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DE�D OF TRUST PQ�E 6 c <br /> 09-16�199fi o , <br /> Loan No 28m792 (Contlnued) �6 �,n���;� _ __ _�___ <br /> . ..__..._._.� <br /> �r Invaildale any aCl tlono �n rosponso l0 9uch delaull or pursu3nl lo suCh nol�CO 0�dal�uli; 8ntl, nOlWdh;,lan0lnj� Ih9 COP1410U9f1C9 Ifl <br /> � ' posses5lon ol Ihe Nroperty or iho cWlacUOn, rpc��pt anU nAP���a�ion o1 renis. �ssuos or prohis,Truslea Or �6nder Bh811 b6 OnUlleO 10 _ <br /> � gxBrC�se 6very rlflhl provlded l0�In Ihe Noto Or Ihe Re���eQ Documonl9 or by�nw �pon Iho oCCUrtence Of�ny ev�nl o�defpUll,InCiudlt5p IAO =. <br /> `� rlgM to exerci.e ihe powor ol snie: � <br /> t �� (b) CommenCe en action to loreclose Ihis Dued of Trusl ns a moriqapo,nppo�nl p reCelver or 6poC���cally entGrt�any ol lh�CoveMnif <br /> � hereof:nod ! <br /> " •� �. <br /> (c) Deliver to Trustee a written declnrelion ol dolnull und demand tor sale flnd a writlen notice of delnUll end eNctlon lo Ceusa TrusI0Y1 _ <br /> � �, F Inlerest In the Property lo he soid,which nofico Trustee shnll cause lo be tluly filed for reCOrd In the epprpprlatl offlce9 of tRe Co�mty In ¢' <br /> � whlch lhe Properry Is locntod;nnd <br /> ��y (dj Wtth respeCt to flll or any pnA ot Ihe FersonAl Property,Londar ehall have Gu Ihe rlehts end remodies of �t�cund party ur.tiw tha� <br /> �,+,,.,�,j Nabruska Unilorm Commercial Codo. <br /> '�� Forectosure by pawer ot Snle. if Lnnder elects to foreclose by exorciso o�tne Powar o�Saie hereln contnlned,l.ender shn�noli(y Trushre artd <br /> shett deposil with Trustoo thl,Ocnd of Trust nnd lho Note and such rece�pis and ev�dence ol expendduros mnde and 5ecured by thla Dued of ` <br /> i�-• <br /> , Trust as Truslea may roqulre. � <br /> • (a) Upon receipl of such notice L•om Lender.Trustee shail cause lo be rocordod,pub6shetl and dolivered lo T�us�ar yuch NOUce of Qeluu�t - <br /> � and Notice af S�le ns Ihen required by law end by this Oeed ol Trust. Trustea snpll,withoul domund On Tru�tCr,nitar such(fmH as mey <br /> �' then be requ(red by law end nller recotdalion ot such Nolice of Dotnult and nllo�Nolice ot Snle hnvinp boan piven as requlred Dy IAw.se11 <br /> . the Property et Ihe lime and place ot sa�e fixed by il in suoh Nolice of Snla,eithnr as e whole,ar In sepnrato lola or parcet�c+itnmb as <br /> 7rustea shall deam expedienl,and in such order as it mny delorminp,at p�tblic auction to the hiphast bfdder (or cash In law}ul mRrtey pf <br /> Ihe Uniled States payable at the time of sale. Trustea shap dellver lo such purch�ser a purchaserr;theteof its�oad and auflk��nt dN10 or <br /> ... deeds conveying lhe propeAy so sold,but without eny covenanl or wurranly,express a implisd. The recitais fn tuch d�sd of�ny rtu►It�ra <br /> , :•�'� or tacts sha0 be concluslve proof of the lrulhlutness lhereol. Any person,inciudmg wiihoul iimllation Trustar,Trust:a,or lcnd:r,rtxsy <br /> �� purChase nl5uch,81e. <br /> . �Y° (b) As may 6e permttted by 1aw,atter daductlng all cosls,fees nnd expenses ot Trustea and af this Trusl,Inclu�inp costs of�Wdenca of -. <br /> � ' �fp title in con�ectior�wilh