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<br /> Ax�zc�.E u g6- 1t1'7A�:Sn
<br /> � � �IpPI.ymIyFYD�Il,4�OVCNARI'P5. Borro��er nnd l.ender Nrthce covenant nnd agra ns folio�vo: �
<br /> s. , Y ent aPBorrowu in tt►ts Deed .:.;;
<br /> �' 16. Acceter4tlon; Remedies. Upon B�rroNCr e breac6 ot�n coven�nt or Rgra�u
<br /> ' ' ot Tivst,includtng N[thout IimitAtian the covenaats to pay whcn due pny sums under 4hn Note secarod by WLg
<br /> �"'� Deed o[Trust. LEAfJN'�A1 I.11ltll��B O�IOn�6U6!!d t0 UIC�OIIDRIiIg 6E11tMICt�f!!NY(ICCIQrC QII 0�1�1E 6lllil9 6CCUCCfI
<br /> '�""""°''"'�' by��ked ot Tav.�t to be lmrualtsteiy oue wud p4Yable �rlthout demAnd or notice and rtiny invoko tl�e power
<br /> Ike ia►ble Iww.Prlor ta recording any not6co ot de[pi�lt Iw�der ehal! ;
<br /> 04 sale.nnd any other rcrnedles perenitt�cf by eppl „.�.
<br /> give Bon�ower notice ai def�ult eES required by Inw and,in the event ot a de[e;ult connietlag anty o4 A�►���r s
<br /> ,r`:`.:
<br /> fwlluce to mtake a reqWred p4ymmt.Botrower shaq onoe. a�pmvlded by law,6wvc tw�nty (20)dayA ancr such :.:=-:,
<br /> noticc ts�Iven to cure siosh default by tendering the amownt due wt the t[me of the teadcr, wtthotit Aocderatlan+ .•:h.,��I.
<br /> ., ;: plus wn�+un�P���rBes. A!'tar mording a natice ot detautt,Lender st�all be enttUed ta caltcct tn sucli procadLoq{ ,��i___
<br /> all pcpenses ot torerlosure. (acludlnB+ but not ltmtted to,reasonable attomeys' itcs ac h�tstee's �nd cast� o� ��.�..
<br /> ,.w.
<br /> , '_ documentitry evidence. abstracts and title repoets. '''-
<br /> � =---
<br /> o�tha�'rop�ety ��t:.---
<br /> , �� If the power of sale Is iavoked,Trustee shall�ecord a notia of default in each�le��W������P��to the otfier ��►N
<br /> ° ia located and shall mail copies of such aotice ia the manner Ptts���ble lav,Trustec sha�ll give pub1��nodce of sale �,`K:.
<br /> . � pecaons prescribal by aPPlfcable law. After the dme nqt�tod by app c�all sell the �.���:.-
<br /> to the persons end in the marm�r Prescrib�d by�Pplicable law. Tcustce,wit�out demand on Borroa'ra.
<br /> �":��
<br /> Prop��cy at public aucdon to the highcst biddcr at the time and plooe and under the tercns dusi(;natcd in tb�e�otice of na2t +
<br /> ��;�-='.
<br /> , ~.�. in cm�oz morc parcels and in any order TYustee dete�. Txusc�yascheduledQSalu.� Lende rofaits dcs�F���(Y _ -
<br /> . Fro�raa�by public ennouncement at the ttme and place of aay p =
<br /> . purchase the Property at any eale. �-
<br /> . . Tzustee shall appxy the sale p ,rocads.frr_ct acn,aUv 9ncurral not o oxcad ftReen percent(1556)of the gsnss sale prIcs, -
<br /> -� .:� , incIuding u«pny�-nt af ttt=Tts_.�------ -
<br /> - second, to payment of the obligation secuced by this Dood of'fcust� thiid�to the payrn�c of juniur uast Gcws�
<br /> . . � , mortgag�s ar othar itenholdera. and the balana. if any. to tho person ur pernons legally CnAt�ed thenta.
<br />'*..', ° 17. Asstgament ot Rents; APPointm�°t ot Rerelvcr. As addidonal secucity henundor. Bornowen c�rz'by assi�to
<br /> ,'-`^� ,�:� :' Leades the rcnts of the P�roper►Y� Pmvided that Borrower shnll,Prlor ca acceleradon under paragranh 16 heroof or
<br /> " abancDnment of the Property,have the r�ght tu collxt and�tain such ants a�they b�.'como duc end PaYAble. _
<br /> ' ��.�;�.�
<br />,•;-_. .
