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<br /> ' ot be re uircd to ca:nmrnco proceedings eQninst such successor or reQise to extc�id timo�o`j�nymcnt or otiicnvi:t�mct�ll�
<br /> 3ntcrest.GcndGr shnll n q
<br /> nmartization of ti�d sums sccurrd by thls UceA of rrust by renson of anN dsmand innda by the�riginal Barrowcr nnA Ilonowcrs succcssora n
<br />;��`'"� ' interest.Any forbearance bY under In cxercising nny right or romedy hercunder,or othcnvlse affarded by appl{cabl9law,sha11 not be a wP.iver },
<br /> W'ic,:; � of or preclude tho exerciso of any such right or remcdy.
<br />;._::'� 11, Succes�ort�ed Auli��Aound;,►oi�t�nd 9ever�l Ll�bility+Coai;nerf.Tho covennn�9 and agrcemcnts bcreln cnntnined shcll
<br /> "� bind, end the dghu hereunder shnll inui�e to.the rcspectivo success�rs and essigns of Lender end E3oreower, subJcc!to tha provi�lons of � �`
<br /> �
<br /> ==�t �^�;a paragraph 16 hereof.All coveng��nin this Deu1 ofTn st only to'�grant'end convey that Borrowers tnterest tn the Properiy t Trustt under �_
<br /> '�SY ' does not execute tho Notc,(e)f 8 8
<br /> the terme of tlils Deed of Trust,(b)is not personally 1lable on the Note or undc.r this Deed of Trust,and{c)agrees thaY Lender and enY oth�� �;`".
<br /> .� :�
<br /> .��!s . _
<br /> ��-�', the Noto wlthou dthat Bortowers consent und w thout�leasing thut Borrower omadifying tl»s i'tDeed o�trust ns to thut Borcw er'.s in erest in
<br /> the Property. notica to Bonower provlded
<br /> 12. Notke.Bxcept for any notice rWuircd undcr applleable Isw to be given in enathcr inar�ner.(a)eny pddress ,=�
<br /> ,4,•.�: for in this Deed of Trust shaQ be givcn by deliveting it or by rnalling such nodce by certified moil eddressed to Borro�ver nt tha Property ��`
<br />• or at such oUur address es Bonpwcr mhercin og to su h other ddress as I.andcr may�designate by notice to Borro�ver�es provided hercin.Any �p
<br /> .�_,�. :,. cenlfitd mall to I.eack�'s address suaa1 �-
<br /> s
<br />��41'',�•' notico provided for in Qhis Deed of Tnist shell be damed to have bun given to Borrower or Lendar when given in the manner deslgnatcd here n. i_
<br />-='��s� '•''• • �3, GovernlnII 1.s.w:Severabfltly.The state nnd local laws appltcuble to tdis Dced of Tn�st shell be the laws of the Jurisdlction in �^
<br /> .z�'�y?y
<br /> ;.y� �a.._ provis on or cla se uf thlstDtcd of Trust or the Not contltcts withiappltcable aw i u h conflice shall not iaffe�ct othor provis ons of this Decd of __
<br /> ,u�Y:f� _
<br /> ;;�•� -�- ven effcct wlAiout We canflicting provtsion,ond to this end the rovisIons of this Deed of Trust aad�►ticeble -.
<br />��-„v, ,•,,, p -
<br /> 7Yust or the Note whlch can t�a Bi
<br />_�:,➢�;;z.p� �d���u1 W be severeblo.As used heretn,"costs"."expenscs"and"attorneys'fees"include all snms to the extent not prohibited by app
<br />� ,;`^�` law or limlted herein. � p of the Note and of this Deed of Tcust at the time of execution _
<br /> ::,,,•,}�_�,' 14. Borrower e Co y.Oorrower shnll be fumished a conformed coPY
<br />--;=�,.�,.:, or after recordatlon hereof. _
<br />_•;��;���- 15. Rehsbllit�tton I�otn Agreemen� Bottower shnll tLlfill ull of Borrower's obligations undcr u►�Y h°mure Bort`owerto
<br /> __'.{r� improvement,rePeir.or other loan agreemcnt which Borrower enters into with Lender.Lendcr,Ai Lender's optlon,may req
<br /> �`` execute und deliver to Lender,in a form accePtable to Lendcr,en nssignrnent af nny riBhts,claims ar defenscs which Borrower may have agelnst
<br />_:°:.�}� parties who suppty Inbor,materiels or scrv ices in connectian with improvement9 mnde to thc Properiy.
<br />_�r��e����
<br /> l6. T�anster of the Property or�Heneilei�l Interest in Borrower.If all or eny pa�t of t1►e PropertY or any interest i�it is:�o 1 d or
<br />--_=.-�� transfe�aed(or if n brneficlal interest in Borrower is sold or ttansfertsd end Borrower is not a natural person)aithout Lenders pdor wntten
<br /> T�2:� consent,Lender may,st its optton,requtra immediate paytncnt in fitll of ell sums securul by tbts Deed of Trust.However.this optian shall not
<br />_ ������y I,�,-���{f�,�r��L�!4s pmhibited by federal law es of the date af this Dced of Trust
<br /> ------ '�-^�„'s'Fo:!of A�*_l•ea thsn 30
<br /> --��_•""� If 1,ender excrctses th{s optton,Lender sha{I glve Bormwer notia�f ecceternuon.I ae noaw�i�aii p��z� ��
<br />— '�!� days fram the date theo the exgiraedun of this pcn'od.Lender mayAnv ke any rcmedles permitteds by�thbs Ueed of Trust withoutBfUrthu noUco or
<br /> _--_— pay thcso surt►s pdor t P
<br /> -= dcmund on Bonower.
