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<br /> :OOM�MIOdM O�[�0�1�j1@�t��0��l)1�[Of fdE p!0(�C11y.Q Iof COII'YE�fI�L'�:!Q�1t11 Of�.�:��I��� - -
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<br /> � J�umem.w6ether ac nat tt�due.wit6 s�►y cacess paid to Barawer. tn tbe event of a pactiat taicina af d�e Plepa'KY iu► ' .
<br /> , .,�.av�ich the fiu marl�et ralae of tbc Plupetty ioitnediate[Y befo[�.the raicing is equal to os greater th�tn the amo�uu of the sums .
<br /> so�w�ed b�r thig Smrrity in�t Immediately 6efae the taking.�tesc Bnnowcr aud Lender otlxrwise agnx in writing,
<br /> � d�sums,secured by this Spci�iry Ynstrumau sl�all be ioduced by Ehc amount of the proceeds muitiptied by the fdlo+viag y
<br /> ` tcpctior�: (a)the tdai amount of the suni�secu�ed�immediateiy befat the Ulcing,dividod by(b}the faar marlcet��alue of the
<br /> � piropetty immodiately beloca the taicing., Any b��sha!!6c paid to$oaowtc in the avuu af a putial talcing of the
<br /> P�operty m whieh tiic t`air"muket vatue of tlic Pcoperty inunediattiy btfot+c thc t�idng is Iess dian the a�nouat of the su�
<br /> � secuted irtuneb'�aoety befae the taicmg.unkss Botmwer aad Lender odxnvise ag�ee in wsidng ar uakss applic�bte iaw --
<br /> , ot�erwise p�ovides,tbe pcocads shal!6e apptied t�the sums secuted by this Seauity Insuwment whether a aot We sums are �
<br /> tb�en due._ , �
<br /> U the Ptapetty is a6mdoned by Bomawer,ar if,a�er notice by L:ender to BoRawer that d�e condenutor offe�s to m�e.
<br /> �n aws�d a settle a claim far damages.HaYawa fails to�to La�der within 3U days after tbe daue t6e mtice is given. •
<br /> � Lender;is antAoriud to celkct and�ppty the procoods.at its option.either to cestaiatian or repair of tGe Property or w the
<br /> wms secunDd hy this Sec�ity tas�sument,whetfrcs or�at tl�en due. . �
<br /> Unkss Lender�and BotroWrer otl�erwise agrx in writin8.�Y aPPtication of pmceeds to principal shall not extend a .
<br /> pastpoae ti�dne�ate of the manthlY P�Y�ms refemd to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the amount of sucb payaxots. ,
<br /> iL B�tra�nr,Not ltefaud; F� By l,eade� NW � Waiver. Eatension of the time for ysyrtKnt or
<br /> modifiptiai of amoctuatian of�e sums secur+ed by this Sxuriry in.struineat gcanted by Lsnder to any successor m intenst
<br /> of Borrower shall�not operate w eekase the liability of the,original Bomower or Bonnwer's successors,tn interest.Lender
<br /> s�U not be requiced to comm�nce prorecd'mgs against any successor in interest or�efuse to eatend time fa payrtunt or ,
<br /> — ' . otlrotwise madify amo�uzstian of ttte swns seeured by tlus SeMUity Insmunenc by reasan of any demanc!made by the ociginat`
<br /> gnrmwer or Bormwec's successors in inte�est. Aity forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or�y shall not be a
<br /> — �, waiver of ar p�ectude the exercise of any right or�Y. •'`�'•'`•` . .