sale,Trustee sha11 appty ihe proceeds of sals to payment ot (i)all sumo expendod under Ihe torms of thls Deed al - <br /> � ' . g� Trust a under the lerms of Ihe Noto not theo repaid,including bul nol limiled to eccrued inleresl and lato charges, (ii)eN other sums then == <br /> $ secured hereby,end (iii)Ihe remainder,i4 uny,to the per,on or persans legally en6lled Ihereto. <br /> '.i"� (c)Trusleo may In Ihe manner prov:ded by Intiv posipone sa�e ol all or any portion o1 lhe Properly. � <br /> ��� <br /> Remedles Not[xcluslve. Trustee end Lendar,and eacn ot Inem,shau be entitied to enforce payment and pertormunce ol any(ndebtednass <br /> or obllflflllons S@cured by this Deed ot Trusl and lo exercise eil righls and powers under Ih�s Oeed ot Trust,under the�fote,under�ny ol ttw _ <br /> Helated DaCUments,or under any olher agreement or any lews now or hereafler in force;notwilhstanding,some or dl pf suCh indAbtedness _ <br /> °• and obligations secured by Ihis Daed of Trost may now or hereafler be otherwise sacured,whether by morfgage. deed o1 trust,piedps,lien, <br /> esslgnment a othenvise. Neilher ihe acceplanCe of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcemont,whethdr by court aclion or pursuant to ttw power of <br /> ° Sele w other pawers contained In Ihis Oeed of Trusl,shall prejudice or In any ma�ner eNecl Trustee'S or Lendef8 rl�ht to roaN�tlpon of <br /> _' ,.;:�.-' .+si. enforCe eny otner 58CUriiy now or nernafier iutiu�y iiti�2ero'vi Z8i1�vt��:va1Ty^Ryi.^..Rf.� 1�`.3l�ftf°.,.Q£aRi1 ianAar Af1A QACI1 OI«iY!(li SI1�I I18 <br /> : •i;:�,<+. ; entitled io enlorc0 lhis Deed of 7rust and any olher securily now or herenttor held by Lender or Trustee in such cxder and menn�r�s they a <br /> • � either of thom mny In their ebsOlule d'rsaretion determine. No remedy conierred upon a reserved to Trustee or Lender,13 intended lo be <br /> • exclusive of any other remedy in this qeed of Trust or by law prov�ded or permilled,bu!each sha11 be cumulative and shaN tw in�dditbn to <br /> "�• ' every other remedy given in lhis�eed o1 Trusl or now ar hereufler exisNng et law a in equily or by stelute. Every pawer w te:fNdy qhwn by ths <br /> ,h �,;, ,�;• Note or any of the Related DoCUmenis to TruSlee or Lender or to which aiiher ol Ihem may be otherwise enGtled, mty be ixerCESOd, <br />__.',`;.!•r!�?;" Corscurrentiy or Independenliy,from Umo lo Nme and as oflen as may be deertwd eYpedient by Trusteo or Lender,and eiiher of Ihsm may <br />='��-::;,,-,, . pursue InconS�stent remedies. Nolhing in Ihis Oeed of Trust shall ho construed Hf prohiDiting Lender Irom seoking a defle38nCy IudymeM <br /> .:.�;�. egptnsl Ihe Trusta lo IAe extOM suCh aotlon 15 permiiled by law. <br />- --�_r��?x�, ROqu0s1 Fot Notice. Trustor,on bohplf of Truslor end Lender,horeby requests Ihat e copy of 9ny Nott�:e oi Oe�ault end a COpy Of eny NOtice <br /> '�'�ri•r�°.�^. of Sale under lhis Deed of Trusl be mailed lo them at Ihe eddresses sel forlh in Ihe firsl paragraph of Ihis Deed ol Trusl. <br /> -cs=f.::::_�.