<br /> —=,::K:
<br />�-�..,;;�. Upon acxelaration under paragraph 16 hereoi oc abs�donmsat of the Pmperty,��to calT�t the rente of th Pnropeny
<br />:;=:���'t eppointal by a coun to enter upoa.talce possesslon of ass3 aanage the Property
<br /> �k`'r:"'•"`' includin those past due. Ali rents c�::.�.w?�°!he recp3�ver shcll be agplied first to paymont of @ie costs of managcmen:
<br /> '.��'�� � of the Property and collection of nnts,including.but not limited to receiver's fees,pre�num9 on recetvor's nvncis aaci
<br /> reasonable attomeys'�as. and then to t�e sums socural bY th�s Doed of Trust. Tha nceiwer shali be liable to:.ctosutt
<br /> `��^'.-t '� only for those rents actually ceceived.
<br />_ _-.-_-��_; �
<br /> --��'- `�' 18. Deoan Ch�rga. If the loaa secured by this Deod of Tiust is subject to a Inw whtah sets ma�imwn loan chsuges,
<br /> ---"�;_�� and�nt law is finally interpxeted so that the interest or other loan charges collocted or to ba wltected in conn�ection w;rih
<br /> -__-.-:.�"� the chaz e t�e permitted 1�imiet;tand()iany sums already 1 octod from Bamowor hich xcaded�tttt I�iadss
<br /> �`"' 8
<br />_r,,;:��;•;g�� will be nfunded to Borrower.
<br /> � W�+�'�J 19. L�gIslallon. If,aRer the date hereof.enactment or expiratian of applicabla laws have the ef.fect eithnr of rendecing
<br />•-"--��`s;�' the provision+of the Note,the Deed of'IYust or any Rlder�uaenforceable aaordinB ro t�eir tenns,or all or nny part
<br />-;v�.�=u•��
<br /> _.:�s•;_,� mf tho snms sxt3�d henby uncollectible,as othorwise provided in this Deed of Tivst or the Nots,or of diminiohila8
<br />-::�=.�r�.'. the valuc of Lea9er's aesurity,tht+e T,ender* a2 Lender's opdon,may declare ell sums sccuttid bY tt►z 1}�od of Trust to
<br /> -- - ���i,$%�{( be im�diately duo and payablc. -
<br />__�t .::1(�,,�, _
<br /> �. ..i}���i:(:
<br /> � ' 20. Rdeose. Upon payme�c a�2 all sums sxured bY triis Deed of Tcust,this Deed of Te�nst sh�ll becomr null�d votd
<br /> �" ` , aad Lender ur Tnutce shall release this Dxd of Trust witt�out charge to Bonovter. If'B'n�stee is rcqu�cstcd to r�lr.ase __
<br /> this Decd of Trust,all insuumenu evldencafl�eatisfacdon of the indebteclnesa sec�red by diis Deed of Tn�.st shall be __
<br />- sunendcn:d to Tnutec. $OrnDOn terms acccptableg o Len ee and 1-enderma charge at rcluascrfce�I��n��y�low a -_
<br /> ..,.. " partial release of the Property -,�-
<br /> �a
<br /> Zl. Walver of Somestead. Boaower hereby waives all righta of homestead axcmpdan in the Pco�rty. `;_
<br /> z.��'�� f:�,.
<br /> - -- _�__..
<br /> �� 22. Hu�rdous Substances. Bonower shall noi canse or permlt thv presena, uso. dtsE►asai.scoraga.ar�ici�c�.�� �:
<br /> " Ha�ardous S�bstacces on or in the PmPerty. Borc�wer shatl not do,nor�llo�v enyancs elce to do,nnychin8 afiectin8
<br /> , . , tho pcoperty that is in violadonof any Environmental Law. The preading two sentences sh�ll not apply to the presence,
<br /> use, or storag� on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substnnces that are generally rocogniud ia be
<br /> �• appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of t�e Property.
<br /> - � .. P�y�ot S (09139f1p�8 3elARM/PEL De'd�C�MLQY
<br /> .� ?�p'192(Rcr06)
<br /> - . . .. _ .. ....----_....... --'---"--- --'---��-._ ... ...._—�..
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