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�; <br /> .. .. '%it`'.. �::;�7:, '�'';`j:.;: <br /> �it�f�. � . ; '.�,. ,f .,�;�:. <br /> .._.__.._. <br /> ':;',�°t� <br /> ,�,�_. _..-•---�----------- ----- _=- -- . . - - - <br /> - � -.._._ ......--�- _� ___.- - <br /> ...•.:.. �r-... <br /> . � �_, . .. , .. <br /> �A'�rc�+*Ra- �� --._.. _ ..._ „ , <br /> n •• . ... . ..... ...... --.......� . ..__ . . _. . a. <br /> . _...__.�.•----.. . . , .. .��;v� <br /> S .. � .'- ::il:�??�'. <br /> Qe-26-1956 DEED OF TRUST Pege 2 � t . . , <br /> L�oen No 305765 (Continued) � 96° �rl��? .. . <br /> owned by Trustor, snd now or horouftor atlEtchBd or allixod lo Ihc� Renl Property; loflolhcr�vllh an�iccasslons, pnrta,nnd nddlUons to,nll _ <br /> replacoments of, and all eubslitutlons (or, eny ol such property; end t�pelher with all proceed9 (InCludlnfl without Ilmilntion au InsurenCe = <br /> proCOeds and refunds of premlum9)from Yny Se1e or olher dlsposltlon of Ihe Prope�ty. „ _ <br /> Property. The word'Property'means Collecllvely Ihe Real Properry end Ihe Pe►8onul Property. — <br /> Resl PrOpfrty.The wo►ds'ReAI Properfy'mean Ihe property,Intoresls and riphts described ebove In tha"Conveyanco and C4ran1"secllon. _ <br /> " Relt�ted DoCUmenti, The words"Fielated DoCUmenis'mean and Include without Iimitatlon all promissory notes, credit aprsements,l0an ' � <br /> agrsemanis,enNronmant;J aqrC�mon�,guaranH�9,sCCUd1y epreemenf5,mortqaQes,deeds ol trust,and all other Insiruments,apreemenis and <br /> document�,whelher now a hereatter exlstiny,exlcuted In Connectlon wllh lhe Indebtedness. <br /> � Re�te. The wad 'Rents'means all pre�enf and future rents,revenues,Income,I�sues,royalties,profits,and other beneflts derived trom the • • <br /> � Property. , <br /> " Trustaa. The word'frustee"means UNITED NEBRASKA BANK end eny subslitufe or suCCessw trustees. <br /> � Trustor. The word'fruslor means eny and nll persons nnd entilles exeoutlnq this Oead of Trust,Including wilhoul Ilmltation all Trustas namad <br /> ebove. <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,IHq.UDINQ THE ASSlONMEHT OF RENTS AND TWE SECURITY IHTEREST IN TF1E NENTS AND PERSQNAL <br /> PROFERTY,IS(iiVEN TO SECURE (1)PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNES8 AND (2)PERFORRIANC£OF ANY AHD ALL OBLIQATIONS QF ,;::, :�•;;"- <br /> TRUSTOR UNDER THE NOYE,TfiH RELATED DOCUMENTS,AND THIS DEED OF TRU8T. TMl$D�ED OF TRUST IS ti1VEN AND ACCEPTF.D . ��t�,..;;:, <br /> 6N TWE FOLLOWINQ TERMS; �`'� <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORIAANCE. Except as otherwise provlded In this Daed of Trust,Trustor shaA pey to Londer all emounts secured by thls Deed `�`= �� -- <br /> � :� � <br /> of Trust as they becoma due,end shatl sirlctiy end in e limety manner peAorm ail of Trustor's obugelions undar lho Note,this Deed of Trust,end the „ _ __ <br /> '`..�,ss•°— <br /> RelatedDocuments, �f•�•����� <br /> _. .�.�..