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<br /> . • 00�26�9996 � D��D OF YI�U�T Pege 3 : .
<br /> . Lon� No 3tlG7Fi6 (Contlnued) ��°� 1ty'�43� _
<br /> � • Property. Trusta 6hall nnm�Lender ae en tddlllonal obllpee under any surely bond IurNShsd in the conlost proceedings. _
<br /> Evidertp Of P�ym�nl. Trustor ehall upon d�rnlnd furnith lo Lander satislactory evidence of peymenl of the taxes or ssssssments and shail
<br /> • aulhalze the approprl�t�povernm�nl�l ol�clal to detivor lo I.ender et eny Iims a wriiten statoment o}Ihe taxes und asse3sments ngalnst the .
<br /> . Propariyr. •
<br /> NotiCe ot CUnelrt�Ct�on. 7ruslor eheu nollry l.endo�d laael fiRean(1G)days baforo any work IS commenced,nny services ar0 turnlshed,Or any
<br /> mzt�rlab�re tupplNd to Ih�PropMty, 11 Any maohllnb't INn, materlalmen's Ilon, or other Iien could bo asser!ad on accounl o}ttio���ori<,
<br /> �� serWCn,or mst�rt�h. Trulta wllf upon rsqu�sl of L�ndrr lurnlsh to L�ndor advanco assurancos satlsiaclory to Lender that Trustor can and w10
<br /> pay Ihs cast of euah Improwmmts. �
<br /> " PROPERTY OAMAOE INBURAfiCQ. T1H IWlowlrp provltlons rNatinp to insudny the Property are s pad of fNS Deed ot Trust. , _
<br /> � �~.� ` Malnt�nM�c�of Inwo�nc�� Trutta Ihall proaur�«nd m�lntdn poBCNs of Aro insuranca with standard extended coverngo endorsemants on a .�
<br />-� � repitc�mmt b�sis fa th�IuH Intur�bll v�lu�cowrl�q�II Improwtn�nt�on Ihe Real Property In an emount sumclent to avoid application ot any
<br /> CdnsurenC�Ct�us�,and wlih�dnndlyd matplpw CI�uN In f�vOr of Llnder, topethsr tvith such olher hezerd and Ilebllity insurance as Lender
<br /> � � may rsasorubiy nqulro. Pd�IH tMN W wrlHm In lorm,�mounta,cowrepes and basis reasonably ecceptable to Lendar and Is�uod by a
<br /> • � company or comp�lnits raionllbly ICCwp 11blo lo L�ndar. Trusta,upon request of Lender,w{II dellver lo Lender}rom lime to Ume the poilcies :r��'',. V , .
<br /> ar certifictt�s of Insur�nc�In lam wtlsf�tlay lo Lendsr,Inciudinp sllpulalions thet coverages�vul nol be cence�ied or dlminlshed wilhout at 7 ;";..�..,.
<br />-�� leasi ten(16)d�ys'p or wdilon no1kA(o LOnWr, E�ch Inaurance polloy eleo shall lnclude an endorscament providlnti thei coverage In fava of �;;��'� � ;' s'
<br /> � ':ti'..:'.'i•���;;..,,. ••�,�5.:.
<br /> � Lender wiB not b�Impatr�d In�ny w�y by�ny tct,omlaolon or dol�ull 01 Truslor or any other person. Should the Real Propertyr a4 any time ,.•„ . „ �M;,ri.—
<br />- become locat�d In�n ar�a dtslpnatld by Ihq OIr4Ctor ot Ih�F�d�nl Hmerpenay Management Agency es a epoclal flood hazard area,Trusior . ?';;;.,_
<br /> � � aprees to obtaln�nd malnt�in Fsd�rd Flood Irourana lo Ih�sxbnt such Insurencs la requlred b Lender and Is or becomes avallabl�,}or the :�,:�� .,-� ;,
<br /> , � y �� ..�_�:.,� �------
<br /> term ot ttw loan�nd fw!h�IuA unpNd prinClpa16�1�nC�o11M lo�n,a 11►�mucimum Nmit of covaepe thd Is avallab�e,whlchaver ts I�ss. ,. ; :,;,.,,,�},'``: �
<br /> , Y � Appll¢atlon of Proceeda. Truelor 61uiN pror��p�y nality L�nA:r ot any losa a dame�lo the Property. I.ender may make proof o(loss if Tntator :;.;,. �;'<•;;,_
<br /> y � falH lo do ao withln Atle�n(16)daya ol tfN Gtaullty. WM�Mr a not Lmd�r'e secudty Is Impaked,Lender may,at Its electlon,rece(ve end retain . ��,,�.,•_T
<br /> F the proceeda of any Inaunna nnd�DPty lh�procs�ds to Ih�nduotlon of Ih�Ind�blMness,Payment of any Iten eNOCtirp the Pr ,or fhe i:,�:' �t
<br /> .�..:, ,..
