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"fruslor shall upon demund IurNSh lo Londer 3alislaclory evidonce ol paymonl ol iha laxe9 or essessmenl5�nd ahtll <br /> ,� � , eulhodie Ihe eppropdate govemmenlnl alliClul to doliver lo Lender et eny Iime a wrl8en 6lalemanl ot Ihe Iaxe9 nnd assessrrwnts ItQpinsl lhs �. <br /> Properly. 1E� <br /> " NolicO o1 Co�siructlon. Tn:slOr ShAll n0tity Lender al leasl fifteen(15)day3 bolore any wo�k Is commencod,eny servksa oro lurnl:fl�d,Cr any [ <br /> � � materials ere supplied to the Property, 11 eny mechanlo's Ilen, matorislmen's Ilen,or other Ilen could be assorted on�ocounl of 1M wak, � <br /> `'�� services,or maleriat9. Trustar�vill upon requesl of Lender Iurnish lo Lender advenCe assurences selisfactory to Londer ihal Trusla Can tnd will �' <br /> " e pay ihe cosl 01 Such Imprqvemonts. <br /> ����k PROPERTY DAMAOE INSURANCE. The following prov(slons relatinfl lo fnsudng Ihe Property ate e parl of Ihis Desd o1 Trual. <br /> _«� � MalntenanCe o}Insurence. Trustor shall procure and malntaln policlos of fire insurpnc9 wflh standUrd ezlended covarnQe Rndo�58menis on e <br /> replaCement hasls for lhe tull InSUrable vaiue coverinp a11 Improvements on lhe Real Property�n pn emouM suNicleN lo ev0id Ipp�kaUon ot nny F <br /> i colnsurance clause,and wilh a Slnndard morigagea c�ause In favor ot Lender,logelher wilh such olher hezard end Ilablliry tnsurenco as Londor _ <br /> ��-� may reesonabty require. Poilcies shell be wrilien in lorm,emouniS,Coverages and basis reasonably accepiflble to Lander and Issued by o - <br /> � company or companies reasona6iy ncceptable lo Lender. Truslor,upon requesl ol Lender,will delivar lo Lendor Prom time to Iime Ihe poOCles <br /> or CerlifiCfltes of insurence In form satislactory to Lender,Inciud�np stipulations thal Coverflfles wi;l n�l be cenCO�lad a dimlNShed wflhoul 91 <br /> � . least len(t0)days'prior wrilt�n nolice lo Lender. Ench insurnnca poiicy also shafl InGiude en ondorsement providing Ihat coverape in fava ol <br /> ' Lender will not be Impa!rpd in any way by tiny eCt,omisslon or de�auli of Trusior or eny olher person. Should Ihe Real Property at eny time <br /> " �• � bacome Ixaled in an area deslgnaled by the Direclor ot Iho Federsl Emeryency Mnnsgemenl Agoncy as A speci�l Hood harard area,Trustor <br /> ^ egrees to obtaln ar.d malntain Federal Flood Insurence to Ihe extenl such in�urance IS raqulred by lendar nnd fs or becomes�vaY�bk,(a the <br /> x = tbrm ot the toan and for ihe fult unpaid prinClpal balance of Ihe loan,a Ihg maxlmum Iimit of coverepe thnt IS avallabte,whlChevff►k less. <br /> L�" Appilei�t�on oT P�eaed�. Trustor shatl prompily no�ity Lender ol eny loss or damege to the Property. Lander may make prool of IoSS II Trusta <br /> , : � talis to da so wilhin fiRaen(tb)days o�Ihe casually. Whether or nol Le�ders secudty Is Impalred,Lender may,at ils etection,rxoiw end retain - <br /> Ihe procoeds of any insurance 6nd epply Ihe proCeeds lo Ihe reductlon of tha indebtedness,peyment of any Ilen eflecUrp the P�operty,w lhs <br />- restoration and repair oT ihe Property. It Lender eiects to apply the proceads to resloration and repair, Trustor shall repak or replace Ihe <br /> . damaged or destroyed Improvemonis In a mnnner satisfactory lo Lender. Lender shali, upon satis/actory proof ot such expendilure,pay or <br /> ' relmburse T�usfor from Ihe proceeds(or Ihe rea5onable cost ot repair or restoration if Truslor Is not In detault under Ihis D6ed olTrust. Any _ <br /> .