' 'Yic` ' ' . . . _ '.' ___
<br /> � _ .. _ . . � . . . .. . '.`♦Y',`y..r�A: ..
<br /> _—• ;: � . ..'t. ., ti" . i . _ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> ^„ ' � ... ; ' `.j .: .. :. . .
<br /> t ._ .' .�.. .' . ._,
<br /> __-�ai__.-v�.�-euF- �-i ' � ` • r . ...`__�___`- ;i . ` ' .. ' ; ' - . � ' . .' ( `( , . �
<br /> ` .. ' . .- _' . � �` `� ` ��` �� ` � - _'
<br /> � . � `����Ik:�RI�lOVClllpNf IIOMI Q�R�C![bL'kd d11�f.'p[O�Cftjr.�A��Cfidlii�[s.�IQ�C�• •
<br /> Md flXN[iL''i�ONt Q hRC�lf i�t 0;bfC QIOQ![ty. lU!R�i0C11f�71tS�fid�d�flOfiS�)�f0 6G COYCfltil�►t�US�CCYf1ty .
<br /> in�trwna�t. Alt ot t6e farc�Me�is refetred to in d�s Stwriry i�nent as the"Property." ° - . ; _
<br /> � BORROW�R OOVENANTS dfu Barawer is lawfully a�eisnd d the e}tate herc4Y ca►veyeQ aed h�s the cight ta p�u. . .
<br /> aed wnyry the ltppaty aad W�t die Ptopeity is�aicumbend,exapt tor encuadbe�noes of�ad. Barower w�rrxats and .
<br /> � wiQ delead Smerrlly the titk w the Ptvperty ii�u all�iaims�nd detntnds.subject w 9oy eacumbrancea of t�ecad. .
<br /> THIS SECl3Rl'i'Y [NS7RUMENT canbines unifcxm covenants far oationst use �ad nan-aniform coven�nts with _
<br /> - iimised vaeiatioasltg�risdiaFoa taconsticutc a unifam security insuumenc caverin�te�l p[operty.
<br /> UNIPORM COV�NANTS. Bor�owsr and l�endecmvm�►t aod a�ee u foltows: . .
<br /> � L Prlf■e�R af Pri■eipl a�IiM��M���C�� Bamwu sball promptiY PiY what due the
<br /> �af aad iutet+est on the debt evidenced by ibe Nate and�nY PnWY�rtt and late c6arges due urtder tbe Note.
<br /> Fti�s fir 1i��es s�i I�wra�oe. Subjxt to�pplicabie law a w a wriaen waiver by Ltaider.Bamwer sh�ll p�y to
<br /> ` I.eader oa tbe dsy maotNY P�Y��duc�the Nate,una7 tbe Note is p�id in full.s swn("fuads)fa:(a)Y�Y
<br /> - taxes md sssesvnents virhich mry�priotiry ovec.tBis Se�vrity L�.stru�rKnt ss a liea an tbe Pto�perty:N)Yu�1y kasd�old
<br /> payments or gtound�ents aa tbe Prope�cy. if any�, (c) Y�Y ��a P�P�Y �P�um� (d) yearlY tlood
<br /> ia�nooe piemiums.if�uty:(e)Yeu1Y taortgage insuatjco Q�mums,�f uty;and tfl�Y �!�l�Y�6Y Bortower tn _ .
<br /> La�der.m accocdance with the provisians of puagra�h S,in lieu of tIK payment of moitgsBe ms+uance Premiums. These
<br /> ioems m csikd"Esc[ow Item9." Ler�der msy,at aay time.coUact aod latd Ruids in aa unount not to e�cceed thc maaimum
<br /> amaiat a leMer for s fedenlly nlatod mortgage loan may coquire for Bamnwer�escruw acoa�nt under tve fcderal Rea!
<br />—� E�tate Seplaneat Ptoced�ues Act of 1974 u amended from wat to time,i2 lJ.S.0§2601 et seq.t"RESPA"),untess another
<br />-- law d�t applies w the Eimds sets a lesser amount If su.Lcnder may,�t any time,collect and hold F+mds in an amount not to
<br /> excad tba�amouat. L,ender may�timue the aiao�mt of Fwds due a►tLe 6asis of cnrtent data and�rasonable
<br /> — �af tapendiUUes af futune Escmar ttems or atfia�vise in accordance with applicabk Ww: .
<br /> Tbe F+nWs st�ll be heW in sn instimtion whose deposits are iasarod by a fedesal agency,insuumentatiry,or entity .
<br /> - , (including Lender.if Ler�der is sucb aa iaqitatian)or in any Fedenl Home l.oan Banic. Lende�shall apply the Funds ro pay .
