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<br /> 9�_ �.f�`7�92 '-oar,No. �5�s 21 �s s s
<br /> 10.Ccnd�rrmatlon. Ti�ee proceede Qf any awarci o�clalm for damapes,dlrect or conaeqi�ntlAl. In aonnectlon wfth ,
<br /> �� � eny condemnntlon or other taki�g d any part d the Property,or tor conveyance In Iisu of corxiomnatlon,are hereby
<br /> ., ,�� asalgned and dhaJl be paid to Lender.
<br /> �� In the event W e tote�l takinfl af�he P�eperty,the procoeda shall be applled to the eums securec� i�y¢iile Securiiy
<br /> , �� Instrumer�t,whether or not then due,wkh nny excesa pafd to Barower.In the eveM af a partt�t taki��g of the Property in
<br /> which the falr market value d ti�e Property Immedlately belare the takinp Is equal to Ar gr�ater thnn the amount of tho :
<br /> ,.;:�r -� sums t�ecured by thia SecuNtyl InauumeM Immedlatefy betore the teklnp,unless Bcmower and Ler�dor otherwise agree in
<br /> . ,;.ww. wrttlnp,the suma secured by thls Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of tt►o procoada multiplied by the
<br /> �� idlowing hact{on:(a)the totel amouM o�the suma secured Immedl�tely betore the talc[np,dlUtdad 6�y(b)the falr markc�t _.
<br /> valuo pP the P�operty Immedlately t�elore the taklnp.My bafance shal!be pekl 4o Borso+xor.(��the enrent ot e partlal
<br /> • takirw af the P�y in whlch the falr market value of the Ptoperty Immedl�tety befcx�tho tr�khig�a less than the .
<br /> amouM M the sums secui'od Immedlately betafe the taking,unless Borrower snd Lerni�r othorwise agree In writing or �; �•';. �.'_��
<br /> unlesa a icable law otherwise pravkfea,the proceeds ahall be applled to ths suma sacur�d by thl�Securiry ���'����. `
<br /> Instrume�whether or�wt the sums ere then due. �"��'
<br /> .}i FS-+,",-�-°-
<br /> � ; If the Property Is abandoned by BoRawer.a ff,after notice by Lender to Borrower tE�at tB�A condemnor offero to ;;��c.��E�-
<br /> � mak�an awarr!or settle e daim for damages. Borrawer faNs to reapond to Lender witfilro 30 dnya aRer the date the -_:.�'
<br /> .. ... notics Is Qiven,I,q11d6T IA fl1JthOTIZ9�I t0 Cdl�ct end appty tha proceeds,at ks optl�,efthr.r to restorstbn or ropalr of the
<br /> ,...W___
<br /> � �::�.�r-- _
<br /> ' PropeAy nr to the suma secured by thls Security Instrumet►t,whether or not then d�e. �,:..,�;y��u:�
<br /> ; �nlass Lender and gorrayver otherwtse agreB in writinp,any appl�atlon of prxeeda to princlp�l shall not extend or ��t+�`�=_-
<br /> �. r.�.:..
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymer�ts reterred to In parag�aphs 1 and 2 or chanQo the amaun4 of such ,�;i�;��x�:,:
<br /> - paymanta. •�:�L -
<br /> � ..r.4'::-_
<br /> i T'�-._.
<br /> 11.8orrow�r t�mt Rels�s�d;�orls�annc�By Lend�r Not�W�Iwr. ExWnsloin d tho tGne for payment or . t,�H_.;=,_
<br /> :'�. modiflcat{on of amo�tlaation of the sums secu�eci bythls 3ecurity Instrument yrc�ated F�y Lendorto any successor In ��1_•-----_
<br /> Interest d Borrawer ahall not operate to release the Ilabilfty of the original Borrowor or Borrowers successors tn �_._
<br /> �,� interest.Lender shall not be requlred to commence proceedtn�}s agaTnst any auccessor in Interest or refuse to extend __
<br /> t�m�{a payment or othen+Wse modify amatizatlon of the sums secured by this Seau�ty�wstrument by reason of any '"�°--�-�
<br /> � demand made by the o►ipinN�orrower or Banower's successors In Intetc�sst.Any forbe�ar�ance by L�ender In exorcising ��
<br /> •.
<br /> � �.R,� any right or rernedy shal!not be a waNer d o�predude the exe�ctse of any rl$ht or�enoodY• �- -
<br /> r ._.�_....�_.....���M�;�..�����,.� Tt!A!��yen?rrtA and aareements of
<br />.s �.'�. . � 11.3lICC��iOff aI10 Afi lis oviit�u�uar+n��ti v�.w...
<br />�. . , thls Sdcurtty Inshument s h a�l�a n d b e n e F i t t h e s u c c e s s o r s a n d ass�gns of t�erod�r and Bor►awer.subJect to the
<br />_ � Prauiolo7o0 ofparapreph 17.Botto�wer's covenantg snd agreementa shall bs Jqlnt ar�rJ ssvereJ.Any Borrower who _ -
<br /> co-slpns t'nla Securlty Inat�ument but does r+ot execute the f�ote:(a)!s co-s{�rtUtp this3 8acurfty MatrumeM only to _-- -__
<br />�,�:�,.{r, mwt�aye,Orerrt arid cqnrey that Borrower's interest In the P�op�rty w�der the tc�n of this Securfty Instrument;yb)is - ---_- .
