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<br /> `caus� Trn�tor•s intes�st` f.a the Ttust Sstate to bs �sold, xbich
<br /> ; � not�ce Trnstee sha11 can�e to be �dnly filed for zacord �i.a the �
<br /> �pprapsiate Official ,Racords of the Couaty ia vhieh the Trast
<br /> -= Bstata is located. ` - � � , .
<br /> — 11• �RR�'-���R ejc _pctw�t OF SI1LB. Should Benefic�ary e�ect '
<br /> — - - -- - to foreclv�e bp e:eraise of tiu PaMer of Sa1� herefn coatafned. -
<br /> Heneficiasy shall notify Trustee aad shall deposst Mft.h Trustee
<br /> - thi� Deed of Trust and the Hote and sucD racel.pts and ev�dence a#
<br /> . . •�{ espeaditures atd� aad securad hereby as Ts�stea aay reqaire.
<br /> � a. Opaa s�ceipt af such aotiae �raa Heneficia:q, Tru�te� .
<br /> 1 shall cause to lae racorded, Qnblfshed and delivbred to Trartor sucb
<br /> ,��; ltotice of Uefanit and Notice of Sale as then required by laa +�nd
<br /> _ by tbis Deed of Trn�t. Tsustee shell, ttithout des�and on Tsnstbr,
<br /> -- after such tfss as �ay thea be requirad bp lair and sftar
<br /> � ;�.;;,: recardatfan of sucti Aotice of Defaalt and, after Notice of Sa�e
<br /> ,,., 1�aving beea qivea as required by lai►, sell tAe Trust Sstate at ths.
<br /> � ' °� . tfss and place of sale fized by ft ia such HoLics of Sale, either _
<br /> � '�•-T.��:, 4 as a Mhole, or �n separate lots or parcels ar itea�s as Trustea
<br /> _ �,,i�•� : shall deew expadi.eat, and iA such order as it asy detarai.ae, at _
<br />_ . }�-.�._ publfc auction to the hiqheat bi,dder for aash, ia laxfnl aionap af
<br /> - " �7 ����� the IInited States, payable at the tiie of sale. Truatee shall _ —_ _
<br /> "• ,fr.....;.....:i . . ,
<br />� deliver to such purChaser or puraha�ers thereof, its qood and ��;:_
<br /> � � � suffieieat deed or deeds, conveying the propesty so sold, but �
<br /> � � � � . withaut e�ny covenant or Warraatp, express or implied. The secitals `� - =.i
<br /> ' � � ' in euah deed of any matters or facta ehall be,conalusive proof of.
<br /> �� � � � the truthfulness thereof. llnp person, i.ncludiaq, aithout , . � ��.
<br /> � � ].initatfon, Trustor, Tsustee, and Henafiaiary, n�ay purchase at snch � . .' �'"'"
<br /> m
<br /> ; sale, and Trastar hereby covenaats to warraat and defead the tftle _ ° �� �
<br /> : : of anah purahaecer or puzchasere. � .
<br />' • ' � b. 'As asy be permitted bp la�r, after deducting all costs, � �-
<br /> � � � fees, expenses 'of Trustee and of this Trust, inaluding aosts of � • �
<br /> � � � ' evidence of title in connection with sale, Trustee s h a l l �pp ly t he
<br /> . . proceeds of s�le to payment of (i) all sums expended under the 1
<br /> terme hezeof, not then repaid, with accraed interest at 14 percent � , : �
<br /> �� ' � per aanum, (ii� all other sums then aecured hereby, and (iii) the E � • •
<br /> � ° � . . � remai.�der, if aay, to the person or persons leqally entitled i ,. _
<br /> � '. . theteta. .
<br /> . , • � � �.
<br /> , T-�- � a. Tru�tee map,-in the manner pravxded by law, postpoae sa2e ; .
<br /> _ ; , �, '�,, � oE nll o�c aAy portion of the Trustee EstaL�e. � . '
<br /> . . . .,�,,.;, :.,.: . ; .
<br /> � j''��" ' RE1�DI�& NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trustee and B�Aefiaiary, arz� �� �
<br /> . :r.��... 12• i . .
<br /> . , _,,..;�, . '+.
<br /> , �. � . " ,� ; eaah of them, sha�l be entitled ta enforce pnyment and performanae ' �. �
<br /> � � of any fadebtedness as c��a�igations aecured herel�y and to ,exercise ;� � . .
<br /> � � �� all rigf�ts and pawess �aader thia Deed o� Txust or under any Loaa !
<br /> ' � Instr�mae�t or other ag�eement or aay l�ws now or heseafter in � �
<br /> . . force, notwithstanding some or a.�.l or the euch indebtedness and . �
<br /> � _ obliq�t�ns secured hereby may. now or hereafter be othes�risc �
<br /> . secnredF whether by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien, � . �
<br /> � asaig�nt or otherwiae. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of . .
<br /> - �-- ' Treist n�a� fte enforcement _whethar by court actioa or pursuaust to `
<br /> � ' � the power of sale os other pataers herein contained, shall prejudiae ' ' , �
<br /> , . or in any manner affect Trustee'a or Heneficiary'e sight to rely - ,
<br /> . �. upon or eaforce any other security now or herea£ter held by Trustee
<br /> ' � or HenefYCiasy, it beiag aqreed that Trustee and Heneffciary, and , -
<br /> . � . each o! them, shall be er�titled to eaforce this Deed o€ �'saet and �
<br /> , � � any other securitg naw or hereaftes held by them, #,n such osder and
<br /> �� manner as they os either of thcm may in their absolute diacret�on , ,
<br /> . determiae. No remedy herein conferred upon or re�esved ta Truatee
<br /> ' or He�teficiary is inteaded to be exclusive of any other remedy
<br /> heseia cr by law psovided or parmftted, but eaah ahall be � �
<br /> � cumulative and sh�ll be i.a addition to enery other remedy given � . �
<br /> .- - - - . herennder or aow or hereafter esiatiaq at 2aw cr in equity or by �
<br /> � � Statute. Ever}r poraer or remedy given by any of the Loaas ,
<br /> � Instsnments to Tsuetee os Henefiaiary or to whfch either o� them .
<br /> � � � may be otherwiae entitled, may be exercised, aoacurrently or �
<br /> - � � indapendently, from time ta ti.�e, and as often as may be deemed . �� . •
<br />. ' i �
<br /> __-...�_. -.��:_'.���._��..._...� . . ' � . _ . ' ..�..� .
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