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<br /> �. 96— :�.�'��2 �or�N�lO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 5 9 9 6 , ,, .�
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unftatm covenants or natt ona use and non•unHorm cavenat9ta with
<br /> Ilmfted varlatlons by Ju�isdlctlon to constitute e unRorm�ecurity Inst►ument coveNng raal properry. .
<br /> . k:
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENA�JTS.Bonower and Lender covenant and agr�e as f�nilows: , ,;
<br /> t.P�yment of Principal and Intereat;Pnp�ymem a�nd�ato�luirp�s. Bonowor ahail prompbypay when due
<br /> the principal of snd Ir�erest on the debt evidenced by ths Note and any prepayment and late charfles due under the � � ,
<br /> Note. ,. .
<br /> „�r 2.Funds tor T�x�:and i��u�nce. SubJect to apgdir.�bie law or to e w►ttten walver by Lender,Bonower shall y
<br /> ...., to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the fVote,untN the Note is pald in full,a sum(`Funds')for:(a� ,�
<br /> yea�ly taxes and assessments whtch mAy attaln prlorN�y over thls Security In�iNmont as e Ilen on the Property;(b)yearly
<br /> loasEhdd payments ar ground rents on the Property,if`ny;{c)yearty hatard or property Insuranae premlums;(d) : � ��
<br /> yearly ilood Inaurence premiuma,ff any;(e)yearly m�taage 7nsurance premlumt�,if any;and(fl any sums payable by :,.•..��:-�,,-;���•
<br /> 8arower to l.endet�in accordance wrfth the rovislores of ra ra h e, In Ilou of tho yment of mort e Insurance ' "�+� '� '�••�� ��
<br /> premlums.These ftems are called'Escraw Items.'L�a,�ier may at any timo,coll�ct end hdd Funda Ingen aenount not to ,����`�'`���x��'
<br /> " exceed the maximum emcunt a lender for a feder�lly��ala3ed mort�age loan may requlre for Borrower's escrow acaount '� '�°'"`�°-
<br /> �`��' � �',�` � under tha federal Real Estate Settlemant Procedt�r�>�A�t of 1874 as amended irann sime to time,l2 U.S.C. 52s01 et �.���:�;.:
<br /> �_.'�.:G+r� , •-..
<br /> , ,. , , a,; seq.('RESPAh,unloss enother law that appiles to tha�urxls seta a lesser amount.lf so, Lender may,at any time,aollect •�,:e�,�4`; _
<br /> � ;`.;yl and hold Funda In an amount not to exceBd the lesser amoun�Lsnder may estimate the amaunt of Funds due on the -�.�•w=�'
<br /> bas�s of cuRent data and reasonable es9imates oP expentiitures oP outur�EscPOw Itei��s oP o?iearwlse In accordancs wfth , ,=�"=`"
<br /> � ��,,:�=�_
<br /> � aPpllcable law. �,;<��;;-
<br /> _ �� ' The Funda shsll be held In an Institution who�e dn�ostta are Insured by a federat agency,Instrumentaliiy,or enttty ����'`���
<br /> (Induding Lender,It Lender is such an UstftuNon)vr i�any Federel Home Laan Bank.Lender shall apply th�Funds to :,_�,,- —�
<br /> - pay the Escraw Itema I.ender rr�y not charge Borrower for holding anei applying the Funds,annually analyzing the �--
<br /> ; r� � escraw account,or verifying the Esctow fi�ms,uniosa Lender pays Borrower Int�rest on the Funds and applicabte law _��;`�;.
<br /> �����! permfte Lender to make auch a charge.However,Lotxier may require Borrowor to pay a ono-ilma charge for an .,. .�-_--
<br /> '� �""4'-�+ independent resl estate t�x reporting servlce used by Lender In�nnectlon wfth this loan,untess ep�licable law : ��_
<br /> � ' provides�theiwise.UMess an agreement Is made or appticable law requlres Interest to be patd,Lender shnll not be -
<br /> '�. requlred to pay Borrower any interest oT eamings on the Funda.Bonower and Ler�der rreny agree In wrRing,howeve�, ':'�;����•t""
<br /> 4�at intereat shali bepaId on the Funds.Lender shaJl give to Bonower,wkhout charge,an enn�eal accounUnp of the :`
<br /> �� Funds,showing credtts and dobits to th���nds end the purpose tor which each debit tn the Funds wae made.The �,;
<br />� . ...— F3l��8f3��;5:4�3�!!l�n.�!��qih,f��al�gi�rna Fc�r�irarl hy fhtg Ss�riirity Inst►umant. .'
<br />,~_��;, If the Funds held by Lendor exceed the amouMS permkted to be held by appl{cable law,Lender shall account to
<br />;;.;�;. Bon�ower for the excess Funds in accordance wtth tFrt��equtrements of appiicabie law.If the amount of thA Funds held
<br /> ;;..,,r. by Lender st any time Is not sufficie�t to pay the Escrrn;v Items when due,Lender may so notl#yr E�orrower in writing,
<br /> �'�. and,tn such case Borrowef shall pay to Lender th�e av���rd necessary to make up the daflciency.Borrower shall make
<br />- ° up the de�clency In no more than twelve montNy payme�r�ts,at Ler�cler's eole discretion.
