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<br /> 09�16-199G DEED QF�'RUSY Page 2 j
<br /> Loan No 2a0792 (Continuod) �6— �����a� u �
<br /> Personel Property. The�+ords"Porsonal Propc�lyl'monn ali equipmanl, I�xturos,and olher eAicies ot personnl properly now or heranftor
<br /> owned by Trustor,and now or horealle�ntincliod or nthKOd lo Ihe Roal i�roperty� IOg0lhet wilh pll pCCeSSlon3, pa�t�,and edGltlons ta,nll „
<br /> reptacemenls of, and ail subslllutions Ior, Any o1 Such proporty, nnd Iapelhci wilh all proceeds (includ�ng withoul Ilmltallon all Insurenc�
<br /> • proceods and rotunds ol promiums)from nny sals or olhor d�spos�uon ot lhe Properly.
<br /> � ?roperly. The word"Property"menns Co1�e�lively Ihe Real Property end Ihe Person�l Properly.
<br /> 67C�1 PfO�erty. 1'ho worda"Real Propertyr'moan l�o propo�ty,Inlere5�9 and rlghls desCribed above In Ihe"CunveyanCe end CirenP sectlon.
<br /> Related DoCUmenU. The words"Related Doouments"mean and Include withoul limitetlon ell promissory notea, credii �prwn»n1�,loon
<br /> " nyre�menls,environmenlel eqreements,yuarentles,secunly npreemenis,mortgayes,deeds ol 1rus1,end all other Insirumants,eflrMrrNnts and
<br /> dxuments,whelher now or he�onller exlsllnp,execuled In connesllon wtih Ihe Indobtedness.
<br /> ,�"�"''��~ Rents. The ward"Renls"means all preseM end fuiure rents,revenues,Incoma,Issues,roynllles,protlts,and other benefits derived hom tM
<br /> •. -.�...yN• Property.
<br /> Trustee. The ward'Trustee"mo¢ns UNITED NEBRASKI►BANK end any subslilute or succassnr trustees.
<br /> TrustOf. The word"Trustor"means eny end nil persons and enlilies execuling this Deed o}Trusl,fnC�udinp without Gmltatlon all TruSlqrs namYd
<br /> ° above. ':.
<br /> ' 7� OH TI1E FOLLOWIN(i TEf�MS: �`�'
<br /> F' PAVMENT AHD PERFOAMANCE. Except as otharwise provided In Ihis Deed of Trust,Trostor shan pey to Lender ell amounts 6eCUrad by this Oeed �•_;'"'
<br /> �` of Ta�sl aS they becomo due.Bnd SA811 striCity end In a limely manner peAorm all of Trustor's oblipetlOns under Ihe Note,ihfs D88d Of Trust,dnd�M •��
<br /> ti, Rolutecl0ocuments. ��:-:
<br /> POSSESSION AN6 MAINTEHANCH OF THE PROPHRTY. Truslor agrees Ihal Trustor's possesslon flnd use of the F�roperty shali be yoverned by
<br /> • lhe following provisions: F``*
<br /> Posses9lon�nd l�se. Untii the occurrence ot an Event of Defaull,Trustor mey (a)remaln in possesslon and control of Ihe Property, (b)uso, t .
<br /> , �:t,?�
<br /> operata or manage 4ha PropcxiY,ond (c)coilect eny Ronls trom Ihe PropeAy. - -
<br /> Duty to Melntaln. 7rustor she�l maSnta�n tho Prope�ty ln lenanleble condilion flnd promptly perlorm ull repalrs,rep�eCements,entl maintentnCe
<br /> necessary lo preserve Its vaiue. � �
<br /> Huerdoua Substencea. The terms'hazardous wssle,"'hazardous substance,"'disposal,"'Yetease'snd"threatened reiease;ss used in thls ��,:_,-
<br /> i7� Daed of Trust,shall have lhe same meanings as set torin in the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensatlon,and Linbllity ACt of _—
<br /> 1980,es emended,a2 U.S.C.SeCtion 9601,et seq.("CERCLA'1,Ihe SupeAund Amendmenls end Reauthori:atlon Act of 1988,Pub.L.No. �:.�--
<br /> 93-d99('SARA'),the Hemrdous Malerinis'�ransporlation Act,49 U.S.C.Secllon t80t,et seq.,the Resource Cnnservatlon and Recovaryr Acb _
<br /> 42 U.S.C.Section 6901,et seq.,or other applicab�e state or Federal laws,rulss,or regutatlons adopted pursuant to any of ltw toropdrq. Th�
<br /> . •�1 tarms"hezardous waste"end"hezardous subslence'shall fl13o include,without IimiteNon,pelroleum and patroleum by-produCb or any IncUOn =
<br /> " ' ' � Ihereot end eSb85toS. fru5lot represents 8n0 w8rrants to Lenoer ihai: laj�iuri�w i��e poA��ot Tr,r:�'s C::'t`�h�^!!h9 4��!+'++!Ry,«�
<br /> beea no use,generation,manutaCture,Slorage,trealmenl,dtsposal,release or fhreatoned reiease of any hazardous wesle or substana by any _
<br />_ �• person on,und�r,about or from lhe Property; (b)Truslor has no knowledge of,or reasan lo betieve that lhere has been,except as prwlously
