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<br /> Ail in3ure�ce pollcles and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall Include e�otand R d mpo y�age clause.
<br /> � � Lender ehnil have the rbht to hdd the policlea end renewets.It Lendsr requlrea,Bor�ower shall om ti Ne to Lender �
<br /> _ sll rEx;e►pte ot�!d premtums and renewal noticea.In th�avent of loss,Bonawd►shall gQ�po�►voe pt notice to 4he
<br /> Insurance ca�r and Lender.Lender may make proof o4losb li�ui�t1e Rromptly by B
<br /> Unless Londer and Borrawer otherwisv apreo in v+�itinp, Inauranca proceede sha��be epplied to restoratlon or repaI� , ,
<br /> of the Properiy dnmaged,il the resto�atlon or repalr Is economl�iy i Wo�d beis�s nea,the Insu�raln e�praceeda sha��e .
<br /> ���'"`� reato►atbn or repe{r is not econorroically feas►ble or Lerxier'e rltY
<br /> � ���`""`� be eppiled to the eums se�ured by this Secu�iry Instnament,whether or not then due,wtth any excess pald to Bonower.
<br /> If Bonowes abarxlons the Property,or does not enewer wlthin 30 days a notica from Lender that the insurance car�le� Y
<br /> hae ai�ered to settie a dalm,then Lender may collect the Insura�ce proceeds.Lender may use the praceods to repafr . .
<br /> or restwe the P�operty or to pay sums secured by thla Securlty Inatrument,whether or not then due.The 30-alay pertod ;:,.t;` ''�,�x_;:.. .
<br /> wMl begin when the not{ce Is g1ven. � � �
<br /> lcatbn ot roceeds to princlpal shatl not eMend or ��'t�" �'.'� ��
<br /> tlnissa Lender and Borrower otherwlse apree in writing.anY ePpl p : ��&���"=�
<br /> ... _h..1.��^�.�.-__"___
<br /> � postpone the daae date d the montMy payments reterred to In paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the . _-.,,�
<br /> paymante. It under paragraph 21 the property Is acqulPed by Lender,Borrower's rlght to any Insurence policles and ;_ ,�.f.__
<br /> � proceeda resulting from damaga to the Property priar to ths acqulsition shell pass to Lender to the exteM of the sums ;._�z'�_
<br /> . °:; seeueed by thts Ss��rtty IrtMntrnrni ImmQdl�tely Fxksr tothe aequlsition. ..,�-
<br /> :./:_
<br /> �fY;.',.
<br /> �.� d,pccup�ncy,Preswvatlon�M�int�n�nc�and Protedlon of tho PropKty;eorrow�r's Loan Applicat on; ;rF;: __
<br /> l.MS�holds. Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the PropeRy as Borrower's princlpel residence within sbcty days ,+.�;j;;l:`"
<br /> .�^, eger t►�e e�cecuNon a#thls Security Instrumerrt and shttll continue to occupy the I'roperty as Bo�ower's����n�nt ,-_�.__�-�
<br /> residence for at least one year afte�the date of occup�ncy. unless Lender otherwlse aprees In writing,
<br /> shall nat be unreasonabiy whhheld�or unless oxtenuating Clrcumstences exist wh�h are beyond sorrawer's contrd. � ���
<br /> .. �� Bonawsr shall�at destroy,damage or Unpair 4he Property.al�aw the P��ot�eKY tA deterlorate,or commit waste on the � _
<br /> vyhather civil or crirninal,Is begun that tn �`�-- '=
<br /> .. P r o p e r t y.B o s r a w e r s h a l l b e I n d e f a u i t ff a ny f o r t e ft u re a c t t o n or RroceedOn g, ,�,
<br /> :..;,`�;, ..; . I�ende�'s good fakh Judgment cou�d resutt In torfefture d the Property or othe i w lse ma te r i a l l y f m p a l r t h e I l e n c r e a t e d b y i
<br /> this Security Instrument or Lsnder's security interest.Barower may cure auch a detauit and reinstate,as pro�vlded In ����,.._,�,�
<br /> ::<,`;�.,;�` � paragraph 18,by causln�the actian or proccierilnp to be dismissed v�th a ruling that,in Lender's good taith .
<br /> � � determinatlon,precludes torteftuie of the BoROwer's Ir�terest In the Property or other mateNal Impalmnern mf x auN n the
<br /> � � �r„e*���tn�R can���ev Inst►umern or Lender'a securitY IMere�t.Borrow�ehali also be In defauit if Ba�rower. �
<br /> '!���..``;�,:, �, loan e {i;ation process�Save matedail falge or inaccurate iniormaibn or�ie�iw��'�to ta zs:���(Oi�i1a�r ���r e -
<br /> �;::.:,r.',`� Lend�with eny materla!i�ormat�on)In connectlon withthe loan evidenced by the Note,induding,
<br /> but noR Iiml3�scl to.
