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<br /> paymcnt�rnay no IongGr ba rcquircd.at 1ho opdon of L,cndcr,if mongago inswancc covcragc(in tho amount an for e'pertod
<br /> � th�+t�.cndcr requires)provIdcd by an insurcr uppravcd by i.endcr a�aln ts�cor,�cs:►vailab!e:.nd is o�L�lncd.IIorrowcr shaU��ay tha
<br /> �a
<br /> ' !�'1 premiums rcquired ta malntaln mort,gagc insuranco In cffcct,or to provido a lass r+esuvo,until iho requirement for mortgago
<br /> �►' insurancc cnds in accordsinncc with any wr�ucn agrccmcm bctwccn Harrowcr and I.Gndcr or appUcable lew.
<br /> • ��' 9.Inap,tctk►n. Lcndcr or its agent may make rc�sonable entrias upon a��d inspecdons of thc Ptonerty.Leeder ehall give �
<br /> �-+� Barrower notice at tho time of or pdor to nn inspecdon specifying reasonablo cause for tho[nspecdon, d
<br /> :�»��'1'� 10.Condemnatbn. The proceeds of any award or claijn for damages. dlrect or consequential, in connccpon with any ,
<br /> condemnation or olhcr tekin� oi any part of thc Progcriy,or for convcyancc in Gca of condcmnuiton,are hcrcby assigncd end -
<br /> ,: shall be paid to Lcnder.
<br /> � ; In the event o�a total taking of the Property,the praceeds shall be applted to the sums socurecl by th�s Securlty Insuument,
<br /> � whW�cr or not then due,with any caccss paid to Borrower.xn the event of a pardal taking of 1he Propeety in which the fair mnrkct -
<br /> ?`,� velue of thc Propcny Immediawly beforo thc taking is cqual to or greatGr than the amount of the sum9 soc�rod by th1R Secudry �,',-'`�
<br /> r.
<br /> Insmament immedIately bcforc thc taking, unless Borrower end Lender atherwise agroe Lt writing,thc sums secured by this '�n,
<br /> Security Instrument shall be reduced by tho emount of the proceeds multiplled by the foltowing fracdon:(a) the total emount of � `
<br /> ..,
<br /> �f►e sums secuned immediau.ly before the taking,dividcd by @) thc fair maricct valuc of the Property immediately beforo the
<br /> �g.Any balance shall be paid to Borrower.In the avent of a pardal taking of the Property in whicb the fair market value of the ��°
<br /> perty immediatcly be.fore the teking is less than the amount of the suras secuzrd immedi�tcly before the talcinR, unless 7 =-�
<br /> • t Borrowcr and Lender otherwise agcee in wripng or unless applicablc law otherwLse provldes,the piocceds shall be applIed to the ��n'
<br /> sums sccured by this Security Inswment whether or not the sums are then due. �'`��•
<br /> If ihe Property is abandoned by Borrower,oe if,after notice by Lender to Borrower duit the condemnor offers to make an 's:
<br /> ' award or settle a claim for damagcs,Horrowcr fails to respond to Lender within 30 days afber the datc the nodce fs given,Lender �;-
<br /> . - ' is authorized to coUeGt end apply the proceeds,at its opdon.eithe.r to restaradon or repair of the Prope�ty or to the sums secured --
<br /> . by this Socurity Instrument,whether or not then dua �`
<br /> , -- .. Unless I.ender and Bo�rower otherwlse agree in wriWB��Y aPP���on of proceeds w principal sha11 not eatend or postpona �:
<br />�:;,.:. ; t h e duo d a t e o f t he mon t h ly payments re ferre d to i n paragraphs 1 end 2 or change tho emount of such payments. _-
<br /> - ,� :�.:;:,■■v:.c,:TVi�c�r"c�"cu�cGi uwi aut8 oj�i.euu'er i3vi r viiuYlr. Exoension of riia dme for payment or matiineation —
<br /> :=_��� �L: � of amo�atIon of the sums sec�red b this Securi Instrument -
<br /> �� Y ty gcanted by Lender to any successor in iatuest of Borrower shall -
<br />�"';''• not operate W release the li�bility uf the oa3ginal Borrower or IIorrower's sucoessors in�ntcres�I.e�der shall not be reqnired to
<br /> °'���'""`'�,�` • commenca proceedings against any successar in intarest or refuse to extcn�dme for payment or odieawise modjfy amordzadon of -
<br /> �.' ;'r,�`��� . --
<br /> �'�''`-''�fi� the sums secured by this Securiry Insuument by rcason of uny demand mada by the o�IglnN Borrowec or Borrower's successors
<br /> `��`°'����' ln int�,rest Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising eny dght or remedy shall aot bn a waivcr of or prxlude the eaercise of any
<br /> �''�'Y"? � right or ninedy. p-
<br /> _ _ __,. _, , 12.SuccaSSOrs and Asslgns Bound;Je�nt aad Several L3aDflFly; Co�slgaers. '!?�u covc�enrs and agrcements of Qti,� _--
<br /> ,� SocurFry Insttument shall bind and benefit the successors and asslg�s of I,ender and Bocrower, subject to the provislons of �
<br /> ��`� �ph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreemenis shall bo jaint and several. Anv Hocrower who co-sians this SecurItv !�`-''-
<br /> """`� � Insuument but does not exccutc !ho Not�: (a) !s co-sl in this SecurI Insnumnnt onl to mo y ��
<br />_.rr.•.:?_'��9 ' 8n 8 tY Y �BC►$[Allt 81111 CAlIVQ fhBl {1�i'.::.