�. procPatls whlch have nol been dis6ur5ed wilhin 18(I days efier their receipt and whlch Lender has not committed to the repaU or restorallon Ot =. <br /> ' Iha Froperiy shall be used firs!to pay nny nmount owing lo Lender undar ihis Deed of Trust,then to pay accrued Inlerest,a�d the remainder,if <br /> nny,shall be eppUed lo the principal bnlance ol the Ind�bledness• II Lender holds any proceods atter pnymenl in fu11 a�lhe Indebtedness,suCh _ <br /> proCeeds shall be pald lo Trustor es Truslor's inleresls may appRar. <br /> Unexplred Insurence e4 Sale. nny unexpired Insurence shell Inure to Ihe benefit of,and pass to,the purchaser ot ihe Properly co�wred by lhlS <br /> � ' . Deed o17N5t et any fruSte@'s Sele or other sale held under Ihe prov�sions of lhls Desd of Trust,or at any loreclosure sele of Such Property. <br /> '::, CompllanCC wlth Exlsting InOeDte�ness. During Ihe perlod In wtiich any Exisling Indebtedness descrlbed below Is In eMecl,comgtiance wfth <br /> ;,�,:-'��u` , �he InSUrenCe prow5ion5 Coniainod in ina iu5iiu���b��i a��o��.:ti�::�~��'�••!!..^'f, !.^.�sb!E!ln�:5 e�,gu rnnell���ta�mm�liatvw wiih tfw insura�e <br /> � - pravlslons under th�s�aed of trus9,to Ihe extenl compllence wilh the terms of thls Dea�of 7rusl wouid conslHute a dupliallon ot Inswana <br /> ' requlrement. If any p•rocoeds hom the insurance become payable on loss,Ihe provisions in thls Deed o}1'rusl tor divislon of proceads shaN _ <br /> gpply onty to Iha)portion of th9 proceeds nol payable to the hotder of Ihe Exisiing indebtedn6ss. <br /> -. ,-•''; • EXPEHOITURES BY LENDEFi. If Trustor fails to comply wilh eny provlslon af this Deed of 7rust, Includlny any obligatlon to maintain ExisBnp <br /> ;�cy,,,Y4,;.;'y��• Indebiedne,s In gaod Slanding es required below,or if any acllon or proceeding is commenced lhal would meterfally aHecl Lencier's inlBresls in the <br />-��,�,. ; Property,Lender on Trustor'S behalt may,bul shnll not bo required to,9�ke any ection lhat Lender deoms eppropdate. Any amovnt thnl Lendor <br /> ` �`'�' exponds in so daing will bear Interest al Ihe rate provided tor in tha Noto from the dale Incurred ov pa�d by Lender lo Ihe date of tepaymenl by <br />;.f:� -�_�4-'�. Trusta. All such expenses,at Lender's option,wiu (a)6e paysble on demflnd, (b�be added to Ihe balance of the Note and be apporlbnad amonp <br /> ' .� and be payable wilh any Installmenl paymenls lo becomo due during eflher (i)the lorm ot eny epplicabie Insurance poiiCy or (ii)Ih0 remslniry�term <br />�'�=� o}ihe Nole,or (c)be treated es a balloon paymenf which will be due end payeble el lhe Nulo's matudty. Thfs Deed ot T�usl elsa will seCUre <br /> yrt-++...^� <br />�;,,rr.+:�.�,��a payment of these amounls. The rlghts provided for In Ihis paragraph shell be In additivn lo eny other rlghts or any remedle9lo whkh Lender mey <br />�--�3 •••,=' enlilted on account of ihe default. Any such actlon by Londer shall not 6o construed as curing lho detault so as to bar Lender hmm�ny remedy that <br /> '�`"=""'•'�'' it otlwrwise would have Aad. <br />��_{ra;:°71� <br /> °�'-�'�;,�a,";� WARRANTY;DEFENSE OF TITLE. The foilowing provislons r6laling lo ownership of fhe Property ero e pnrl of ihLS Deed af Trust. <br /> ` �'���`��� T(tle. Trustor wanants that: (a)Trostor hotds good and markelable litle of record to the Property In lee simple,frne and ciear ot a11118rts end <br />�.�-;:c*°�4�QG:",1� <br /> mcumbrtnces olher than ihose sel foAh In ihe Real Property descrlption or In Ih�Existinp Indebtedness soclion botow or ln Iny tiUe ins�xanca <br />- -- _ = poliCy,llUe ropoA,or Nnnl tilte opinlon Issued In fevor of,a�d accepted by,Lender In connection wYh this Deed of TnKt,and (b)Trustor has!Fw <br /> �__--- (ull r1yM,power,and authatty to execulo and deuver Ihls Deed ofTrust to Lender. <br />--°-� �� Delansa o!Tltle. SubJect to the AxCepllon In the paragreph abovo,yeustor werranls and will forever defend the Utle to the Propetty�lqqinst the <br /> f A�'-`�� lawtul Clalms ol all persons. In Ihe evenl any sction or proceediny�s commenced lhal questions TruStoPs litle ov ihe I�terest of'hustee or <br /> -r- �—�n�� Lender under Ihls Deod of Trust,Truslor shau defend tne ection al Truslor's expense. Truslor may be the nominRl pa�y in such procaedinq,but <br /> -- - Lender shatl be entilled Io participale in the proce�ding and to be represented in Ihe prwee:fing by counsHi ol Lender's own ChdCe,end <br /> _ t�LL�� Trustor wiil deliver,or cause lo be dehvered,lo Le�der such instrumeMS as Lender may request from Iime to time to permit suCh perliCipgtion. <br /> -°:�"� <br /> ,��..