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<br /> , .. . • PBQC�6 �" ;',-e-3+�r,�.,r��9k�r
<br /> " 0�26w198f " D��D OF TRUSY
<br /> Loc��i!�0 3Qb7&5 (Contlntaed) �6`° �n�'��� . . , .
<br /> �-�-- - -_—_' ---- ' _
<br /> poasesslon ol the Properly or Ifw colleclion,recelpt end app���a��on ot ronls, Issu�s or pro�ts,Trusteo ar Londer shell be entitled to =
<br /> �xsrclae s�rwy�I9h1 provlded tor In lhe Note or the Related Documents or by law upon Ihe occuROnce o1 any event o1 deteult,Includlnp Ihe
<br /> rlghl lo�xerclss 1he power of eale; , _
<br /> (b) ComrrNnc��n aalion to toreclose lhls Oeed of Trusl as a morlgage,appolnt a recoiver or speclticalty entorce eny�1 tha covenants
<br /> ' hereol;and �
<br /> (o) DNlver lo T`ustea�o bs sdd whiCh noi�e Trustee shall ca�se to be duiy filedrla record In the epP�opriate of�ces�oi tl�Coun�n ' : -
<br /> Int�nsl!n tM P op�rty
<br /> wh�h IM Propsrty 1s loc�ted;and •
<br /> (d) With nsp�C1 to atl or��I C�}�►w F'ersonal Property,Lender shell have all the ri0hl�and remedles ot s seCUred p�rtY under tho �� , '
<br /> 1 N�brtske UNform Commerc
<br /> � Fonebsut�ky P�K�ih��se'd�t Trus/�d Ihe Ne a d such rlsce�P and evldenceaof e pelndilures made endsecurod y hb D dnof
<br /> eh�N dsposll wilh u
<br /> Trufl�s TrustN tnay requk�. ••
<br /> (�) Upon rwyiD�of such noNce Bom Under,Trustee shall cause to be recaded,publlshed and delivered to Trustor such Nottcs ot Oetauti •-'rf.,�•.
<br /> and Nolic�of Sale as ihen nqulrsd by law�nd by thfs Deed of Trust. Trustea shall,without damnnd an Trusta,trier such Hme w mAY
<br /> th�n 1»nqulrod by I�w and nrier ncordstion ol auch Notice ot Default and afle►Nol�e ot Sate having been qlven as requked by law,sell :,;.,.n�I`,.o�;^rL�L�s�`��
<br /> Iho prop�rty ut th�time�nd ptace of s�b flxed by II In such Notice of Sale,elther as a whole,a In seperale lots a percMs or Items as
<br /> ;��
<br /> TruslN sluM deem e�edkt the Ilme of sate. Teustee shall dellvemto s ch purchaser'or purc as le9rs thereaf�poadnd sufHCient deed a •�, ••",�t;; ,
<br /> 11►0 United Stat�s paYable� � `:��_
<br /> d«ds conwyinp 11N Prc,»�ty so sdd,but withoul u�y covenant or warrenty,express or Impliad. The recitah In such d66d of onY maNen `.,
<br /> fx��,,�_�
<br /> on c�l3 sh:� ba condusive proof�f the t�uthtulness lhereol. Any person,Includinp without limitat.on Truslor,Trustee,or l.ender,maY �, �y�;:_. - -
<br /> ` � purCAts�lt such sab. _ __
<br /> (b) l�i m�9 b�PK�H�d bY��stee a�� ply�lhe'proCeeds at sale tp paym�eni}o,rustee sums e'xpendedtunderlM t ms ot this Dedd oi ;`����,�:_��
<br /> I i l b I n c o n n�C N o n w l t h s a b,T u P .' .�.��-_
<br /> Trust a und�r IM t�rms of the Note not lhen repQid,Inc lu d inp bu t n o t fl m i t e d t o a c c r u a d I n 4�r�s 1 e n d I atA char ges, (U)aN other sums then ;",°�l'�;,`�_
<br /> sscur�d h�r�by,and (iN)tha nmatnder,It any,to lhs person or persons lepairy entilied theroto.
<br /> �C��.f..
<br /> �. r>�J"�
<br /> (c)TrustM may in lha mem�er provid�d by law postpone sata of all a any porlion ot fhe Proparty. k,
<br /> ,..s��....:-
<br /> q�m�dM�Not ExcluNv�. TrustM tnd l.�nder,�nd each of tMm,shall bs entilled io entorw pRyment and porfart►anca of any Indebtedn�sa ''?�;:_
<br /> RN�i�OoCUrrNnh,orbunder t�s�d o�,9re9 enl or any aws�now a he eefter In forcethnotwllhste dnny�aorM ot a of s�uch�ind�htldnea8 :,',�� —.
