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<br /> � „ � S.Nwu�rd or 1'roperly insurartce. [lorrow�r shall kccp thc improvcments now exisUng on c�rcaftcr crected on the Piopscty
<br /> insurcA ngainst loss by fuc,ha•r,ards included wlthin thc tcrm "extcndcd coverage" nnd any othcr hazards, including �luods or
<br /> flr�oding,for which L.cndcr rcqulres inaurenco.This insurancc shull bo maintainca in tha amounts and for the perlods that LenGer _.
<br /> requices.7t�c insurnnca carr(cr providing thc Insuranco shall bo choscn by Hoirowcr subject w Lcnder's approvel which shall not '''
<br /> .� t►c unrcasonably withhcld. !f H�rtowcr [ails to muintain coveragc dcacriE►ed sbove, Lcndc� may, at Lcndcr's oydon,oi�Yain �
<br /> �' covcrage to proGect Lender's rights in�ho Property in accordnnce with paragraph?.
<br /> • '� All insurance poAcies and renewals ahall ba accepwble to Lender and shall include a slandard mortgage clause.l.ender shall .�.
<br /> � havo the right w hold the policies and renewals.If L.cndcr requires,Borrowcr shall prompQy giva to Lender nll recefpls of pald �;.,
<br /> premiums ond rencwal noticcs.In tho ovent of loss,Bonowcr shall givc pmmpt nos�ce u�tha Insurancc cairier and Lender.Lender •>.�
<br /> "� mny make proof of loss if not madc prompily by Borrower. '
<br /> ' � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree tn writing, insurance proceeds shall be epplied to restnration�r repair of the �>>
<br /> #, Property damnged,if the restoradon or repair is economically feusible and Lender's securtty is nat le.�sened.If the restoradon or �u�
<br /> r�pair is not economlcally feasibla or I.ender's securiry woula be lessened,the lnsurer►ce proceeds shall be applie.d to ttia sums _
<br /> � socured by thiv Securiry Instrumenb whethcr or not then due,wlth any eacess pald to Bomuwer.If Borrowa abandons the __
<br /> � Property,or dacs not answer wtthln 30 days a notice from Lcnder that the insurance:carrier hav offered to seul� a claim,then —
<br /> ' . Lender may collect the insuranca proceeds.Lender may u�e the proceeds to repair or restore the Pnoperty or to pay sums sxured
<br /> ` by►this Socurlry Inswmen�whcther or not then due.'fia 30-day period wW begin when @u nouce is glven. _
<br /> i Unless Lender and Borrower othotwisc agrce in wriring,any application of pmcecds to principal shall not extend ar postpone
<br /> : lhe dae daic of the monthly payments rcfcrrod to in paregraphs 1 and 2 or chango the emount of the payments.If unakr pfuag�raph
<br /> 21 the Property is acquircd by Lendcr,Bosrower's dght to any insurartce pollcies and proceeds resuldng Crom darn�r,e to the =_
<br /> :�+_���. Pro�uty pdor to the acquisition ahuU pass to Lendes w the eatent of the sums socurod by this Security Instruroent imznediately =
<br /> • prior to the acquisidon. �_
<br /> • " 6.Occup�ncy�Preservatbn�Mqintenance and Protect�on of the Property; Horrower's Loaa Ap�plliratbn;LeaseBolds.
<br />.;r:'.;,.,.,p Bamnwcr shall occupy.cstabGsh,and use the Property as Borrowcr's principal residence wt:hin sixty days after the eaecudon of -=
<br /> �. ` �his Securiry Insuument nnd shnll continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's princlpal residence for at least oue year afier the =
<br /> �� ��� date of occupancy, unkss Lender othorvvisc agrees in writing, which wnsent shall aot be unreasotu�bly withhe�.d, or unl�ss
<br /> .
<br /> wctenuadng circwnstanccs exist which nre beyond Bormwer's conuol.Borrowu shall not destmy,damage or impair the Properly.
