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<br /> oa-t�-1E196 DE�D��TRU�� ;�- ��e �s�� e �
<br /> Loan No 280792 (Continued) 4 r ',(j����
<br /> ��� �...��� -_ ' — .___ _ � "� -
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<br /> N�s�l b�pavemed by wnd consirucd In eccordence wilh tha lews ot lhe 6tnte o1 kebraalca. -
<br /> C�pl(on FNWIry�. CaUllon AQadmgs In this Doed ol Tru51 oro lor aonven�ence purpqsos oNy and ere not to be used 4o intorprot a doflM th�
<br /> proWstone ol ihlg peed ol Trusl.
<br /> Mrr{�r. 7'hero sha;i be n0 merper of lhe intorosl or eslale eronled by Ihis Deod of Ttu51 wilh any 01her Intere9l ot eStS�a In iho P�Op�rty�II�ny
<br /> tlm�Mlld by 0►fOr Ih�Dln�fil of l.ender Irt eny CeplCity,wilh�ul lh�wriltgn ConSent of LendBr.
<br /> Mullipl�PA►tl�s. Ail pbllqpllons ol Tru�lor under Ihis Deed of Trust shall be�otnl nnd severAl,nnd nll:elerenca�to Trustor shad ma�n each and
<br /> �wry"irusiw, i'inis mvlln�Ihel�scF�ol Ihp 8o�rowers signing be�ow la t6sponsiba for s�l ofolipatlon;ln ih�s Ds:d o!7ru�1.
<br /> S�vtribllity, II �court ol campslent Jurisd�llon finds�ny provfslon of lhl�DNd of Trust to be Invalid or ur�ntorarbN a to sny pwson a
<br /> ckcumsltna,such Andlnp shill nal rondar Ihnl pravislon Inv�Wd w unemlacabk as to any other persons or ckcumstences. It fwsibb,any
<br /> suCh ptt►ndlnp proNSlon 6haN b�dwmed to bs mod�f�d lo be within Ihe limit�ol enloresabltity a validity;hok�ver,it th�ofl�ndlnp proNsbn
<br /> qtnnol b�so modlAld,It shaN bo strfcken and all olher proY4sOn9 oi thfs�Md of Trust In all alher respecls shaM ramaln v�lid�nd�nloraMb�e.
<br /> Sueets�o�s�nd Ata10n�• SubJecl to ttro FmitaUOns stAled In Ihis�eed ol Trusl on iranster of Trustor's Intere5l,Ihis Deed d Trusl sh�N bY
<br /> �Indrp upon and Inun to th�berNfit al t�paA�s,Ihelr sus:casoro and�ssspns. tf ownKShlp of tM Property becoma�wstW In a p�rson
<br /> olt�r Nun Trustor,LonQ�r, without nLSCe to Trustw, may dea! wiih Trustots sux�sors vlifh reN.,ronce to th4s Oaed of Trusl and tTes -
<br /> IndWtadrwso by wey ol PorbasranCe a e�ctertslon withoul �eWestnp Trustor hom the ob7pations oi lhts Deed of Trust a W1bMity undu tM
<br /> Indebtedrtess.
<br /> Tlrta Is o!tM Essence. Time is of the ess�rne In fhe performance ollhis Oeed of Trusl.
<br /> W�tver�ec�4 Consentl. Lender shatl rnt h�deemod lo have waived eny riyhts under lhis Oe@J o}Trusl(or under the Retaiod Ooeumanls)
<br /> unNss su:!'i waiver Is In wriUng and 5tg.rcl by Lender. No de4y or omisslon on lhe pa�t ol Lender in exerclsing any riyhl slwfl c�onla as a
<br /> w�lw►ol's�x;A ri�hl a tny othar riyht. A wa:ver by eny p�rfy ol e proNslon of Ihia Oeed of Trust sh�p nol consfftuts�wafwr of or pryud.Ca tiie
<br /> paA�/a r1yAt olherwfs�lo dem�nd strtcl camptience with lhat provislon or eny olher provislon. No pria waiver by I.�nder.nor�ny co�xa�at
<br /> 1ie�Nrp beiweee� LeitGer Q�id Tru3lor,Shatl cor�st:tid�e w8lvor sf any �f tsndsr's rl�ht,or any o!Trtxtar'r eb'.:,��or�� to nrtp tultsre
<br /> hartsaCH�ns. Whenever Consenl by Lender Is requlred In ihis Daed ol T�usf,the granUrp of such consent by Lender in�ny InstanCe ShtN not
<br /> COnSb1uM COnHnufrp c0�1S�n1 to SubS6qWnt In5l3nCes wh9re SuCh ConsBM f5 rAquked.
<br /> Waiwft ol Home�tl�dt�mptlon. Tr�tar hereby releases and waives all dghis and benefls oi IAe hamastaad exemption taws of tha SkN ol
<br /> Nobr�ska u lo aq Ind�bNdness sacurad by Ihfs Deed ul Trusl.
<br /> TERMS.
<br /> TRUSTOii:
<br /> ��V��a.�.--- _ � l�"1.�.JL
<br /> TROYE 1NR.5E ��"TAMMY HUI.SE �
<br /> $TA4E OF� �
<br /> lss ,
<br /> COtJNiY OF 1 �
<br /> On Ihh day belon me,lhe underslpned Notary Pc01ie,personatly appeared TROYE MI�SE�nd TAMMY HULSE,to me known to be tM kKlWldue�e
<br /> ds6ai�sd in end who ixecukd itw OeQd d Trusl,and acknowle�ped that tf�5y s►yned t of rust p9 ttwk frea and v ntpry Cat and dY�d,
<br /> tartlf�us�s�nd purpos�s itNrNn menlior�sd. �l/ /.
<br /> Qiwn und�r my hend o!6e1�1 xy thls� ��" day Oi �� ,19 FS
<br /> BY
<br /> ��'�y`, Notary Public In fM Stale
<br /> �����,0 Rtsidlnp d
<br /> j �!��9` My COmrt11f310f1 elfPitll,�_
<br /> ����f�,� .
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