<br /> disclosed lo and acknowledped by Lender in wnting, (I)any use,generation,mr.nutacture,staage,treatmenl,disposal,re�eass,or threatenod
<br /> � • -� releese of any ha2Ardous waste or subStance on,under,ebout or hom the Property by eny pda owneB or oCCUpanis of 1he PropMy a (Nj�ny
<br />- ectuel a threatened tillgation or cla�ms ot eny kind by any person relating lo such metters;und (c)Except as Dr6vlousiy disclosed lo and
<br />� �,� flCknpwledyed by Lender In writing, (i)neither Trustor nor eny tenenl,contraCtor,egent or other suthOrl2ed user Af the Prop�rty ShaN use,
<br /> qenerate,manutacture,slore,heat,dispose of,or reiease eny hazardous waste or substance on,under,about or hom lhe Property and (Y)any
<br /> ������'� • �1 Such aC����y shall be Conducted In Compliance with all eppliCebla fede�a�.51fl1e,end local laws,regulelions and ordinanCes,IncludinD without
<br /> - � ' Iimitetion Ihose Iaws,reguletions,and ordinnnces described above. Trustor�uthorizes Lender end its agonls to enter upon tFN PropY�ty lo
<br /> ,. . ,,,, ' make such Inspection;end tosts,et Trustor's expense,es Lender may deem epprop�iate to determlRe Corrpli8nC0 Of tFw PtOpNty with ihls
<br /> � section ol lhe Oeod of Trust. Any Inspections or tes�s mede by Lender shall be for Lendar'S purposeS only and Shail nol ba Consirued l0 Crw�s
<br /> � • ; nny responsibilily or Ilabllity on tho parl ot Londer lo Truslor or lo eny other person. Thr_representations and warcanties conlain�d horeln ars
<br />- . based on Trustor's due diligence In investigsting the Property for hozardous wnste and hacardous substoncos. Trusta hereby (e)ret�sSOS ond
<br /> --.rt.�.���1 walvas any(uture clatms agalnst Lender for Indemnity or contribution in the eveN 7rustor becomes Ilable tor cleanup or othw Cosb undor any
<br /> ---•�'•� - such laws,and (b)ayrees!o Indemnify end hoid harmiess Lender egainst ony and ail clnims,tosses, Ilabllitbs, d�maQa, p�IH�s,�nd
<br />-_--=•°�?�.,�,,. �xpenses whloh Lender may direcliy or InNroclly susteln or suNer reSUlting trom e btelch ot Ihis seCtlon o�the Deod of Tnnt a ae R
<br /> s,�f.:�_:�-._-- consequonca ol any use,generation,manulacture,storage,disposal,release or threatersed retease occurting pdor to Trostols ownKShfp a
<br /> interest In the Property,whether or not the seme was ar shoutd have bnen known 10 Trusta.The provislons oF t�is ssc8on of Ih�Ooad of Trust,
<br /> ""�'`�-°_�"=" : inctudlnq lhe oDllyaUOn to indomnify,thatl survfve Ihe psymont of Ihe Indebtodness end th�5isU5fac0on and reconvBynnCe of lho Iien ot this
<br /> ',,:s,.
<br /> rL'.;;�J� Deed of Trust and Shall nol be aHBCted by Lender's acqulsition of any Intoresl In Ihe Property.whether by foreclosure or ot .
<br />�+��-�
<br />����'�: - • Hultsnee,Weste. Trustor shall not cause,conduct or permit any nuisance nor commll,perml6 or sulter any slripping of or waa1a on or to Ihe
<br /> ' �"""r•�� PropertY or any porlion oi ihe Properly. Wllhoul Bmlting Ihe genornlily of tho fore4dng,Truslor will not remove,or grenl to flny other perty the
<br />� '�%�a,'�� r►yhf to remove,Any timber,minerels(Including oil end gas),soil,gravel or rock products without the pdor wdtlen consenl ot L6nder.
<br />�'''�� � Removel ot Improvemonts. Trustor shull not tlemolish or remove any Improvements from the Resl Property without the prlor wrilion consant
<br /> ��Y!��� of Lender. As e condilion lo lhe removal of any Improvements, Lendar mey require Trustor lo muke errangements 58tistactory to Lender!o
<br /> y�i?`__r,'•�-X
<br /> - 5.,,,.,��..,q repi&ce suCh Improvements with Improvements o�al lea�l equal value.
<br />_�;;�;,;:�.��. LEndeNS Rlpht to Enter. Lender end tls agents end representalives may enler upon the Real Property at a0 reasonable Umes to sttend to
<br />-'-�: Lenders lntereslS and 10 inspect lhe Property for purposes of Trustor's Complla�Ce with the terms end COnditions af lhls Deed of TnKt.
<br />�._ ,-:r�.:, . .
