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<br /> DEED OF TRU�7 Pape 4
<br /> os�as,,so� ��a�- �.�"l4�� �. !_
<br /> Lvan Na 30575� (COntlnued) _ --._!_ —__.._:_�--��.�
<br /> _�.�— .._._�—. -
<br /> payments on lhe ind�b►o�n8ss°2curod by lnls typo of Dsed ot Trush, (c)e lox on Ihl9 typo of Qeod of Trusl charpeabfo nyulnsl Ih�LcndM a
<br /> tho hdder of tho Note;and (d)n specifla tax on all or any DorUon of Ihe Indebledness or on paymenls of princlpal�nd inler�l m�d*by
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> � �� SuOaequent Ta�aa It any tex to whlch Ihis secUon app�es Is entcted aubsequenl lo iha dete ol Ihis D�d ol Trusl,Inle�wnl ehall h�v�trM
<br /> " � pr do beiowAU�ssTn c o�r�e h rn(n)qays t e�lax b�eora�`�beceme9 dC�l�quanl,nor (b)contssis lMbix a pra�rd�bow In th�T�N�nd
<br /> '� Liens section a�d degosihs v�{:�i Londer cash a a 6ufticienl corpor�lo auroty bond or oth:r G:curity"-:lt�tactory lo l.en�+.
<br /> . � SECIlAITY A�REEMEN�';�I:VA!�G�t��i STATEMENTS. The lotlowln�provfslons nlatlnp to thK DMd of Trutl a�a�re�xity�prMm�n!�r��ptrt o) .
<br /> ; thls Deed of Trusl.
<br /> ,�;,.Ar;�.�, Securlry Apreemen�. �'�+•s Ins4rument ahall consiituto� secuhty aQresment to tna sxt�nt�ny af Ih�PropMy conctllul�s exlurM a o�M�'
<br /> ' ; �n��,.. p6t6pn81 propetty,snd Londar sha�l have all of Ine�ighls ot o secured party under th�Unllam Comm�rc►al Cod�as�rtNntNd hom tlrrn lo
<br /> , . tlme. .
<br /> � $ecurlty Inierra:st. Upon rciquost by�ender,Truslor sh�l exocute 6nanclnp atatements o�nd I�k�whtt�wr o1Mr�clion Po nqunlsd bY 4wnd� ;
<br /> r .
<br /> � to peAeat and cont7nuo Lendor's secudty Interesl In the Rents and P�rsonil Prop�rly In tdditlon to r�COrdinp IhH Ooid of Trost In 1M rod '{,� ,
<br /> "�. property recards,Lender may,ui any Hme nnd wilh'vut Ndher ItutAorivtlon hom Trustor,f�ts ex�CUt�d Count�rptrb,copNS or nproduc�lorN o1 ,;Z=_
<br /> thls Deed ol Trusi as a Bnancinq statement. Tcustor sheu �elmburse Lender fa all�xpensas incumd In p�rNolin�a Conlinuln0 tMf aCUrNy •`-
<br /> Interest. Upon delaull,7rustor shall assembie!he Personal Property�n e msnner and d�Pl�c�rwsombly conwnl�nt lo Truttor ond L�nda �
<br /> and rnnke II avallable io Landar wilhln thrrde(3)aiays afler recelPt a1 wdden demand hom Lsader. �«�::
<br /> . � pr�ted by thl D d ofTrust�may e obtained(�ach ae oqu�red b�hi U Ham Com1m�rcial Cod�)�aro a at�tsd on IM�Iks p�0111�,OMd =
<br /> -.�� ol T►ust.
<br /> ' „ � FURTFIER A38UR�,�iCES�ATTdRWEY-IPI-FACT. The foYOwlnq prov►slens nittinp to pxth�r�ssun��nd aHorrtoy-(n-ia�i 4r�a part ct 1h� �r
<br /> . �. p�sd ot Trust. �
<br /> purther Aawrsnce3. At any time,end hom ttme to tlme, upon request of L�ndsr,Trustor w!M mak�,�x�cub and WIIVK,or wIM c�uN�o b�
<br /> ' � �,. mada,sxecuted or delivered, to londer or to Undere despnaa�and when nqu�sted by L�ndK,auss�o b� IVNd� ncad�d,rNM�ld�or �,,;-
<br /> rerecaded,as the case may be,at such timos md In auch otNces and pkces u L�nd�r may dNm�PproprlaN,any�nd aN tuch rr��
<br /> degds of trust.s.�curliY deeds,securily apreemonts,flnencf np stetements,continualfon statements,Inshum�nb of hxtMr assunnc�. � �
<br /> � ;� and other doauments as may,In ihe solo apinlon of Lender,be nacessarfr or deslrnble In order to eHectwb,compNN,p�1�ct�contlntM,a =,
<br /> preserve (a)tfie obligatlons oi Trusior under the Noto,lhis Oe�►d of Trust,and Ihe Related Dxuments.and (b)!M NKa�nd actxNy InIKNtt
<br /> • Conhpry by e dee�ln wriflng,TrusfoPShalei reimbutrserlender toBall costseandrexpenses bncurred in connaClpo�hwfih I�h�matll�t��1M��d�M '
<br /> ' thts paraynph.
