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<br /> UNIr�RM CUVLNAN'1'a.liurrovrcr nnd l.c�idci•covcncmt n�ed n���zo n�follows: "��� ""'�����
<br /> ',� !. P�yment ot PrinclpRi�n�S IntcrR�t.l3flnfl�ver Fli�ll prun�Ntly hay whcn duo thc pdncipal nnd intcrest indc�tedncsa evidenaQ by
<br />'�' '= tho Noto u�d I�to chuges es provlded in tho Noto. .�.-�
<br /> �•� , f. Fund�for T�xn�Hd In�ur��n.SubJat to�ppliceblo I�w or n wriutn wetvcr by I..cndcr,f�oITOwcr s)�all pay to I,ender on tho �_
<br /> ;'1;'' day mon�hly p�ymenW af princip�l xnd interest uro p�yabla undcr iho Notn.untU the T!ato Is pald in NII,a sum(hcrcin"�unds")��ym!to anG- �:"
<br /> tKelRh of tho yearly tnxe�and ess�c3sment�(Includinq condominlum �nd pl�nned unit dovelopment asxumente, if any),which m�y attain _—..•
<br /> '� pdoritl�ovcr thl�f�red of Trust,end gr�troA rcnt�an tho Pcoperty.If any,pltts onc•twelOh of yearly prcmium Installmrnts for hazud Insunutce, �
<br />=±�_Fi plus anatwelfth of yeuly pcemlur►�installments for moAgn�e Insunnco,if any, nll us reawnabiy estlmetcd inidslly and fram tima to t[i�io by �_
<br /> ;�;;t� Lcnder on tho ba�is of�ssessments an d b i l l.r an d rcssamblo cstimRtc�themof.liarmwcr shall not bo obligeted to meka such paymer�t�of Fund9 _�
<br />=_j�� to I.ender¢o tha extent thet Bortowcr makcs such gayments to t�o holder of u prior mortgege or dced of trust IP such halder is an inst[tuNonal �.w
<br /> ��_,
<br /> lender.
<br />=_;�"XR'� lf IInrrower paye Funds to Lender,the runds shall bo held in en lnnivrP.i���ho dcposits or accounts of which ane insured or gusrenteed
<br /> •.�4:•�� by n Federnl or otnto egency (includtng l.ender if Lender is such en insl(aieftinp. R.ender shall appty tho fu.nds to pay safd taxes,assessments, _�
<br /> •.�, insur+uica prcmlums end ground rents.Lender mny not chergo for so holdira 6r.r,�nQplyfng tho funds,nnntyt�nS said nccount ar vediying and -
<br /> •.,.s: compiltng satd assesamenu and bilis,unless I.ender ptys florrower intetest on thc Fu�.Cs ct,�t,�plicablc liw petmits Lendcr to meko such s _
<br /> �::`! ch e.Bormwer nnd Lender m�y agreo in wrtlinq ot the Hmo of executlon of this Dee4 cS 7tust that intcrcsl on tho Funds chall be pnfd to
<br /> v8
<br />,-:_;�!��_ Borrower,nad unless such agrcement is mnrle ar n�s�slirsbla law requfres sueh itttercst to be paid,Lendcr:hn:l not bo reyulred to pay B�nowar
<br /> � any inta�t or enrnings on the Fa�ds.Lend►_c rho![give to Borcower,wi�.r�r,t cttnrge,en annuel accounttng of the Furtd9 showing credlts nnd
<br />;�;,,�'��� debits to tha Funds and the purpose for which each debit ro the Funds w�3 raQc.The Fund9 ero pledgerl as eddlHonal stctuiry for Ihe s�iras
<br /> - secured by thia Dad of Trus1.
