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<br /> " rlder("it�der")ettacrec� hereto and executed of cven datc fs Incorporated herein e��id 4he coden9nt pnd �
<br /> Any �emcN the covenWnls und wgreemcnts of thls Aeed ot Trust,ss U
<br /> a�ramex�ts ot the Rtd hcerh�a=amend and supp
<br /> t6e Rlder were W p�
<br /> ' Bonower wvenants►hat Bonowet is IawfuUy sci•r.ed of tlic estnte hereby conveyed aad has the right to graut and convey , ,
<br /> the Property. ead that the Propeay ts unencumbend.eacept for encumbA�gt�'r�°i� �d a��aBV s b1�c�i`
<br /> "'' � Bonower warnnts enA wilt defend generally thc titl�to the ProperiY B
<br /> .� ".,""`• ` cncumbrances of record. ��
<br /> ..,, ..a.��►
<br /> t�(l�,pgNl �OVENAN'PS• Borrower aad I,ender covenAnt and a�ree as follows:
<br /> ''i-
<br /> s and I.utcrest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the prtncipal and inte ent ofdsaidNote ,���',' `:k�'`_--
<br /> 1. P�yment ot Principal r�r
<br /> ,'� evidenced by�he Note and lato charges as providal in the Note. This Ueed of Trust secures Pa , d,....R._�-
<br /> ,, � uccording to ita terms,which n�e incorporated hereln by refereace. . .,. ,.,;�.`
<br /> cco ..,,.,,
<br /> ;.�•_--
<br /> „ , ents reczived by l.ender under the �.�.,--
<br /> en,ts, Untess app1icable law pravides otherwise,all paym �,;L�-.
<br /> :"�� 2. Appllcatloa otPaym �`.=:-=-=
<br /> Note and paregraph 1 herwf shall be applied by l.ender first to interest duc on the Note,second m t�e priacipal ue _
<br /> ' � on the Note,ead thea to late charges du�oa the Note. ;.F:'��_
<br /> ?� � �-T-
<br /> 3. Pa3or MortBaBes wtd D�etls o[Trust;�C�rSes�aimenc with a lienswhich has p orlty o�r thia r,Dad lof Trust, �}
<br /> under any mortgage� deed of aust or oth t5' '��.r:' _
<br /> , ments when due. Honower shall pay or cause tn be paid all ta�ces, ��'
<br /> which may attaln a pdorlty over this `�E�-',
<br /> ;� � including Banowcr s covenants to make pay ;;�;���.:
<br /> �.gsesaments aad other churges,fines and imP°sidons attdbutable to the Proper►Y r trt�R
<br /> •,��. Deed of Trust, and leaartehold payments or ground reats. if any. -:y:- -=-
<br /> e
<br /> :�`;�_�_
<br /> �.. 4. ��d�nsurance. Bocrower shall kecp the tmprovements now extsting or hereafter erected on the Peoperty ��
<br /> � iasur�d se=i�!r�os�by fire. hazards included wlthin the term"extended coverage", and such other hezards as Lender ----
<br /> • � mny require and in such amounu aud for such�►eriods as I�ud�'�"'�r���'
<br /> � ���surance canier providing the insuxanc� sbail be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Leader;pmvided,
<br /> �.' • licies and reaewals thereof shall be in a form
<br /> ;. that such approval sha11 not be wueasoaably withheld. All insurance Po
<br />'i°, acceptable ro Lender and shall include a stan�lard mortgage clause in favor of and in a form accePtable�to�I.ende�rt
<br /> '`?".•s �.� L,ender shall have the dght to hold the policies and renewals theccof,subJact to[he tem�s of aay m�rtS�Be,
<br />'�'i`+"'' r'*;,`•� or ozher sau�ty a8ree�nt with a lien which has pdority over this Dad of Trust.
<br />; ;.:'
<br /> ..,.: • , `•'�.,,�
<br />:i�`;•'��� In the event of loss,$orrower shaU give prompt nodce to the insorance ca�ler and Lender. I.ender may �P�
<br /> �•:• �
<br />- '� • of loss lf not madc promptly by��wer. -- _
<br />-'���y k''. �:���� If the Prolxrry is abandoned by Boaower,os if Borrower fails to respand to Lender within 30 days from tt►a �nder s �
<br />�N``"-"r.,.` is mailed by Lender to Borcower chat the fnsurana c��er offers to s�ttle a clatm for Insurance b�aefits.