�.,._° <br /> • POSSE3S10k AHD NAIkTENAHCE QF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agreas ihnt Trustor's possesslon and use o�the Proparty shall be govemed by _:- <br /> iho talipwing provlsions: � �` <br /> posseaaion and Uae. Unhl the occurrenco of an Evanl of Defaull,Truslor may (a)remaln In pouesslon and contrd of the Property, (b)use, � `=-:— <br /> operate a menago the Property,nnd (c)collect eny Renis from the Property. . +'�-� <br /> ' Duty to MNDtMn. TNStorshau maintaln the Property In lenantable conditlon and prompily perform all repalrs,replucements,and melntenance ��:.Y�'"'���___ <br /> ' necessary to preserve Its value. � ' <br /> ' �ti__-. <br /> � Hezardous Substances.The terms'hazardous waste;"harardous substance,""dlsposel."Yelease,"and 9hreatoned release;as used In lhls , _��.,:; <br /> Deed o}Trust,shaN have Iho samo meunings as se1 torlh In the Comprehensive Environmentel Response,Compensatlon,and Llebllity Ac!of =�;4. <br /> 1980,es amended,42 U.S.C.Sectlon 8601, et 6eq.("CERCLA'�,fhe Supertund Amendments nnd Reauthorizatir�n Act of 1886,Pub.L.No. ' ' �. <br /> 93-+t99("SAFiA�, tho Hazardou5 Materiais Transportatlon Acl,49 U.S.C.Sec�lon 1801,et seq.,the Resource Conservation and Ricovery Act, ,- �.��.�� <br /> �• 42 U.S.C.Seollon 69D1,et seq.,or other eppliceblg stete or Federal laws,rules,or repuiations adopted pursuanl ta any of the torepolnp. The i,. j��.�a" <br /> terms'hazardous waste"and"hazardous substanco^shatl also include,withaut Ilmitailon,petroleum and petroleum by-produCls or eny haCGon =�;���• • <br /> lhereof and asbestos. Trustor represents and weRtints lo Lender that: (a)During the poriad of Trustor's ownership of tha Property,there has � � ! <br /> been no use,genereuon,manutacfure,siorage,Veatment,disposal,release or ihreatened rAlease ot any hezardous wasie a eubsttnce by any `'� � <br /> ¢ per9on on,U(IdBf. about a from the Property; (b)T�uStOf h35 n0 icnowiedQe oi,or runS3i�t�ts�bv�or,at:ra�r„^..."b.'�`fl,°.�.C°.�(1!E.•�!9`!l�USlY ��.,. , <br /> • dlsclosed to and acknowbdged by Lender fn wriling, (i)any use,8eneratlon,manutecture,storage,troatment,dlsposai,release, a threetened � <br /> release of any hazardous waste or aubstance on,under,about a hom the Property by any prlor ownera or occupants of Ihe Properly or (II)any <br /> '• actuAl a threatened IitiBelion or ctalms of any klnd by any person relating to such malters;and (o)Except as prevbusly dlsclosed to and '�. <br /> ��� acknawledped by Lender In writing, (I)neHherTvusta nor any tenant,contractor,agent or other euthorized user ot the Properly shaN use, ; <br /> w- <br /> .- yene�ate,manuf�ature,store,treat,dispose oi,a relsese any harardous waste or substence on,under,about a Irom the Property nnd (II)any i • <br /> ��� such activfty shall bo conducted In complianca with all appliceble tederal,stete,end local lews,reyulations and or0!nances,Including wilhout <br /> IlmitaNOn those taws,repNatlons,and ordinanas des�xlbed above. Trusta authorims Lender and Its apents to enter upon the i�roperly to <br /> make such Inapections end teats,at Truslor's expAnso,es Londer may deem appropdate to determine compliance of tho Roperly with thFs <br /> � ssctlon of the Dsed of Trust. Any Inspections u lesb made by Lender Sh81i be ta Lender's purposes onty nnd 6haN not be aonstrued lo create <br /> � any responsib�ty or Uablliry on Iho part of Lender to Trustor or to any other person. The representations and warrentles conUlned herein are <br /> , baSed on Tru5lor's due dUgence In invesligntinp Iha Properry tor hererdous waste and he�rdous substanCes. 