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<br /> �� ' pnymcnts may no longcr be reyuircd,at the optioi�of L.cndcr, if mortg.�gc insurunce coverare(in the nmount und fnr the period
<br /> '; `.•�•'�r that Lendcr requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender uguin becumes available and is obtttinal. Borrrnvcr shull pay
<br /> the pren�iums required to muintain mortgage insuMnce in effect,or to provide n loss rescrve,until thc requirement for mortgage
<br />'� '�;}�•�• insuri►ncr ends in nccorcfartcc with uny written agrecment betwecn Borrower und l�:nder or applicablc law.
<br />, !�SF.�tit,
<br /> 9. Inspecti�n. l.e�ider or its ugent muy make reusonnble entries upon nnd inspections c�f the Proparty. I.ende►• shall give
<br /> -`'�='i�� Rarmwcr noticc nt thc timc of ur prior to an inspc�tion spccifying rcutianablc cuusc for thc in�pcction.
<br />„�f�_- •
<br /> - lU. CondemnaUon. Thc procccds of any uwurd or clnim fi�r dnmugcs, direct or comcqucntial, in cunncct un �wl i uny
<br /> ;:��� condr.mnati�m ur othcr t�iking ��f any pun nf thc Pri�prrry, or t'ar convcynncc in licu of ccmdcnmation, urc hcreby lissignc�l uud
<br /> --`';� 4hs�ll hc paid t��l,�:ndcr, _
<br /> ..` In tlic evcnt nF n tnt;d piking uf�hc pn��xrty,thc prurccdti shidl I�c upplicd a�thc sumti xccurcd hy thi�Scrurily In,lruw�ot,
<br /> �;�';.• wl�clhcr ur nut Ihcn dac, wflli nny cxcc4, pntd tn Il<�rruwtr. In thc c��cnt uf u parilid tnking of thc Pru�►crty in whirN thc i'idr
<br />,_:.,.;.
<br /> :,,. ,; � nmrkcl viduc ot'thc I�ru�i�;rty hnmrctintcly hcfuru Uic tuking Is cquul lu��r grcutrr tluin thc umti�unt af 1hc sum,•ccw•cd hy thl�
<br /> ;�`.�'•� Sccurity liititrumciii inuncdliUCly hcli�rc tltc�nking,unlrs� If��rruwrr nnd l.cndcr uthcrwi,c ugrcc in wriling, tltc s�unr scctu'cd hy
<br />--�.,,;t.
<br /> R;7� Ihin kcurlty Inytrumm�t shnll bc rcducrd hy thc ninnu�u af Il�c pr�xccvls multiplicd hy thc foUowinh frurti��n: (n) thc tatn _
<br /> " umuunt nf thc sum�� ticcurcJ immccllatcly bcfnrc thc tnking,dividcd hy (b► thc fi�ir nr�rket valuc of thc ProExrty fmmcdiutcly
<br /> befora thc t�iking. /�ny balanc.�e shull be pald w Uorruwcr. In �hc event nf u paniul taking of thc Propeny in tivhirh thc liiir
<br />-:-'y`• nun•kct valuc of dtc Property immcdiutcly bcforc�hc tuking is less thun thc umount of the sums scrurcd immcdintcly bcforc thc
<br /> � taking, unless Harrowcr imd l.ender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable luw othenvise provides, �Itic prcxzecis shull
<br />:,,;,:-��,:� be upplicJ to tl�e sums sccured by tbis Sccurity Instrument whcther or not thc sums ure then due.
<br /> -, r If the Property is abandoned by Borrowcr. or if, ukcr notice by Lender ro Borrower thut the condemnor offers to muke an
<br /> ��� � u�vard or setQe a cli►im for dlmagcs. Horrower fuils ta respund to L.ender within 30 d�ys after the dute die nodce is given,
<br /> Le�dcr is authori•r.ed to coUect and upply the procceds,nt its option,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> ^`-'�''�� secured by this Sccurity Instrument.whether or not then due. —
<br />�`�r`� Unlcss Lendcr and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shull not cxtcnd or
<br />'='�•'� St one the due date of the monthl a ments refened to in ara ra hs I und 2 or chan e the amount of such payments.
<br />-- {w. p Y P Y P � P • g
<br /> -=.;;� ll.Borrower Not Releasecl; Eor6earance By Lender Not a�Yaiver.Extensiun uf the time for payment or modification
<br />:_''`•�� a:'amo:tization af r�,w.�sl•,��,����£•t hy r�,i�cPrurity Yns�rument eranted by Lender to any successor in interQSt of Borrower shaU
<br /> ---- nol operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. L.endcr shall not be required to
<br /> --=�— commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amartization
<br /> -- of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand made by thc original Borrowcr or �onower's
<br /> -- — �uc::ssors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> -__ - exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> � — 12. Successors end Assigns Bound; Joint and SeverAl Liability; Casigners. The covenunts and agree�nents of thls
<br /> - ..�,E:,.�. Sr.curity [nstrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of _
<br /> = paragt�ant� 17. Banower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-sigru ii�is 5ecuriry
<br /> _- - Iu�tiuroeul uut due� uot execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument oniy to mongage, grant a���i cuuvny thai -
<br /> -- � tsurrower's mterest in t�e!'rope�ri�under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is noi personally abligat_"'_''^�:y!tte�•!:^-°
<br /> — secur�by�t:+ls S�;,urity instrument;wid(c)agre,es that Lender and any other Bonower may agree to extend,madify. forb8ar nr
<br /> make nny accommocintions�vith regard to the terms of this Securiry Instn�rnent or the IVote without that Bonower's consent.
<br /> 13.x.oan Charges.If the loan secured by this Secarity Instrument is subject tv a lew which sets maximum loan charges,
<br />----- and thnt luw is �nally interprcted so that the interest or other loan charges collecterl or tu he collected in connection with the
<br /> = loan exceed the permitted limits,•then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by ehe�mount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower v�hich exceeded permitted limtts will be refunded to
<br /> --- Borrower. Lencler may choose t� muke this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making u direct
<br /> payment tu Bc�nower. If a refund reduces principal, tBe reduction will be treated es a partial prepayment without uny
<br /> ._ p�payrr.nent charge under the Nate.
<br /> X�1.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument slnall be given by delivcring it or by mailing
<br /> it by first cluss mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The noti¢e shail be directed to the Property Address
<br /> '— or any other address Bonower designates by notice to L,ender. Any notice to Lender shall be siven by first class mail to
<br /> Lendur's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bon•ower. Any notice proNided for in this
<br /> --� Securiry Instrumcnt shall be deemc�to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> �-� 15.CoverninR Law; Severabtlity. This Security Instrument shall bc governed by fedeml la�v and tlie law of the
<br /> __ — jurisdicdon in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br />—==;;� confltcts with applicable law,such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this 5ecurity Instrument or tha Note which can be
<br /> =+_�, given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note�uc da:larod
<br /> _��, to bc sevcrablc.
<br /> —= 16.Borrow•er's Copy. Borrowcr shall be given one canformed copy of the Note and of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> ---�--— Form 3028 'J190
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