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<br /> ��� � �s� �o���a.
<br /> sell the propsrty aa a whole, or S.n separate parcele or lota at �
<br /> Truetee's� discretion.
<br /> �4. �rno� �nd Expensee. In the event Truetee selle the
<br /> Property by exerciee of power of eale, Trustee anall be entitled to
<br /> apply any sale proceeda first to payment of all coc�tr� and e�cp�nses _
<br /> of exercising power o� sale, inc].uding all Trus�ee'A fees, and
<br /> Lender's and Tru�tee' s a�torney's f.es9, ac:tually incurred to extent
<br /> permitted by applicable law. In the event Borrawer os Trustor
<br /> exerGir��s any right pr.ovid�d by law to cure an Ev�nt oE Defau].t,
<br /> Lender sha11 be entitled to recover from Truator all costs and
<br /> expe;nses actually incurred as a result of Truator'e default,
<br />_ includin.g witho�a� limitatiolli ab1.e law e�g dnd atto-tney's fees, to �_
<br />- the extent permitr ed by app
<br /> 15. �ture Advanaee. IIpon request of Borrower, Lender
<br />'� may, at ita aption, make additional and future advancen and
<br /> � rQadvancea to Borrower. Such advances and readvancea� with r
<br /> � ixiterest therec�n, ahall be secured by this Deed of Trust. At na
<br /> time shall the principal ampunt ot the indebtednese aecured by this
<br /> :; Deed ot Truet, not including �ums advanced to protect the eeaur�ty
<br /> of tYsis Deed of Trust, cxceed $17,227,000.
<br /> �
<br /> 16. �liecel]aneous rroviaiozi�.
<br /> y� orrower No� Released. Exteneian of tYae tiiM� �Ar
<br /> (a) �_
<br /> payment or modification af amortization af the sums aecuxQd by
<br /> this Deed of Trust granted by Lsnder to any successor. in
<br /> interest of Borrower ehall not operate .to releaee, .i.n .any
<br /> - manner, the liability of th� original Borrower and Borrawex's
<br /> �uccessors i.n interest. Lender shall not be �equired to
<br /> commence proceedings against auch succeeaor or refuse to
<br /> �xtend ta.me for payment or otherwise modify amox�ization of
<br /> L•he sums aecured by thie Deed of Trust by reaeon of any
<br /> deniand� made by the original Borrower and Borrvwex's
<br /> aucceeeors in interest.
<br /> " (b) Lender'e Powere. Without affecting the liability of
<br /> any othex �erson liable for the payment nf any obligation
<br /> h�srein m�2�tioned, and wa.thout �ffecting ths lien or charg�e of
<br /> thie� Deed of Trust upon any portian of the Property not then
<br /> o� theretofore released as aecurity for the full amoun� of all
<br /> unpaiu abligations, Lend�r may, fram time to time and wit�out
<br /> notice (i) release any person so liable, (ii) extend the
<br /> maturity or aleer any c�f the �erms of any �uch obl�gatione,
<br /> (iii) grant other indulgences, (iv) r�leaee or Xeconvey, or
<br /> cause to be relea�ed or reconveyed aC any time at Lender'a
<br /> . option any parcel, portian or all of the Propert�, (�; take or
<br /> xelease any othpx or additional sec�xrity for as�y obl3.gation
<br /> - herea.n mentioned, or (vi) make compositione o� �ther
<br /> arrangementa w�4h debtors in relation thereto.
<br /> � (c) F'orbearance bv�ender fiqot a Waiver. Arx�+ forbearanCe
<br /> by Lender in exercisinc� any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br /> o�herwise afforded by ap�Olicable law, shall not be a waiver of
<br /> - _ �7 _
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