<br />_ ��� If the amount of tho Funds held by Lendeq together with tho Nturo monthly installments of Funds peysble prior to the due datc9 af
<br />-�`�� qxes,assessments,insurence prcmiums end ground renu,shall excetd the amount requiitid to pay said laxts,e.csess�aents,Insuraacc premtums �° -
<br /> end grow�d rcnts es thoy fall due. such exccss she116e,at Borrowers opuon,cither promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on
<br />°'E''�? monthly Instalimenu of Funds.If ihc emount of thc Eunds hcld by Lender shail nm bc sufRcient to pay texes,assessmenu,insuronce premtums
<br /> i,!:�o�
<br /> ___— ar.d ground rents as they fell due,Borrower shall ppy to Lender eny amount necessury to malce up the defictency in one or more paymen as
<br />=����` Lender may rcquIre.
<br /> Upon payment in fLll of all sums sccured by this Deed of Tcvst,Ifnder shall prompdy refund to Borrower any Funds hetd by i.endcr.
<br /> If i+nder paregcaph 17 hereof thc Property is so1J or the Property is othenviso nc�ufred by Lender,Lcnder shall epply.no later thun imaxediately
<br />"�'�� pdor to the salo of the Properry or its acquisidon by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the dmo of applIcation es�crcdit against the sums
<br />���'°'� secwGd by th(s Deed of TrusK.
<br />�._ 3. Applic�tkn o!P�yments.Unlcss appltca6lc law provldes othenvfse, ail payments received by Lender under the Note and
<br /> _;,;,_�� peregrcphs 1 end 2 hereof shall be applied by l.cnder Rrst in paymrnt of emounts payable to Lender by Borrower under parng�aph 2 hercof,thcn
<br />�;�� to intcrcst ps�yeble on the Note,end thrn to the pdnctpnl of the Note.
<br /> 4. I'1'[Or I�'lO��sd�dd�Vi Vt t i�iiN�o�%�i'-�:«��:"��F'-��r`-"-=��"f Rnrmwe�s obliaations undv eqY mottBaB�
<br /> deed of tn�st or othor secwiey e8reement with a lien which hac priodry over thls Deed of Tnist,inciuding Bortnwa's cova�ants to mnSco
<br /> �;�� paytnents wha►due.Borrowet shall pt,y ar eause to be peid ell texes,asszsvnenu end other charges,fincs end impositions attribuqble to tlio
<br /> 3�� Ptoperty which may atta[n a pdority ovet this Dad of Tn�st,end le�seholtl paynnents or grownd tents,if eny. �nsured +nst loss
<br /> S. Huard Iesara�ca Borcower shail kap tho improvemeots now existing or herenfter erected on tho Properly' +►g�-
<br /> — by ra0.hazards included within thc term"extended coveruge",end such otha heTards as Lenda may requico end in such amounts md for such
<br /> -- pp4ods sr.Lender may rcquire.
<br /> _-- The insur�nw curier providing the iasurdnce shall be chosen by Bortowe�subjcet to�pproval by Lender.provided,thet such apE+roval
<br /> — shall not bo unreiwnably witAheld A�I 3ast�rance policies end renewals t6ereof shall be in a form acceptablo to Lendar and sh�ll insluda a
<br /> stenclerd matgago cl4use i�n fxvor of end in a form ecceptable to Lenda.Lender shall have the right to hold the poltctes and rrnaw�ts thereo�
<br /> subject W the tenns of my mo�tgage,deed of wst or other security aguement w�th a lien which hav priodty nver this Dxd of'ftusK.
<br /> [n thc event of loss,6orrower shall gfve prompt notice to the insaaanco cazrier end Lender.Lender may make proof of lass iF not madt
<br /> promptly by Bocrower.
<br /> - Df the Properey is abendoned by Bntrower,or if Bortowa falls*.o res�wnd to Lender within 3U dnys from the datc notice te mailod by
<br /> Lander w Borrower thxt the tnsurence c+ur[a offers to settle a claim for insumce bene5ts,Lender ts authoriud to collect and apply the
<br /> insurance proaeds at I.ender's optton either to restoteHon or tepair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Dad of Tcusc.