<br /> ,�. ,r�s,s_.�== -
<br /> and obBp�tlons s�cursd by lhb Dsed ot Trust may now a hereatter be othenv�se seoured,whether by matyape,deed ot hust,qbdp�,fl�n,
<br /> wa IMr pow�in con�an�d In hls De�ed of Trust,�ehae P eJud�e o in any manner�aHeCt Trustyee's or Lender'sprtpht to tea m upon a
<br /> �. •�'- �l���y n�hr�acurity now or hereaRer held by Trusieg or Lender,It being agree dnhr4vTa Trusteaan SuCh order Pnt1 rna�n�u 1�Y a '._
<br /> `� lnBtf�d lo�ntorco Ihb DMd o�Trust and lny atiter securiry now oa i�o�oaft�r�,d b, --�--
<br /> �i11� ol tMm nwy In thNr abin this W�d of Trusl or by law pro ded or perml edpbut eaCh�s�i�be Cumuiafive md st►tY bo in addrtion to
<br /> �xclusfw of�ny dhK nmadY
<br /> �wry ah�nm�dy����his peod of Trust a now or hereatter existln0 at law a in equ►ty or by statute. Ev�erY Dower a rern�dy 9�wn bY th�
<br /> NoN or my d t�RaNtod �hommHme to Ums�t d as o en es may be�deemed expedient by Trustee�I.enderNmd eHher ot ttum�i ��,'
<br /> . concurnnny a mdp�ndenHyr,
<br /> punu�Incomktsnt nrn�dN�. Nothlrp In thb Dred of Trust shill be construed as prohlblUrp LendK hom seelclrq a d�l�r►cY 1 �
<br /> .. �p�inst IM Truslor to lh�ext�M such�ction Is�wrm•Red bY�w.
<br /> qptMq Fa Notic�, Tnnta,on b�haM d Tn�sta�nd L�nda,honbY rscluesb that a copY�iny NoUco of�N�uit and a copy of anY NoUce
<br /> of SaN untfK tl�is DMd o�Trust�mafisd to tMm�t tiie addrer.ses set falh in the tirst ptra�raph o��hts O�ed d Tnnt.
<br /> WMvNi EMctlo�ot Rh�m�eodt��WO��nd IAct�compllance with that provlsion or eny o►�er p ovls on.sE'bCtio�by�e de►o ptMStN any '
<br /> r. p��JUdiO�lM W�iyl �
<br /> nm�dy provld�d In thfs Oeed ot Trusl,the Nole,In any Related Oc+r��mant,or qrovtded by law s:raN not exdude pursult of any ofhe�romedy, _
<br /> ��d 1tn�{�Cppn f0 mak���ndituros or to teke action to peAam an obligatlon of Trustor under thts Oeed af Trust aRer taliuro ot Trustor lo
<br /> � p�rtorm 6htN not�Mscf��nda's rfOht to decta�e a detault and lo exercise any ot Its remedies. — —
<br />•., ��MY��~�pp jh�Cpurt Lmay adJu tidpe roasonebk as at�orneys'�fees at trlal a dt on any apDya�dWhelher ae r otreny�aourt niotbn b
<br /> 6
<br /> • T� � f�C9VOf{
<br /> � Invdwd,�N twwrMbi�u�ns�s Inaurted by Lsnder which In Lender's opinlon are necessa►Y et any tima}or tM ProtecHon oi Ib Int�rqt or 1
<br /> " ., '� � r�xp�nd�N�u^aMl re�pshld.;Fap�nsK cownd bY thls P�O�P�pude,wflhou2limitaUontlhowsvar srubl�toaany BmHS undK�PP,NcRblUtlaw,
<br /> L�nd����1an�y!'Na whNMr a not thore Is��wsuit,Inciudinp altnrnsys'ment Cdi�c on��ssrvlces�atM�ciost oissuohi^fl�ncords,ob�np
<br /> weaM my�ulortKHa st�y a InJunction),�ppe�b tnd any anticlpated posHud9 —
<br /> -. i Ilw npab(Indudlr►p fa�dtlsun repo�tsl�survtyas reports�aPPrelsal(ees�Ude Insurence.nnd tees fa the Trustoe.lo Ihe extBM porm!@sd by
<br /> s
<br />- - �ppMapl�I�w. TruttOr�iso wfM p�y nny Cour1 cosis,In addition to all other sum3 prowded by kw.
<br />°='•+-r , plpht�ol TrustN. TrustM shap h�vA sM of the dphts and duQes of Lender as set torth In thfs sectlon.
<br /> �...