<br /> -- "-�" Bo¢rowu's iatemst in the Property undcr tha tecma of this Security I�sWmettt;(b)is not personaliy obligatod W pay tha sums -
<br /> v_�,.,..:��
<br /> __-��Y.-�:;:,;;'�: • socured by this Securiry Instn�mc;nt;and(c)agrees I�ut Lender and Any other Borrower mny agnae to extcnd.modify.forboar or
<br />=�=�'�.!,;?;,,' make any accommodations with regard w the tecros of Wis Secnrity Instriunent or the Note w,ithout that Borrower's consen� —
<br /> ..--- _-- ' 13.Loaa C6argcs. If the loan secured by t��is Security Insuument is subjeu to a law which sets maaimum loan c►uirges,
<br /> � end that law is flnally interpreted so that the intcrest or other loan charges coUected or to bc collocted in connoctbn with tha loau -
<br /> :=�;;„,� exceed the pe�mIued limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be r�luced by tha emourtt necessaxy W roduco the charge to Wn —
<br /> -__-`�;';'� petmitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Boaowu which eacceeded pem�luccY limits will be refunde.�to gorcpw�r. --
<br /> _����.'-'� LCnder may chcose to malce this refund by reducing thc grincipal owed undet thc Nnte a by moking a ditect payment to �
<br /> i_�:�� Bomnwu. If a rofund re8uces principal,the reducdon wiU be trcated es a pariial prepaya�ent without anY Prepaymnent charge
<br /> - . under the Note. -�
<br /> 14.Notioes. Any nodce w Botrower pmvidrd for in Uds Security Insuument shall ba given by dcllvering it or Dy mailing it
<br />_"�� by fvst c1aSS mail untess appllcablo law recyuires use of another meihod.The nooce shall ba dt�cteci w the Property Address or --
<br /> ______m;;� any other address Borrower designates by modce to Lender. Apy AotiCe W Le�tdei'ShBll be given by fu:et clacc mAil tr1 T rBQrr'g --
<br /> ,�� , eddress atated hereln or any other address Lcnder desi�natas by notice to Borrower. My nodce pmvided for in this Socurity --
<br /> ��� Instrument shall be deemed to have bee�given to Borcower or Lender when given As provided In this paragraph. ��
<br />�=�,��`:?.� YS.Governing Law;Severability. This Security Instrwnent shall be govcrned by federal law and tho i,zw of the !1:!��=
<br />-`'� '�����'� urisdic6an in which thc Pro
<br />°_;_.�,�• ; .,� ! perty is located.In the event that eny p�vlsion or cleuse of thia Sectuity Instrumcnt or tha Note u_
<br /> , •,,:.�, conflicts with applicable(aw,such confllct sh�ll not af�'ect othar provisions of this Securlry Instrument or the Note which can 6e �`
<br /> vcn efFect without tha conflictir �=-
<br /> ; .��;;; B� g provisian.To this cnd tha provisions of this Secur�ty lnstrument and tho Note are decla�od w =-
<br /> ": 6o severablo. I.�--
<br /> . .; ,'_
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