<br /> 6, praervation+�id M�i�ten�na of�roperty;Leste6old�;Coadominium�;Pl�naed Unit Devebpneats.aocrov�a shnU kap
<br /> the Property in good [epair end sha11 not wmmit w��tn or pertnit impaUment or detedoraHon of tho Propeny end st?n!l comPly w(th the ,
<br /> provisions af eny lease if this Deed of Tn+.at is on a leasehold.If this D�ed of Trust is on a unit in e condominium or t�pl�nned unit develo�xnent,
<br /> Borrawcr shall perfoim all of�ormwer's obfigations undcr thc declaration or covenants creatiag or govem3ng the condaminium or pltmned unit
<br /> development,the by-laws and regulations of the condominium or plannecl unit development,a�d cansNtuent dceumtaus.
<br /> 7. ProkcNow oi i,eede�'�Seeurity.If Bortower fails ro puform thc covenants amd egceemenu wnWntd 9n this Deed ofTrust,or if
<br /> eny acdon or proceeding Is w:nmrnced wh:ch matedalty affccu Lcnda's interest in thc Properiy>thrn Lcnder,at Lender's option,upon noda w
<br /> Bar[owe,r,may make such appearanas,disburse such sums,includ[ng rcasonable attoraeys'fees,end take such uction av is necessary to protect
<br /> Lenda's interest.If I.ender required mortgage insurnnce as a condition of making the loan securcd by 3hia Deed of Trust,Burrower shall pay the
<br /> — pre.miums soquired to rnainteln such insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for such insurence terminntes in secordnnce wtth
<br /> — goiroxr�s�nd Lcnder's wriuen agament or npplicable taw.
<br /> -- — My�unounts disbursed ty Lender nursuant to this paragreph 7,with intetest Wercon,at the Note rate, shall become additionnl
<br /> _ - tadebtedness of Bocrower sccured by this Deed of T�ust.Unless Bonower�nd Lender egrco to othcr temis of payment,sach arnounts shall bc
<br /> °-- -;-� payable upon natice from Lender to Borrower roquesHng paymcnt theccof.Nothing contnined tn this paragreph 7 shall requiro Lender to ir.cur
<br /> ---�;�� any expcnse or take any action henunda.
<br /> __ �� 8. [nepection.Lcnder mey make or sauu to be msde reasonable entries upon and Inspections nf ttie Property,pmvided thut l.ender
<br /> "''" -- shall give Bortower nutice pdor to nny sucR inspection speci4ying reasonable cause therefor nlated to Lcnder's interest in the Property.
<br /> - - --- 9. Condemaatfaa.'Phe procceds of nny awaz+d or clnim for damages,direct or consequcntial,In connection wlth nny condemnation or
<br /> ������ other taking of tho Property.or Qart thec�of,or for canveyancc in lieu of condemnadon,are hereby assigied and shall be pAtd to Lender,subjcet
<br />�-_..,��+jFN'»� to the teRns of any mortguge,deed of uust or other secur[ty agreemCnt with u lien which hns priority over this Deed of Trus4
<br />-,.,<<'�;�� l0.Sorrower Not Rekiaed: F'arbe�raoce By Lendcr Not a Waivea Extension of thc timo for payment or mad(fir,ndon of
<br /> amorUrsNon of the sums securcd by this Deed of Trust grantcd by Lenacr to er+y successor in Intemst o�'Borrower shnll not opaate to rtisleuse,in
<br /> ••.�_ ,_
<br /> �,���� pnyr tI18RflCr,ihC IVBDltllj'oI Uto ariginai oonv�rcr auu vaniv�.�.a a auww.,.-.o... -..
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<br /> � NEHRASKA-SECO:JD MORT(3AC3E-I/80 FNMti/FHLMC L'NIFORM IN5TRUMEN Pegc 2 of�l Form 3828 _
<br />