<br /> =}�:�" ..•� �- Cempllance with Governmental Requlrementa. Trus�or shell promplly compiy wllh all It1ws,ordinances,and repulallons,now or hareaRer In
<br />=' ettect,ol all governmontal aufhorltles epplicable lo the use or xcupenCy ot lhe PropeAy. Truslor mey contest In pood falth any such law.
<br />'r� ordinanca,or regulatlon and wi{hhdd compi�ance during any procoeding,Including epproprlate eppeals,so long ns Trusla has nolifkd lend�► —
<br />-- ' in wdting prlor to doing so and so Iong as,In LendePs sole opinfon,Lender'S interests In the ProDerly are not Jeopardlssd. lender mey require
<br />��:.,;;;,;r _ Trustor l0 po516dequats socurily or a surety bond,reasonably SatlsfuCtory to Lender,to pmtoCt Lenders Interest. �i�;
<br /> �,!�� Trustor shalt d0 a��olher eCts,In flddii�n to those acts @_
<br />� Quty b ProtEM. Trustor agrees nei►her to abandan na leavo unatlonded Ihe Property. -�
<br /> � � , �,'� set forlh abovo In thls seclion,which from tho character and use ot the Property sre reasonably necessary to protecl end preser✓e Ihe PropeAy. �_i_
<br /> •,,. �,._
<br /> DUE ON SALE-COH9BNT BY I.EN�ER. Lender mny,et Ils option,dectare Immediately due end pey&ble all sums Secured by this Deed o5 TNSQ �, _
<br /> upon 1D8 eale or tronsler,wilhout fho Londer's pdor wrllten conseM,of all or any part of the Real Properly,or any fnterest In the Real Proporty A �,_�
<br />' ,���� "`ate or han9ler"moflns tho conveyanCe o1 Real PropeAy or eny riflhl,tilio or Inlerest Iherein;whelhor legtil,baneNClat a equilebfe;wl�ether vduntiry ��y:
<br /> or Involunttsry;whsthgr by outdght snle,deed, Ins�t+Ilme�it sals coMract,land conlrect,contract tor deod,loasehdd interest with a term qrottet Ihtn ___
<br /> ` , ; th�oo(3)years,ieaso--oplion contrnct,or by ssie,assignmenl, or trenster ot any beneticial Interesl in or to any land trust hddlnp lilb fo the Rea� �•_.
<br /> we��
<br />_ ___ ,�vpc�_ _ P�Operly,or by any othar molhod of conveyMnce�01 R^881/�ropBlf�^,�0�80S1no esfnt'2s%iof the vo�tino stoCkppaAnershlp Inle�rosls'or N�ted IlabiNt�v
<br /> �=:
<br /> - :-r- tf01t9t8�fl�50 mcivaaa nny o��u��yo.�.�....a..,...r,,. ...,,.� ..._....._..., - �- .. . . -
<br /> _ � t Company IntOrestg,ns lhe case may bo,of Trustor. Hawevar,Ihis optlon shall not he exerclsed by Lender ii suCh exerclse Is prohibiteG by teaercta
<br /> , la�v ar by Nobreske law.
<br /> � TAXES AND LIENS. The following provistonS relatlnQ to the laxes and lions on the Prope►ty aro e part ot this Deed ot Trust.
<br /> ' Payment. i'rustor shall pay when due(end In atl ovents prior to de�lnquency)all taxes,SpeC�al taxes,asseSSments,charges(InGuding wale�
<br /> and sewer), fines and Imposftlons levied agafnsl or on eccount of the �'roparly,und shall pay when due ail c�alms lor work done on or for
<br /> servicos rendored or material turnished to Ihe Property. Truslor shall mulnlaln Ihe�Property hee of all IlenS having prlority uver or equal to Ihe '
<br />-" • Inleresl of Lender under Ihis Doad o�Trusl,oxcepl for Ihe lien of laxes and assessments nol due,excepl for Iho existing indebtedness reterted
<br /> to below,and excepl ns olherwiso provided In this Deed of Trusl. `
<br /> -, � RIyM To Contest. Trustor mey wlhhold payment ot any lax.3ssessrtient,or cla�m in cunnection wiih a good�d�lh disputo over Ih9 obligelion
<br /> to pay,SO long os Lc+ndsr S Interosl in ihe Prope�ly�s nol Ieopardized. It e lien urises or�s bled es o re5u�1 Ot nonpayment,Trustor Shall wilhin
<br /> fitleen(15)dnys nNer Iho lion enses or,d a fien is hled,wdhin htteen(t51 days eller Trustor has nohce ot the filing,sacure the dis�hnrpe of Ihe
<br /> . tien, or if requBSled by Lender,deposd wilh Lender Cash or e suHic�Bnt Corpornto surety bOnd or olher secUrily 5aII5taCI0ry 10 LBnder In an
<br /> flmounl Sutfic�enl lo d�sCharqe Ina hen ptus eny costs and o��orneys'feas or o►ner charges ihet could accruo os e resull of a fo►ectosure or sale
<br /> , i
<br /> .. � � f
<br /> I • '
<br /> � --- - _ _
<br />