<br /> restoration end ropnk of tho PropMy. II L�nd�r N�ts lo�ppry lM proCNd�to nstoration end �epalr.Trusta shall repak or rop ce th� �,°.:;r:,;:;•,• .y����
<br /> �',,5, � � damepsd a d�atroy�d improvem�nts In�minnsr plitltotory lo L�ndM. L�ndsr elutU,upon sattstaGory proof o}suoh expanditura,pay or : ;�'�,��
<br /> ,�;�, � � relmburse Trusta hom fh�procads Iw tM rNSOntbl�cost c1 r�p�k a rNtaNlon If Trustor IS not In detault under thls D�d ot Trust. Any �..°�:��.:..7,.,_ ____
<br /> prxeads whbh have nqt besn diaburned w1►hln 18Q deyn�fl�r IhNr naipl tnd wh�h Lender has not commltted to the repalr or restaailon of .. � "•. �
<br /> the Property shall b�us�d flrot lo p1y tny tmounl owinp lo LAnd�r und�r IhK ONd of Trusi,thon to pay accrued Intarest,end the remainder,if :;�;:;;, ;�u
<br /> � an y,shNl he�p plbd to the princlpal bttena ol thu Indebttdnes�, If L�ndu hatde�ny proceeds atter peymenl In tull of ihe Indebtedn�ss,euoh ��s>�P+^��_---
<br /> `�;:;'�,'�
<br /> procoeds shaN b�pald to Trusta ae Trusta'd InlKOSte may�OP��►� �`�
<br /> Unexplred Iniu►anc��t 9ate, Any unaxpUed Insunnce 6hal!Inur�to lhs bon�61 of,�nd pass to,tha purcha6er of the Property covered by thls 's�'••��v�
<br /> •� •�' Doed of Trust at any trus te�'e ea lo a o l her ea l�h e i d un d e r I h�p r o v i s l o n a o f I h i s D�a d of Tr u st,or el a�y Ioreciosure sale o}such Propaty.
<br /> Compll�tc�wifh Exlstlnp Ind�bt�dntsl, Dudnp Ih�p�riod In whlCh sny Exlelinp Indsbtadness doscnbod below�s In eHect,compNtnce r�ith
<br /> ___. the Insurance prov!aons contelned In th�InsVumenl�vldsnclnp such Exlstinp Indebtsdnsss ahall constflute compllance with th�Insuranca . �r; ._„
<br /> provMlons und�r lBl!ONtl of Trust,lo itN�ximt compiNnc�wiin in�iwr�i: :n i���s D::d�Tss,�t�:;Md cc�^.!ltut°s ds�l�°@�n 4!ir!+�!���� � -
<br /> � requksment. If�ny pror�ds hom Ih� InsuranC�b�cort�p�y�bNl on lOft/,tIN proNilon�In i�y Qeed of Trust(a dlNsion of proCSeCs shaN • , ;i� ,
<br /> or .
<br /> �{ �ppry onty to that porllon of Ih�proaMs nol p�yabN to tM hdd�r ol Ih�Exl�tlrp In�bt�dn�.s. '�� ' ;;
<br /> �i ExPENDITURES DY LENDER. If Trustor falh to Comply wilh�Ry praNtlon N thh DNd ol Truot,Includrp �ny oblipation to malntaln F.xisBrg �
<br /> • .��- Indebtednsss In pood tlandlnp�u rpukrd bqow.a ff�ny�c11on a proCNdinp Is comrrNnc�d lhat would moterl�lty afteat Lende�'s IM�ss1s In fhs
<br /> Propsrty,Lindat hn T�uttor�Wh�N rn�y,bul thaN nol bf r�quksd to,uk�11ny sCdon Ihtl LmdK dMmf�pproprlal8. Any 4mount that L�nder � � ;,
<br /> --=-- s�ends In so ddnp wIN bMr Int�rKt N th�nt� pravld�d tor In IM Nol�kom lM d�N InourrW a pald by Lande�to tM data of np�yment by �.
<br /> Trusta. AH euch u�sr►;,�,at Und�r's opMon,wfil (�)b�pay�bN on d�rrNnd, (b)I»tdd�d la tlw b�tanco of ttN Note and b�apportioned tmonp il��`r;`,,
<br /> • .. ,.• and be payabk wllh any InstaNrtnnl psyment�lo b�COm�dw durinp Mthu (1)Ih�tKm of�ny�ppNabl�In�uranos poiby or (II)Ilw nrt�iMny 1Km
<br /> of Ihe Nols,or (o)b�tnat�d u a baNOOn peyrrNnt whiCh wlll br du��nd p�yabN at th�Not�'�maturly. This Deed of Trust 4lso wfN securs :•�..