<br /> � NON-UNIFURM COVENANI'S•Boaower md I.ender fwther h 16 hcreofaupon Bortower's�breach of eny covenant or eSt�ment°f
<br /> 17. Accekratlon;Remedla. Except ds provided in paregrap
<br /> gorrower In thls Dced of Tnist,including tho wvenanis to pay when duo any sums secured by this Deed of"I'rust.l.onder pdor to accelention
<br /> --- shal give notice to Bocrower as provided in parnagcaph 12 hcreof specifying:(1)the bra►ch;(2)the acdon r�oquired to cure such txach;(3)s
<br /> �`� date,nat lcss than 10 days from the date the notice is mailed to Boerowtr,by which such bresch mu�t be Gured;end(4)thet failure to cun such
<br /> �� 6�eech on or before the date specified in the nottce may result in aaelerndon of the sums secwed by this Deed of 1'ruse and sale of the Propo*tY•
<br /> --- The notia st►a1�ft�rtha i°f°m►Bomower af the dght to reinstate after acceleretlon and the dght to bdng a court action to as.ceR the nonexistence
<br /> of 4 default or any other defense of Bocrower to acaleration and sale.IP the breach is aot cured on or bafore Uu date speci8ed in tho noti�o,
<br /> ± Lender.at Lendefs aption,mey declore ell of the s�►ms secured by this Dxd�blerlawt Lendermhnljl�be entttledto catlect al��re�onablo cosb�nd
<br /> ' end may invoke the powa of sale and onY other rcmedies permitted by app
<br /> • �xpenses;ncu�red in purs�itng tha remedles pcavidcd In this paragrnph 17,tncluding,but not limltul to.reasoneble uttomeys'fas.
<br /> If Londcr invokes the power of sale,I.endor shall execute or cnusa Tcustee to execute a written aotico of thc occume+�ce of in evrnt of
<br /> deFault end of Leada's elxNon to cause the Proparty to I+e sol p end shall cause such aottce to be recorded in esch��Ie law.Trusta sh�l�o
<br /> ----- o��m�p�ut theraof Is locaud.Lender or'Ilvsta shall mail w iss of such notice in tiie manna prescribed bY aPP ����e
<br /> — publIc notice of sale to the persons end in the aunner presctibed bY WyP�icablo law.ARer the lepse of such time as may be required by app
<br /> ��W�Tmstee,without demend on Borrower,shall sell the Pcopc�'ty at public aucHon to U:e highest bidder at the dme and place and under tnc
<br /> t�ns designated in tlie notice of sule in ono or more parcels end in such order as Tcusta may determine.Trusta may postpone$sle of all or eny
<br /> �� percel of the Pro(xrt5' bY pub{ta announcement at the ttme end place of any prcviously schedultd sale. Lender or Lender's dalgnco msy
<br /> - purchase the Prope[t}'et anY sale. resscd or
<br /> Trnstea sh�ll deliver to the purchascr Tcustee's dad conveying dic Property so sold withaut eny covcnnnt or�vnnanty,exP
<br /> _ �mp�{ed.The reclua�s in the Tn�stat's decd sha��be pdm�facie evidence of thc truth of thc statements made therein.7tustee shdt apply the
<br /> --_____ = proceeds of the sale in the following order:(a)to all rcasonable costs and expenses of the ssile,Including,but not limltcd to.rcasoneble Tmstee's
<br /> - end ettorneys'fees and cost9 of title evidence;(b)to ell sums secured by this Deed of Tcust;end(c)the sxcess.if eny,to the person or persons
<br /> _____�.- _ lcgally rndtled thercto.
<br /> �a, go�rower�� Itl�ht to Relasute. Notwithscanding Lender's acceteration of ti�E sums sccund by this Dad of Trust due m
<br /> - - -- Bort�owers brench,Bottowtr shell have the right to have eny procendings begun by Lender to enforce this Dad of Ttust dtscondnued at any
<br /> _ --� qme pdor to the�t enforci g thts(+i�ad oftTrust i�fl.�(nl Bo��ro e�r pays LenderUell sums hich woutd bc then due under�this Deed�of Tcust nn�cl
<br /> --_-=° mtry of a Judgm
<br /> � � the Note had no uweleredon oceurred;(b)Borrower cures nll brcaches of any other covenanu or agc+eements of Bon•ower contajned le this Dad
<br /> -�-__.�� of Trust;(o)Bortower pays all reasotiablc exptnses incumed by L.ender nnd Trustee in enfor�ing the covennnts end egreemenu of Borrowcr
<br /> -- -"- cqntefer,d in this Deed of TruSt,and in enforcing l.ender's and Tmstec's rcmedies ns provided i�paragmph 17 hereof,including,but not limited
<br /> "�'.�r� ro,re�onable ut�omeys'fees;nnd(d)Borrower takcs such uction as I.endcr may reasonably rcquire to assure that the lien of this Deed of Trust,
<br /> -��+�5� Lendefs intcrrsi in t!►e�PmPertY°h d n°r��TS�ss�t,eadtthe obligat ons secured hereby�shall�rcmuin in tLU force end effect es i�f n�o accelerario
<br /> __ - PsYmrni mni C:u�v�� ••�.: • ---
<br /> —— -t:�r 1
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