<br /> •`-� �pyyEqs AND OE�IOATIONS OF TqUSTEE. The Idlowinq proWslons re�ating to lhe powers and obiigntlons ot Trustoe are part of lhis Dead of ��'�
<br /> - , , Trwt. _--- -- -
<br /> /Owti�of fNS1N. In addition to ali pows�s ot Trustee adslnp as a matter ot Iaw,Trustee shall have Ihe powe�to Iske tho tollowirq acUons =_
<br /> „ i wNh n�p�Ct lo�aflon�ol slrepib other�iphl�lo tho publ�c�b)Jolnrin p ant rq,flny ensem0�t or�crostirp any��estricHOnt on the Reai Prope�tYi _---- -_
<br /> r InCludinp M —--------
<br /> �J �nd (o1►Mn In any dubnrdlnatlon a olMr asreerc�nt aflectinp lhis Deed of Trust or the Interesl of Lender under th�s Deed o}TrusL
<br /> x � YntNN. TtutlM a���ol M Pr noP�Y�1 N TrttsUs sluNthave tt►�rlpht�o toroclose'by notk�and��e aaie�e�eh�FUw Mh�h�0 --------=-
<br /> ., � wlfh r�p�ct to�II Y P ' _-L:
<br /> � lasciae by�uWc►�I ta�cla�ers,In NtMr casi In�ocordtnc�with and to ths tull extent provlMd 4Y npplicable law. ,, .
<br /> e ':3",�.. .;ro:".,.#.-
<br /> . , � Wat�NOf TNNM. L�ndK��t L�ndK�oPtlon�maY hom Hme to tlme epPdnt a suec�saTru�tds to any TruyNe�bf a�skelnT ehnstrumenlehaN ` �•. y.' �
<br /> � IMbunwttl�d�CUNd and�dcnowwd0�d bY UndK and r�eord�d In the oflia ol the recordr of HAIJ�County� �..
<br /> COnINn�kt/ddWOn f0�N OIAM mttlMS ncluked Dy 6ta1�{Gw,th0 nGmes of tM o�i01n91 Lsnder.TrtMtee�end TntStor.the b0ok and Wf�e(or �%r��w• ,, •.
<br /> ,.., ,:riY:
<br /> C����y����1 w►��lhy pe�d of Trust Is rocordad,�nd iM name end addross ot ftw st�or'.'sor trustee,and ths I�xhum�nt eha11 .�,�' y-�.,.
<br /> D�sx�Ci�IM and iCknov�Mdp�d bV�!tM W^�Ac�ar1�s under the Oaed Of Trust or thAk stkcossors In inferest. The suCCessot trustw�wlihout ;
<br /> .it••���',f^.'
<br /> n.�;y;'.;,.
<br /> ..v.:._w�. •' -
<br /> �p�wy��p��M pr�,eh�N wccNd to aN 1hs titN,Power�n^d duties conlerred upon th�Trustee In thls Oeed M Trust and by app1k,ab10 ����k
<br /> �yr, Th�prpi�dur�Ia a �lllullon ot tn�stM shn��qovern to the oxcluslon of all other provislon3 tor substitution. : :;t•'..
<br /> - -__- - _ . .�_.._._.._�.,_,..W.�,��„ ..�v es ne sent bY tolotuaslmlBe,and shaN , . .,
<br /> ---- ....___ � " -
<br /> -- _-=' --
<br /> NOTICl:�70 TAIfsTOR AkD OT►1!R PART�ES. Any nc1�C8 unoe►mis�eea o� ���•o�'°^"°.°°.._°° -• :- -.Y- �
<br /> q*�M�cRw wMn aclwlN ddiwr�d�a when deposited with e nallonelly recopNZed ov e a9direcled 9o�he'add�r�osses shown nea�r the b�ep^^��o .
<br /> . �Npp{N�c)In IM UMNd St�iq ma11 flrct class,certiHed a repisterod mail,postage P eP ,_
<br /> 1��a t I�iw purPos�ol lMa olla Is lo�chin(„Ihefpsrtyrs dduess.rAh��oP�ot nol�Ces of to�ecfliosure trom lhe hdder ot cnry Nen wMch has
<br /> - � e�.��+o�i.p le++der�df R us'.e�u�^o►smad N aA NmeSbof Trusl�s Curte 1 addresse b��nninp of th19 Oeed of Trust. Fa not�e purposes�Tntsto►
<br /> T � � MIBCCO.I.AIiEQII!'HOVIOIONd. TM tONOwI►p mtsce�l��eous p�'ov+sloM Yre e Perf of Ihls Deed oi Trush
<br /> H
<br /> �+ �������, Thy p�sd pf 4rus1,loqrtlwr wl�h�ny RelatQd Documents,constilutos Ihe enlire underslendinp nnd apreemenl of the partles as ` ,
<br /> l0 1M m�HM��+��or1h In IhEe D�ed ot Trusl. Na QflKellon of ar amendmenl to this Deed o1 Trusl shall be eBective untess g�ven in wrtiinp and
<br /> � ��by�h�puty p p�rFNS oauyhl lo b�C�rqed or bound by Iha atteratlon or emandment.
<br />- .. AppNCrbN L�w, Thl�M�d ol Tru�t h���ce wletdh Ihe INV�oi th St�tetot Nebr�sk�r In the State of NpbreMc�. Thls Oeed of Trast
<br /> MNI p�qov�nW by�nd con�irtr�d In�c
<br /> i �
<br />