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<br /> " _— _ j- _ ' ' �.Sa�r'!6�<��l�Z7�',_s��� e— _—._. __ _' _ "_ _ __ _ ' rs —_—'___
<br /> ��. c . .� � . _.!`: _ y'y 1;;,4 t,' ' , � _ .. ' ' � � ' C '-
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<br /> =;'T. .. � . - _ - _ ..F' . -. . � " _ . ._ _ _ _ _ -.-_ -_�.. - _
<br /> " . _ . .•�j't _ _ .�_ . . _ . ' .. _ _ _ - � . ' .
<br /> . � 3 . � • - • . . � . � - . � .
<br /> .' "�._...:r __� , . , �. . . . . .. . � . , ..
<br /> �` .` - ` - :.4 _. . . 1 � � � . _92 :. ,�os�e4 : _ � .
<br /> r �
<br /> , � ` •� a�aiat of pr3,acipaT a�w�ed are harebg assigned to 8eueficiaig;� aad . -
<br /> Tsustor agreea to exbcuta �nah fnsthes�a�siqnsreat of the Proceed�
<br /> - � � � � � ` as Heaeffciary�os Tsustee aiay req�ise. . - � .. ---
<br /> -- ` � � . 6,� a�pn?��� 2F SIICCBSSOR '1'it�STBB. Hene€iciary�sap, froa . _-
<br /> - --� tiae to tise, by a �+ritten instruaent ezecnted and ackac�ledqed�bp -
<br /> — �-- —�=-� ` 8eneficiarg, na3.ted to Trnstor and recarded.�a the �onntp S.n �hich - __ --
<br /> _ --�-� � �the Trast Estate is located and by othcswise ca�p].ying with the —
<br /> _ . provisicns of the applicabZe law of. the State af Pebraska ,
<br /> � anlostitnte a succeasor or sttccessors to the Trnstee naaed herefn
<br /> . . ., or actiag hereunder. , ' , •- , `
<br /> , �:� 7. cneegaseAS lil1�D 1lSSIGNS. This Deed of Trast:applies to, .
<br /> {�� 3.uures to the benefit of and binds a!1 paities hereto,��heir heirs,
<br /> �_ �z � ieqatees, devis�es, personal representativesE eaiacessors �uid.
<br /> � , : :aa��gns. �the tei9s "Beneficiary"_sball fean th� a!�er and holdesr
<br /> - � �V=' � qf.-�ie Hote, whether or aat nau�ed as Heneficiar� he�+eia. .
<br /> - . _ ;'• ,• , .
<br /> -`�r'` �.;.` - �ny of the foll�g eveats shall be
<br /> '�' �'<�= v= '�;�,�'_$. : •�$ OF DBFAVI�T_. .. . .
<br /> '':deeaed ats��nt of defanit herennders ` � • . .
<br /> `� �
<br /> � � t' J�.� � ,a. Trustor shall have` failed to �ake paga�int� of aay� .
<br />, � _ ����- s��_- � �stalla�ent of interest, principal, or pra.ncipal aad,::_a�terest or
<br /> l.�:�; ,,. ' �_ � �. • �np othes sna� seaured herehp when due; u�, ' ; :
<br /> • ;: � .
<br /> ,,� .
<br /> � •� . � �� b. There haa eccurred a breacb of default u�eic anp �'�esm,
<br /> � covenant, agreeaent, aandition, provisioa, repr�ese.�tation, or . . _
<br /> ; , - � - . - warranty aontaiued in thi.s Deed of Trust. vs._ a�.;;of the Loan : _ _ .
<br /> IAd�Z1�a1BAt8:' • � �_
<br /> .. �; ' � - ;,..r, � e. Trastor ngreea to eell or does sell the Tr�at Ssta��e to
<br /> , : ,�,°�::,•�, anp other person or corporation. • , _ �-=-_--_
<br /> . ;,:.-,;:,,, • -•=-
<br /> ' . ..... . . ...'...i:"`11Y,. . _ .d6..,...
<br /> '� � . , an event of default oecnr, He�aeficiasy may dealare �11 indebte�aess � ���-
<br /> �L'�:lJ�i�
<br />' _� _ � secured hereby,to be due and payable, and the same ahall there�spon '�
<br /> became due and paya62e witbout any presentment, demand, protest,
<br /> � . �. . : �,:_�
<br /> ' . � or notice of aap kuid. Thereafter the Beneficiarp may: . � �-�_
<br />. ', _ _ k:;'���., ��!5`�,�
<br /> . , �- �. Either in persoa or by agent, with or without brsaiginq ::;;;`!�. ��*%=n_;
<br /> . � ' any aetion or preaeeding, or by a receiver eppointed by a Cowrt and �� �"�� � • ��r���'=�
<br /> . � "`�� withont reqard to the adequacy of their securitp, ea�ter upon and �' � �. ' '"`'�`�
<br /> :i',;,:;.:.�.; f. .
<br /> � � . ;;:�;�;..,.. take posseseion of the Truet Estate, or aay part theseaf, in theis
<br /> • �"��:;< own name or ia the na�me of Truatee, and do any acts w;�ich theg deem � ' .. �
<br /> :`�;'���`� ' �'��', �� necessary or desirable to preserve the va3�e, marketabila�y or � � _
<br /> rentability of the Trust Estate, os part 'thereof oz interest � . ��.t
<br /> � � � therein, inCrea�e the incame therefzom oz. protecti the security E �. � <�.�.
<br /> . : hereof, �d with or without taking �sseesion of tha Trust Estate, � � � t�
<br />� �� � aue for or othaswise aolleat tha renta, i�suea and profite thereof, ' .
<br /> � . �. �'� � inaluding those pa�st due and unpaid, and apply the same, less costo . ' •
<br /> ' and expenses of operAtion and collection, includinq attorney•s "'. �,y
<br /> � � � ;F feea, upon any indebtedneas secured hereby, all in auch order as �
<br />; . . � .,r�..,. .
<br /> � ��'�' Henefiaisry may dete�emi.ne. The entering upon and taking possession �
<br /> � __. _-���_:� _ of the Tsuet Eatate, the aollectio» of suah rants, ie�ues and
<br /> . . . � � pacofita and the appliaatioa� thereof ae aforesaid, shall not cuze , . •
<br /> �� � or waive any default or, notice of default hereunder or invalidate :� .
<br /> � , ., any act done in responee to suah default or pureuant to �uch notice , •
<br /> � a� default and, notwithatanding the continuanae in gaseession of . ..
<br /> �� � :. . the Trust Estate or the cvllection, receipt and ag�lication of �
<br /> � .. , rents, iseues or profiba, T�atee ar Beneficiary shall be en�itled "
<br /> ' to exeroise tvery right provided for in any v� �he Loan Inatr�ments .
<br /> . � � , or by law upon occurrence of any event of default, including th'e
<br /> � � . right to exerciee the power oE ealef
<br /> b. Cammenae an action to foreal.ose this Deed of Truat as a
<br /> � � � � -� - � mortgage, appoint a reaeiver, or epecifically enfarce any af the �
<br /> � ' '• covenante of hereof; . � .
<br /> � .•� C. Delives to Truatee a wsftiten dealaxation of default aad
<br /> , ' .'-� demaad for eale, anci a wsittien notice af defa�ult and election to
<br /> --_--:=_____- - �
<br /> • � _. . - - - � .
<br /> . .
<br /> . .. # . _
<br />. , •
<br />. ,_ _
<br />