<br /> '' '`�::;:��r ' representatlons coroct+ming Borrower's eccuparscy ot the P�operty as a princfpal�esklence.if thls Security Insir�ment Is '�;
<br /> on a leasehold,sorraN►er ahall compty wi�h al�the Pr°'�isl°�°�the lease. If Borro�wer acqul�es tee tide to the Property� ' �.
<br /> the leasehold and the tee tkle shall not mer9e unless L�ender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> �,proMctinn pq L.�ndK'�RipMf In the PropM'ty It Borcower falls to pertomn the covenaMs end agreemer�ts
<br /> = contalr�ed In thla 3ecurity Ir►stNment�or there Is a legal proceedfn�that may siflnf8cantiy aNect Lender's rights In the
<br /> v. ,>;' . . proporty(such as a proceedin�In bankruptcy,probe.te,tor condernnaRlon or forfelture or to enforce lews or
<br /> ��, � ' re�utat�ns).then Lender may do and pay tor whatever Is�ecessary tc Pra�ect the value of the Property and Lender's .
<br /> ra
<br />-. � � r{ghta In the Proporty.Lsnder's actlons may In�tude paying any sums�ecured by a Ile►�wh�h has prbr�y�►er this ,
<br /> Securfty InstnimeM.appeadnp in couK,PaYlr�y reasonable attomeys'fees and enterio9 on the P�operty to meke
<br /> � ,: '; � repalrn.Althouph L.ender may take actlon under this parag�aph 7,Lender does not have to do so. �
<br /> �l`;,:���� 7 shall become addit{onai debt of Borrc�wer secured by �� —
<br />;.�°•.r�;+` �' My amouMs disbursed by Lender under thls parsgraph r�ortt,these amourtita shall bear
<br /> 3:�Y�,;�.;r;"'�:t� t h l s S e c u r k y InstnimeM.Unless Borro�wer and Lender agree to other terms d pay
<br />�t�'.:'�:`''`• Interest irom the date ot distwrsemeM at the Nate rete and s h a l t b o paya We,w ft h d Y t e r e s t,u p o n n o t i c e t r o m Lender to
<br /> �°�'�""`'' ` Bortower reqt�estln9 PaY�t•
<br />�•'`.;a;t
<br /> _ � ;_r� d.Illlc�aqs In�tx�nc�. If Lender req�Yred mortga4e Insurence as a condition af making the loan secured by th s
<br /> x
<br /> ." ;;. � Securliy Instn�me�n,Borro�►er aflall pay the�remlums requ(red to malr�taln the matga9e frtsurance In effect.It�for any -
<br /> �,fi,,��j..� reasor�,the mort�a�e Insurance coverage requlred by lerrder Iapses os ceasas to bs in eNect,gotrower shaA pey the
<br /> `"�,i;��.: premiums requlred to obteln ce�verape substflnttally equfvalent to the mort�age Ins�etenceprevioualy In effect,at a cost
<br />-,..„.. 6n ettect,irom an eitemate
<br /> -,�,:;: substantially equlvalen3 to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage Insurar�ce prevloush►
<br />;,"'.�"�.�r mortpa�e Insuror appraived by Lender.If substsrKlafiy equtvaleM n�oriHa�a insurance coverago Is not avaNable.
<br /> • 'W� •�'r S.._ p��
<br /> Borrower shdl p��ta Lender each mornh a sum equal to one-tweifth af tfie yesrly m�rtga9e Insurance premium being
<br /> ��.S��,Y; . pald by BoROwer wNen the insurance cove►aqe lapsed or ceased to be In eftect.L� no I lon�be equ�retal� ese
<br /> i;-�x�...,�;:.�.. - as a losa re�esve Ir+lfeu of mortgage Insuranco.Loss roserve paymeMs Y — --.-
<br /> ; :. o�pt{�slender,if mortgaQe Insurance coverape(In the amoum end for the perlods that Lerxier requlres)pravided by
<br />- ' an fnsurer approved by l.ender sgaln becomes avaNa6le and la obtalned. eorrower sha1�PaY the Pren��ums�equlred to ___ _�:
<br />'�;� maintaln mortga n Insurance In eftect,or to provide a loss reserve.urnN the requtreme�tor mortgage Ins�rance erxis ���
<br /> 3 : In accondance�t�any written agreement bstween Borrawer and l.orxier or appl�able law. 'i �•.,. ..
<br /> e. Insp�ctlon. Lender or tts age�t may make reasanable erndes up�n and inspectlorls of the Property. Lender t;��-�
<br />- ste�tJ g(ve BM►rn�+rer notice at 4t�e time of or prior to an Inspectlon sPecifYing reas��e cause for the(nsp�c3i�n. �;.�--��:
<br /> �• +.. �...��...�..�•1�'jry f�
<br /> i' � A�y,�.:.v�� ,p:.�i,'�
<br /> � .
<br /> V
<br /> L r ���� FORM 302�0�90 � �f�^ �s'.�'
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