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<br /> 'P0C38TI�R WITH nll thc improvcmcnts�ow on c�rcaftcr crcctcA on�thc propeny, and all caseroents.aPpurt���9�end
<br /> fixtures now oa hercufter a pan of Uie property.All replaccmcnts nnd addidans shull also bo coveted by this Secudty Instn�menG
<br />- All of thc forcgoing is rcicrrcd to in this Security InsVUment es thc"Prop�rty."
<br /> DORItOWER COVENANTS that Borrawer is lawfully sciscd of Ihe cstaw hereby canvaycd nnd ha9 tho right W granc and
<br /> - convty tho PtopertY a�d thet the Property is nnencumbered, except for encumbrances of record.Bortower wariants and wW r �
<br /> •. ,� defend gcnerelly the tide to the Properry eSai b��un arm cov c ants9forb�onal usonandnnou iform cor cnants with limitcd � �
<br /> �_•��^�� vaciadons by juris�licdon to consdtute a uniform seeurity instrument covering real prope,rty. .
<br /> , „�'"�"'� UMF(?RM COVENAN'TS•Borrower and Lender covenant and agrce ag follows: p p when duc the ,
<br /> • 1.I'ayment o!Principal wnd Interest;Prepayment And L�te Chuges. Aorrowcr shall rom tly pay '
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due undu the Note. ,
<br /> 2,Funds tor Taxes and Insurance. Subject co applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Horrower sha�l puy to • �:
<br /> Lender on the day monttily paymcn[s aze due under the Note,untill the Notc is pald in full,a sum("Fande")for.(a)yeariy ta�ces ��µ
<br /> and assessments which may attain priority over this Securiry Insuument a9 a lien on the Pmpercy:(b)Yearty leasehold paymentg � ,-
<br /> �f any:(c)Yearly ha7ard or propeity insurance premiums:(d?Yearly fload insurance premiums.if , L',5
<br /> or groand rents ore the P�nperly.' . :y=`
<br />- ° any:(e) Yearly mortgege insurance premiums,if any.aad(�enY sums PaYabk by Bonrowes w Lender�in accordnnce with the ,r .
<br /> ,.`� provisions of paragraph 8.Li lleu of 4`a payment of mortgage Lnsurence Prem�ums. 'rnese items are c�llod "B�crow Items." _
<br /> ,�..,,,,, Lr,�der may,at any 6me.cotlect and hold Funds in an amount not to excecd d�e ma�mum art!ount a lender for a federally related 4
<br /> �`��`�� mortgage loan may require for Boreower's escrow account under the tederal Real Estaee Seitkment Proced�res Act of 1974 ag 'F, .;,Y
<br /> unended from tLne to time,l2 U.S.C.SecHon 2601 et seq. ("RBSPA").unless anolher law that appUes to the Funds sets a lesser , .--
<br />- �:��;:'� amounL If so.Lender may.at any ume. collect and hold Funds in en amount not tn crtceed tha lrsser amounG L,enAcr muy f _ N
<br /> i,. • estunate the funount of Fiu►ds due on the basis of current data and reasonable es t i mates of eapenditures of future Fscrow It�ms or -: +--
<br /> . . otherwise in accordance with uppllcable luw. -�
<br /> F- !` • 'Ihe Funds shall be t�eld in an insdtution whose deposits are insured by a federal egency.inst�umentelity.or entity(inciudin8 1'�_-
<br />- .'r Lendu. if I.ender is suc��n institudon) or in any Federal Home L.oan Bank.L,ender shaU apply thc Funds w pay the F.scxow ��.`;=
<br /> i;" ,• ltems.I.ender may no►cluuge Borrower for holding and aPplyln8 the Fnnds.annunlly analyzi�►8 the escroa'aoc°unt,or veiifYinB :i_�.
<br /> • ��.�;:' s Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law perndts I.ender to make suah a charga. _
<br />- >.,.:� the Bscrow I�ems.unless Lender pay _
<br /> J>� ' , �_ r : � �nP time char � for an indCpendet�t resl estate te�t reporting suvice used by -.-
<br />�..,:...�,�;;;. . Howcvu�i.enucr���ny:�u� ..orz�°� .�gs, a � t is madc or appllCabie iaw -
<br /> - . Lenckr in connection with tt�is loan,un7rss applicabla luw provides otherwise. Unless en agree�►xa
<br /> '�` roquircs interest co be p�id,i.ender shall not be reyui�ecJ to pay Boirower any interest or eamin8a on the Funds.Borrowrr and
<br /> _'� . . I��.,� Lendu may agree in wri�ng,however,tbas interest sh�31 be paid on the Funds.I.ender shall give to Borrower,wi�hout charge.au __ .
