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<br /> � 16.Borrower's Copy. IIorrowcr shall bc givcn ono conformcd copy of I�a Notc nnd of this Sccurtty Inctn�mcnG
<br /> 17.Tr�nsfer of the Ppoperty or p BenefkWl Interest In Borrower. If all or any psut ot tha Aropr.riy or ony iatcrest in it is
<br /> sold or transfcrrcd(or if a bcncFci�l intcrest in Borrowcr ls sald or vansfenccd end Borrowcr is nat A newral person) without
<br /> Lender's prior writicn cansent,l.ender may,at ita op�ion,require immediate payment in full of nll 5untn secured Uy thIs Security
<br /> Instrume�G However.this optlon shall nat bc excrciscd by T.cndcr lf cncrcit►e ir�proMbitcd by tc�icrnl lnw as oC 1ho datc of thls .f�`
<br /> - Security Inswment.
<br /> If Lender eacrcises this option,L.cndcr shull givc Borrowcr notico of accel�t�tfon.'Rro rtotica shall pmvtde aperiod of not less
<br /> _� than 30 days from the dat�the nodce is, uv ���x �l r a Uon o f�h a��o o d,L.c n d e rIImay�lnvol:a an y r ra dies Perm�'tt d =
<br /> .�-�� InsuuricnG If Borrowcr " 'f�h'W}�� � d on Borrowcr. � '
<br /> uu
<br /> b ihis Security Instn�ment tout fu r�_ .
<br /> ' ° ' y 18.Borrower's Right tu ���t�t : ` �"�Q��� maets ceriatn cQ�aitiona, Borrowcr shull hava the right to have , _
<br /> `' enforcemc�nt af this Securiry IfCstrumcnt discontlnued at any dmo pdar w the carUer of: (A) 5 daya (or such other perlod es '.
<br /> appllcable law may specify for reinstatement�before sale of tho Proptrty pursnnnt to any Pnwer of 9ala contained in this Secudty '��:;�,;
<br /> Instrument;or(b)enay of a judgment enforcing this Securiry Insa�men�Tk��:conditians are that Borrower.(a)pays Lcnder all �t
<br /> � sums ahich then would be due under this Securiey Inswment and tha Air�te an if no acceleradon hnd occuned; (b)cures anY ,,'',�:!
<br /> �� default of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays aU eapenses ineurar„�d in eaforcing this Security Inauument,including,but ;�,�-
<br /> not limited co.reasonablcs attorneys'fecs;nnd(d)takc�such acdon a�Lend�sr ma�t rcasonably rcqulre to ansure that fhe llen of this __
<br /> �� S��i�y Instrume�►t, x.ender's dghts in ihe Proporty end BQrrowePs ablibaaon to pay the suma f�ecured by thls Security ; -4-_
<br /> Insuvm;,m shall condnue anchnnged. Upon reinstatement by Bonower,diia Securlty Inspument nnd Ihe obligadons secured
<br /> hereby shnll cemain fally effecdve as if no acceleradon had occurred,tiorvever.this right to reinstate shall not epply in the ca:e of T_.,�
<br /> ecceleration under pasagraPh 17. '���=`
<br /> c, 19.Salc of Nr�3e;ChAnge of Loan Servicer. 'I]ie Note or a paitinl interest in die No:e (totteuher with this Securiry �-
<br /> Insuument)mpy�e sDld one or morc timc3 without prior na�ce to Bor�awer.A salc may result tn a chan�n in thc enuty(known ;,�L°'
<br /> � as the"LAan Sorv,oe�'")that collects monthly payments due under tlio Nata nnd Ihia Secunty Inswmon�Tftere alsa maY be one or =
<br /> morc c�a�nges of the Loan Scrvicer unrclated to e salo of tha Nota.If thm�c in a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be =-
<br /> ti given vvriuen nodce of the change in accordanco wlth ParagrnPh 14 above ond nppucable law.'Ihn natice wUl st�te the name and ,:°`
<br /> f address of the new Lodr►Servicer e�id the address w which payments shauld be made.The notica will nlso contain any other �:_
<br /> • informatIon required by applicable Zaw. ` �"
<br /> • •' 20.Haznrdous Substances. Borrower shaU not cuuse or pecmit t}►c: presencc. usc, disposal, stor�e, or release of any ��: -
<br /> Hazardo�s Substances on or in the Property.Hoaower shnll not do,nar allow anyone elsc to do,anyihinQ elFectinB the ProPertY c
<br /> � that is irta violation of any Envircmmental Law.'Ihe preceding tw� senuances shull nos aoply to the prosence,uce.or sWrage on�he
<br /> � � p���;�f cmall Quanbnes of Hazardous Substanccs that am gencmlly�cognized to be approprista m normal resldcndal uscs
<br /> `��; "`;,' and to mamUenance of the Pruperty.