<br /> �"`""' ` allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste an the Propeity. Borrowu shall be in default if aay forfeiwce actbn or
<br />-�;�,'"��: pmceeding,whetl�er civil or crimin�l,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgnttat wuld result in fortClWre of[he PtOpaty or
<br /> ' -ti:.,• oUxxwisa materially impair the lien created by this Security Insaument or Lender's security inter�st Borrower may c�rs such a
<br />-=�s.c�.::�z. � dcfault end•reinstete.as providai 3n paragraph 18. by causirg the action or proceeding w be dLsmissed with a n�ling that,in
<br />:i4t:!�::.�. � ,
<br /> _� �,�� I.ender's good faith detem�ination�procludcs forfeiwre of the Bomower s intetest in tbe Propeity or other mateiial imp�airn�eru of
<br /> "�''� the lien cnated by this Sccurity Inswme,�t or Lender's security intexesG Borrower shall aLso be in defaWt df Borrowu.deuing tha
<br /> .'�aY,,-`� ban application process�Bave mawrially falso or inaccurate infarmadon or stau,ments w Let�der(or faikd w provlde I.euda wlth
<br />_ ^;-:;.,;�, �ny n►ataial informatlon) in connecti�on with the loan evic9�oed by the Note. including� but not limIted to,represeatuions =
<br />__;;,_�:;:� � cancr.�sing IIwcower's occupancy of thc Property as a princip�residence.If this Security Instroment is on a leasehold,Barower ---�
<br /> _-_m�� ahall compiy wltt�all the pmvisions of the leaso.If Bortower acquires fa 6tle w the Propwty.the leasehold and the foe titb st�aU
<br />—=•?.w�.—..�� - !w:l:2C.p.°,r.�.:.'�'�..:�..',�..'�..�.;p..,:�a w..�.v.:..'wb.'�L.°..'::.:0.
<br /> -::'-=--�`-� 7.Pre�tectbn uP ILender's Riahts in the Property. If Bomowei fails W perform thcs covet�ants and agre�nents containecl in
<br /> -- _ this Security Instrument,or there Is a kgal proceeding thet may significandy affect Lender's rlgttts fn the Pmperty(such ag a
<br /> --_..- P������P�Y•Probaw�for condemnation or forfciwre oc w eri&�cce laws or regulations).t6en�.er�dM may do and PaY
<br /> .�� for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and b,enckr's dghts in ihe Property.La�der's acdons may includo
<br /> - paying eny sums sxured by a lien which has priority over this Security Insuument, eppeating in ca.ut, paying reasonable
<br /> aetorneys' foes and entering on tha Pcopc�ty ro mske repairs.Although I.e�da may taice action anda this pangraph 7,Lenda -
<br /> - , docs not havc w do so.
<br /> `� tLny arixwnts disbrtsed by I.enfler under this paragraph 7 shall become additlon2l debt of Bomower socured by this Socurtty
<br /> . Inswmai�Unh_ss Borrowcr and I.cr�dcr agrce w othcr t�rn►s of payment,these amounts shall beu iuterest from the date of
<br /> --. - disbursement at t}�Nou rate and shall be payabk,with int�rest,upon notice from Lendcr to Bo�mwu na�uesting payma�t
<br /> -- 8.Mo�t�age Insorance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of m�aking the loan securod by tltis Secutiey
<br />..-�� Insuument, Borrow�r shall pay the pruniums requim.d to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect I[, for any reaSOn. the
<br /> --_ = mortgflge insurance coverage reqe�tred by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effoct,Bom�wa st�all pay tho pnmiums requirod to
<br /> =-==ya . o��;.r,�varr,bc �ubst��d,.!!y e�si�f�!er_t t��he mortga;e in�:irn�p:eviQnsly!.n�f!'+xt. es E�,:i s:.�b�..:,.^n�slD,�•=i:�W�a::i^ Lhe -_
<br />'�-";":;:�'' cost to Borrower of thc mortgage insuiance previously in effcct,from an altcrnate mortgage insuttr approved by I.ender. If
<br /> =~ ��� •� �, subsW�dall oquivalcnt mort a c insu�nce cov o is not available,Borrower shaU w Y�der cac�month a sum ual to
<br />=-:.�c.:� Y FI8 �8 PaY �9
<br /> �'�'�:;+� >� , .' one�hveffth of the earl mo =-
<br /> _ .: . ; Y Y �8e insurance preaa�ium being paid by Bocrowee w en msivance coyrlage a ceased to
<br />•;:}' ` • bo in eifec�I.e�tdex will accept. uso and retain these payIIr�n��as a loss msen+e in li�o�'mortgage insurance. Loss mservc
<br /> ::,;t��.�'�4�.
<br /> •.,i;Y:•(� �.:''. —
<br /> ��.q1'-:�•,�;:'� Form3021 0l00
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