7rusta hereby(a)r�leases Ynd <br /> • walves any tuture clalms egalnst Lender}or Indemnity or conlribullon In the event Trustor becomes Ilable fa clea�up a other cosb undw any <br /> suCh Wwa,and (b)agrees to Indemnity and hotd harmless Lendar agalnst flny and all claims, losses,IlAbililies, damnpes, penalties,and __ — <br /> � expensea whlCh lenQer may direClly or IndlretAy 8u51a1n or suHer r85ulUng hom e breach 0!thls seCllon of the Oeed of 7rust Or aS a -- <br /> . �,. '," , " cor.aequence 6}any use,generfllion,manufaClure. starBge,disposai,rolease or threalened rele8se occur�ng prior to 1Yuutors owaership or �"-"� <br /> -••.c�:i';`- interest in the Proporly,whether or not the samo was or 6houid have beon known to Trostcr.The proNSions of this section Of the Deed of Trusf, _- _— <br /> :�,�,,,, _ Includlnp the obliqallon to Indemnl(y,shall survlve the payment of the IndeDtednoss and the salisfaction end reconveyance ot the Ilen ot thls �:__ <br /> ' „��. '� ,. Doed of Trust end ahall not be attected by Lender'&acqulsttlon of any Interest in tho Property,whelher by faeclosure or otherwiss. r, - <br /> • Nulsance,Wute. Trusla shall not cause,conduct or prxmlt any nulsance nor commll,permit,a suffer any s�lppinp of or wisto on or to the �;- <br /> • Property or any porlion ol the Properlyr. WlthoN Ilmitinp the penerality of the forepdnp,Trustor will not remove,a qrant io any other party tlra - <br /> rlghf to remov0,anY Iimber, minerals(Inciudlnq dl and pas),eoil,pravai a rxk product3 without the pdor wdtten consent of Lender. �y�: <br />�;� Remov�l ot Imqrovements. Trustor shall not demolish or remova any Improvements hom the Real Property without the prla wriflen consent ` <br /> of Lender. AS a eonditton to Ihe removel of em Improvements,Lender may reqWre Trustor to make arrangemenLS satistactory b Lender to �;:` -- <br /> ` " roptace such Improwr�nonl�wifh Improvements of at leest equai value. �:__ <br /> -..... <br />- ° -� Leodet's Ripht to Enter. Londer and Its agenls and rapreseNaUves may enter upon the Real PropeAy at all reasonable Umes to aNend to <br />,-`���.-• Lender's Intorests and to Inspoct the Properiy ta purposes Of Trustor's Compliance with the torms end Condllions of this Deed of Tru51. .:�--------- �, <br /> , "�. <br /> CompUnnce with Govemmental ReqWromente. Truslor shall promplly comply wuh all Iaws,ordinances,end regu�ations, now or horeartor In �;�__ <br /> eHeCt,of 80 povExnmonlal authoriibs appllCable to Ihe use or ocCUpenCy of tha Property. Trustor may Conlest In good fallh eny suCh law, <br /> �� ordinanCe,or repuiellon and wilhhold compliance dudng any proceeding,lnciuding appropriate eppeals,so lonp as Trustor hfls no9Bed Lender �•' � � "�� <br /> , ' In wdflnq prfot to doing 6o and Go long ns,U Lender's sole opinlon,Londer's Interosl5 In the PropeAy are not Jeopardized. Lender m&y roquiro :,.L� ` <br /> . Trusta to post edaquatosecurfly or a surely bond, reasonabty salistaclory to Lender,lo proteCt Lendor's Interest. :;��, <br /> -:,�.� duty to Protect. 7rustor agreos noither to abando�na leave unaHendod lhe Properry. Truslor shaA do all other aeb,In ad�iUon lo those netn �•"� ' .