��"iZ'� <br />-=--� • °�-�I Welver,Eltctlan of Remedics. A wa(ver by eny party of a breach of e provislon ol tFds�oed ol Trus1 shell nol constilute a wil►»r oi a <br /> =��j�r��:":;r?� preJudice the party�s rights olherwise to demand slr�cl compliance with thal prov(sion a any other provis!on. Eleci(on by I.ender lo pursi�e any - <br /> - �.!„a� remeAy provlded In Ihts Deed of Trust,Ihe Note,in any Relaied Documenl,or provided by law shall not exclude pursuft ol any other remedy, <br /> -- and an etocNOn to mnko expendituras or to take action lo peAorm an obllgation o}Tmstor under Ihis Oeed of Trusl ttter taNure ot Tnislor to <br /> _:,,AaQ":� <br /> . perTOrm Shall not nHect lenders�iflhl tv dectare s defeuN und lo exprclse eny ot its remodies. <br /> ��'�y`���� Attorneya'Fees;Expenses. If Lun�er Institutes any sult or ac0on to eniorce any of tha terms of Ihls Deed ot Trust,Lender sha11 be Yntitled to <br /> -°° -_ — recover�uch sum as lhe court may edJudga roasonabte as attomeys'fees at Idal and on eny appeal. Whether a not any courl acticn b <br /> -__= Invotved,all reasonable expenses Incunod by Londer whlCh In Lender's opinion are necessary at any 11me lor the p�otecUon of its(nterost or tM <br /> - enforcemeM of Its dghts shan become a part o11ho Indebtedness payable on demand nrtd shail bear Interest al tho Nofe rete hom IM d�te of <br /> 'M��n�N;�.e� expendilure wtit repald. Expenses covered by Ihis paregrnph includa,without Ilmitehon,however subjocl to eny Ilmlls under epplicibk law, <br /> __„��;,,,'�"� L0nd9r'S attomeys'toes whpiher or nat Ihero is a Inwsull,includ'+ng atlomeys'fees ta bnnkruptcy proCeeding9(includtn9 nBorts to mOddy Or <br /> - -- vacafe eny eutomaliC Slay or injunction),eppeals and any 3nticipated posl-judgment colieclion services,the cost of searchinp reCOrds,obtsfrtirp <br /> `— title reparts(inciucling torociosuro reporls),surveyors'repo�ts,eppralsal tees,I�tle Insurence,and teos lor Ihe Trust�e,to the oxtent permitidd by <br /> =�'�-r� epplicebie law. Truslor also wiu pay any court cosls,in addition to ail other sums provided by law. <br /> -----� � Rlpht00f TtuSttt. 'fru51@8 Sh811 have 811 of Ihe righls and duliQS 0�Lender as Sot fort�In lhiS SeClion. <br /> '����'�"���4�� POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OF TRUSTHE. The following provislons relaling lo the powers and obllgatlons of Trustee are part of this Deed of <br /> ___.�.y�i,::�_;� Yrust. <br /> - T�r�n� Powors o4 Trustee. In eddiBOn to ait powers of Trustee erlsing es a matter ot lew, Trustee shall heve ihe power to leke Ihe tdlowin0 actlons <br /> --����'_:• • wfih respect to the Properly upon Ihe wriUen requesl of Lsnder nnd Truslor. (a)Jntn In preparing end filing a map or plst o�lhe Red Property, <br /> ` :4s::: _:.:::',. inc�uding the d�dlentlon of streeis a oiher right3 to lhe public; (b)Joln fn grantiny any easoment or creatiny ony restrk�on on ihe ReN Property; <br /> �- ;�..+'' nnd (c)join in�ny 5ubordingtfon or other agrCemaAt nlfecNng Ihis Oeed ol Trust or 4ne Inierest ot Lender under tA`.