<br /> � .�,,`.„� Sorrower shall prompUy gi�e Lender written nadca of eny �nv�3attaation, claim, demand, lawcuit or other ocdon by any
<br /> .. ,i; � govemmcntal or regulumry aBcn�Y or private pacty involving the: Propeaty and eny Hazardous 5ubstanr�s or 8nvironmentel Luw -
<br />^ � � �: of which I3orrower has acwal knowlcdge.If IIorrowrr leams.or is nntified by any govemmcntal or mgtilnwry authodry,that any
<br /> ~'=;::j-;-: removail or othe�remediadon of eny Nazardous Substance affecting thn Ftnpecty is necessary.Boirowar shell prompdy Wce all _
<br /> ;.:''i�i"��;= necesstu�y scrncdial,acaons fn accordance with Fnvironmental Law.
<br /> _: :�"w`��• As used m th�s Da�Ph 20. "Ha7ardous Substances" are t�u:fe substances defincd as toxic or hez�rdaus substances by � _
<br /> .':�:,��'-• Environmeatal Law snd the fopowing substanoes: gusaline� kcroneao. other tlammabla or toalc petmleum praclucts, wxic
<br /> _ ,.,,•.
<br /> "'-`"`'' dcides ared herbicIdes,volatile solvents,materieLs containing ahesiQ�ar fumialdehyde,anA rndloncdvc cnaterials.�1s u
<br /> '_'"''�"s w� th��',y paragruph Z0,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and l��vs of the jurisdictian wh�a the Prap�ty is 3acated Q�ai rels►IC c
<br /> -_�....a._._
<br /> °:=��� to healsn,safety or envuonmental protecdon. `
<br /> w>:•i;���:. --
<br /> -=:�.T-"�"�� NON•UNIFURM COVENAN'I'S.Barrowce and Lendar futthe�rcmvenant and agrec as foUows:
<br /> "-���" 21.Accekratan;Remedies.Lender shaU giv�notia to Bc�rrower prbr to accekrnNon tollowing 9u�rnwer's bre��h ot
<br /> :=.�;�;�.;.� 6 17 unl�s
<br /> -�.s,_;��,� any rnvenant or agreement io thts Security Iustrument ([�ut aot prior to accekratlon unde�• parA�rap
<br /> -_- — applicabk tuw provides utherwise).The notice snaU specify:(ae1 t6tQ d+:f�ult;(b)the acNon required to cure the detaalt;(c)
<br /> � e date,not iess thnn 30 dAys from ths date tde notia l�gtv�n to Anrrower,by whkh tLe deihuIt muat be cured;aud(d)
<br /> � tl�at taiture to cure the delAUlt on or betore the date spe�IRat Gi t�te notka m�y result in aocclerutlon o�the sums 9ecured
<br />-_-�'-�'��1� by this Security Instrument and sak of tde Property.Tho nol�Q ehull further inform Borrowcr of t6e right to reinatate
<br />-.�,:,����s:
<br /> —,�►.*�-• aflter accekration and the right to�ring a murt action to�n�ert the noa�ext�teac�o!a d�fault m•any other defenso of
<br /> -- Borrcwer to accekratbn pnd sak.I�the detauit ts not cureal an ar betore the date spectiied iu the aotfee,Leoder�at[ta
<br /> �.:�;%,.1',4Y� pQ�ipn,n1Yy 1'lquir!im�ledfat8 pAymeAt�D(Itil Ot All sum8 6Rtillr�tl b this Securi Instrument witliout turtl�r demand
<br /> Y tY
<br /> ��.,.:�
<br /> �- and may invokc the power of sak and any oWer remedl�,w permtt4rd by applkabk law.Lender 86AU be entiYled Yo co ect
<br /> -�'"�,^'•"'� ap�xpenses incurred in purauing t6e remedtes prov&led in t9�� para�ph 21.induding,but noi timttcd to,reaSOnQble
<br /> .�=•Y=��;;"=`�, attorneys'fees und costs oY tttk evidence.
<br /> �--��u�"� . .. . .....�. so ��.,.,4..i; Tr��ctqp rf�all remrd 4 aotie�ar def�nit fn wc� couat� in w6ki� Any pErt ot We
<br />_.,--::.-w;�►•.:r�.. 11 Ms �iu"r"r"u' in ow. ... ...._ �. ..
<br /> - -'�,;�,: � ihrape.vty is bcsted and shall mail copies oi such notia tn tha menner prescribed by appUcabk law to Burroaer aad to t6e
<br /> �` '?��'��.. o1Aer�+ersons prescri6ed by ppp�icabfe law.After t6e Hmo r�qniratl by oppikab{e I�w.7'rustee�hatl give public notice of
<br />`'�' � sak to the persons and la the manner presrribed by appllraUl�Enw.Trustee,withouE dtmand nn Bonbwer�sh�U sell tl�e
<br /> � : � `�,., property at Rublle auctfon to the highest bidder at the timo and pt�cn and under the terme desl�nated In the noNce o1 sate _
<br /> � Form 9D48 9/YO
<br /> ' t —
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