<br /> IZ. 5�00!!0�Yd Ali�S 8011�i�d11!�1id S!Ylf�l i.�iWR1�Co3�jaef9. The CoYCIlBnts a11d�[eCtI1Ct11s 4�t�*s6''`,
<br /> Socteriry Insara�irt shari bud and ixnefit tha successars and assignc of Lender and Borrower,subject�u.�r:p�ov�.scang'o� ' ' '�°`t'"
<br /> �paragrrph 17.Batower's covenants and agreements.shatl be joint and several.My Borrower who ce�.�this Security
<br /> Instrument but do�cs�ot execute ti�e Note: (a)is co-sig�ing this Secarity Instrument only,to;�a�tgage.�x�d canvey that
<br /> Bor�rves a inter�st ia�lhe Propetty w�dec the teims nf this Serurityr Insuumen� (b}is tspt�g�:s;.,.�'�y ob'.T.�to Pay_the sums
<br /> secund by this Secarity Insaumen�and(c)agrees thu Len�er and any other BorroweF?�..^j��:�^:e to cx�'..�modify.forbear
<br />- - . or maica any accommadations with regard to the tertns of this Secunty Insmunent or�i'Vote wi��r that Borrower's
<br />-- = consen� � - � �=� �
<br /> = 13. Loan C6arbes. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is su6ject ta a taw whi�h sets maaimum toan
<br /> = charges.and Ihat law is firally intecpreted so that the interest or othcr�am charges Go22eca��csr to be colJected in connectian
<br /> = with the toan excced the pe�mitted limiu,then: tal any such loan charge ahall be reduce��1:�e amouni necessary to reduce
<br />;;�.. the charge to the pemritteQ limi�and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exxcceded pemiitted limiu Will be
<br /> — refanded to Bormwer. l.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the�rincipal owed under the Note or by making a
<br />_:� . d'uect payment to,&�?ower. If a refund reduces principal,the mduction wi1F 6e ueated as a partial pre��rnent without any
<br /> ._� prepayrt�entcharge�.�utheNote. ' •
<br />- -" 14. Natioes. �:zy aatice to$cnrower provided for in this Security Insdument shall 6e given[xc delivering it or by
<br />'r�.�`: mailing it by first class mail unl�s applicable law requires use of anather method.The aotice shall be directed to the Property
<br />` Address or any other address Borrawer designates by notice to t.ender. Any notice to Ler.der shaU bc�iven by first class
<br /> mail to Lender's addcess stated herein or any other addresc Lender designases by notice to Borrower. My notice prorided for
<br />:�" in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given ta Borrower or Lender when given ac pravideA in this
<br /> aca
<br />_;�,Y p t5 Governirtg Law: Severability. This Security lnstrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of thc
<br />;��,- jurisdictian in which the Property is tocated. In the event that uny provizian or clause of this Security Insuument or the Note
<br /> �_�T�-.,--,- canflicu with appticabte law,sucb conflict shall not affect ather provisions of this Security lnsuument or the Nate which can
<br /> - - be given effect without the conilicting provisioR. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are
<br /> ' declared to be severable. -
<br /> 16. Borsowee's Copy. Bottower shall be given one canfarmed copy of the lYote and of this Seeurity Instrtiment.
<br /> -- .� 17. lbaester o�the Property ar a�eneticial lnterest in Boerower. If all ar any pan of the Property or any interest in
<br /> �-:t f it is r,old or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in 8orrowev i�sald or trmisferred and Bortower is not a natural persoN
<br />�'i�,:� without l.ender's•prior written cansent,l.ender may.at its option.reyuirc immediate payment in fuU of all sum.a sgcured 6y
<br /> ;�(fr this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by L.ender if exercise Y5�.:oh:bited�y fedcral law as oi
<br />= tl�e date of this Sccurity Inrtrument. •� �
<br />;��=y� � if l.ender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of��:::eration. 'i'hz notice s�u:lU.�rovide a period'of
<br /> - not tes4 than 30 days from the date�,he nolice is dclivered or mai►ed within a�:ch Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> Secuci���nsmiment. lf Hotrou�fails to pay these�ums p��to the expiration ot'this period. l.ender may invoke any
<br /> ° remed"ies permitted by ihis 5ecurity lnstrument without furthec^a:�ce or demand on Horrower.
<br /> • 18. Borrower`s Rip,bt to Relnstate. If BoROµ•er mc�c.cena;n ea..�itions. Borrower shall have the ri�ht to have
<br /> - -- - enforcement of this Secority instntmeni diuontinued at<�ny t"ssr.e priar tv the eartier of: (a)5 days(or such alher pesiod ac
<br />,_ , , Singie F.rmity..�innk�taNFaAOie tfx E�IFOitN 1`S3RL'�iF.�T--Uniform Covenanf� 9190 Ipo�e 4 oJb per�r.0
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