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<br /> '. I paymLnu m�y no longcr be requirc�i,at tho apqon of l,cndcr,!f mongago insurancc covcrngo pn thc emouat and for the perlod , .,, .
<br /> �hat l.cndcr rcquires)providcd by an insurcr approvcd by l.cndee ag�in bccomcs available and is obtaincd.Bonowcr shall pay thc '
<br /> .��' prcmiums rcquireA w maintain mortgago insurancs� in cffccb or ta provlde a loss res�rvc, undl thc rcquircmcnt for mongagc ,�
<br /> ' fnsurenco enda in accordanco wlth any wrtlten agrecment between Bonower and Lender or applleabk law. `-
<br /> a�+ •-
<br /> � 9. Insptct{an. Lender ar its ogent may make rcasonable entrics upon and inspecUnns of the Property. Lertder shall give ,.
<br /> , ��;,;� Bortawu�odc�s at U�a timo of or pdor to ar�inspoctian specifying reasonablo causo foe U�e irrspection. � .';`,;._
<br /> ,.,*,,.,,,��� 1U.CondemnAtbn. 'I'he proceeds of any sward or claim for damegea,d'uect or consequentitil, in connect�on with sny `:.,.
<br /> ' ; condemnation ar other taking of eny part of the Property,or for conveyance ia 8eu of condemnation,are hereby ossigned and ��r�-:.
<br /> ,. � sh�ll be Qaid w Lcnder. :"-��_
<br /> In the evcni of a total taking of thc Pro rt ,the roccads shall lxs app8ed to the sums sccured by thls Secnrity Inshvment, +;�-
<br /> Pe Y P
<br /> wricther or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower.In tho ev�nt of a pardal taking af the Property in which the fair market
<br /> - value of�ho Property immedlately bcfore the takir►g is equal to or greater�ttan the amount of tha sums secured by this Securlty �`��� �4
<br /> • ;�� Insuument immedlataly before the teking, unlcss Borrowcr end E.ender otherwiss agree in wddng the sums secur.d by this �`*?�-
<br /> � �J.�-...- ..
<br /> � Security Ins�ument sha11 be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multip8ed by the following fr�cdon: (u)the W W arreount of �-
<br /> ' tk�e sum9 e-ecured immediAtPly before thc taking, divlded by (b) Rhe fair market v�lue o£the Property immediatcly before the
<br /> � taking. Any bauince shall be pssid to Borrower.In the event of a parti�l taking of the Propeaty in which the falr market v�lae of thc �-___
<br /> Property immediately hcfore the teking is less than the amount of the aums secured immediately before the takic�g, unless '"
<br /> Botrower and L.ender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law o�herwise pravIdes,d�a proceeds shall be applied to t*be
<br /> - sums scxured by this Security Instrument whethex or not the sums are then due. �M
<br /> � � � If the Property is abandoned by Borrawer,or if,after nottcc by I.cra�a to Borrower that tha condemnor offers to r�►ake an __
<br /> - ' ; }� � nw�ud or ssule a cleim for damages,Bocrower fails to respond to I,ender within 30 dnys aftcr the datc the notice is given,Lender � -
<br /> . • • .� ,I�+ is authoriacd to coAect and Apply the proceeds,at Its option,either w restoredon or repatr of the Property or to the sums secured �`?.
<br /> _ by this Securlty Insorument,whether or not then due. ��'���
<br /> _ � Unless Lender end Borrower othenvLse agree in writin8,any appllcation of proceeds W principnl shall not extend or postpone -
<br /> � � � + the due date of ths monthly payments refeared to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change�he amaunt of such payments.
<br /> � �� ��. 11.Botrower Not A�leased:Forbearance By Lender Not A Wa[ver. Extensifln of the time for payment crr r,iocla�'.asadon -__
<br /> ,��'•: ;�"'.' of umordzadon af tt�e sums secured by this Securlty InsMUment granted by I.endtx w any succr.,ssor in intuest of Ao�rower shall �
<br />'• •�s• � �ot ope�gte to release the Hability of the original Borrower or Bo:rower's suc,cessoxs in inceres�Lender shal!noi 6e reqrl�ed to
<br /> °F� :�� � ,' commeace proccedings egainst any successor in interest or refuse to extend dme for paymei►t or otherwise modify amoiti7acxxa of
<br />=°�,��.;;� .�•y- � the sums secured by thi.g 5ecurlty Tnstrument by reason of any demand made by the odginal Bonower or Hoaower's sacCessors
<br /> ��r';;,�;._, ' in�nteraG My forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the eacertise of any
<br /> -_:.,i;::.��:
<br />------- �,- :. right or nmedy.