<br /> s�'''#�����"-� authorized tu co�l�ct�►d�Pp�y�O�II��p10�s at L.ender's option either to restoradoa or repair of the Property
<br />�-r�`��"� '�- ar to the smns secural bY this Dxd of Ttust.
<br />=�'`L1�`.A,.:«,� .
<br />�I� � Leasehoid9; CondomlHlu�ns+ plannal Un(t Devdapmrn •
<br /> g, preservatlon an d Ms t n t e u a n c e o i F r o p e►i Yt
<br /> u
<br />-„ .,..� Boaower chall ksEp the Property in good repa�r and sball not commit waste or ps r m it i m pai r n►e n t u r d e t e a i o r a oa o _�_
<br />-��.:=.:%. •. �e property and shalt compty�xlth tha pro�isioas of any lease if this Deed of Trust is oa a leasehald. If this I9eed of
<br /> Bonower ahell perform a11 of Borrower's obligattons
<br />—=:',:�;,i�'• Trust ts oa a unit in a condominium or a pltixnued unit deveiopmeat. --
<br /> u _
<br /> �i{°"�'°;Y'." under thc doclerarion or covenents creating or governing thc condominium or planaed un�t developmont,tho by-aws � W
<br />-�t�'�,,;;;,,.;. and reguladons of the condominium or planned unit development,and constituent documents. --_
<br /> .�,... . .,�;,.,, � ments contained fn this� �.::
<br /> ��n���... . ----
<br /> - • 6. Protectton of Lender's Securi�If Bo���whlch materlally affecte I.end..r'�s intecest in tho ProixstY.then = ----
<br /> Y; '�, of TYUSC.or if any actioa or proceed� S ces, disburse such sums. includiag — ,
<br />- Lender. ac I�ender's option, upon notice to Borrowor� maY �� �ch appeazan
<br /> ' ,� � reasonablo attomeys'fees,utd take such actions as is ne�essuy to protect Lcnder's interest. ��-
<br />' '..,;��,� Aa�y annouuts disbursed by Lender pursuant ro tl�iis par�g�ph�.With interest thereon,at the Noto rate. shall becomo =_—�.
<br /> � , _ �r?:;:
<br /> additlonal lndebtedness of Borrower secured by tLis Deec�of Trust. Unless Borrow�r�d��ad��II$i��tO�f�Nothing ��.,,
<br /> ` � 04 paymcnt. such aznounta shall be payable upon notice from Ixnder to Bnrrower m,cNc�ion hereunder. ���=-°-
<br /> � h 6 shall require Lender to incur any eapense or take any ra�=-=---
<br /> contninod 1a this pazagrap N'��-;�w
<br /> � j ions of tLe ProportY� �"�'-°
<br /> -y�- : ' o i..9�tton. Lender maY make or cause to be made reasonable entries upmn aad inspect r�o-:-�=---w
<br /> - ---..:..e...,.*;�n Q�ifvin¢reasonable cause thenfor rclatal �:�-___
<br />_ -
<br /> --.- _ -_.__ -- --. . .
<br /> provided that Lcttder shall give Borrower nottce pnor iv u�:�o��r------�- • - w-�•,:•
<br /> ' to I.eadcr's interest in the Propertp•
<br /> 8. Condemnation. 'I'he proceeds af azry award or claim for damages,direct or wnse9uential,in connecdou with anY „ .
<br /> condemnation or other takin8 of the Properry, oi P�of�f'mortgagendeed of tniscior other sccuriry aBra;n�ent w th
<br /> • assigned nnd sliall be paid ro I.ender subject to the terms Y
<br /> " a lien which has priorlty over tY�is Dced of Trust.
<br /> � . (09195)NU FUAflHA'6L MCCAAILEY •
<br /> � Pya t ot S Z46t0�67JE
<br /> —� ., �. 2]fINI 17ta06) .
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