�Oeed of T�ust. <br /> - .,�„ <br /> - Tru�tee. Trustee shatl mec+l all qualifiCalions raquired lor Truslae under appiicable lavi. in addillon fo the dgl�is a�d romedies set talh ebave, <br /> , wlliti respect to all or any part of Iha Properry,the Trusteo shan hav�the riDM to fo�ec�ose by notice and sa�e,and Lender shnll hava lhe dgM to <br /> � ItroClc,e by Jud101g1 loreC�osure,In olthor Case�n aCCOrdanoe wilh antl to 1He tull exlent provided by eppiiCable 18w. <br /> Stw`ceasor Truslae- Lender,al Lenders option,may from tlme to Ilmo appeint a sucCessor Truslee to any Truslpe appointed hereunder by en <br /> - instrument exeeut��t�nd acknowledged by Lender and recorded In Ihe olfice of IhQ recorder of HALL Couniy,Nebroskn. Tf►8 instrument shaN <br /> � confaln,In adQ:fiOn lo al1 olher mailers roquired by 31a1e taw,Ihe names ot t�e oripin3l Lender,Trustee,and Tru51a,the b0ok end pape(a <br /> � compuler syslem re7eronce)where tnfs Deed o�Trust fs recorded,und the nnmo and eddress of Ihe suCCessor irUStpe,and the InStrumenl shaN <br /> � be executed flnd flCknowledged by all Iho benefic�aries under Ihe Deed oi Trusl or thelr suCCessors In interest. The SuCCe".�so�trust9e,wllhoul <br /> • a► conveyance of the Property,sh�it suyceed lo ali Ihe lillo,power,nnd dutfos con(erred upon Iho Trustee in Ihis Oeed o►Trust and by applicabte <br /> --==�1__- b�., tw....���.e��.���hda��e�nn nt tn,elaa thau anvern In Iho a�usion ot all olher oroNslons lor subslitullon. <br /> �,_. _ ..._. ..�.-•-----•-•------ - - - - <br /> :„�,,, NOTICES TO TRUSTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notfco under this Deed of Tru,t shau be In wriling,may be be senl by telefaCS►rrN11g,end shaN _ <br /> be eKeCtive when nctuully dolivQreci,or when deposilad with u nalionaliy recognlzed overnight caurier,or,If mailed,shail be deemed eNecliv8 when <br /> deposlted In ihe UnHed Sintos mall lirsi ctass,certtfled or registered mafl,pustage prepaid,dirocled la Ihe addresses shaxn near the bepinning of <br /> this Deed o�Trosl. Any parly may chanpe its address tor notices under Ihis Deod of Trusl by pihng formal wdlten nolice lo the other parties, _ <br /> specitying Ihat ihe purpose of the notice Is 10 chang�tho party's addresS. All copfes o��ol�ces of torectosure Irom Ihe hd0er ot arcl fic3n which has <br /> , prlority over thia Deed of 7rusl shall bo senl to Lender's nddress,es shown near Ihe beginning ot Ihis Oeed of Trust. Fa rto4i�purposes,Trusta <br /> - ° egrees lo kEep L2nder Ctnd Trusiee Inlormed al a�l timBS ol Trus�or's currenl nddress. <br /> MISCER.LANEOUS PROVISIONS. The loilowing m�scenaneous prov�sions ere n part o��h�s Doed ot Trust: <br /> _ Amendments. TNS Deed o�Trusl,logother wdh�ny Re�ateG Documenls,consl�tules Ihe entire under,ipnding and agroempnl ol ihe peNeS BS <br /> to ihe mattors 50��or1h fn Ihis Deed oT Trusl. No alleral�on 01 or umendmpnt lo Ihis Oeed ol Trusl shall be e(feCtivA unipss piven fn wrfiinp snd <br /> ••• -� ' s�gnad by Ihe party or partiQS soughl to be charged or bound by the niteral�on or amendmenl. <br /> _ ' � Appllcebte lew. Thts Aeed oi Trust hos been dellvered to Lender and accepted Dy Lender In the Stete of NCbaatca. This Deed of Tntat <br /> . � __- - - <br />