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<br /> — � � .
<br /> . e�pedieat tiy Trastae or 8sasfici.ary; aad either of the�[ asy pntsns
<br /> incansisteat �e�edies. ltothing hersin �shsll bs ��anstsnad a� �
<br /> ,� -_- probibiti.aq Heneficiasy frc� seekinQ a deficienay �udc�eat again�t � .
<br /> • -_.r�#Iie Trpi�tor ta the exteat sach action ir perai�ted bg 3aM. � . ..
<br /> � � 13. a�OBS''-�' F'OR H�TI�B. Tru*tor herebp raquests a copy o#
<br /> any notice of defanit, aad th"st-apy aotice af sal.s hera�in+dar be � ._ _.____
<br /> - - � aailad to the�w at ths address =at forth i.n ths fi�st �pArag�capb of , _ __
<br /> - thfa Deed of Trust. � . � , � _-
<br />_��. . 1+�. c�O�IBG_L� . This Deed of Tsnst ahall be qaverned bp -
<br /> ths laws af the Stata of Nebraska. In the event that any pravisioa
<br />= = . , or alause of snp of ths Loan Instruaents conflicts �ri.tb applfaable
<br /> ' � lavs, suah conflicts stu�ll not affect other'provisions of such I�oaa -
<br /> inst�uasats yrhich caa be givea affact �ti.thont the canflictinq _
<br /> � � provisions; and to this ead, the praviaioaa of ths Lcan in�trnients
<br />. - are dec�.ared to be eeverable. , This .instzuaent canaot be waived, ��.�-�
<br /> r - a�anged, dischasged, or tersi.nAted orslly. bnt only bp aa —
<br />' ,;;{� instruaent 3n xritiag siqaed by t8e party again�t vha�a enforceaeat --
<br /> of aap waiver, chanqe, di.scharqe or teriaiu�ation fs �sonqht. � ___-__-
<br />: . _ ��-
<br /> � - - 15. ��ecn�nev�ur!a BY T[�QSTSS. Qpon �rittea reqnest of� - �'--
<br /> Henefitciary sta�ti.ng thst a11-swus Recured hesebp bave beea pai.d, � —=�_
<br /> ri � and;�oa surreAder of this Deed o€ Trust and the aote to Trastee .��-�
<br />� � fo�e;::��ancel2attipa and„reteation and npon pa►yaent by Trustor of '�`-� -
<br /> :' �. �=:
<br /> ''� �4.i,�.'=_:
<br /> ��'��'� • sias�ee�e fees, Trustee ahall�recoavey to TsvsEor, or 'the pesson � ' ._.-`;:��
<br /> �}'- . or p¢reons legally eatitled thereto, without warranty. aap porlion :.';4=,�b;'�
<br /> � ;'�` ` af t�e, zrnst Bstate thea held hereunder. Thia Deed of Trnst is- ����� :a-_- .
<br /> _ . ; . . �•�-�-��� -
<br /> '`�-- • Seca�$ to a real es�ate m�rtgaqe in favoz of The 8quitable Huilding _ _
<br /> . .i:�:a-.=,-:- aa�.��:'�aa� Associstion of Grand Ialand,. Dlebraska and filed as ;,-"`:�=4_;;:;�
<br />� �,� Iastauseat Hu�her 85-103979 ia the records af the Register of �4: - -
<br /> :���L Deeds. IIpoa disclxarqe of thi.e Deed of Trust, Beuefiaf� ,stiall ,,?-...`�;`-.��'�'
<br /> �d:
<br /> "��:._`- c�nse to be f31ea a aomplete release of the sortqaqe held I�y� Tbe _� '��_= _ �
<br /> � � - � - -' � 8qai�able Buflding and Loan Association of Grand Islaad. Nebsaska. -:: '==r-`'�
<br /> .:a��:�:�-a�-..• , �
<br /> . - ��^�ra=-+�-�`°: •� The recitals in suoh_zeconveyance of any satters or facts ahall be
<br /> � _ .: -� Z, . coaeluaive proof of the tfntbfulness thereof. The q=antee ia anp _; �
<br /> . . �_ receavepance may be described as "the 'person or persons legal,ly �;: ���
<br /> , : .." � . eatitled tbereto". � � .� �'' _t
<br /> _ �.:...4J 'a.-:iw' . . _:�..r�".
<br /> ��-��'-' ��• -�'�� 16. �OTICSS. Whenever Heneficiary, Trustor, or Tsustee shall ����-
<br /> . : <...,. .. - .. ---�-
<br /> . . `���t�'"����'�: desize to qive or serve anp notiae, demand, raquest os other -«��=
<br /> ��,�,. , � ��_-
<br /> ��-.�;*�''�;���:���`� co�awunication with reepeat to this Deed ot Trust, esah sueb aotiae,
<br /> � � �: demand, request or other com�saication sha1�1 be ia writing aad ' . " �`
<br /> :-. .:�;�.,:�
<br /> =:=:': � . shal.l be effective only if the ease is cte�3.vered by parsonal �.���z:�f;
<br /> � -:. 1.;,i�`� ' service or mailed k�p aertified n�L, gas�aqe prcpaid, set� , � -:-`��
<br /> .,�;;... ;, �. . . .� Y
<br /> . ;.�..��.-t•... ..:. ��'.
<br /> receipt requested, addressed to the adckess set ferth at the . . �::��-�-�•
<br /> t i i�..�_p��.:
<br /> '��=°"=-`:':''"•� beginning of this Deed .of Trust. Anp part� �ag change its address , �,-:.=�.
<br /> ,.. �:. ..
<br /> � _ - ;,..�;_ ' for suah notfces by delsvering or maiii.ag G� the other partiea �, ... � ;• .��`�::
<br />- �w?,s � bereto, as aEoresaid, a notice of aucls chanqe. } �='" � . � �
<br /> : �,... �
<br /> .�.-:.� � t��.. . . .
<br /> �:���_�� �� .� 1?. A�CSPTANCB BY TRUSTBE. Tr�atee accepts this Trust �hen � • �
<br /> ` � thia Deed of Trust, duly dxeauted and acknowledqed, ie �made a
<br /> � . ,, public record as provided by law. �
<br /> - -_ -=--� �-- -_,
<br /> ; ,
<br /> � I1� WITAESS WHSRSOF, Tsuator has executed tbis Deed af Truat ; � .
<br /> � . � as of the day and year first above written. Trustee accepte this .
<br /> �. ' Truat when this Deed of Trust, duly executed and acknawledqed, is
<br /> � made a public record as provided by law. � ,
<br /> . , - ' � �
<br /> . r � , � •• �
<br /> � i� ;
<br /> . . ° � vin w. am , ruetor
<br /> . . . � , , _
<br /> ' . • Patr cia D. W 11 ame, Truetior '
<br /> • •. �
<br /> . .
<br /> _ . ,
<br /> � . . .
<br /> . � � .
<br /> -- ` - _ � $ - --
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