-.�� Compllancr With Lt�WS. 7rustor warrants Ihat Ihe Property and Trustor's use of fhe Properly campties with all exfstinp AppliGable lews, <br />�_,��..,,�.'_::.�� ordin&nces.und r0pul8�lons 0�9ovJrnmenlfll authOrilies. <br /> �~"""`��-�"!� EXISTINO INDEBTEDtdESS. The following provislons concem(ng exi5tinp Indebledness(lhe"Exlstlnp Indebtedness')ere fl pad ol tht5 Deed ol <br /> - --�:;;:`���:��' Trusl. <br /> 2{,y:�_����',.Y-� Dc�sQnp Llen, The lien ol this peed of Trust securing Ihe indeblednass may be secondary end Infodw to en exlsting Ile�. Trustor exprassly <br />�==r�� •' • covenanis and agrees to pay,or seo to the pnYmonl of,the Exfsnng Indebtedness end to prevent eny detauu on such Indebted�ess,any delault <br />�r f; 't��,�� u��dar Ihe Inslrumenls ovldencing such lndebtedness,or any det�ull under eny seCUdty documeMs for suCh Indebted�ess. <br /> � � Qe?ault. If the paymeni of nny Insipliment of principnl or pny intaro5l on Ihe Existing Indebledngss fs not made wilhln Ihe timo required by th0 <br /> �r, � note evidencing such indebtedness,ar Should a defauil occur under Ihe(nslrument securfng such Indebtodnoss and not bo cured dudnp any <br />�'' eppl{cablv grece pedod Ihereln,then,at tha optlon of Lender,Ihp Indebtednoss secured by this Deed of Trust snall become Immed�ateiy due <br /> -�F � nnd pnyab�o,and Ihis Deed of Trust shail be In detault. <br /> � � �� Na�OAodifleallon. Trustor shnll not onler Into any ogreement wilh►he holder ot any morlgago,deed of trust,or other seCUrity egreemant wh{Ch <br /> � �� � has priorily over lhls Deed of Truet by whtch Ihal agreemenl is mntlit�ed,amended,extended,or renowed with0ul the prior wririon Consunt of <br />;^ �,t[=i:�' � Lender. TruSIOr Shell neilher requDSi nor aCCep1 ony tuture advanc�BS under gny SuCh seCUnty ugroemeM wilh0ut the pttor writlOro conSCM of <br /> x Lender. <br /> -, ,�'?-.� CONDEMNATION,The�ollotving provisfons reialing to condomnation proceedings flre e part of Ihis Doed of TruSt. <br /> Appncatlon or Net Proceeaa u pu or any pari oi ine nvperiy i7 66iiu'tltiittbu'uy oiTi�no�u u'mTia�i��riwornsri�ya vi`u�unj{riui.veinoy vi <br /> _.�„�,: purchase In I�eu ot condemnatlon,Lender may at Its e:ecflon requiro Ihal all or nny porflon of lho nel proceeds ot the award tre eppliod lo!he <br /> Indebteenoss or tho repulr or rostorallon ot the Propsrty. Tho net proceeds ot the oward shall mean the award after peyment ot ol1 <br /> costs,expenses,end aliorneys'fees InCUrced by Truslee o�Lendar In conneclion wifh lho condemnatlon. <br /> -� ProCeeQing9. If any proceedmg In condemnatfon is filed,Truslor shall promptly notity Lender in wrfling,end 7ruslor Shall promplty lake SuCh <br /> �� �. Sleps tis may be neCessary lo defend the actlon end oblain Iho nwnrd. Trustor mny be the nOminnl party In suCh proceedlnp,but Lender shuB <br /> be entilled to pert�c�pate in tho proceeding and lo be represenled in Ihe proceeding by Counsel 01 Its own Cholce,end Trustor wfll delivtx or <br /> -- Ceuso to be de�ivered to Lender such InslrumenlS as may be requested by d from lime io lime 10 pe�mit Such perliCipafion. <br /> IMPOSITfOPI OF TAXES,FEES AND CNARGES BY(30VERNMENTAL AUTlIQRITIES. Tha lollowing prov�sions relating lo govarnmenla0 taxes, <br /> teos end charges nre a part ot fhls Oeed of Trust: <br /> • � Current Taxe9,Fess and Charges. Upon requesl by lender,Trvstor shall execule such documents in adddion to Ihls Deed o1 Trust nnd tako <br /> , •� whalever other nclion is�equested by Lender lo perter,l and conllnuo Lender's lien on Ihe Real Properly. Truslcx sha11 reimburse Lender lor all <br /> • taxes, as desc�ibed below, logelher wilh nll expenses incurred in reCOr��nfl, pe�tect�nA or conllnuing Ihls Deed ol 7ru51,InCludinp without <br /> _ ' = limflfllion a���axes,leos,documentary slamps,and other chargps fOr reeording or reglstering Ihis�sed ol Trusl. <br /> _ � � Taxes. The lollawing shail canstdute taxes 10 wh�cn Ihis section appi�os: (e)a specllic tax upon thts type ot Oeed of�SI Qr upon all or any <br /> .' <br />