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<br /> - .�M I '�A�k.dA.Y;M�aYNiw:�/r:b ,rAJ• ,d.. w.rr.v.i?6RM1AM�siD�;'M'Yru+rh'..�:...,� . .. .� . ...���y� ._'39�/��'. ..
<br /> ..�1.� .s... ._.,✓tu...... (9C�� -- '.i.w•;••— _ `
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<br /> `,,,. � .. �s_ lc��a��n =�-=
<br /> � TOaBTHBR WlTli�►II tl�e i���p�•avemcnts now or hercafter erected on die property. ��nd all ciiscmcnts,nppuriennnr.es,u�id r.
<br /> fixwres now or hereafter a part of tite prop�rty. iiil ���Icccmene:: and nr!dition5 �hall alr,o he coverr.d by tliis Security � .1,,
<br />-�� � Tnstrumcnt. All of thc forcgoing is refcrral to in this Sccurity lnstrumentas thr. "(�n�pcny." =.'
<br /> BORROWER COVENANT5 thnt I���rrowcr is Iciwfully scised af thc cstatr 1►creby convcycd und hnn tha rl�ht to�rant nnd �`_
<br /> �. "� .j convey the Property and that tlie Praperty is unencumbered, except for encumbrunces of rea�rd. Barcrnve.r warr.�n�s and will
<br /> °^w defen�gener:�lly the tiUc to the Propcny�jEa�btne.s'uniform covenan[s for n�i unal unc and nnni u�ifo n�r�cnnntc with limitrd �'�=
<br />`.=''�°�� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT com __
<br /> variutions by jurisdiction to constitute a unlform security instrument coverinQ reu l property.
<br /> 3--,y�y UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow�er and i..ender covenant and agrce aa follows: � p y Whcn ciue the �«_
<br /> � 1. Payment uf Principnl and Interest; Prepaym�M nrtdy Putp�hi�rges. Bnrrowcr shAll r�m tl puy �-
<br /> ��� principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note unci an re a ment and late churges due under the Note. -
<br /> ..,�f 2.Fimc�s tor Taxes und Insurnnce. �ubject co applicable Inw or to a written waiver by L.endcr. Bonnwer shnfl pay to ��.
<br /> -'�` = i.ander on thc dny monthly payments are due undcr thc Nate,until the�Nate iw paid in fu�l.u sum("FunQa fl, Icasehold payments
<br />:'�-'�`�+ � and essessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as n lien on the Propert�Tb)n�A�YnA"�c`premiums, _
<br /> �•:: �;�: . earl haztud or ro ert insttrance premiums;(d)y y
<br /> •��:+>x or g�aand rntson the Property, ifany;(c)y y P P Y =__
<br />',��'��'�: if any; (e)y�rly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; nnd (�uny sums pnynble by 9orrower to Lender, in nccordance with
<br /> .�R:+.�
<br />--�- - the provisions of paragraph 8,in licu of the payment af mortgA�e inaurance prcmiums.These items nrc cnlled "Escrow Items.
<br /> -� Lender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an umount not to exceeci the maximum umount fl Iender fur a federally
<br /> _���I related mu►i�age laan may require for Barrmver's escrow uccount under thc fedc�al Real Estutc Scttlemr.nt Praccdures Act af
<br /> -�'�'�� 1�74 as amend� from tlme tn timc, 12 U.S,�. Section 2G01 et seq. C'I��SPA"1. unless anothcr luw U►ut�p�Hcs io the Funde
<br />�:� �sets ii lesser �:mount. If so, I.ender muy, at nny timo,collect unJ hold f�uttds in nn um��um not t�► excr.cd Ihe Iesser umuunt, -
<br />-�.„ l,endcr�9�uy cstimntc the nntuunt��P�unds due �►n thc husiti oE"currcnt�lutn wiJ ren+nnablc ctitimutcs of cxpcnditures of future
<br /> Fscmw Itcm�ar��thcnvisc in nccurc6incc with nppUcublc luw.
<br />=�� 'fl�c Foixls shidl Nc Itcld in nn Ui,tlu�Uon whusc dcp�nils un� bi�+urcd hy u Pcdcr�d u},lemy, in,;lnimcnu►Ihy, or cniity
<br /> -rh,� (including l.cixlcr.iP l.endcr fti huch nn lustituti��n1��r in uny f7cdcr.al 1•lomc l.�nin 19unk. I.�ndcr shuU upply tl�c funds to pay �hc
<br />-=-- f?scrow Itemv,l.�:��1cr muy nut chargc H��rrow��liorrower�i�terc t,on'lie Cuiuls undyupplicublc Iuwipe�inits'I..ender nttni ke�sud�
<br /> vcrifyin�t thc Nscrow Itcnis, unlc�s Lcnder puy.
<br /> ---.� u churge. H��wever. L.ender muy reyuire 8orrower to pny u one•tiitita churge for un inde�ndent reid cstutc tux reponing service
<br />- -� used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicuUle luw provides otherwise. Unless un u�rec:ment 'ss made or
<br /> S°- - - uppi;cn�i::l:,:e i�st!SL'S!!1I!`inct ta he o3id. Lender shall not be �eq�l�md to puy Borrmvcr nny interest or enrnings on the Funds,
<br />