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<br /> ax� preclude the exercise o£ any au�h right a� remedy. Z'he
<br /> pxncurement of ineurance or �he payment af taxen or otlzer
<br /> lien� or charges by Lenc�er ehall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br /> right to accel.erats the maturity Af tih� indebtednese aecuxed
<br /> b� thie Deed of Trust.
<br /> (d) �uaceesor�_euid Ao�„igne aound,t�,�,]o�ra��u$ sevsra�
<br /> Li,�bi�,i�y� �gptione. The covenante and agreemen�s hPrein
<br /> contained ahall bind, and the rights hereunder sha11 inure to,
<br /> the xe�pective succeasorg and aseigna of Lendex and Truetor.
<br /> All covenanta and agreements of Truato.r s�all be jo�nt and
<br /> �everal. The captions and headings of the paragrapbs o� thie
<br /> Deed of Trust are for convenience only and are not to be uaed
<br /> �o interpret or define tne provi�ion� hereof.
<br /> ' (e) �tecrueat �or Notices. The part�.es hereby requeat
<br /> that a copy of any notice of default hereunder and a copy of
<br /> any notice o£ sale lxereunder be mailed to each party to thie
<br /> veed of Trust at the address set fortY� above in the manner
<br /> preecribec� by applicable law. Except for any other notico
<br /> required under applicable law to be given in another mann�r,
<br /> any no�ice provided for in this Deed of Truet shall �a given
<br /> by mailing such notice by cert�fie3 mail addressed to the
<br /> other parties, a� the addresa set forth above. A��y notice
<br /> crnyi�iA�i fnr i n thi� TlnA�i nf° Triiut nhal l k►�+ P�fPl�r�VP »�nn
<br /> � mailing in the manner designated herein. If Trustor. �.a more
<br /> :; than one pereon, notice sent to the addresa aet fortl� above
<br /> k ahall be notice to all euch persons.
<br /> ; •
<br /> � (�) �nepection. Lender may m�ke or cauoe to be made ,
<br /> '" reasonable �ntri�s upon and inspections af the Property,
<br /> �� provided that LPnder shall give Trustor notice prior to any
<br /> '! auch inepecti�n specifyirxg r.easonable cauae thnrc�fnr r:�i?tad
<br /> to Lender'e interest in the Property.
<br />,�
<br /> �.
<br /> � {g) Rec�nveyance. Upon payment of all Eume secured by
<br /> !+� this Deed of Trust, I�ender shall request Trustee to reconvey
<br /> .;� the Property and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and all
<br /> � noteo �videncing indebtedneas sECUred by thie Deed of Truet to
<br /> '..y Trust•ee. Trustee ahall reconvey the Property without warranty
<br /> . . and without charge to the person or persone legaJ.ly entitled
<br /> - thereto. Trus�or ehall pay a11 costs o£ recor�ation, if arxy.
<br /> �3 ,' (h) Pereonal Pronertv• S�curitv Aars�emaat: A$
<br /> - additional securitcy for the payment of �he Obligations, '
<br />= . • Truetor hereby g�ants Lena�r under the 23e�raska Uniform
<br />. F Commercial C'ode a security interest in all fixture�,
<br /> ;.,-; equipment, and other personal propexty used in connection with .
<br /> '` the real estate or improvenients �.ocated thereon, �nd not � � '
<br /> �"` � otherwise declared ar deemed to be a part of the real estate
<br /> secuxed rier�by. This inetrument aha11 be conetrued as a
<br /> , Security Ag�esment under said Code, ax�d the I,ender sha11 have
<br /> all the rights and remedi,es of a secured party under s�id Code
<br /> � in add3tion to the rights and rerr;2dies created uf.;:c��c-:r and
<br /> � accorc��d the L�nder pursuant to this Deed of Trust; provided
<br /> i
<br /> - 8 -
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