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<br /> ! � ,6.MAUird o�Property Insur�nce. Uurmwcr ahail kccp 11io Impravemcn�now cxlsdng or h3crc�aftcr�rccicd��c�Pcfopc�ty �.
<br /> ,j ►nsurcol agai�st loss �y firc,h��.:rr.rcls frtclucfcct wlthin tho tcrm "oxtcndcd c�vcra�,qo nnd any othcr hvatrds, tncluding floods or
<br /> _ , flooding,[or which l.cndcr roqulres insueancc.'Ih1s in�urancc shall bo malnts►incd in thc a.mounts and fnr tha periods thet Lcndcr
<br /> - 1°,� roquires.'it�c insurenca ceirlcr providing the insurancc shall bc choscn by Sorrowcr subjcct to L.cndcr's approval which shail nat
<br /> - ba unrcasonably withhcld. If Borrower fails to mtilnuttn coverega descdbcd above, Lendcr may, at Lcndce's opUan, obtain
<br /> ��*"';- � coverage to prace�t L.ender's rights in tho Pcoperty in accordance v�ith paragrap h 7.
<br /> ``'"""� All insurance pollcies end nenewals shall be acceptabla to Lender end ahall include a standard mortgage clausc.Lender sleall
<br /> �1 havc tfic right to hold the policics and renewals.If Lendcr requires,Bonower shnll p:ompdy give to Lender all ru�ipts of paid .
<br /> � premiums and rencwal nuqces.In the event af loss.Bonower shall give prompt nodce to the insurance carrier anJ Lender.Lcndcr -
<br /> ';� may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. li�� r����on or re air of the •�
<br /> � �; Unless I.endcr and Borrower atherwlse agroe in writing. insurance proceeds shall bcs apP P .L;
<br /> property daznaged,if thc restoradon or repair is economicaUy feasible and L.endu's security is not lessened.If the restoradon or __
<br /> ��� repair is not economicaUy feasible or I.ender's accurity would be lessened. Ihe instuance proc�ds shall be aPPlled co tha sums -`;
<br />- ,,: secured by thls Security Icssirument, whether or not then due, with eny exas-a paid to Borrower. U Somower abandons the �"-
<br /> �: Property,or does not answer within 30 daYs a nodce from L.cnder thst the inswrance carrler hn.s offerecl tc�settle a claim,then E..
<br /> '��, Lender may wAect the insnrence proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore thu Progerty or to pay sums securerl =:_
<br /> by this Security Insmiment,whether or not then due.The 3aday period wlll bcgin whcn the notice is givan. �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrcc in writinn8�anY ePPUcadon oF proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone �Y:.
<br /> �,:,_' . �
<br /> '.''�:. the due aate of the monthly paymenis refcrred to in paraBraPhs 1 and 2 or change ihe amonnt af tfie payments.If under paragraph
<br /> IR`-.
<br /> . �,�'•:;it,.� 2l the Property is acquixed by I.ender.Borrower's right w any insivance policles and procc�ed.s resuldng from damage to 1he �,-.
<br /> • Property prior to the acc�i�isidon shall pass to Lender to the exten2 of the sums secured by this Security Instrument i�nmediately
<br /> prior to thc acquisldon. , —
<br /> ;c':;'�t. , 6.Octupancy,L"reservatbn�1HaintenAnce and Protection of t6e Property; Borrower s I.oAn App]Icatlon;Leaseholds. —
<br />� �',:;�`; • Borrower shall occupy,t:stabtish,and use the Progcrty as Horrower's principal residence withi�►sixry daYs after the oxecution of _
<br /> � �",: thls Securlty Insaument and shall continae to occupy the Propercy as Batrower�s pdctcipul resIdence for at least one yes�r after the
<br /> - "-.�x ."' date of occupancy. untcas l�wc� �ih�rcv-i�;. �x.� � �73�s;. �,�h�`•'�-"'.�? shap rtot be unreasonably withheld. or unless ,
<br /> _'�,W:. exte�uating cl�ums�nces exlst which are beyond Borrowe�'s control.Borrawer shnU not destroy,damage or impair the Propr.rty.
<br /> allow the i'roperty w deterlorete, or commit waste on thc Propetty. Borrowar shall bc in default if any forfeipue ac@on or
<br /> ��� proceeding,wheiher civil or criminal,is beBwi that in I,ender's good feith judgeneat could result�n forfeiture of tha Pmp�uty or
<br />•�:-��.:;: .` oth�xwists mateaially impnir the lien created by this Securlry Instrument or Lender s security interes� Borroaer may ciue such a
<br /> �_:%•.�..
<br />_=-;;�;_` dcfauit and minstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causinE the acdon or prncoeding co ba dLsmissed with a mling at,
<br /> ;T��"`� i�ender's good fai�h detumination.precludes forfeiWre of the Horrower's interest in the Propecty or Qthu material�cnpaim►ent of
<br />"'°;:;�°_':� th,li�n crcatr,d by this Sc;curity Insuument or Lender's security interest Borrower shall�Lso be in defbult if Borrower.during the -
<br />.,.�,-g� . lou�a�plicadon�re�cess,gave matcrially felse or inaccurato information or stat�ments co Lender(or failed u►provide Lenda wlth
<br /> - :-�'�'� any muerial infortnadonl in c.�nnoct�+ with the loen evidei�ccd bv the NoLe, including, but not Ilmited to, representations `—
<br /> —"����:'`� conceming Borrower's occupancy of tho Property as a prL�cipal resldence.If�his Security lnstzument i�on a ks�sebutd,BuRUwe�
<br /> �--����° sl�sll oomply with all the provisions of tho kase.If Horrowu ecquires foe titk to ihe Property,the icasehold end the fa dtle sball
<br /> �.:�i�,��aa not mage unlcss Le�sdu agrees to the muger in writing.
<br /> " ''���� 7.Protection o!Ltnder's RIEhls fe the Property. It Borrower falls Lo perform the covenants and agreema►ts contaiROd in
<br />----"'� this Securlty Instcument, or there is a legal procceding that may signiilcantly �ffect Lendu's rights in the Propeity(such as a
<br /> --"--- proceoding in banlaupccy�probate.for c;ondemnation or forfeiwre or W enforce laws or regulations).then Lea�du may do and pay
<br /> ==_=��.� � for w�hataver is neccssa�y to procect the velue of tha Pcopeity end I.cndu's tlghts in the Pronaty.Lender's nctions eney include
<br />-=-.�rs� paying anY sums secuced by a liW„n which ha� priority over this Socwity Instrumcnt, appearinB ���+PgY�B �nable
<br /> —__
<br />