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<br /> � 'I�OClETHER WITH all U►c imptnvcmcnc.v now on c�r�nf'tcr crcctcd on thc propcny,and all cssscmcnts,appurtcnanccs,and _ �
<br /> ' Gxtures now on c�rcaftcr A part ot tha proper�y.All re�flaccmcr►�s und�dditians shall also bc covcrc�l by O�I�Sccuriry Instrumcn�.
<br /> , All of thc farcgoing t�rcfcrrccf u�In tld�Saurlty insuumcnt es�ofa�n���tc hcrcb convc cd and has thc rJght to grnnt and
<br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS Ihat Docrowcr Is lawfully_. Y Y
<br /> �r.;,�;4,r comey the Property and that tho Propeity is unentumbered, except for encumbrances of recard. Bortower warrants and wiU
<br /> ' .,,-,,,,:;. defend genecally the dUe t,o the Property agelnst ali elaims end demands,subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br />- ��� THIS SECURI'I'Y INSTRUIu�YYf combines uniform covenants for nadonal use and non•uniform covcnfu►ts with limited
<br /> variadons by jurisdictton to consdtute a uniform security instrumcnt covering re�il propert3�.
<br /> " UIVIFORM COVBNAR''fS.Borrnwer nnd I.ender covenant and agree as follows: �',��;:
<br /> 1.PaymenE of PrincipAl and Interest;PrepAyment oad Late ChArqes. Bocrowcr shnll pmmpdy pay when due the -����
<br /> �� n --
<br /> -.T-,=Y'^-
<br /> , , � principal of and interest on ihe debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and Iate charges due undor tha Note. ,•l-°--
<br /> Z.Fuads tor Taxes and Insur�na. �ubject w applicablc Iaw or to s written waiver by Lcnder,Boaower shall pay to '•.��'�e.,;
<br /> � � f�� Lender on the day monthly payments ere due under the r'.ote,until the Note is paid in full,a sum ("Funds")for.(a)ycarly taxes
<br /> • � �.� and acsessments which may atts(n priodty over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property: (b)ycArly leasehold paymcnts _—
<br />' .. ' � �'` or ground rents on the Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or property ins�rance Premiums;(dl yeariy liuod insurancc.prcnriums,if '_.�,�_
<br />- � ' uny;(e)yearly mortgage inswrance premiums,if any; and(� any sums payablc by 3orrow�:w L.en�^r, 'n accor'ance with the ,,,_;�__
<br /> +� provisio��s of paragrnph 8,In lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These items are called "Escrow Items." •;K:�.
<br /> ��.;;i_
<br /> ,.; Lendes may,at eny time.collect end hold Funds in an amount not to eaceed the maximum amount a lender for a€ederally related _-__-:
<br />�`- mangage loan may requirc far Borrower's escrow account under thc federal Real Estatc Seulement Procedures Act of 1974 as _:�'�'p�_
<br />° :�� amended from dme to time,l2 U.S.C,Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RES1'A"),unless enothcr law thet appHeu w the Fhnds sets a lesser �.:.
<br /> ��;:�..;
<br /> . amoun� If so. Lender may, at any 6me,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to cxceed tho tasser emounG Lender may .s.r��6:,
<br />' estimate the amount of Fands due on ihe basis of current data and reasonable esdmates of expenditures of fuwre Escrnw Itema or -_=
<br />.;; ,
<br /> {„ otharwise in acsordance with appllc�ble law.
<br /> c
<br /> _ ' —=�� ;�i The Funds shall be held in an insdwdon whose deposits are insured by a fedcrtil Agency,instrumenWity,or enury(including "+':''�
<br /> � ,:.�:;�': Lender.if Lender is such an insdtudon)or in eny Federt�Hama Loan Bank.Lender shall apply tha Funds to pay the Bscrow __.
<br />-=-"1"' " '��" '�'� Items.I.endec may not charge Botrvwer for holding antl aPP�B�e runds,annually���iy�ir8���:.�^����.°!='�`+'�-�° _
<br /> ��`�r�:,. ;;;,:; ��• 1he Bscrow Items,unless I.en¢ier pays Horrawer is►terest on th�e Fuads ancJ appllcable law permit��da io make such a charge.
