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<br /> ��d, �tD`����(�
<br /> g, Eorrower No1 Rdasedi F'o�*rance By[.cnder Not n W����'� Tho Basrower sh�ll cemaln IlAblo for tiiq
<br /> payment of the princi�sal and inton�t on the P1oto(or anY aclvtu��b)the u umptl�on by another party of the Borrow r s
<br /> � any ot the following: (a)The eale of all or�aart of the Pnmise�,
<br /> � abli�adoa�9 hcnunder,(c)the forbearanco ot eatcnsion of time for p�yment or pedo�mu�ce of eny obliAg'tat�i�O�hote�u��Q
<br /> whether graatal to Borrower or a subsequent owner of�he��rope�i s,p��nt of�ihe sune�None O thC fOIC$If!${�18I1
<br /> securing said obligations or the releASe af eny pu�Y
<br /> '" ;n any way affect the full fora: end efket of the llen of this Deed oP Tcust or lmpilr I.ender's riBht to a deficiency
<br /> :� e
<br /> . ,,;,:�%i°"""� jndgment(in the event 6f foreciosure)egainst Bortower or any p�rty assumin8 the obligations hcnunder.
<br /> �^'"��:
<br />- Any forbearauce bY Lender in exercteing anY dBht or reu�ody hereunder,or othenvise affonied by applicable law,ehall
<br /> ° not be a waiver of or pnclude the excrciso of eny such rigt�t or remcdy. '
<br /> ., ' ;�,,'�
<br /> , +
<br /> • 10. Succassors pnd Asstgn9 Bouad:Jutat and 3eva�al LIAbtUty;Co-signcra. '1'6o coeenants end agramente 6erein
<br /> ; contatnad shall bind. and thc rights henunder shall inure to, the respecttve sucassote aad asslgns ot Lender and �._�:.
<br /> �'" Borrower,subjr.ct to the provisions of para8raph 15 herzof. All coveuants and agrameats of Bonower shall be jaint �,y__
<br /> .. �. and several. Any Bonawer who casigas thls Deed of Tcust,but does nat e to l�nder unoder(the t mis of Athls iDeod o£ —_
<br /> ; of Trusi onty to graz�t �nd caavey th�t Boaower's Intenst in the Pmperty �at I.ender aad any a:her �-
<br /> � Tmst, (b)is not personatly llable on the Note or under this Dad of Ttust� and(c)egrag __
<br /> „ � Boirowar henunder may agra to extend,mQdl$+,forbear.ar wake aay other accommodt�tions with�+egard to the termn -
<br /> of this I)ced of Trust or tha Note without thae Borrower's consent and without nleasing that Borrower or modifying thl� �,_
<br /> ��` Yked of Tnist as to that Bormwer's int�rest in the ProPertY• ��-
<br /> .,;....
<br /> . �''� 11. Mntice. Bxcept for any aodce required under applicable lnw to be given in another manner� (a)any notic�t� d-�:
<br /> ' Bonow�r provided for in this Dad of Tnut shall be given by delivering it or by mailWg such aotice by first claae a�wil �_
<br /> Address or at a�:ch othar eddnss a�Borrower may dasi�actte .:
<br /> addnsseci to Bonower or tbe current owner at the PropertY =_-
<br />- • by notia to Lender as provided hareiu,and anY other pecson personally liable on tlals P1ote as these P�='°n'°°°u�s aa�!