<br /> �Npmey-In-�act. If Trustor falis to do any ot ihe thlnps rofarted to In Ihe precediny p�npnph,Lsnda►may do sa lor�nd In tM na�rM of
<br /> Trusta and at 7rustor's e:�ense. For suoh purpos��Trusta hersby Irtwocabry�padnb L�nder as Trustore aftan�y-In-iact fa IM�tMPoN
<br /> �.M oi mtkinp�wia;uti��d.dslh,'6rlt��P;lr.g,r�^�r�4r.ti,s!^.d nninn wU other lhinos as maY bo rNCSSSa►Y or d�st�abl9�In LMdM'�t0i� MO�,t0
<br />=��: , , � . sceomp8sh tho matte�s retened to In tho precedlnp panpr�ph.
<br /> ` �'�•�� �'� p1�1,PEpFORMANCE. It Trusior pays a�l the Indebtedness when dw,and othwwfs�por(orms all IM oblfpltions Impobsd t�pon Trutta untNr fhl�
<br /> • � pNd of Trust,Lender shall execute end dellver to Truslee e request for full reconwyance and shali �xecuN and dWw► to Tn�ta tuN�bN
<br />;,;,,. . . atat�rrNnls of lermtnallon of any 8nancing ataiamant on Ne svidenclnfl Lendera c�cudly Int�resl U the R�nb and Ih�PKSOntI Proi�h• MI►
<br />-a.. ;�- � � , nCOnvoytnce ke requlrod by Inw shall be paid by Trustor,IIpe�Mlted by appNCabk taw.
<br />+^'�'•'��.`"'j�°�`' DEFAI�.T. H�ch ot Ihe following,e!the optlon of Lender.sheli consdtute an event of detault('EvoM o(Qefaull")underlMs W�d of Tru�t:
<br />�,-u • �., ,
<br />�_;�:�,t�r.;.t pNwlt on Indebtedneae. Failure of Trustor io make any payment when due on fhe Indebtedness.
<br />=�.��.7�x �t�ry p�pth�r peymenta. Feliure of Trustor withln Ihei tlme require0 by this Deed ot Trust to maks�ny payrt►�nt la taxN or lnsaanc��or
<br /> �:�r... .
<br />=Y�;a.u' �ny olh�r payment neoossary to prevent fllinp ot or to eHect dfscharqe ot any uer+.
<br />_- -'��'��r,•: ri,yrt�pilanCe DN�ttit. �nflure of Trustor to comply wilh�ny other term,oblipation,cowntnt a condiAon conttlned in this Owd M Tnul,fh�
<br />����-�Y_�'� Noh or In tny ol liie I�statod Dxumenis. --
<br />� p�tN StNMrNnlh Any�varr�nly,representatlon or sUtement mtde a twn ls h e d to L o n d e�b y o r a n M h a l f o f T r u t't o t und�r this DMd nf Tnxl�
<br />��°?�t"-'•'-F:!� tM Not�a tM Retalod paoumonls is latse or mmis.a!esdinp In eny matedal rospsct,oNher now o►��fM drrN mad�or fumish�d•
<br />�-r:`_,��:�1►� p���W��oflM�reiimttan. This Oeed of Trust o►any o!tho Retated Dxumerb c�e:,es to be In(uN fora nnd Mtocf pndudk�hMun a��Y
<br />_°�+_�_^��� epll�Nnl docum�nta b ere�ts a valld and perT�cled seeurity Interest a Iian)at any tlme and for eny nason•
<br /> -'---=- pNlh pr IMpW�ncy, Tha deafh of Trustor, the InsdvoncY ot Trustor,tha epPdntmsnt of�roaiw►tor any put of Truttors proAKty���Y
<br /> =�^����� nmml tor Ihs bene8t ot creditors. eny type of crednor workoul, or the commenc�rtwnl Of tt►Y P����O u�amr brt�IcruplCy or
<br /> '"'�-1:����� �� Iavn by a aflnlnsF Trustor.
<br />�:.::::_.
<br /> =s.�,w� ipraCip�ur�.Fat�!Wre,eta. Commenceme�t o}foreclasure or forfefture prxeedinps,w t r 9 l h e r by Ju d�l a l p r o C a o d t n p�s o M-h e l P.t�p a�t�o�
<br /> -���_�?;'�� q any ptMr rtNihod,by any cred0or o�Trustor or by ony povemmental aqency aqainst any ot lhe Prop�rty. How�vK,t1�is tubf�clbn sMN nOt
<br /> T� �F•a �pply In tha�wnt of a good fallh dispuie by Trustor as to the valldity or reasonnbbness of Ihe clafm whbh b th�btskt of IM Mr�clowre a
<br /> -�- �a:a��.�ex i,
<br /> ���� tpr�f�ltun p►oCNdinp,provtded that Trustor glves Lender written notice ot such claim and turnlshes reservss or�surNY bond la IM
<br />;a�m:,■.;�` - �aqshctay to Lendw.
