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<br /> that Lender's right s and z�Pmradie�a un3ar thf.e paragraph e�ial� �
<br /> be cumulative with, 1nd in no w�y a limite,tion on, Lend�r'e
<br /> rightr� and remedieo under any oth�r. �ecurity agreemenC eiqned
<br /> by 8orrow�r or Tru�tor.
<br /> �i) ����� aad 8ncumbrancon. �'ruetor Yisreby warranto and
<br /> represente that th�re is np dofau:l.t under th� provieion� of
<br /> any mortgage, deed of trust, lease or purchase contract
<br /> deecribing all or any �ar.t r�f th� Px:operty, or other contract,
<br /> inetrument or agreement cnnatitutzng a lien or �ncumbrance
<br /> againet all or any part oE th� Property (collectiv�ly,
<br /> •Liens") , exie�ing as of tha d�t� vf thi� Deed of Truat, and
<br /> thati ar�y a�d all exi�ting Lien� r�:main t�nnnod�.f.ied except a� __
<br /> dieclo�ed to Lender in Truatr�r's vlxitten di.eclosure of liene
<br /> and encumbrances provided �o� hr�rei.n. Trustor shall tfinely
<br /> perform all of '�ruetor'� ol�li�ationa, co�venaa7te,
<br /> . represeritations and warrantie� u�zdF�r anyr and a11 existing and
<br /> future Liena, ahall promptl.y fora��rd to Lender copies of all
<br /> ' noCices of def�ault 9ent in c�nrsec.L•ion with any a�d a11
<br /> exieting or fu�ure Liens, �nd s11a11 not without Eaender' s pxior
<br /> writtern consent in any m�nn�r m�dify the provioions ot or
<br /> � allow ara� future advances under any existing or future Liene.
<br />_ ��� ���,_��,_„r „� �Awnan�s. Unlese otherwise required
<br /> ' by law� nr. the terms of thi� D��+d of Tnist, sums �paid td
<br /> . i,ender �+areunder, inclu�ting with�ut li�itation payments of
<br /> t principa�. and interPst, insuranee p�:�r��eeda, conde�mnatian
<br /> ,� ' procsed� �and rec�ts and profi�s, sh�ll be applied by Lendsx to
<br /> - the amounta due and owix�g from. Trustor and Boarrower in such
<br />`� � �,rder a� Lerir�er� in it s �ole di�e:.rF�tion deems d�;�irable.
<br /> ;;;; N;,:�ri=�a?i�v. If any provision of this Deed of
<br /> Truet conflicts with applica�le la.w ar is declared in�ali�d or
<br /> othe?°w�.�se unenfcareeable, sucia c:e�u�iic:� vr ii�validity slzall not
<br /> ', �affect the otller pxovisionr� af� t�his Deed of Truet or the Note
<br /> whi�h c�n bz givcn cffqet w•1�hout th� �onflicting provi�ioa,
<br /> ; and ta �this end the pravisionr� of this Deed of Trust and the
<br /> " � Note a��a declared to 3�e sev�ral�le.
<br /> (1� Tesva�e.. The termg "'Tru:�tor° and "Ho�rower" �hall
<br /> � , include both qingular and plu•rat, and when t1�.e Trugtor and
<br /> � Borrower are the samc? p�rson(�) , 9:hose terme a� used in this�
<br /> � Deesl o#: Truat shal l be intercli�.ilg��aable.
<br /> (m) c3overnina Law. This r�:�a:� o� Txuet shall be governed
<br /> }�y tihe lawa of the statc wlz�r� ��.ce Property ia located.
<br /> �
<br /> � Truotor haa execu�ed thi.s D�:�� oE 'Pru�C� as of the date wr.�.tten
<br /> t abc��ve.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> - 9 -
<br />