<br /> p�ymenl of thesa�mounts. Th�riphts proHWd(w In thle p�npnph�hall be In addlllon lo any otMr rlphts a any romedles to whbh Lander may be �r
<br /> , " « � entitled on�xounl of tM dofaull. Any such actlon by l�ndsr ehall not b�constru�d u curinp 11»dnitult so es to bar Lender kom sny ronwdy that
<br /> li otherwlse woWd havs had.
<br /> . ` WARRANTY;DEFENS�OF'fITLE.Th�followlnp provlslons rNatinp to own�rtl�p ol Ih�PropKty u��part of thls Deed ot Trust. ���.
<br />' TItN. Trusta wamnts thN: (e)Trustor hold�Oood�nd marktt�bN IItN ol r�cad to!h�PropulY In IN slmpN,hee and ctear ot�W Iiara and �'�
<br /> -'' • '-- _= encumbnnces othK th�n thos�set lath In th�Rp1 Prop�rty d�tcriptlon a In tM HKNQnq Ind�bNdn�c4Ct�on bWow or In any Utb Insunnce ---
<br /> �,''�t <�' , rfpht�pow�ir�i d aMhorityfoleu�cu�d�dlliwr hls ONd of Trt►sl�to�l��In ConMOAon wNh thh Dend ai Trust,and (b)Trusta hps the �
<br /> a},;:,�,
<br />',.�:'• . �. pH�ns�of TNN. SubJ�ot to lh��xception 1�IM Pu�pnph�bow,Tr�nta warrmh�nd wul tawK d�M�d ihe 1HIa to the Prop�rty�OR�nst the _
<br /> - ' �� , kwtu!ctolms of�N pwson�. In tM�wnl any action or RrocMd�np K comrnmcW that quatlons Trustor'e UtN a Ita Intan�t of Trusiee a
<br /> ;,�i,.;:;.; �' ' L�ndK und�r this DNd of Trusl,Tnntor�h�ll d�hnd IM�aQon N Trufta9�xpn►p• Trulta m�y b�IM nomtml ptrty in such ptocNdinp d ___—.
<br /> -w;;S;:.t�;.>�;'`%��: L�ndM ShaN b��nlitled to p�rllGlptl� In Ih�procMdlnp�nd lo b�rpr�NN�d In IM prx�ed�nfl by counsN of Lender'e own Choioe,• - �,----- -
<br />= ;� ,,,.. �,' Trustor will deNver,or causa to b�e dYNVerM�to Lsnd�r such In�trum�nU�!L�nd�r rrNy rsqwsl hom timl to UrrN to permlt such pardcipadon. �"`-
<br />- �"''' ` � CompIIMtC�WIM LwYa. Trustor warnnls Ih�t lh� Prop�Ay tnd Truota's uso ol tIN PropNty compllti wllh all exlstinp appllcabM Itwa,
<br /> '�'„f• —
<br /> ---' -� adlnant,w�,�nd rapulatlons of povernmenlal�ulhodtles. -- -
<br /> j���' , ��� �� E1tISTINQ INDEBTEDljESS. The fotlowlnfl provisione concernlnp�xislinp Ind�bt�dr»se(t1H'Exlslinp Ind�bt�dn�ss�ere s perl of thi�De�d of .�..:
<br /> " . Trust. ° --"°'��
<br /> �-�i3.,,.
<br /> � °+„ •• Ektstinp LNn. The I;en o}thb Deod of Trust seaurinp ths IndeDt�dn�sf may b�tacondfry�nd Int�rkr lo�n�xhtirrp Nen. Trustor expressly r:�. �m'..
<br /> - �� covenanto and eqrees to p�y,a see b lM payrtwnt o1,IM Hxllllnp IndWt�dn�q and!o pr�wni��y ddault on such Ind�btedness,any defauN � "'�`•'`�`'�
<br /> -. • i un d e t fhe Instruments evldsncl n�euch Ind�btadness,w tny tNl�ull undsr�ny pourlry dxur►wnb f��uch Ind�btednbss. `;'� ,r�
<br /> _ a c^ . I��y�-rL-
<br /> Det�utt. If tlw peyment of tn Insl�Nmonl of princl �I or�n InlMwt on lM Exls l l In d�b N dnNa I s no l m t d o w l l h l n t M t i m e r e q u k e d b y t h e + �•�r''"��:";._
<br /> Y P Y � , . �3r+.�!.
