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<br /> � ' , TOGfiTHER WITH ell thc improvements now or hereaft�r erated on the property.end alI"�ments,appurtenea�Aes. and F;•-_
<br /> . fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property.All replacements and addltions shall also be covered by this Security InstnimenG
<br />_ � . •u. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Securlty Insuument as the"Property."
<br /> ' ' BORROWER COVBNAIV'TS tha�.Bocrower ls lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right ta gr�t and
<br />=. ,����� convey thc Property and that the Froperty is unencumbered. except for encumbrances of record. Horrower warrants and wlll -
<br /> defend g�neraQy the tida to the Property aguinsi all claims end demands.subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br />��.,,,,�y�y THIS SECURITY IIIVSTRUMENT combinos u�iform covens�nta for national use and nqn-uniform ��e:z:,nt� �vith lisnited
<br /> __- varintians by jurlsdlcrion w consdwte a un{form sec�r+ry insaument covering refil pro�eny.
<br /> ' LJNTFQRM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender covenant and agree as foAows: _-__
<br /> � i.Payment of PrinctpAl and Interest;Prepayanent and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay whea� di�e �he
<br /> r� principal of and lnterest on the debt evidencecl by ihe Note and any prepayment and late chnrges dua under the NoW.
<br />- - or Taxes And InsurAnca Sub t to a licable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shsitl pay to �`
<br /> 2.Funds t .� PP
<br /> Lendu an tho day monthly payments ere duc under the Note.undl the Note Is paid in[ull,e sum("Funds")for:(n)yearly tbxes �
<br />�' . ', � ' end assessments which mey attain pdority over this Securiry Instrumeret av a Uen on Wo Property;(b)Year1Y kaseha�d payments =
<br /> ' or ground rents on tha Pro�rty,if any;(c)yearly hazard or prope�ty insuranco premiume;(d)yearly tload insuranoa prem�ums,if a;
<br /> � any; (o) ycarly mortgago insurancc prcmiums,if any;and(�any sums payablc by Borcowcr to Lcndcr�in e�ccordanco with Iho �._
<br /> � `�' • provi�tons oY paragraph B, in lieu of tho paymcnt of mortgage insuranae prcmiuma.'fiesa items ere cell�d "Bscrow Items." a,,_
<br /><::_,
<br /> Lendcr may.at any tlmo,collect end hold Funds in an amount not to exceed tha muximum amount a lender for a fcdezstlly retated �;,�
<br />_-. . '. '��• mortgago loar►m�y requira for Borrowu's escrow account under ihe federal Real Estato Settlement Proadures Act of 1974 es _
<br /> ' ° amended from dme to time, 12 U.S.C.SecUon 2601 ct seg. ("RESPA"),unless anothcr law that applies to the Funds ses�a tt�ser .._
<br />''i';�•.r. a�rwun� If so,Lendu may. at eny dma,collect and ho!d Funds in an emow►t not to eaceed tfie lesser amounG Lender may _�
<br />- ,�����;.�,.� estlmata the emount of Funds duc on the basis of currcnt data and rea,onable esti�natcs of oxpendihucs of futuro Bscrow Itams or
<br />=,._. _.�, othciwiso in accordancc w[th appli�able taw. e-.
<br /> -"•' ' The Funda shall be held in en instiwtion whose deposits aro insurecl by a federel egency.instnunentaliry,or cntity(including -
<br />;��,.� ..y
<br /> ;,.�;,•,,, : �,; I.enda, if Lu►der is auch sn insdtuaon)or in any Federal Homa Loan Sank.Lender shall apply the Fnnds to pay tht Escrow
<br /> .��': iwnc.irndei mav not charae Bonuwer for holding and applying the�a�,ds,annually nnalyzing the escrow account,or verifying
<br /> t�'�,�`�� the Bscrow Items,unless Lender pays Bonow�r intexest on the Funds and npplIcabla Iaw pe�mitv L.ender io mako sucd�p charge.
