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<br /> _�-_�i.� . � . .�;, ,. . " � L�-, . � . .- _._�. ___ � . __ __' -__—. __' __ _ __` ____ _ ' . �....-'_
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<br /> ' L ' ` ' . ' ' ' . . . ' , _... . ' ' ' " ' � _ " . ' '
<br /> r ' ��lflOd{(�fL t.11ldll'1Oq11RC3. �IC lIR11l�110C CifllCt Q[OYfdlll�[hE�IIi1H�11CC$�li���C C�i06Q1�t R011tyWE[511b(EC[�j.�c7�uca a.
<br /> apgeoval.rbic6 s6d1 eot be uuei�wm6ly witAAeld. If Barrower fWs to m�intrin cover�des�dbe0 abova f.ender m�y.`at
<br /> ' � Leaider&option.obnin gave�e to pro0ect i.ender'a pgbts ia du Ptoperty in saca��witb pa�gtaph T. _ ,
<br /> � All insur�ae policies and renewals shal!bc Aoceptabk to i�endei sad shsdl include A st�ndant mortgage ciwse. Lenckr
<br /> shsll t�ve the rigpt w botd the poticies and renewat� If Lendet roquirc�.8orrowet s6a11 pnanptiy give W t.eader'a1!ieoeips
<br /> : af p�id ptemiuins aM irnewal aoticaes. Ia tLe event of Zoss.Borrawa shail_give p�ompf notice to the:•,�••a,r•ca�ria�d
<br /> i.ender.]rnder may m�e p�oof of lass if aat mad�p�omptly by Barower. �
<br /> � Uniass I.ender aed Bn�rower otherwri9e agnoe in writiag,inwr�cx p�octeds s6�li 6e applied to testaadon a*tep�ir of.
<br /> -. t6e Anpe�ty dama�.if-�he-�o�iep:tir is�slly fesq�e aad�eader's see�rity is�me lassened. !f the
<br /> � restaation a cep�ir is not eca�omicaUY fa�ibk ar Lender�s security�rould 6e Irssened.tbe insarance proceeds s1�11 L+�
<br /> -applkd Ro tUe s�mas see�ed by dris Soarity iuununen�whetlter or nc*tErcn due.with aay eacess paid to Bormvea: If
<br /> Bo�mw4T abmdons the Propertp.or does not aacwer withia 30 days a.notice finm L.ender that the insuranoe caR'ier hu ;
<br /> o�rena w seNr s claim,tl�n cenaer may couoct the insur�ace proceecls. Lender may ase uee qoc«as to cep�ir os restae.
<br /> •- the Ptopaty a tapzy sums secwed by tlds Savrity Insuu�eat,wbether or ax t1rn due.The 30�day perind wi116egin when •• .
<br /> the noti�x is given - _. . _-_- � .
<br /> UNess Lender and Bortowa othenvise aga in writing.any�pplicazioa of procads to principal sh�ll na extertd or `
<br /> postpooe tbe due daDe of tho monthlY paymrnts nfernd w in p�ragraphs 1 and 2 ar change t1�e�t of the payments. If
<br /> �w�kr pa�igr�ph 21 the Ptoperty is xqui�by l.ender,Boaower3 right to any inswance palicies and proceeds�sulting
<br /> f�damag�e to the F�opeciy prior ta she scquisirioa sGal!pass ta Lender w the exteat of rhe sroms secvned by itas Secntit�.
<br /> 1t�ument imaie�ately p�ipr to the aequisitioo. �
<br /> _- f. Ooaiparcy. Preservation. Mainteaance aad Protection at the Property, AorroRer's Lan APP�+
<br /> - � Lea�el�old� Borrower shall occupy.estali�ist�.and ase the Ptoperty as Barower's principal residence within sixry days aRer
<br />--- d�e eaecutian of this Secarity Instrtanent aad shali canti�me to accupy the Ptaperty as Barower�s principal iesideare for at
<br /> -- ' kast ane yar after tbe datr of axvpancy. unkss I.ender �ise agrees in writing, whicb consent shaU.not be
<br /> ''_` mur�ably vrithheW.-or u.�ss extenuuing cuic�mstances exist whicb aze beyoM Borrower's contml. Borrower s6aU not
<br /> -_ , destmy,damsge or impair the Ptopecty,altaw the Ptapecty to deteriorate,ar cammit waste on tbe Pmpetty. Bomnwer siwil
<br /> 6e ia defantt if aay farfeidtte actioa�r pracading.whettxr civil or criminal.is begun that in l.end�er�s gaod faiti�judgment
<br /> _;- ' coaW`testth in farfeitune of the Ptopeity ar aherwise tnaurialiy Impair tlte lien crcated by this Security lasdvment or
<br />:;` �'.: , `I,e�der�s security inte�est. Borrower may cure such a default and teinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> -�� `'�-�;'�-�..•`:, �i��isrc�ing w 6e dismissed arith a ruling that,in l.ender's good faith determination.pncludes forfeiture of the Bormwer�s
<br /> " "` ` iri"ierest in the Pmperty or.otfior rriaterial impaimKnt of the�irn c�eatecE by this Security instniment or Ixnder's securiry
<br /> ` intenest. "Bocmwer shall also be in defaaIt if Bormwer. during the ie�n applipdan process,gave maurialIy false or ' '
<br /> � ' �ate iafam�atian or statemrnts to l,rnder(ar fa�'led to provide Lenc�xith any material infom�ation)in conrtecti�with