<br /> � note eWdencl such indebtedness,or ehould a deftull occur undu Ih�Inttrum�nl pcwlnp tuch Indbt�dn�si�nd no1 b�aured dwirg any ,;� ' �,
<br /> �� appl�ablo Bra�ce perlod Ihsreln, tMn,�!Ih�opHon ol L�ndor,lh�Indebt�dnrs�wCUr�d by Ihh DMd of Trtnt eh�N becor�Immediatey du� �"� '��+'t`�� �?1i�
<br /> . - � �nd payabte,and thls Deed of T�ust 6haN b�In dehuN. "=;� +
<br /> ti::..; . :;��r:.."�,.`•_.�.:�„
<br />_;. ,<< , No Modificatloe. Trusta eheR nol enter Into�ny tqr�ement wilh lt»hNMr ol tny mcNp�Qs,M�d ol trusl,a oth�r aeaurUy ayroemonl whlch .r,r. ,�•
<br />— tws pdorily ovsr thls Deed of Trust by wh�h Ihat aproertwnt h modlA�d.�m�n0�d,���ndW,ov ron�wYd wlthoullM p�ia wd tte n co nso n t o f ��'"J•�:"�'1�:. �
<br /> � , �:�'; Lender. Trustor ehall nellher requnl naaccept en (ulun advanaf und�r�n tuch aourliy 1prMm�n1 wllhout tM prlor wdNen Consent of ' �'��.''` �t'''-�'
<br /> y y -.,�.. .....;�.,:
<br /> _ �e�d�.
<br /> COHdEiNNAT10N. The following provlslons rolatirp lo condemnation proceedlnps�n e p�rt ot thlo Oad ol Yrusl. ���: ._�.::w ..
<br /> _ _�__ �__ ApDllcetton of Het Proceed�. If eil or eny parl of fhe Property le condemned by smlrwnl domam proCMd�rps a by eny proceedinp or '.;���', � �
<br /> _-�-� - - .._. _..---�- ---.,_..._.�_
<br /> purchase In Ileu ot candemnalion,Lend�r mey a�ns etecnon reqwre tns�en or eny pomon oi iiN�si proc..v�o��ne�..a���o avv��•����p = :—
<br /> Indobtedness or the repalr or restoretirsn o}the Property. The net procood�ol Ih�aw�rd ehall moan IM�w�trd�fl�r p�ymenl o}all roesonabie ,
<br /> „ - „ Costs,expenses,end aftaneys'fe6s InCUrred by Trustee or Lender In connectlon wil�Ih�cond�mn�tlon. � .
<br /> -- Proceedinp�. If any prxeedinp In condemaetlon Is fled,Trustor ahall promplly naNry L�ndK In wrtllnp �nd Truftw ehall prompfly tnko such
<br /> � steps as may bs necessary lo detend the actlon an�obtnln fhe awtrd. Trusta may b�IM nom�rs�l puly In tuoh procs�dlny,but Lender 6hall
<br />— be entltled to pad�clpate in the proceadinp and to bs ropnsented In t1w proce�dlnp by counsN of Ilt aXn chace,and Trusta wIM dellver a
<br /> -^,.: cause to be detivered to Lenqor such Ins4ument�ns may be raquested by u from I�ma lo Ilm�!o pMmll luch pui�IpAllon.
<br /> INiPOSITION t?F TAXEB,FHEB AND CHAR�ES BY fiOVERHMEHTAI AUTNQRITIBG. 7he foilowlnp provlflon�rNaQng to povKnrrNntai toxas, --�
<br /> ,'.�.�' � toos end charges nre e purt of Ihls Osed of Trust:
<br />- Cur�ent Taxes,Fees end Chatpe�. Upon roquesl by Lendor,Trusior ehnll HzeCUte BuCh doCUmeRt�m addillon lo ih!�qled ol Trii3t and take
<br /> • whatevor other aCtlon Is requested by Lender lo portoat end continue Lender's Ilen on Ihe Roo�Frope�ty. Trustor�hell relmburea Lender tw aN
<br /> taxes,es described beiow, logelher wllh ell expenses InCUrred In recu�dlnp,peAoCtlnp or Cantfnulnp thl3 OYOd ol Trusl,Includlnp withoul
<br /> ' � Ilmliatlon all texes,tees,doCUme�tery stemps,flnd other Charges tor reCOrdinp ar repislerinp Ihin Dead ol Trusl.
<br />— Texea. The!allowinp shall Cons111u18 taxes to whlCh lhls se�t�o�applles: (o)0 specilio 1�upon 1h111yp�ol DoeA o1 Trust or upot+�N a any , "
<br /> part of the Indebledness 6ecured by thls Deed of Trust; (b)a specifiC Inx on Truslor whlCh TrustOr is aulh�xl��d ot t�qu,ted lo dYduCl kOm
<br /> i .
<br />