<br /> �•�����tF� �� Upon payment In ftAl 01 eli sums secured by thks Se�tarity Instrument,Lender shall promptiy refund to Borrower any
<br />��`��t�`�";f,.� � Funda held b Lender.If,under paragraph 2t,Lendor shatl ac ulre or sdl the Pr�perty,Lender, to the ac uisftlon ,
<br />-• f;;::',., ' Y q p� 4
<br /> �•,�,;���:�-. . � or sale of the F'roperty.shall apply any Funds hdd by L�er�der at the time af acqul�ftlon or sale as a credit agalnst the
<br /> -:- �� �- sume secured by thla Secudty in�t►umeM.
<br /> � ' 3.Applk:ttion ot P�yments. Unless applicabtu leew y�rovkies otherwlse�ell payments roceived by Lendor under _
<br />°:�'q _.f,!:,.. ,� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall bo applled:ftr�t,to any pre�ayrntmt charges due under the Note;seoond,to amounts psyable --- -
<br />`°����:���• �� under pera�raph 2;thirri,4o Interest due;fourth,to princl�al due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. `'=�--
<br />�i:�..�,�.... ": ���: �
<br />- :',_:,.�:.:T:- 4.Cfw a;Li�ns. Borrawer shall pay all tax�,as»�assments,charqes.flnes and tmpasklons aitributaable to the W:
<br /> t,9
<br />_: - Prapetty wh�h mtty attalnprIority over thls Sscurfty In�Equment,and leasehold payments or ground rents,i�any. - -
<br /> ,-�:,,,.,;�� m�
<br /> _ - .�..�. � Borrower shal!pay thesa obligations tn the manner provk,�ied In paragraph 2.or If not pald In that manner.Borrawer sha11 ��
<br /> N�""°•''���r pay them on timo directly to the person owed payrn�eri.9orrawer ehali prompd tumish to Lender ai!notices of = -
<br /> i�i.��',,..y �._..
<br /> r..5 amounte to bo paki und�r thls paragraph.If Bonower m�Oces these payments d rectiy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to _
<br />- _ Lender rscetpts evidencing tha�oaymeMe. F�
<br /> `�` .:'.���-. Borrower shail promptly discharge any Ilen whicin h�s prlority over thls Security InstrumeM untess Bavower.(a) �F�:''"�
<br />�.��.�'':.-�:�� . aprees In writtnp to the paymeM of the o�ligatia�necur�by the Ilen In a manne�acceptable to Lender,(b contests In --
<br /> ecu
<br />'- � good takh t�e IIE►n by,or defenda apainat onforcemeert�of Yhe Ilen in,IeOal prr�ceedln�s wh{ch in the Lpnd s opinlon --_
<br /> �.ri?�?e.:_.�, --
<br /> �,V,-�ti-� ope►ate to preveM the erttorcement of the(len;or{o��urea irom the holder of the I(en sn egreemeM eatisfactory to ___— -_
<br /> _�,�, _ Lendor subondlnatinD the Ilen to this Security Insirunnar�t.It Lend�x detartnlrees that any part ot tho P�operty is subJect to �_
<br /> •.�" a Ilen whkfi may attaln prtority over thls Security Irrs�aurnant,Lsnder may pive Borrower a not�e Iden t H y tng the Ilen. --
<br />=°=i�� '-- Borrower shall satisfy the Il�n or take one or more o9�o actbns set forth above withln 10 days of the gNing of notice. �= — -
<br />--- �4��:�� -_-- ---
<br /> . " , 6.H�M or P�opsrty Insunnce. Borrower shaEi keep the ImprovemeMs now existin�or hereafter erected on the ����,_
<br /> � '�;- � Property Insured egainst loss by flre,haaards Induds�d within the tertn'extended cwerage and any other hazarrls, -
<br />- ,,, � �::..�.�
<br /> . induding tloodo or Aaoding,far wh{ch Lender requh�as tnsu�ance.Thls tnsurance ahalt be malMatned In the amouMs and �_ _
<br /> 4or thep rlods t{�t Lendor r u�ea. rne insurar►o�c�mer ovidt tha Insurance shall be chosen b Borrower su ect "_"� � ��'-`
<br /> e eG Pr �9 Y bl .:�;'�'�`
<br /> � to Lenders epproval wh�h shaA not be unreasonabty withheld. If Bomower faNs to malnteln coverege desctibed abave, J ���.=_�--�����.
<br /> � �`� �'' � Londer may,at L,sndar's optlon,obtafn coverags to protect Lender's rlghte in the Pr��erty In accc�rdance wtth '-���'�"�':�
<br /> r�`';s:;�' -, ; Pa�9�ph 7. av �
<br /> ,.s,. ,� ,.
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