<br />��•: or�liCh ol Oth1r Apr�emont. Any broach by Trustor unda the terms of any other apreement between Trustor and UndK lt►�t b ttol r�rt»dNid
<br /> �• ;� wI1Mn�ny p��w p�od provided theroln,Inctuding wllhoe�l�mitallon any apreement concarninp nny Indebtedness or olha ebffpation o�7rue�tor
<br /> -...��" ' b L�ndK,whNhK uc�ellnp ncnv or later.
<br />_:,;•,.,•��_ � —
<br /> -:.::c.:w:..._., , Ewnta AfhoBnp GUerentor. Any of the precedlnq eve:�b ocoura wlth respoat to any Quaranta o}Rny of ths IndebleEness a arry wra or
<br />` diN a blaoma Incomhelent,or rovokos or dlspute�Ihcy velldity ot,or tlabllity under,any(ivaranty of Ihe Indebtsdnes�. L�ndK.�t Ils optlon,
<br />=r'�. "��`"i 'r rtuy,but ihd noi bY roqulrod to, permit ihe Ouerentors estale to assume unconditlonally the oblipa8ons adsinp undu tha pwranty In v
<br /> rtunnK qNat�otory l0 6onder,and,In dolnp so,cu[o Ihe Event af Deteult.
<br /> � �eWCtNlty, L�nd�r In pood fullh deems Ilsetf insecure. -...
<br />- pdWN�p(nQ�pl�dn�YY..A default shail ocCUr undereny Exlsting Indebtedness or under any instrumant on the Property s�CUrinp anY Fxlstio0 _
<br />_ °�• ' �; IndrbNdMS��a Commencement of nny sult or other ectton to foroolose eny oxlstinp tien on the Propedy. _
<br /> -� � r . qiphl lo Cun. If euoh a fnlluro Ia curnble und if Tnntor has not been glven a notice ot a breach of the same provlslun of this DNd M Tnr:! _�
<br /> • � �� w������ �M Fnp�tfinp i►votvo(12)moMhs,It may be cured(and no Event ot Deiault will have xcurted)If Trusta,atler LendK s�nds wdtl�n e
<br /> noNa d�mandnp ouro ot euoh tauuro: (a)aures the�euure wlthln ten(10)days;or (b)ft Ihe cure requires moro Ihan ton(10)daym,Imrtwdlat�lyr �
<br /> InftlatN It�p�wtflcNnt to auro Ihe teUuro and IhereaHer contlnues and completes all roasonabte and necassary steps suMcNnt to Produo�
<br /> --�++�"�'�-- .,nmeu•�asionn u rousoMbly pracllCai. 't
<br /> _ .�,,,... -,_ .
<br /> -- �� p►pH'f�AND REMEDI�'9 0N OCFAUL7. Upon the occmronce of any Event of Detault end 3t any Ume therearter,7rustos o►�enoer.�i i�opi�vn,
<br />-. • " ! may�xercfse�ny oM W moro of th�tollowlnq dgNta and rem9dlas,In adddlon to eny other�tphts or remedles provided by lew:
<br /> ' ����of�hi Nu��aenurod Idier��eby,Me da mey dacla e ellendeb edness sao ed by this Oead of Trus�t be due�n piy�bN�nd l�hi�am�i �
<br /> , � �MA Ihun►pon itaooms duo and payabk without unr presontment,demand,protesl or notico of eny klnd. Therearie�,Lender m�y:
<br /> (�) Elthlr In peroun ot by aqent,wilh or�vithoul bdnginq a�y aotlon or proceedinq, or by a recelver appointed by�coutl end wilhoW
<br /> rp�rd lo Ihr sdequAOy of Ite aeoudly,onter upa�and take possesslon of 1he Property,or any part thergof,In Its own nartw a In tM narn� �
<br /> - ollrutlM,nntl do any pctb whbh It deems nocessary or desir4blo to preserve 1he veiue,marketabfifty or rentflbllity oi lhs P�opM1y,a pYrt i
<br /> a1 Ih�Prop�ty or Inleroal In Ihe Prope�ty;Incronse the Income irom the Property or protect the security ot lhe Property;end,wilh or withoul
<br /> u�nptldp�nd ppl ty tl�n�al�mo,pless�CO4taf endre�ons seo}olpera lonrand�cal ecllon�n c udin�4ttorneysPtees�,to�any n tdeb edMSS 6iCUrW �
<br /> by IhV!Ue�d ot 7�u6��YII In sUOh order ng i�nC;;may delermino. The entoring upon and takinp po5se55�on of INe Properly,l�•^_•oN�Ctlon �
<br /> ' of�uch r�nta,issuae und pronts,end lhe appllcaUOn Ihereol shali not cure or walvo eny default or notice of detault unde��hls��ed al Trust
<br /> or Invl��deto rtny d01 done In response to such de�auit or pur6uent to st�ch notice ot detault;and,nolwlthstandtnp Ihe conHnwnc�I� a
<br /> 4
<br /> + . . . � t
<br /> ' - � �
<br />