<br /> -- the Eacmw Items. Lender may not charga Bortowa far hoi�ing aad applying the Funds.annaally analyziug tbe euzow
<br /> -- account,a verifying @�e Fscrnw Items.unkss Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fands and appticable Taw pemnts _
<br /> l.ender to make svch a charge. However,Lender may nequue Rarower to pay a onefime charge fa an independent real -
<br />- - estate ta�c i+epo�cting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unfess appllcabte!aw p�ovtdes otberwise. Uriless an = --
<br /> - � ag�ement is made or applicable law reqwres interest to 6e paid,I.ender sUail not 6e required ta pay Boma�rerany aiterest a � ��_� -
<br /> eanniags on the F�nds. Boriawer and l.ender may agree�n writing,however.tl�at interest shall be pazd oa 1Ue Funds. Lencter . _- —
<br /> • st�all give oo Barmwer,without charge.an annual accwming of tbe fvnds.s6owing credits and debiu to the Funds and the . �
<br />. . purpose for whicb qch debit ta the Funds was made. Tf�e Funds are pIcdged as add'itional secutiry for a11 sums sxwed by =__--__--
<br /> this Se�urity Inswmcn� —__--
<br /> Ii the Funds held by i,.a�der eacoed�he amo�:ts permitted to be hetd by appl�cabJe law.Leader shail axaunt to . -
<br /> Bomnwer far the eacess Funds in accadance with tt�zequi�ments of appticat�Law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> i. � Lender at any time is not su�eient to pay the Esecc��:isms whea c!r�,Lend�r^ay so notify Hotrower in wtiting,and,in �,��.�.
<br />- such case Borrower shall pay to L.ender the am��iece�sacy trs�1ce up the deficiency. Borrower sliall malce up tt�e
<br /> - deficieacy in no more than tweIve rnonthlY PaYme�a:3.ender's soTe�iscretioii.
<br /> Upon payment in fult of all smns secured by r�s Securiry Ins�mmen�.l.ender shall pmmptly refund ca�Boaower any
<br /> . �; Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraPh 21.Le�ruershall acquire or sell the Ptapercy,Lender.pnor to t�a�aisition or _,. ;� .;
<br /> sak of ihe Pnnpert3t.shall apply any Punds held by Lender at the time of acquisition ar sal�as a credit ag�nst tt�e sums '- Y�.
<br /> sec�red by this Serurlty Instrumen� ,�`�-��'°��
<br /> • '� 3. Applkatfon d P�1ments. Unless applicable taw provides otherwise.all paymenu ceceived by Lender under ''�;A`'�_
<br /> ,.,, paragraphs 1 and 2 sdatl be applied:first.to any prcpayment charges due under the Note:seco:�to amaunts payable under � r:�.��v4_:`'
<br /> ' paragraph 2;tbird.to interest due:fouN�,to principzu�-s�and las�to any fate charges due under tEte Note. !'�'` •�••�z
<br /> �,``:�#:;�.",
<br /> 4. CAarges; Liens. Borrower sha11 pay atE �:.�s,assessments,charges, fines and impositions atm"'�utable to d�e • ,��,_�; _
<br /> ' � Ptope�ty which may attaia pdoriry over this 5ecurit}L��rumen�and leasehold pa ents or nd rents.if acry. Borrower �'-3.-•-
<br /> Ym � ;;;'..;� '--_
<br />�'�'� �� shall pay these obligations in the manr�er provided in�ph 2,os if not paid iti that manner.Borrower sfia.�i pay them on ;.:?�*,�.�_-
<br />:°�;�' �-,� time direaty 4o the person owed payment. Bortower s�sall prompdy Eemish to Lender all notices of amoanu to be paid under _ -r";,;�".`"�__
<br /> ' ' ",i �parag�aph. If Borrower makes these paymenu directly.Boiro�-��r shaU promptiy fumish to.txnder receigu evidencing , �-.,,�j;:�;��„�,
<br /> �'� Bor�rower sha11 promptiy discharge any lien wE�i:!i(�as prloriry over this Security lnstrument unless Bor��er:(a)agrees •��"-`�`�, `_�`
<br /> ,. � _ ;,,..
<br />- , � in wridng to the payment of the obligation secured h�rL•e lien in a manner acceplabte to l.ender.(b)contests in good faith the • ���ii
<br /> } licn by.a defends against enforcement of the lien e2.�al eedings which in the l.ender's o inion o te to vent the -F�'`����
<br /> Proc P P� , Prc .: ;�:-,._�_.
<br /> " enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures f�se the 6o:�er of the lien ara ageement satisfactory to Lender subord�nating ihe lien •'.Y;����.
<br /> � to thia Security Insuumen� If Lender�et.�rmmes�2.-ay pas aff aR�e Prapercy is subject to a lien which may attain priarity _ � • ' �` �-—" -.
<br /> over this Security lnsuument,Lender may give Barca::e�a notice identifying 1he lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take , "`' `
<br /> ' :�J..�
<br /> � one or more of the acGoas set fotth above within 10�s of the g�ving of notice. ` ,
<br /> 5. Hszard or Piroperty lnsurance. Borrow�er shall keep t�e improvemencs now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � -�--<� Property insured against loss by fire.hazards included within the te�"extended coverage"and any othcr hazards.including .
<br /> _ �� - �`':�''�` ' floods or tIooding,for whieh Leader requues insurance. 71iis ihsurance shall be maintained i»the amounts and for the _•_ _ _ _ _
<br /> - -.. - -_ --���.- � -- --- -
<br /> - � , .. Fore�392s fll� rpeu�c2o)ADdxes� �
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