<br /> • �' erldnsses�ppear la the Lender's records at the time of giving notice aad(b)anY nodca to Lender shall be giveu�y f'urst _
<br /> �t���z������t��eress stat�herein or to sucb other addnss a�I.eader msy desiga�ie by nodce to Socrower
<br /> • .� . �• as providec�herel�. d�ny nodce provided f erd h r�eiin�of Tcust s�ail'oe uaa�t� u:v�t.,,.--u gt•rL4 LC F��mvtt!f AT
<br /> � � " Lender when givea in the mana�r designac
<br /> 12. Governtng Iaw,S��er�biUty. The state and local laws applicable to this Dad of Tzust sball be the tawe o€the
<br />:"��.r':,�'�.,. : jurlsdiction in which the Property is located. The forcgoing sentence shell not Umit the eppli�ability of Feci�tal law to
<br /> �� ' thie Aeed of Trust. In the event that any provisioa or clause of this Deed of Tnist or the Note conflicti+witl�applacable
<br /> ��„''�'Y�'�° law,sttch confl[cts shall aot effect other proviaion�of this Dxd of Truat or tt►c Note which can be gtven Cffixt wit�tout
<br />_:'�i'��'''�� the contlieting provisxoa,and to this end the provlsiona of this Dad of Trust and the Note are declazed to be severable.
<br /> -���•��»�"'�;,. As asod herein"costs",'expenres" az►d 'sttomeys'fas"include all suws to the extent noc pmtubitcd by applfcubta law
<br /> �:•� �•"'� or Jimii�xl Leeain.
<br />�"r:Ni./-�y�.�
<br />.�..�=-�::`� 13. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be f�mished a conformed copy of the Note.thia Dad of Trust aud Rider(s)
<br /> �"��:��£?'y�'s?9 at thc time of eaecutlon or after ncordadon hereof.
<br /> T=�� 14. RetwblUtwHon Loan ASr�mca+G B°1T°W�r `shall fulfill all of Bomower's obligations undar aaY &o�
<br /> ---_ -- rehabilltation, imProvem�ent� i'ePsir or other loan agroement which Borcowor eaters into wtth I,end�tr. Lender. at
<br /> �••����"•;�ti + uire Bomower to execute and deliver to Leader, in a forrn�ccxptable tu Le�de�',an aesi6am�ent
<br /> �,,��....._ Lender s opti4n�maY�l
<br /> ��g' � of any rl�hhta, clvlms or defenses whlch Eorrower may havo against parties who supply labor.materinIu ar xrvice.a ia
<br />,...�.L�1�
<br />--- .� connecdon with impmvements mad�to the pe .
<br /> _�ti=:��
<br /> - _.���
<br />_�s.,_ — iS, 'l�as[er ot the PropertY or w Heaeftctal Interest tn Borrower,Assumptlon. If all or any g�of thc
<br /> <=���:.,�,r:�
<br /> .._,�_� or any intenst in It is sold or transferred(or if a benefici�l interest iu Bomower is sold or uansfem�f eud Hozcowcr is
<br /> �_�'�� not a natural person)without I.ender's prior written consent,Lender aoay. at I�ender'e option.for au)rWeson,declace _
<br /> =� a1l the sums secund bY thie Dad of Tn�st to be immediately due and paya►�le, However. this a�tian ah�ll aot be
<br /> �•.r r��'''
<br />• `� �-••--= - exercised by Lender if exercise is probibited by Faleral law as of the date of this Dad of Trruat.
<br /> , ..:, �:�
<br /> ' • �. If Lender exercises ihis opdoa,Lender shnll give Sorrower notice of acceleration. 7he notice stutlL pimviQa a I�eriod
<br /> r,
<br /> af not less thna 30 daye from the date tho narice ia dcltvered or mailed wlthin which Borrower must pc�alf sumn scxured
<br /> , inv kie an�medies permttt�ed by ethi Dee�of Tn�sc�witho t f�rU�er notice orede�mand on aorm crriad. I.ender mny
<br />_ �;;.
<br /> .: �,� r'.
<br />_ �,-,��:, 'Ihis Deed of Tn�st may not be assume.d by a Purcbaser withoat the Lendte�re loan con a additional chnrges as u orlxal
<br /> ' ,�c.;���
<br /> _ �,� ,; I.ender may cherge an assuraption fce and require the person(s)assuming IT Y
<br />- --+�;'.���?•�': hu Inw
<br /> - --,K."`�.._ ='t:;;���- ..� �... ,
<br /> • 1,1�S�
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<br /> .. �., ���3 (091951 NH FIVNttNT?L OtcA
<br /> ,_ �2�,Y�� 215103679s MGCAMLEV
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