<br /> d�e Ioan evidenced by the Nae. includu�g,but nat timited to, c�epresr��ons conceming Bomnwer's occupancy af[he ,
<br /> Propeny as a principal residence. If�is Security Instrument is on a(e�kold.Bomawer shall compty wilh all the provisions _ _
<br /> � of the kase. If Bortower acqaia�fee title to the Properry.the ieasehold and the fee tide s3a11 not metge uNess Lender agrcts
<br />�. . to the mergef in writing. .�' � �
<br /> � ProtECHon ot I.eoder'� ltigbts jn the Prapertp If Borrower fails to pefs�at the covenants and agr�ements �"���
<br /> _ cantained in this Security L�s�ent,or these is a legal pracading t�aat may sigt�fiea�tty affect i.�nder's rigltts in tbe -
<br /> Propetiy(such as a proccedmg in bankruptcg:probate.for condemnation o�forFeitur�e or to enforcc iaws or iegutations).ii�en �
<br /> Lender may do and�r€or wis�rever is neaessary to proteet the value o€�e Ptoperty and l.ender's sights in the Praperty. �
<br /> , [Amder�s actions may inclnde p��ing any sums secured bv 2�lien which has prioriry o�er this Sceurity Tnstrumen�appearing
<br /> . in cou». a ' reasonabie a�ome s'fees and enterin or ci�� +���'s��-
<br /> p yuig y g Property to make repairs_Although Lender may tatte a�ion --�y._s.t,.,��
<br /> under this paragrapb 7,lxnder dces not have ta do so. -_� x,,.� ':<'.----_
<br /> Any amounu disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 sha116ecome additional debt of Borrower secured[s�d`i:s "�`�'=�� -
<br /> "- Security Instrument IJntess Horrower and Lendzs agree to other terms of paymen�these amounts shall bear in[erest from the � , n 3_E
<br /> .>,�-.-.:` :�-.
<br /> date of dis5ursement at the i�Iote rate and shalt be payabfe,with incerest,upan notice from l,ender to Bosmwer r�u�sting , ._�., �,'rr�.-�
<br /> ��m , . _,.�t:.�._.
<br /> S. Mortga�e I� �f L�mder required mortgage insurance ag a condition of making the toan secw�ed by this "��_����''�����_
<br /> Security lnsmiment,Basru:�er�.�a}1 pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any �� �'"` �'
<br /> !�.t�=''—
<br /> reason, the mo e insurance cove e ' ,`'..," _
<br /> , .t_,. .,.
<br /> rtgag rag re�; y n er apseg or ceases to in e fect. Bo:�awer shall pay the . , ,�,�
<br /> ptemiums required to,obtain coverage subst�t'ralty equivatent to the mortgage insurance previousd} in effect�at a cost .�=• �� ;:�f,--�—°
<br /> substantiall S 8 P� Y �n8 S ' :�;; .�-_�.
<br /> y equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mort a e insurance iousl in effect.from an altemate a e •:�:r;,,`�":,:
<br /> insurcr approved by li:nder. If substantially eyuivalent martgage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shaC!pay to ,:;y,�r�::�;�:
<br /> Lender each month a sum eqaal to one-twelfth of the year{v mortgage inwurance premium being paid by Baaower w�en the ;••s�:� ?a _
<br /> .. �__.
<br /> %,. ' insurance coversge lapsed or ceased to be in effect Lender.Rill accep�,ure and retain these payments as a toss reserve in lieu '.:;t�"�:'��--
<br /> ,.. , _.
<br /> of mottgage ins�e. Loss reserve paymen�s may no[onger Ue requirect.at the optian of Lendcr.if mongage insurance -.'_, �� � � , �'.:�
<br /> covorage(in the a�cwunt and far the period that l.emter requires)provided by an insurer approve�l by Lcnder again 6ecomes • � '
<br /> . avai136te and is o6tained.Borrower shall p�y the premiums rc.quircd to maintain mortgage inxurance in effecti.ar to provide a �.,�.';•�•�`,. � -���''`T
<br /> loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance eads in accordance with uny uritten�greement between Borrower �'.;'}':;��;, ' '
<br /> . and l.ender or applicubte law. ':��'•:
<br /> -- 1 _ 9 Iespectba. Lendcr or its�gcnt may make re�.conabtc entries upon artd inspection�of tfie Propetty. l.ender shall � .`'i'� '
<br /> � ',��___,,���';�;�_ give Borrawer notice at the time of ar prior to an inspcction specifyin�rcasonable cause for�he inspection. _ � . �
<br /> . . "� 1� Condemnation. The procredc nf any award or rlalm for damage�.,direct or conseyuemial,in connection with any ��� ' �
<br /> ' Singlc Runily--iaeak!lfae/Freddk Nac U�IYUA:N I�tiTRI-�tEtiT••Unifarm('avcnantc 4/9p �p4z,•�njf,pag�.�
<br /> �` �r • , • . .
<br /> �rca�lales eu�Ya�ta.■
<br /> • �, To(kQnfa0:1606L3Q8393Ci.i.;61G7B1d13! E � ' . .
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