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<br /> � � - ,,ppii�c,bk 4�i►miy�pea�►`ra��>�er«+e s�ie�af the P�paty wus�#!d�a anr w�ra of salaoboWned in a�is .� .
<br /> i � Searity L�maM:a(b)mtry►af a l�a�C eafo�nf!��7 inanuna� 'l�oae ccoditloos re t6�t Bor�nwp: ts)
<br /> i paYs Leader all wmt wbirh d�en`would be tlne wider this SeCUrity instrumeitt+�nd dYC Nola as 3f nor t�oaeia�on 6sd - ,
<br /> ; � ` � � occrnie�(b}c�ues an►default a[anY-otha�v�s ar sg�e�ments:(c)PaSK all eapmses incumd in a�fasiug this Security .
<br /> � � Im�iudu�ny 6ot not limited to.ca�saa�e�eYs'fea:aad td)Wce�such action ac I�ender maY reisor�b[Y �
<br /> �. , iequ�e b�qsu�e tWt the lim oi @dt Sa�tity Ins�nneot.Leader�s cigbts`in the Ptoperty and Ba�owe[4 a6ligation w psy d�e .
<br /> awns aec�aM bY d�Secariry Insonnna�t sGalt caatiau� uncb�gal. Upon reina�tenKnt by Bamwer. tbis S�itg .
<br /> � _ insprumax aod�obliga0ions s�.'�ed het�ebY sh�ll cet�in fulty ef�a�tivt as if no�cr,eferatl,on hd oa�used. However.t6is •
<br /> riEht oo ieuatat�sh�ll not apply in the case af acxelaatian under p�ragt�ptti 17.
<br /> j ' 1! Sde d 11T�te;t�sf I�on Sa�iar. The Nute or a�ntetest in tde Note(to8ctha.with thi.s Security
<br /> Ia�t)msY be sdd one or mo�times wi�E prior�to A sak may tesvit in a cb�ag�la t6e eotity.
<br /> 1 (tnuwn ss the"Lo�n Sa�►iat")tlwt collects monthlY P=Y�due under tha No�e and this Security Inswtr�en[. T[�+e alsu . ,
<br /> : 'may be aoe ae mare ebmges of tbe Lo�t Savi�xr tm�eiated w a sale af the 1Va�e. ff tl�ae is s eh�eEe of tl�o Lo�a Setv'�cec,
<br /> Bat�wet�I be givea writka aotioe af tbe e6mgt in sccoid�lc�with p�wg�h 14 above aad applia�bk taw. Tt�e notice` .
<br /> '` . w�l al�e tbe a�me and sdd�ss of the new Lcan Servica smd tUe address to vrhkh psymedts sbould 6e made. 'f7�e rwtioe will
<br /> �l�o caatsia ady atba infanao�tia�tequiCed bS►sPPGc�bk I:w• ` '
<br /> ! 1� H�a�rio�s Srbrts�ees.. Bamawa shall not'sause a peimit the pcesence.ase.disPos�l•staage,or retrase of u►y
<br /> ` Hazacdous Sa6apiooes on or in tfic ProQe:ty. Bom�wa shall not do.na albw aayaae etse to do.anythin8 affecnng the
<br /> i Ro�ty tMt is ia vi�on of any Fisvaonmaital 1aw. 'I1x pRCediag twa seotencts gl�ail��to�����
<br /> � stang+e on tbe Propetty of smail qaan6ties of Ha�ndous Substances tlnt are geneMy recogti _
<br /> ' �sidenpal uses and w mainteaancc of tbe Pmpa�tY. �
<br /> � . Hormwer s6a11 p�vmptlY Bive Lender wiiuen c�ntice of aoy investig�tiori.claim.demitd.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> � �g�,�q�i o�ngu6tOry age�.y ar private p�Ry invdving the Pmperly ai�d�try Ha7attb�s Substuice or F�vimameatal
<br /> • I.sw of which Bartower has actual t�owledge. If Baruwer teuns, or is naified by any govemmental�a�8�1uaY
<br /> � autNoriry,t6ai anY nrnov�t a other nmedi�tion of ury Ha�acdous Substance�focting tbe Pcoperty is neeessaiy.Bamwea
<br /> - a1n11 promptly W�e All naxss�rY iemedial actIoos in acxocdance v�nih EnvimnnKnqt Law. .