~ <br /> � `'t' ' sot forih QbOW In iMS SeCCon,whlch hom Ihe characler and use of the Property are reasonabfy neCe:sary to protect and pre�,,ave lhe Property. �`, �_ <br /> ,s,;.; ' :r�lr;: �' <br /> p t 1 G p a 1 3 A L E-C O J�1$E N T B Y L E N D E F i. L e n d e r m a y,a t i l s o p t l o n,d e e l a r e I m m e d l a t e l y d u o fl n d p e y a b l e atl s um s s e cured b y thls Deed of Trust � r•,. "��,`r <br /> ) �S"C kY f,�;}', <br />' upon thn eate or trnnstor,wYhout lho Londors pRa w�itton consent,ot all or nny parl of Ihe Real Property,or eny Interost In tho Real Property. A �.rr-.•:,.,_ ��,:. <br /> :� ^sak�or tmnste�"moar�e lha aonveyanCe of Real Property a any rlgM,Ulle a Interest thereln;wholhor legel,beneNClal or equltabie;whother vduntary '-•'''�''"��• � �`•!". <br /> � t+{��:; : <br /> - or inuduntety;whether by Ouhlphl oale,doed,InsteQmeM sale cont►act,land contrecl,coMract(a doed,leasehotd Interest wRh a lerm preata thun ��,;.jr,3r�•':• <br /> three(3)yenra,leasa--opllon contrect,or by sal0. assignment,or transfer of any bt�neflGal Interest In or to eny land trust hn:dinp titte to tho Rosi • .;+�;•�sr�•;°��'�^:� .�'� <br /> Pransie�r alsobnc u�dest�ny chengo/n o�vn rs i of moge't enp e ity-fl e�percent(2696)of fhec o�p sitxkppart eBhlp interiestsllor 8mitod Iiabtlit�y� � ;�'a,�t'^ j - <br /> company Interests,a�the case may bo,of Trustor. However,thls opllon shall not be exerclsed by Lender If suCh exerclse�S prohibited by tedoral <br /> --_._ __ ._...__�...�_..__�.�_... ' '� � <br /> __ - , , �o..�..��.o.,��.,o.v... <br /> TAltE3 AND LIENS. Tho following provislons releting to Ihe laxes and Iiens on INe Properry ere a part of this Oeed of Trust. • � <br />_ Pa�ment. Trustor shall pny when due(and In a1t evenls pdar lo dolinquency)all lexos,special taxes,assessments,Charyes(Includinp wnter � , <br /> and sewer),finEtS and Imp�sltlont Iovfad aflalnst or on accounl of the F'roperty, and shall pay when due ali cialms for work dor� on or tor � <br /> senAceS rendored a malerial furnfshed lo ihe Property. Trustor shall mulnlafn lhe Propttrly hee of all Ilen�haNnp priority over or equal to the <br /> tnterest of Lendc►►undtx Ihis Doed of 1'rusi,excepl(a Ihe uen of texes end assessments not duo,oxcr3pt lor the exlsting Indebtodness referted <br /> to below,and excepl as otNerwlse providad In INs D9sd o1 Trust. .. <br /> Rtpht To Cont�st. Truslor may withhold payment of any tex,essessmenl,or clnlm In conneciton with e good falth dispute over Ihe obligalion <br /> to pny,so lorg as lender's Interest In the ProperSy Is not Jeopardlzed. i}fl Ilen arlsos or Is filed as a result of nonpayment,Trusta shell wlthin <br /> fitteen(15)deys eAOr 1he Ilon erises or,If a Ilen Is filed,withln fiflaen(15)days ttttor Trusta hw not�e o}Ihe fiiiny,Securo the discharge of the <br /> II¢n,or I�requested by Lender, doposlt wNh Lender cesh or a su}ficlent corporete suret�bond or other security satlslactory to LOnder In an <br /> am0unt SutNC�ent t0 discharge lhe Ilen plus any Cos1s end eHorneys'loos or olher CNerges Ihat Could eCCrue eo a re3ufl o}a foredosure or 5ale <br /> under lhe ilen. On any contest,Trustor shall delend ifsolt end Lendor end shall satisry any adverse Judgment before enforcement apalnst the <br /> ii <br /> �. , , <br /> i . ... <br /> � - � - - .._ . ...... ........ _ .. . <br /> • <br />