<br /> -w;:��r;��� 12.Bucaaeore apd:ssigna Bound;Joint and Several Llability;Co-�igaers. Tho covenants and egraments of this —
<br />_;�_.�;�;_��;�; Security Instruument shall bind end bcnetit the suceessors end assigns of Lerider and Bu:rower� sub,i;�ct to the p.ro+isions of
<br /> -- 1 pa�raph 17. B4rrowa's covenants and egreements sheU bo joint and s�evcral. My Bomnwer �vho co-signs Nis Security
<br />-- '��' . • c r f f tn vavw aron nd rnny�v hot -
<br /> =.4.,.�k„��= I:.�.-:t�►. tst �„rs r.c.e��ut��:e Idote: {a)ls caslgning this SecurFSy Ire..7t�t�t_n.on_y ��.�_. �._.t e.._ -� t --__
<br /> �:_—�-� Barowa's int�erest in the Pro�erty undcr the teams of this Secauity Inst�ument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br />— '"m"" securod by this Security Instnunent;and(c)a�es that Lendu end any otl�r Borrower may agroe W oxtend.mr.dify,forbear or
<br />___. �;,�; maYe�iny accommodations with regard to the tums of this Sscurlry Insm�mrnt or the Noto without that Borrower's consei►�
<br /> ..__�_� 1�.[.osin C6nrqes. If the loan secured by this Securlry Ynstrument is subjoct to a l�w whkh sets m�imum lome charges,
<br /> --� and that I�w is Finally intapreted so that the interest or othu loan chacges col{ectod ot to be collecttd in connecdon with the loan
<br /> ------ exceed Ihe permitt�xl limits,thsn:(a)any such Joan chargo shall be reduced by the amount noces.ssuy w reduce the ctu�rge W tho
<br /> _--=_,.-� permitted Wn[t;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which ex�permiuod lim3u will 6e refunded to Borrowu.
<br /> --- L.ender may choose to malce this refund by reducing the principal owed unde,� the Noto or by malcing a direct payment to
<br /> _ -- Harowa. If a nfund redaces principal. the reduction will be treated ns a partial pmpayma�t without any pccpayment chazge
<br /> -"'��'�""`� ur�da theNote.
<br /> -- - -- 14.Notias. My noiice to Bottowcr provIded for in this Securiry Instnunent shs11 be given by deHvcrinB it ar by mailing it
<br /> �•��=� �y first ciass mail unless applicable law requires ase of anothu methad. The notioe sttiall be dirocted to the Pr�perty Address or
<br /> ��'9=A;,1.� any ottxr address Burrowu designaies by nodce to Lende�.Any notice to Lendu shtll ba given by first clnss mail to Lender's
<br /> _-_,.,.,-���°,,r, radrt�s st�*.ed t!e.rein�s an, o�hes��L:.��er drsigs:r� 5; a�@x :�E^.�re::��. An; !!�rn»rpvi�i��l for in tfiiv�a.cnriay _--__
<br /> r.'��"'� Inswmcnt shall be deemed to have bcen given to Borrower or Y.ender when given as provldod in this paragraph.
<br /> IS.Governin Low;Sev�erabilit 'I1iis Sec�ui Iostrument shall be ovemed b foderal luw and We law of tha A ���
<br /> .;-,:�'�. ;�:. � Y• �Y 8 Y ��,,.
<br /> __.:�., .,'?�;.; jurisdietion in which tho Property is Iocated. In the evont that any provision or clauscs of this Security Instrument or the Noto -�
<br /> =';f�;'.�`�:',.;� conflicts with appllcable law,such conflict shall not effect other provisio�s of this Socurity Inswment or the Note which cun be
<br />