..a�.;..�:_: ' as the"I.oan Servtcea')that collects monttily payments due under the Now and this Security Instrun►ent'il►ere nlso m.aY be one or
<br /> �r:.�"'"�'� more ctier►ges of tha I.oan Scrvicer unralated to a sale of the Note.If the�e is a change of the Loan Secvicer,Bn�rower wiU be
<br /> �::a�,,.;�.� given writlen notice of tho chango ir►ac.corclances with pam�raph 14 above andappllcuble law.The nottce will smte the name and
<br />_�°��°� address of the naw I..aan Seivicer and thc address w whcch payments should lxs made.'I'he noacc will also contain anY othcr
<br /> �`r:�� ' llcabla Iaw.
<br /> _ , :-..,,� infom�auon mquired by epP
<br /> m�
<br /> "'" "� ?A.Havardous Substs�nces. Borrower shall not cause or pem�it the pmsence, use. disposal. stora8o, or release o any
<br /> '�?�'�s;.�., He7ardous Substances on or in tha Property.Borrower shall not do,nor aUow anyone else to do,enything affecdng the PropeatY
<br /> ,�i.�'�•r that is in violation of an Environmenral Law.'It�e preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pr�esenca.use.ar sW�ege on the
<br /> �_.�tiec�` Pmpe�ty of small quanuYdes of Hazardous Substanecs�hat are generally racognized to be appiropdata w normal msiduitial use,s
<br /> - "'� Nnrf tn maintenance of the PropertY.
<br /> ` J /..__.-eiH rli����a �lt V
<br /> � Bomowu shall prompdy give Lender wrltten notice of any invesdgauon, ciai�n, uc�iuu�u.�a..aw. •��� � �.
<br />���'���� ; ' govemmental or regulawry agency or pdvate party involving the I'roperty and any Hexardous Subsmnce or Anvironmcnta�Law
<br /> rty ovemmental or re ulatury authoriry.lhnc any
<br /> °���``� r' of which Bosrower has aGwal knowledge.IIf Borrower le�rns.or is notified by eny g 8
<br />-= 1,���'�� ramovel or ather remediation of any He7ardous Substence nffexdng thu Pc+opertY is necessa�y. Bomower shaii prompdy tnke ttll
<br />-' �'� • �
<br /> •-:� necessary remedlal acdons in accordnnce with Environmental Law.
<br />;:.�` As used in this para�ceph 20, "Herardous Substances" are those substances deRned ag toxic or hazacdous substac►as by
<br /> '",_.�� T'snvironmcntal Law end the foUowing substences: gasoline, ketoseno, other flEUnmable or Wxic petraleum �roducts. tnu�c
<br /> pesticides and herbicidcs.volatile solvents.materlels containing asbestos or formaldehyde,end radioacdve materia[s.As used in
<br /> --__�� this �pli:A."Fsnvironmen►?�?�w"mea:is federal laws and Isws of the jw�sdiction whece the Property is looated thai retata
<br /> to heal�safe:y or environmenwl protocaon.
<br /> -�.-_::LA�Z
<br /> —°_—�=��"' NOI�I-UNU=va:ivi CGVEi�AidTS.BUiiOVtu�n+1 Le�idc,t f•�C.hcr�:•�"..".•,►�.^.''��°�°fo!1owa� -
<br /> �-----'� 21.Accekrattoa;Remedte,q.Lender s6aq give notioe to Borrowu pric�.r¢o Acctkratlon lollowing Borrower's brdcb ot
<br /> ':�;�� nny rnvenant or a�reement (n /his Security Instrument (but not nrbr to accekration under paragrap6 1'� ecnk�e
<br /> _._.�_�— applicabk 1aw providea otherwiseD.�'he notke shall specif�:(�)fhe defauit;(b)tNe�ction requjred to cure the delnultz(c)
<br /> a date�not les,w than 30 dnys hom the date the notke is given to Horrowsr,by which the default must be cured;and(d)
<br /> t6nt�ailure to cure tse detault on os betore the date speciP�ed in the nolice may res�dt in aaekruNon ot the sums eecured
<br /> — Ly thb Security Inatrument aed eak oi the Property.The notice shaU twe3her Inform Borrower ot the rig6t to reinatste
<br /> �--�----�= after accekratioe And tBe right to bring a court action to s�ssert the non•c�dstence ot a default or any�tber deteusc ot
<br /> Bormwer to occekrntion nnd eak.If thc defauft tv not cured on or befon the date speci�itd in ti�e notta,Lencier,at it�
<br /> .��-- _— epHon,ruay require immaliate payment in fu19 ot aU sums secured by t6d Security Inatrument vrtthout turther aiienaand
<br /> stnd m�y involce t6e power ot ca�k and any other remedies penmitted by applica6k law.Leoder sDAli be entitktl to colkct
<br />"�"' all expetuea tncurred in pursuing the remedks provided ie tht� para�rnph 21�including,but not Itmited to�reasooabk
<br /> — ottorneys'fees sml cost9 ot titk evidence.
<br /> — V We power of sak t� invoked�Te�ugtee shall record s� mntice ot deCault in euc�eounty In which nny par¢of the
<br /> _ property ie locxted a�d s6a11 moti rnpi�of such notice in the manner prescr[bcd by applicabk taw to Barrower and to the
<br /> _.°�-g� other persaaa pr�escribed by applicabk I�w.Aner t6e time required by applicabk law,Truster eh80�five publk notke ot
<br /> —°•�;'!��� sak to the persons nnd in Fhe manner prescribed by applicabk l�w.'ilrustee,without demand oa Bormwer�sh�lE sell the
<br /> �-=r�;°� property at public puction to the tdghest bidder�t the time and ptace and under the terms designated in the notice o7 sak
<br /> �.T h�' �
<br />^'C��``�."1P
<br />�=`-'�`'�'� Form 302a 9100
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