<br /> � Hs usod ia tbis p�[agraph 2t1,"Hazacdous Substaoces"are tltase s�tbs�xs defined as toaie os h�rdoas substuuxs by
<br /> Environmental Laev and the following substances: gasoiine,kerosene,other flammable or touic Petrokum pfoducts.to�pc
<br /> ! pesticides a�ucl l�tsicides,volau'Ie solvenis.materials containing asbescas or formaldehyde.and radiaactive materials. As
<br /> =- used ittii�ispm�gapl�1A."Fnvinonmentat l�w"t�eans federal laws aud laws oY thc lutisdiction wherc the Ptnpetty is Iocated
<br /> __-_- 1 thatreEar�c��attlt,safety or environma�tal protecdon.
<br /> _ — ( ;. ?4��.=�:�7IFORM COVENANFI'S. Bamwer and�.ender further covenant and agtee as follows: � :
<br /> — , '..: :LI. �iscekratia: RenKdte� Lendec s4��notke b Banower pcloc to acalerstba fdlmvi��BorraWer's
<br /> - l �•��ac�et aay ooven�nt oc�rammt ie tbts Saa��ty ln�truu�ent(6nt eot prior to necekntiod ander Pa�agraPb 17
<br /> n
<br /> - � ��!l��ble bw provides a6errvLse).7Le aMice s6sQ specify: ts)ti�e def�att;(b)tLe actloe requirei ta cnre We
<br /> � defatt;4c3 a�dste.uot less tMa�30 dsys fra�a t�e date the�otice is give�r to BomnRer,by�vhicM the ddadt a�wt be
<br />--- _ ' caKd;�si"id)t6�t t�ilnre to eare tie�etaait os or bda+e the dste specitied L t�e natke�Y res�lt ia acateratbs d'
<br /> �e sY�lu�eCarcd by tdis S�carit9 I�tne�ent and saie of tlie Praptrtj: T6e notke sbaD ttart6d'i�form Borrower of
<br />�l� � tke ri�Yt to rsi�st�te sYtec csoalernNoe asd t6s ri�W bri�A court sctio�to a�5ert the eoa-existe�ce ot A deta�lt or
<br /> 'Y any atYer defe�se d E�cnswcr to aocekrnt�on a�s�le. If the detault is aot sars�bd o0 or 6etore the date specified iD
<br /> �.�-::.� : tl1e noNc�i�eader ri iks�gtion msy require imme�ra'te payment in fall otai[�searr+ed 6v tb�Securitf Iasframeat
<br />"�::�::'�, ' witLoot tbsHur demsnd and msy invoke the povrer ot sak and any otber re�edks pasritted by applicable law,
<br /> �r,:,, o0
<br /> � LeAder s6aD be entltkd to colkd aq expeases iacurred in pursving tLe remedies provided in this pAra�apb 21,
<br /> ' includtng,but aot limite�to,reASOnabk attoreeys'tees s�nd rnsts of titk evidenca '
<br /> _ I �t tf�e poWer of safe i�involced,Teustee sha0 record a notice ot delau(t ia eac6 county in which any pan ot the _
<br />_-- . Property i�located wd sha11 mail copies ot sach notke ia the maaner pres�"bed by applicable law to BwTOwu and to
<br />- �_ ' tUe otier persoas prescribed by applicabk taw A(ter!he Nme required by applkable la�v,'itostee sbAll give public
<br />� `°.�'- ' notioe d sale to 16e persons and ia tke nwnner presceibed by applics�b(e Isw 7lrustea�vitUcsui demsed an Borro�ve�
<br /> _ -- � a6a11 ad11Ur Praperly at pabiic aactio�to the highest bWder at the time and pl9oe and a�tie tenu4 deslgeate�w
<br /> ' � •tbe notice ot sak ia one or more puceis And in sny order 7Yustee determiees. 7ti'uctee ma�postpoee sak o�AU or any
<br /> ' parcel ot the Yeoperty b��publk ansoancement at!he Nme and place ot an��s-iously schedakd sale. Le�der oe Ib
<br /> desigoe�mny purch�se t6�r�roperty at any sata
<br />�.�.` ' , Upoe receip!of pAyment of tic prke bld,Trastee shall deliver to the pr�schaser 71e�ta's dad ca►veYing tl�e ,
<br />� � • �pruperty. T6e recitals in tde 7Yustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth ot the statemeeis made therti�,
<br /> 'll�ustee siaQ appty t6e pracecds ot the sak in t6e tallowing ordee: (A)to�ll costs aed expenses d eaerc�ing the pov�;er
<br /> _ � .
<br />� , . .
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