<br />:�;����;,w�,�
<br /> � " However,L�der may require Borrower w pay a mne-time charge for an indcpcndent rcal estata taa re�orsing scrvice uud by
<br /> �c•�t:.;�,.�,,�"
<br /> '�'^��•-•�'� � I,cnck� in connecdon with this loan.unless applicAble law pr�ovlS�v otherwiscs.Unless an agreement is pnade or applicab1e law
<br /> Rix�::'4':<::: '
<br />��'�,�a!��•, �. ro�uires int,erest to be paid,Le,�der shall not be rec�uired to pay Hocrower any interest or eaminge on the F�da.Horro�v�r end
<br /> �-'�`'• I.�ender may�in wridng,howevcr,that interest shall be paid on tho Funds.Lendcr shall givo to Horrower.without c`�srtgc,an
<br /> '��'''��� .�, annual accountIng of the Funds,showing credits and debits w tne Funds and the puipose for whieh each debit w the Funds was
<br /> ��'� '' made.The Funds are pledged ag addidonal security fa sll sums socured by this Security Insaumen�
<br /> -�.-.-,;.:• ;._: _
<br />=-�y, , If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amoants permitted w be held by afipUcable law,L.ender vhall account ta Bano�ver for
<br /> �T•}:--.,.mx�::: tho excess Funds in accardance with tho requirements of applict�ble law.If tho amount of tke Fnnds held by Lend�at a^.ay time is
<br /> =w�;'" . �'" not saffkient to pay the�scrow 1te�is wiien due,Le�xtss wny a:,r.�dfy Bc::or.��.^ ..:i•r„n ^^a ..._�':^��e n•�r•,c•�v��h?tt nay -
<br /> . .. ,..�,�ir e,.
<br /> __.-.�.,-�r�s:��:
<br />--�����. to I.endu the amoimt necessary to make up the aleCciency. Banower shall �naka up the de�iciency in no more than twelve _
<br /> ----�- � monthiy payments.at Lender's sole discredon.
<br />�-�;�,•' Upon paymeni in full of ell sums se�ured by this Socurity insUument�Lender sliall pmmptly refund to Horrowu sny Funds
<br /> -_ __ _-°- held by Lerder.If.undu paragraph 21.I.endes shall acquire or scU the Property,Lender,pdor w the acquisidon or s�lo vf the
<br /> ---�—•�; property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of acquisidon or sale as a cmdlt agninst the sums securAd by this
<br /> _._.�: . Security InswmenG
<br />���Y� �, 3.Applkattoa ot Payments. Unless applicable Iaw provides otherwise,all payments rcceived by Lcndet under pua�grephs
<br /> -=:s_.�;�: 1 end 2 ahall be epplied:fust,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to omounts payable under paxa,grnph 2; _
<br /> _ -- -- third�to inuxest due;founh.w principal due;end last,w any lata ct�arges due under the Note.
<br /> - ___ 4.Chs�rges;Lkns. Borrower shall pay all 4ues. essessmcnts,chatges, fines and lmpositions atOributabk ro iha Pcopaty
<br /> - - which may attain pdority over this Security Instr�ment,end leasehold payments or ground renis,if any.Barrower s}asi�'�ay Nese
<br />-"""9".�5,'"�, � obligations in thc manner provided in paragrap�h 2,or if not paid in that manuer�Borrower shall pay tAem on dmt dirccdy to the
<br /> �.��• person owed paymen� Borrower shall prompi3y fumish w I.ertdet all nodces of amounts to be pai� uncler this pFSagruph.If
<br />�_�- � Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Borr�ower shall promptly fumish to Lendcr receipta evidencn�g the p:tym�nts.
<br />�;����_�
<br /> _�,;'.��q._ ; Boxrower shall promptly discharge any lien which ha�priority oMer this Security Insb.ument unless Bosrower:(a�agras in
<br /> - -- ,,: . wrlting w tho payment of tha obligution secured by Ihe lien in a rnanne�acceptabla to Le�►der.(b)corutiests in goad it��tt�e lien
<br />"'"�,;,: '�,:�_;•. • by. or defends a�,Cainst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedinga which in the Lender's opinion operate� to pravent tha _�
<br />���;•• `� ': enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from 1he holder of die lien en egreement satiafactory w Lender subosdinating ilr lien to �°�
<br />- � ;,, • . :.in. -
<br />�;;�;,�;.. ... this Se.�urity Insuument ff Lender detem�ines that any ptue of the Propeny is subJect to a Gen which may auain priaRity ovQr this �_
<br /> -��?�Y`.`; ,� Sccurity Inshument,Lender may give Bocrower a notice identifying tha lien.Borrower shall sati.sfy the licn or tako a�or more ""�
<br /> ��`��'�" of tho ecdons set fionh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ``
<br />_- :y��.•; Form9G2d 1I00 -`
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