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<br /> i9, AalY���;icai ot ftc�itei App�lutn;:;aQ of�te�e.�cv; �.cac3cr In l�osse°s►on. As r.dAitlonal'sccur(ry I�crcundc;,Ilon�o�vcn c�rcby �'
<br /> tissl�iy to I.endsr tha ecnts af tNn Propeny,provided that liu�rawer sh411,prior to acccleratlon under part�raph 17 hcrxof or nbandonment of tho –
<br /> t'ropeny.h�ve the�1�ht co collect�nd reWn such tenu�s lhay become duo�nd pay�bla -
<br /> U{wn�ccelr�t►lan under pen�nph 19 hereof or rbondonment of Ihe Property,Lender,in�enon,by agrnt or by Judici�lly Appolnted
<br /> rccelva eb�ll bo ca�tttlod to rnter upon,tako possc»lon of uvs mu►�a tha Property and ro collecti tho renb of du('roperty including thoso past
<br /> due.All m�u c,�►Ilxted by Lender or the roceiver eh�ll bo�pplied fint to p�ymont af tba cost�of mrot�emrnt of the Property�nd collectlon of
<br /> renta,IncluAlnq,but not Ifn�ltcd ta,recelve�'a fas,premfums on receivcr's bonda and reesonable attomeys'fee�,and then to tho sums secumf by
<br /> this Deed of Trun.I.enda end cha receiver�hall be Il�blo to acsount�nly for thaso rent�ectudly ceceived. -
<br /> 20. lbea�wy��a.Upon p�ymrnt of all surtw secnred by this Dad of'f nut,Lendec shell toquest Tn�stee to reconvey the Property
<br /> end sha0 surrcnder this�ed of Trust�nd ell�sotes evidGnclnQ(ndebtednes�secuad by thi�lked of Trust co'1`custea Trustx shdl rr,convey the
<br /> Propaty without wammry u►d without ch�uge to the person or persai� leg�lly entitled thercto.Such pers�n or pe�sons shsll pry�Il cosls of
<br /> rcoordption,if�np.
<br /> 1t. SrbttituN Trr�toa Le�sdcr,at Lender's opdon,msy from timo to t[ma amove T�u.�teo and appoint a auccessor uusteo to any
<br /> Trustso nppointad hereunder.Without conveyance of the Property,tho successor uvstto shaU cucceed to sll tha title,power and duNee confcrred
<br /> upon tho Tnubeo tiereln and by appliu+ble Isw.
<br /> 21.ReqMS�t for NoHea.Boreowet rcquests thst copie�of the noUce of defsutt nnd notico of ssle be sertt to Bortower's eddrcs�whlch
<br /> Is the Propetty Addres�.
<br /> Borrower and I.ender request the holder of any moitgage,deed of trust or othcr ancumbrattco with a iien which has
<br /> priority over this Decd of Tnut to giv�Notice to Lender,at Lender's address set forth on page ane af this Deed of Tcust,of any
<br /> default under the supedor oncumbrance and of eny salo or other foreclosura action.
<br /> IN WITNESS Wf�R�OF,Bocrower has execuud and aclmowledges recetpt of a�ugh 4 of th�s Ur.ed of Trust�� --
<br /> � —
<br /> � -Bocmwer
<br /> �.l l�l Q.—��'mCi � n C �i
<br /> �rro:Ya
<br /> -Borrower
<br /> -Borrowa
<br /> . .Bormwa
<br /> STA'T�OF NBBRASKJ�, (;ounty ss:HALL '
<br /> � . . Au�usr�i���
<br /> . pn thia�:� day of,bofaro ma,the undersigned,a Nomry Public in end for sa2d SLate,personally a�peared JAML'3
<br /> known or�ideaWied to.me to bo the person whose nnma is subscribed to thc within and foregoing insuvment,and ecfmowledgai to
<br /> mo tha�t . �
<br /> exocu�ted t6e seme.
<br /> IN WITM388 WHER�CIF,I have hereunto set m3�3�nd and affixed my offici�l saat the day and year irt t�s�ertificate fust�bova
<br /> written. — � ' '
<br /> � r�.�,��. ��_
<br /> Notery Public
<br /> My commiasion e�pirc�: �//�,/�2po p �
<br /> � GfMEAALNOTARrSl�tedNebr�s4�
<br />- L� iv�i�nTri eiiitetr
<br /> �1 Can�.E�p,kn►1?,200D� _
<br /> TU'TRU5TEE:
<br /> = 1re undetalgned is tho holder of ttio nota or tiatos secured by this Dccd of Trust.Said note or notes�togtther with nU
<br /> other�udebtedn�ss secund by this Deed af'Itust,have ban paid in ftill.You are hcreby d'ueGted to cancel said noto or notes and
<br /> this Deed of 7Yust,which are delivered hereby,end to retonvey,wiilxout warranty,all ttte estate now hcld by you under thi�De�d
<br /> of Trust to tho person or persons legalfy entitled therew.
<br /> Dated: ---
<br />_ NEARASKA-SECONU MOR'I'GAGE-1/80 F1VMA/�HL.MC ClNIFORM INS7'RUM�N e�e 4 of 4 Fornt 3815 _
<br />- ¢
<br />