<br /> y'` �"' �nnual accc�,nndng of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and the pu�se for which exh debit¢o the Fund9 was
<br />-==�'.-'s.'ri}(r?.'.
<br />�:--r�,7�'t`,;%;� •
<br /> �,^�•;,t� made.The�unds are pledged as additior��security for all sums secur�ed by this SecwriC�r strument
<br />�.`,sv:'•��''>'r�
<br /> , If t}ie Fixnds held by Lepder exceed the simounts permiaed to be Add by applkkstiblc law.Lcndex shail eccount to Borrowcr or
<br /> -�;tir�.
<br /> --° ihe excess Funds in accrmTtlance with the requirements of applicable law.If ihe amount of the Funds held by Lendec at any time is =-
<br /> _.=•.-�v�:�=,-.
<br />—°��'r-:.•` qot sufficient W pay the fiscrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrowu ir,writing.and,m suci�ca9e notr�wrr�iwli Nuy
<br />- " � ��' m Iencks �he amount necessary co make up ihe deficiency. Borrower shall make�p�he defickncy in no�vx� �i�� Ewe1�e
<br /> �-Y��,�� monthZY pay�eer►ts.at Lender's sole discrerion. rofund tn Bo�mwer eny FS�nds --- _
<br /> —_= UP�n PaYment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender sJ�il pcomPUY
<br /> — a�-� . held by I.ende�. If,under paragranh 21,I.ender shali aicquire or sell the I'ropertY.Len�kx.Ixior to tho acquisition or sale of the
<br /> -�T°..�+:�'.� property,shall apply any Funds lisld by Lender at�s dme of acctuisidon or safo as a crcdlt against the sureos secured by this
<br /> -�-°.._"g Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> --— 3.Ap�lx�tion of Paymenta. Unless applicable law providen mtheiwise�all PaYments ce�eived by Lender wder paragrapha
<br /> --- ---- — 1 and 2 s'h�ill b�applled:Cust,to any prepayment charges due uncler the Note:second,co amounts payable under paraga�+h 2�
<br /> _=.°.-�--_— third�to interest duc:fovrlh,w principal due:end last,to any late charges due under the Note. -
<br /> � 4.Charges:Lkns. 8orrower shall pay all tAxes,assessments�chargcs�fines end imposidons euributub7e to tho Pmpe�ty
<br /> -=�;T�,� Kri�ich may auain priQrity over this Securiry Inswment,and le�ehold payments or faound rents.if any.Botrowa stwU pay thrse
<br /> .a....�r.:nra�
<br /> -- °:`� obligations is►tt�e manner provided in�paiagraph 2�or if not paid in that manncr.Bomnwer stiall pay dtiem on timo direcdy to tho
<br /> ";�::�• person owed paymenL Borcower shull �romptly fumi.ah to Lc�►der all nodces of amounts to 1xi 1►aid undcr Ihis pat�graph.If
<br /> 13ar[ower maices these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish w Lender reccipts evidencing tho paymenta.
<br /> -.��„�;R,� Borrower shull promptly dLscharge any lien which has priority over this Securiey Instrumeat nnless Horrower: (a)egcoes in =-
<br /> -=--.;M:�i�� wridng to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien w o.:.a��.;.:r,.°"�-��,*^!°"-'�'-'*:{f'?!'�nr��rc�g�t fairh the lien
<br /> _=-;:_�`;;r� � Isy,or defends ageinst enforcenient of the lien in. legal praceeciings which in the I.ender's opinion operata to preveat the __
<br /> ='�t����•- ' � e�nforcerne�nt of the lien;or(c)secuT�es�iom the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory w Le�►dtx subordinating the licu to _
<br /> t�;' '��<'=;;•`%
<br /> -_ �, .. ' thls Secarity Instrumen4 If Lender determines that a�►Y Pazt of"the Properry is subject to a fien which may uttain priodty over thi� -
<br /> .�:;�.;-;,-;`'' Securicy Instrument,L,en�u may give Borrower a nflrice identifying the lien.]Bar:r�ower shall sadsfY tho lien or teke one or more _
<br /> "-'�'��'c'��t • orf th�acdons set forth above within 10 days of Ihe gitiing of nodce. _
<br /> ..�";;,,,�. �o�m 902� 9190 �
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