<br /> ?.,;�.•; • - �I�wever,i.ender may require Bonower to pay a one-dme charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service used by
<br />°:�:..;�..�,,., I.ender in connecdon with this loan,unless appllcable law provldes othenvise.Unless an agreement is ms�de ar Applicable law —
<br />°-�` �' _°•� -� require,s interest to be paid,I.ender shall not be required w pay Borrowe�r any interest or eaminga on 1he Funds.Aorrowu and
<br /> I.1 i.;;3ir_,."r:
<br />__:,,�..�.,,:. •: Lender may agne in wr�tln8. however,that interest shall be paid nn the Funds.Lender shall give to Horrowcr.without charge,an
<br />�;:y;:n::�Y��� ennual accoundng Af the Funds,showing credIts and debits to the Funds end the purpose for which each debit to the Funds wt�
<br />- ��,.� --.��P. made.'Itie Funds aro pledged av eddiUonal secnrlty fg:1!�:��crr.e�rett hy thLs Sacurity Instre�men�
<br /> ;:;.�.:<_.......
<br />=����-� If the Funds held by Lendu excee� tlie smou�ts pe,rmitied w be held by enplicable law.Lendes shall account to Borrower for
<br />"="µ""��'= Uu�acr�ss gundy in accordaz�ce witli the requirements of apDlicable law.If thc amount of the Funds held by Lendu et any time i� _ _
<br /> �'`:���, �tot snfficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,L.ender may so notlEEy Borcowu in�vriting,and.in euch case Borrowcr shall paY
<br /> -���� .
<br /> „ w Lender the a�nount naes.�ary to make up the deficiency. Borrowu sF.ell make up the dcficiericy in no more than twe vo
<br /> �—�—s�F':�. 1 _
<br />,•—�_'i�,`.� mpt11h1y pSyrtlClli9.St LC�ldet S SOIC diSCICdOi➢.
<br /> .�—_r�.:�� Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Securlty Insttument,Lender shall prom�,ly refund w Borrower any Funds
<br />�:��� held by Lender.If,under parag�apt►21.Lender shall acquire ar sell th�e Pcoper[y.Lende�, prior to the acquisidon or sale of tha
<br /> ___- � property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at rhe time of acquisition or sale as a credit a�Ainst the sums secured by this
<br /> y����;y;� Securicy InswmenG - -
<br /> y fa,�
<br /> -�_�;,K;� 3.ppplkatk►n af Payments. Unless appUcable law provides otherwise.all payments rcceivtd by Leader under paragraghs _
<br /> -__ - 1 and 2 shall be appUed:fass,w any prepayment chargES due u�der the Hote;second� �o��P�Yable unde�pa►agraph 2;
<br /> e__�gT.�l.^RZS�
<br />���•�-:L:� tt��ud�to interest due;for,uth,tc�prineipal due;and last,a any late ehacges due under thc Plote. _
<br /> _---�-� 4.Charges;Lkos. Borrower shall pay all taxes�a9scssme�►ts. charges,fines and imposi3ians atuibutable to the Property �
<br /> �:���� which may attain priurity over ihis Socurity Insuument,and lqsehold payments or ground rent�.tf any.Bocrowea ahall pay these
<br /> :::,�:.i�n.
<br /> �-�—' obligations in the manner provided in pacegraph 2.or if not pald in that manner.Boaower shall pay them on time dirocdy to e
<br />-4;Y.,,,:'�'�� �person owcd payment Bomowex shall promptly fiunist��o Lendcr all nodces of �mnunts w be paid undcr this paragraph. If �,
<br /> ,T, �;� � �rnmwer makes these payme.nts directiy�Borrower snau�prompdy furnisn to Lenucr nvxipia evide�wi;►g the Nayruenis. �,�:
<br /> • :� �,•- ' Borrower shall promptly d'+scharge any Uen which has priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in �
<br /> L-;":--..�:.`�f'.,; �"�
<br /> .;�'�,�. :.. ,•,� wripng to the payment atthe obligation sz�ured by the Hen in a manner acceptable ta Lender,(b1 contesis in good faith the lien �_
<br /> ' �� by, or defends sigainsi enforcement of ihe lien in. legal proceedings which in the Lender's aspinion operate to preve.nt the ;,�
<br /> • cnforccment of the lien;or(c)secuces from the holder mf the lien an agroement savs[actory to Lcnder subordi�ating the lien to = _--
<br /> � ' d►is Securiry Instrumen�If Lender determines that any part of the Propetty is sub�ecc 8n a laen which may attain priority over this �irl.: -�
<br /> ''., • . Security Instrument,Le�der may Biye Bomowec a nodc�:identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more �q
<br /> Lii.^�_
<br /> ., ., of the actions set forth a6ove within l0 days of the giving�f no6ce. �'��
<br /> Forrti�02t o/90 �w-;=_
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