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<br /> '' a ' 09w16�19�6 �L�b O�YHUSi' �age 4 =
<br /> , Lo�r� No 280792 (Continued) ��� �,��L��� -
<br /> ` part ol tho Indebletlnoss securod by th;s Dood of Trust; (b)a spocll�c 1nx on 7rustor which Trustor Is authorized or requlred fo deduct from
<br /> , paymer�ta on Ihe Indeblednese sacurod by Ihis type of Deod o�Trus1; ic)e io:�c on Ihis lype ot Oeed ol Trusl cherpeable apalnst lhe Londer a
<br /> Ihe hoider ot the NOIe;and (d) a sAaclHC fax on ell or pny portion ot the Indebtedness or on payments of principol end tnterosi made by _
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> � 6uti�q umt T*xa. If eny Itx to wh�h this aecllan eppii�s ia enact�d subs�qumt lo ths det�ol thls Deed of Trusl,Ihl�awnt�haM tuw tM
<br /> „ �eme sHect e�an�venl of Dofauil(es deined belowl,ena Lender may axercise eny or nU of Its evaneble remedls�1a an Evenl of Oehuft n -
<br /> prov�C;.tl b.1oe:unl�;s Tru�tar clth�r (n)pays tho tnx haforo tf hccomes d�`nr�uant,or (h)contr.5ls Ih�Inx�s proW�!°d ubovo In Ihs Tnxes and _
<br /> *• Lkn9 6ocilon�nd dep0311!wllh Lender c�4h or e suHlClenl CorpMllt��ur�fy bond or olher seCUrlty sati9laatory!o Lender.
<br /> ; *�R BECURITY AOAEEMENT;fIkANCiNG 9TATEMENTS. The l0llowinp ArOVision7 rp,l�ling lo Ihis Deed of Trust es a EeCUrlly epreemenl tre e pori d -
<br /> • . Ihis Deed ol Trust, �
<br /> �a�+�++kw Sacuriry Apraement. This Insirumont shnll conshlute o sBCUidy pgroomon4 lo lhe extonl ony o} I�o Properry constftute� fixtures a ottw
<br /> � personal property,and Lendar shan hove all of Ihe nghls ol A socureu oany under Iho Undorm Commerclal Code as emend�d from Iimv l0
<br /> '_ ums. _
<br /> ' ;�� S�curity Interesl. Upon request by Lentler,Trustor shall exqcute hnancMy statomoMS and tako whatover olhor acl�on Is requalW by LancNr =
<br /> to pufecl and continue Landar's security fnterest In Ihe Aent��nd P�rsorol Prop@rty. In addillon to roCOrdinq li�e Os�d M Trusl In 11M reU
<br /> property records,Lender rney,al any Nme and with0ut luhher authoriiallon�rpm Tnistor,filn oxecutad counterpuk,coples or roproductlons N
<br /> Ihls Oeed o}Trust as e flnancing slatemenl. Trusta sha�l reimburs9 Lendor for all expen5es InCUrtod in p�rfecdrr,�a Contlnuinp lh}s s1c�u�k/ -
<br /> � '. Intorest. Upon delaull,Truslor shall assemble ihe Personal Property In a minr,er and al a place rt�asonably convan!pnt to Trtqto�end Undr
<br /> . pnd mako II evaitabla lo Lendar w(lhin ihrae(3)deys after receipl of wdHer�demand(rom Ltrtdir. °
<br /> 1 Addretses. Tha mallinp addrosses of Trustw(debtor)end Lender(:ecured puly),hom which InfamaUOn concerniny Qq srcurily Int�rest -
<br />_ti � pranled by Ihis Deed ot Trusl mey bo obtelned(eac�es required by the UNlam Cornmefclat Code),are as staled on tha flrst pap�of thb Daed
<br />-, o!Yrusl.
<br />_ FURTFtEH ASSURANCES;ATT49PNLV•Ild-FACT. 7he foilowing provis�ons te�a�lnp to IuAher essurflncvs an�&florney-ln--(pct are�part 0�tNS
<br /> ��`� Deed of Trust.
<br /> • " Fuhher AssuranCes. A1 flny tlme,end from lime to Urr�p,upon requosl o�Lendsr,Trustor wlll make,execute end deflve�,a wiY cause f0 E9
<br /> ••�:�:x*; made,executad a delivered,to Lender a lo lender's desiqnee, end v�hen requested by Lender,causs to be f�ed, racadld, nfiNd, a -
<br /> „ : rerecaded,es Ihe case may be,al such limes end In such oflices and place� ae Lender mey deem epproprtete,nny end tA such morty�Qe�,
<br /> � � deads of Irust,saCUNty doeds,securiry agroaments,AnanCinp stfllements, cantt�u3tion stotements,InsSrumenis o�tuAhM assunna,C�rtiACSt�,
<br />��`.}•:•�� ' �nd olher dxuments�s mny,In tAe sote opinion of Lender.be necessaryor dlslrabie in orcfer lo sHeciwts,compkts,penc�t,contlnu�. a
<br />__ " '_,.� �, '� pros�rv� (a)the ohilQaHOns of Truslar undor INe Note,thls Oead of Trust,and iM Releted Documents,�nd (b)lhe lions and s�ctrity inqr�sb
<br /> � =`' " crNt�d by this Deed of Tru�t on the Property,whether now owned or here�ex�Cquked by Trusta. Unies�prohWftsd by kw a�pr�d to tM
<br />;-:�;.d: contrary by Lender In wriGnp,Truata sheN r�lmburse Lender 1a all costs end expenses incurred in connection with lh�m�tters nt�rted lo In -
<br /> -,A' lMs perepreph. -
<br />� .�,,t. Attorney-in-Fact. If Tnrstor fAikt la do any of lhe lhlnps retened to In tne precediny puayreph,Lender may dp ao fa�nd in tlw nartw d -
<br /> "'� �- Trusta end at Trustor's exponse. Fnr such purposes,Trustor heraby Irrovocabty appWnls Lender as Trustors attwnay-In-fact ia tM purposl
<br /> �;:.
<br /> _—_ of ineklrq,executinp,deuverinp, flii np,rocorqinp,flnd tlomg au other�ntrqs ae may oe necessary a oesirabie,in Lenders sd�opinion.io
<br />'-"�~``'� �,�: ' aocomplish ihe maflers refeRed fo in ihe precedin
<br />'.'�.:r`��; , 4 Porngroph.
<br />�:r..�Y�,;' �PERFORMANCE. If Trustor peys on tho Indebtednoss when duo,end othe�wise performs ah tho obligations Imposttd u{�on Tru5lov under tNs
<br />� • Q�aed of 7ru51, Lender shall exQCUla and doliver to Trustee a request tor fuE reconveyence and Shall execute and detiv�er lo Ttustor sdtabM
<br /> 'i'--'�� stalemonts ot Iermfnalion o1 any tinancin stutement on file evidencin Lenders secuN Interest in the Rents and the Personal Property. Art�
<br /> _=- �� reCOnveyartce fee required by law shall bo pe�d hy Truslor,it permiUed by epptiGl6lp 18w. ty
<br />—=�-`��'_ `' DEFAIR.T. EaCh ot the follOwinp,at Ihe opti0n of Lender,shall conslilute en eve�l ot detBWt('�vent ol Detaull")under lhls Deed of TruSh
<br /> -- r_�.�e� :
<br />