<br /> cxt�
<br /> nat perswiallY obllgated to pa the sums secured by thls Security Instrument;aitd(c)eprees thet Lender and an ather
<br /> �.�.;?` •� &xrower may a�ree t�o ext�modNy�forbesr or make any accomm�dgtiona wtth regarci to the term�of this Sucurity
<br /> '�°==�::.,,.�� � Mstrument or the Note wkhout that Borrov+er's consen2.
<br />�s;�:,.,� .
<br />�"°"" ' 1�.Lan Ch�ry�s. If the laan secured bythis Securky Inatrumer►x Is sut�Juct to a I�w whlch sete mexfmum loan
<br />-- � �r" ��� cha►gea,and that law la flnelly f nte►�xeted so that the Irnerest or other loan chatrpau coll�cted or to be cdiected(n -
<br />-�;'-%�, �-=� � connectton with tha loan exceed the permitted�imfts,then:(a)any such loan cha��ge sholl be reduced by the arrwunt
<br />��;,w:,'J'� '> nece�sary to reduce the charge to the permitted Iimit;arsd(b)sny sums�tready coflacted from BoRawer wh�h .
<br />�_�.�,�,�_�„��F�:�, ' ex�eeded permkted Ilmka wNl be refunded to Borrower.Lsndor may choose to�uke thla refund by teduclrtg the _
<br /> - �-•`,�,�„�TT`'.�`: princ(pfl1 owed under the Note or by making�direct paym�r�i to Borrowet.If a rehmx!reduces princfpel,the redu��tlon _ _
<br />---=°"�"","'� wAI be t�reeted es u partial prepayment w(thout anY Prepayment Gharge undar tta�Note. _
<br /> , _.�--- - -
<br /> �=�-�:�, 1q.Nlptiqs. Any notic;e to Bortower pr�vlded for In this Security Instrument sha11 be givon by delhrering R or by =
<br /> �-a=-::��, maN{ng R by flrat class me�uNess applkablQ law requlres use of anc�ther t�ethod.The notice shall be directed to the
<br />,,:�;�_..,.,.: Pnoperty/�idress or any other address Borcow�r desl�nates by not�e to Lender.Any►�atice to Lea�der shall be glven „
<br /> ___'�`:� by ftret ciass maY to Lender's addreas stated hereU or eny ather address Lender d�stBnates by notka to Borrower.AnY �`;;- �
<br /> --_,��� notice provfded tor In thls 3ecurity Instrument sha�l be deemed to have been ghrc3n tq Borrower or Lender wt�an ptven
<br /> --v-=�;��� as Provided inthls pa►epraph. -
<br /> -----_--;:�� 16.Gowmirq La�r,�wnbilRY. This Securtty InstrumeM shalt be�ovartted by foder�al law and the Irtw of the
<br /> ��-, juriadfctton I�wh{ch the Property Is located. Inthe eventthat any provisi�or cluuoe of thls Security Inst�ument orthe ..
<br />�; Nate t:onAlcts wfth flppl�able law.such coMifct shall�e�th(s end t�hVeflt�B anns af trifa 5 I u�instrument and the -
<br />��,�,,..,.�: .• wh�h can be qhren ef�ect wkhout the conllictk�g provt F� �1► _
<br />_ ;�,;.� : Note ane dedared to be severable. _-
<br />��'�r"'*� 1d. BoROw�r's Copy. 8orrower shaN be given one coniom►ed cc�rY of tha Nuto and of this Security Instrumern. „
<br /> �_..........._. ' -
<br />'z:.����=^�^� 17. Tramter o1 th�Prop�ty or�B�neticial Int�rsat In Barovwr. If all or anypsrt of the Property or any -
<br />_- IMerest in It Is eoid or trensierred(or tf a beneflcial tntereat In BoROwrer la scid or tw3n�To►red and Borta�rer is not a -.
<br /> - . ' �eatural person)without Lendof��arior written consent,Lender may,at fts�1ttc.i2,reqylre Imrreedfate paymeM In full of all =-__
<br />_ ���,:�,,?.;,: • sucns s�cured toy this 3acudty Instrument, However,this option ahatl not�e euerclaod by Lendor t�exercise Is ��____
<br /> '`: ��, .,s�• prohlbii�d by tede►�I Iaw es o4 the date of this Security Instniment. ��:-- "
<br /> zr'.:'" ,r,t.�.�,. —_ -
<br /> = ;�;�.�f' �:����-
<br /> ,•{'" , il��iH.S`a*`�.
<br /> �. • FORM902i9/OD -'° _�_
<br /> ` .. NEBRASKA-$INGLE FA�AILY-FNiiAA/FHLMC UNIFaRM INSTA PAbE 4 OF 8Y :•�•., �rs' ° - -
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