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<br /> ' S. Huaard or Property Insuranee. Borrower shall keep the im�rovemcnts now existing or hercafter erected on the
<br /> Property inmired nga�nst loss by fire, ht�uuda included within the terni "extended coverabe"and any other hazards, including
<br /> floods ur fluodin�, for vdiich Lencter rsquires insurnnce.This insurance shall be maintuined in t}ie lmounts und for the periods
<br /> tbat Lender requires.Thc insurnncc cnrricr providin� the insurance shull be chasen by Gorrowcr subject to Lender's appraval
<br /> ►�rhich shal! not be unrcasonably withttcld. [f Anrro�vc�r fails to maintnin coverage aescribed abovc, i.cnder may, at Lender's L
<br /> option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Propeny in accardance with paragraph 7.
<br /> All innurance policies and mnewals shall be acceptable to Lender su�d shall include a standard mortgage clause. L.en:ler
<br /> shall hnve thc right to hold ehc pulicies and renewals. If Lendcr requires, Aorrowcr shall promptly give to Lender all r�eipts of
<br /> paid premlums and renewal n.�tices. I'E�c�ie event of loss,Horrower shall�ive prompt notice to the insurance carrier and I,ender.
<br /> l..ender mny make praof of loss if nat ina�ie ptomptly by Borrower.
<br /> Untess Lender and Borrawer othei�i�e agree in writing,insurnnce prcceeds shall 6e applied to restoration or repair of the _
<br /> Property dan���ed. if thc restaration or repair is economically feasible und Lender's security is not lessenerl.If the restoratIon or
<br /> repAir ie not ctonomically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insuran:e proceeds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> securcd by this Security (nstrument, whr.ther ar not then duc, with any excess paid to Borrower. [f Borrowtr abandons the
<br /> Property, or does nat answer within 30 dnyF a iiotice from [.ender thnt thr.insurance carrier has offarcd te�settle A claim, then
<br /> Lcndcr mny collcct the insurunce procee<!s. Lendcr may use thc proccecis to rcpuir or restore thc Property or to pay swns
<br /> secured by tl�iw Security G�strument, whether ur not then due.The 30-day neriocl wlll begfn when the notice is given.
<br /> UnfctiY LenJer und Burrower otherwise ugrce in writing, any npplicntian of proce..ds to principal 5hall nat e�tend or °
<br /> �x►sq�nne�hc Juc dntc cif thc monthly payments refcrral t�� in puragriipNs 1 and 2 or ch�ngc thc amount of the payments. If'
<br /> under par.��rnph 21 the Pr��perty is ncquimd by L.ender, Borruwcr's right w any insurance polictes and pracceds resulNng from
<br /> dantngc tu thc Property prinr t�+thc acyuieiticro shall pass to L.endcr t��the cxtent of the sums sccured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt
<br /> immcdiutcly prior to thc ncquisiNon.
<br /> 6. O�ecupu�uy.Prescrvatlm�,Mnlntenance und Protertion ol the @�aperty;Burrower's Loan Application; I.easeholds.
<br /> Bnrcower slizill occupy, estublish,and use the Property�ss Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> thiF Secuciey instrument i�nd shull continue to occupy the Property as Borro�ver's principal residence far at least one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy, unle�s I.ender atherniee ugrees in writing,which cunsent shall not be unreasonnbly withheld. or unless
<br /> extenuutinII circumstances exist �vhich are beyond Borrower's control. Borcowcr sh�ll not destray, damage or impair the
<br /> Property, allow the Property to deteriorutc, or commit waste on the Pranerty. Bomower shall be i� default if any forfeiture
<br /> ni:IiOi�vi Cin.ci�ii��i'v,ict,ici GItiII uT Gii�liiSZ. i��3C'*ilti 2�]ai in I.;.ndcr's �.^,� ��:i� ���•••••'•••:,Dii�� iw::�i IR f03'f�t:�:,..^,.th:
<br /> P b b "s 3�s••� •�
<br /> Property or odterwise materially impalr the lien created by this Security Inttr�ment or Lertder's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure sucli a default and reinstate,as pns��ii;.�d in paragraph 18,by causing the action or procectling to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> tltat, in'l.ender's gnod faith dctcrminatzun, precludes forfc:iture uf the i�orrowcr's interest in the Praperry or other material
<br /> impairment af thc lien created by this Security Instrument or Lendci s security interest. Borrotiver shal! also be in default if
<br /> Borcower,during the loan appiication process,gave matcrially false or inaccuratc inforniation or statements to L.ender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender witl�any material informution) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not ll�auted
<br /> to.repre�entations concerning Borro�ver's occup�nr.y�f rhr.Proncrty �c��rincipal res9dence.If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> Ieasehold, Borrower shall comply with �II thc provisions of the lease. If Borro�ver ucquires fce title to the Properry, the
<br /> IcasehoW and the fce title shall nat mar�e unless Lender afirees to the merf:cr in writin�.
<br /> 7.�'rotection of Lender's Ri�;hts in the Property.If Borrower fuils w perform the covenants nnd agreements contained in
<br /> this Sccuricy Instrumcnt, or there is a�•raal proceeding thut muy signific:�nHy t!ffect Lender's rights in the Properry (snch as a
<br /> proceeding in banlaruptcy,prabate, Eor�nndemnation �r forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations). then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protecs che �•�fue of the Properry and Ixnder's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may �
<br /> include naying any sums secureci f�}� � lien wivch hus priority over this Security Instrument. appearing in court, paying
<br /> reasonuble attorncys'fecs and enteriug on the Property to make repairs. Although Leader may tnke action under this paragraph
<br /> 7,IJend�r does not have to do so. •
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder under this paragraph 7 shnll become addition:zl debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument.Unless �onower and Lender pgrec to othcr terms��f payment. these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> ds►te of disbursement nt the Note rute and shull bc payablc, with interest, upon nutice from Lender to Bonower requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> S.Mortgatge Insurunce.If I.ec��er requimd mort�age insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Secur�ty
<br /> instrumeut. Bornower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance i� effect. If. for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage i�isurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effec:t,Bonowcr shttll pay Rhe;premiums required to
<br /> obtuin c�veraBe substnntially cquivnlcnt to the mongage insuinnce prcviously in effcat,at a cost subs*�nti�lly equivalent to the `
<br /> cost to Eorrower ef the mortgage insurance previausly in effeet, frc�m an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> substantiully equivalent mort�agcs insumnce covera�e is not available, Bonower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal tv
<br /> one-twelfii�of the yearly mortgnge insurance premium bein�paid by Dorcower when the insurance cover�se lapsul or ccased;o
<br /> be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a I��ss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurai►c:e. L.oss reserve
<br /> Form 3020 8180
<br /> Psqo 3 010
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